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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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Greetings ..



 ... you know what ? With the  actual little  problems the Nexus has ... i was able last night to copy a 21's pages list of all the mods i've downloaded  since january 2008 ( i'm not a "Premium" Member)  ... cool ... some days i "love" that sort of problems ...:°) .


21 x 50 mods ... woauw , of course there are a lot off "doubles" .


Good evening.


PS (10 december 2013) : i saw today it's not a bug in fact : we are all allowed now to see the full history download section ... Premium member or not ! ...and you said the Nexus "run on potatoe" ?!?  .... ;°)

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Out of curiosity, what exactly is it that they update so very often? They do it pretty fucking often, and yet I rarely see anything remotely useful coming out of this, hell, if anything the site seems to have more and more issues and bugs with every "update" they announce...what the hell?

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I'm going to guess they are a prime target for ddos attacks and they are constantly having to update their security.  I recall an incident where the Nexus Staff did their typical 'we're right, you're wrong' song and dance and banned this dude.  He made another account and came back, posting that he was a member of Anonymous and the staff was going to be sorry.  Of course, they did the usual ban thread slamming and pathetic commentary.  Fast forward a few weekss and there was an influx of new members who posted nothing but spam, porn links and trolling comments.  The Nexus staff stayed busy with that mess for maybe two weeks.  Shortly after that they started having more issues than normal and the site was constantly spitting out errors or simply not loading.  All of that might be unrelated, but Nexus is constantly down and 502's and 404's are common now.  There is no way in hell all of it is 'maintenance'.  It happens too often.

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Guest endgameaddiction


and they screwed up their own servers, at least that's what gopher said

That sounds about right.



Interesting. I would like to read up on that.

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Been trying to download NMC for Fallout 3 for 5 hours now.. damn thing constantly stopping and starting now it saying file dont exist.


Frustrating.  Anyone else having issues at moment on Nexus?


Dude this is lovers lab why you bitching about nexus ? go tell the dark one



I assume he doesn't want to be banned.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I get no ads on Chrome or Opera. Then again...  The site has not loaded for me in a month. It LOADS - but very slowly - and there ain't now way I am waiting twenty minutes to see four LOL garbage mods, or the latest outfits by Nailflan or Hepsy.


The Nexus has been coming up as 404 or "I have better things to do" for about a month. But I do not check it 24 hours a day...

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Offline... ahem, "maintenance mode" again. By golly, the mods would be better hosted on a one click hosting site. 70 % on the Nexus is crap anyway, it's the real important stuff like FNIS etc. that should have mirrors.


Nexus, fuck off. I guess I'm taking down my mods from that shithole of a site after new years eve and upload them here. That might give me some new motivation to further work on them as well.

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Guest corespore

I was lucky enough to have not posted any of my mods on nexus. When i had finally had enough of the downed servers and having all my posts removed followed by nasty e-mails from moderators because i have an opinion closing my nexus account was something i feel they had almost forced me to do. You can only be told "if you don't like it then leave" before you finally do. I gave up a lifetime premium account and my only regret was giving those (fill in blank) any money in the first place. My experience with nexus had left me somewhat jaded in terms of dealing with the modding community but thank goodness i found a place here. BTW does anyone have a link to that statement gopher had made. If he has any issues with the nexus servers it might explain why none of his work had shown up there for a while now, considering that he is one their most popular supporters if they manage to drive him away the results should be quite interesting to say the least. 

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Nasty thing that happened to you, corespore. The Nexus staff could at least have said that they are sad to see you go. Instead they keep kicking. I would like to see them take criticism, instead the reactions to their last notice on the server downtimes is followed by a cheering crowd. That seems so made up, so censored.


And I would like to see a link to Gopher's statement on the server probes as well. Have seen all of his Let's Plays and most of his Mod Sanctuaries. He is - contrary to me for example - someone who can contain himself much better and has a more balanced temper, so his opinion on the topic may quite informative. He's not one for ranting.


I just can't make the step to turn my back on the Nexus yet, because I want my mods to be accessible to the people there, and I still feel some kind of obligation because frankly 90 % of the mods I downloaded is from there. I know this may be stupid, but sometimes I am a bit too scrupulous.

But what happens on the Nexus is pushing me further away from them more and more, it's awful. A dilemma. It still seems unethical to me to just go.


LL however becomes more and more attractive. More than that, I like the freedom of posting about other things than only mods, and having more freedom of speech in general here. I like the feeling of a community where one can talk about things that are not thematically reduced to gaming and mods only. Frankly, in my early 40s I'm too old to be chatting about games and music exclusively.


OK, LL has a "no politics" rule as well. But the moderators here are not that strict on that, which I really appreciate. Some topics have political elements, if you want it or not. Be it in a game or in real life. Choice of a partner, marriage or not, Stormncloaks, Empire or none of these sides at all, just to mention a few. I generally have a good feeling posting here, and I would say things here that I would not even think of saying on the Nexus. So, dear ll moderators: Good work!


And I while I'm at it, I'd like to say thanks to Ashal for his work on SexLab. Made Skyrim feel much more grown up than the ultra-clean vanilla version.

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Guest Ragna_Rok

Nasty thing that happened to you, corespore. The Nexus staff could at least have said that they are sad to see you go. Instead they keep kicking. I would like to see them take criticism, instead the reactions to their last notice on the server downtimes is followed by a cheering crowd. That seems so made up, so censored.


And I would like to see a link to Gopher's statement on the server probes as well. Have seen all of his Let's Plays and most of his Mod Sanctuaries. He is - contrary to me for example - someone who can contain himself much better and has a more balanced temper, so his opinion on the topic may quite informative. He's not one for ranting.


I just can't make the step to turn my back on the Nexus yet, because I want my mods to be accessible to the people there, and I still feel some kind of obligation because frankly 90 % of the mods I downloaded is from there. I know this may be stupid, but sometimes I am a bit too scrupulous.

But what happens on the Nexus is pushing me further away from them more and more, it's awful. A dilemma. It still seems unethical to me to just go.


LL however becomes more and more attractive. More than that, I like the freedom of posting about other things than only mods, and having more freedom of speech in general here. I like the feeling of a community where one can talk about things that are not thematically reduced to gaming and mods only. Frankly, in my early 40s I'm too old to be chatting about games and music exclusively.


OK, LL has a "no politics" rule as well. But the moderators here are not that strict on that, which I really appreciate. Some topics have political elements, if you want it or not. Be it in a game or in real life. Choice of a partner, marriage or not, Stormncloaks, Empire or none of these sides at all, just to mention a few. I generally have a good feeling posting here, and I would say things here that I would not even think of saying on the Nexus. So, dear ll moderators: Good work!


And I while I'm at it, I'd like to say thanks to Ashal for his work on SexLab. Made Skyrim feel much more grown up than the ultra-clean vanilla version.


*yoink!* ... couldnt have said it better :) ... well, what about you start by first also uploading your mods here? ... dont get me wrong, i understand perfectly what you mean. but, and this was a change of mind for me... i should have never tried to "give sth back" by uploading my mods there. there is a difference between the nexus and the mods on the nexus. if you score your stuff there, fine... but actually they make real money by you doing that, and even more by you putting your stuff there.

face the fact that the only reason you upload there, considering that you feel better here and basically dont agree with nexus philosophy anymore, is the fact that you like most hobby modders are a download whore. this is not meant offensinve, it aint sth bad, same was i, and its still strange when i see my views and dls here and compare them with what i had on nexus, especially since im more like a "niche-orcish-blacksmith", that ... well, its simply a strange site for my gear. but the satisfaction of finally standing up for my disagreement with their way of handling things is something that compensates for the lack of views and dls. dont mix the things up, you dont owe the nexus anything, you owe the modding community (if you owe anything at all). and quite frankly, the sooner that shit site there is bankrupt the faster the nice places (like this one here) will get stronger.


dont be a chicken, bring your stuff over here :) ... sacrifice some views and downloads for the awesome feeling of saying "fuck you nexus" ... feels great, believe me :)


oh, and ... just a note on the site. the moderation here is simply awesome. once in a while, when i didnt reach my daily "like" ratio yet, i simply look for some moderators posts, and like those. they deserve it :wub:


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I was lucky enough to have not posted any of my mods on nexus. 

You bet you were; after my banishment it took me private requests and eventually a public statement from a new account to get my mods removed. Strangely, only the popular one from the top 100 didn't want to get deleted due to some strange occurrences. For about a year.


You can only be told "if you don't like it then leave" before you finally do.

Which is the only argument you ever get to hear there, it can be translated to: we have so many members that we can afford your goodbye. They treat people like shit simply because they can.

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Guest Ragna_Rok


I was lucky enough to have not posted any of my mods on nexus. 

You bet you were; after my banishment it took me private requests and eventually a public statement from a new account to get my mods removed. Strangely, only the popular one from the top 100 didn't want to get deleted due to some strange occurrences. For about a year.



why didnt you upload them here? *curious*

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Guest Ragna_Rok

Because I don't like them anymore. ;p


Right now I'm working on somthing I shall share here.


PS And it may be quite useful for orcs.



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