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>.> are the nexus servers run on a potatoe?


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I'm starting to think some of you people are unpleasable.  You complain about Nexus' connection issues due to Skyrim's popularity, but the moment they try and do something to fix it, you guys get even worse with your complaints.


Nexus has its problems, sure, but you guys are blowing things way, way, WAY out of proportion at times.

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I wonder if the fact I've been trying to download a couple things through the entire afternoon is making it worse for them. Well, not if it's just me, but more like the tons of us who are probably trying.



Actually, it's probably due to the fact the staff there will ban anyone who complains too much (their idea of excessiveness differs from most) since you can't just criticize them, so people here are likely to relieve themselves to some point.

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I'm starting to think some of you people are unpleasable.  You complain about Nexus' connection issues due to Skyrim's popularity, but the moment they try and do something to fix it, you guys get even worse with your complaints.


Nexus has its problems, sure, but you guys are blowing things way, way, WAY out of proportion at times.

I do agree with you for the most part.


However as of late, they're really starting to bite off more than they can chew. They keep adding more features and services to already congested servers. Esp now that they're going to be supporting even more games and loads of even more files.


It's almost as if, in my opinion, they want to keep themselves busy with work. "Well now that our servers are finally back to 100%, let's add some more shit".

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I'm starting to think some of you people are unpleasable.  You complain about Nexus' connection issues due to Skyrim's popularity, but the moment they try and do something to fix it, you guys get even worse with your complaints.


Nexus has its problems, sure, but you guys are blowing things way, way, WAY out of proportion at times.

I do agree with you for the most part.


However as of late, they're really starting to bite off more than they can chew. They keep adding more features and services to already congested servers. Esp now that they're going to be supporting even more games and loads of even more files.


It's almost as if, in my opinion, they want to keep themselves busy with work. "Well now that our servers are finally back to 100%, let's add some more shit".



True.  But while I'm no programmer, I'm not so convinced that the added features are as big a contribution to the sitewide problems as people claim they are.  Yes, adding more code will invariably lead to more potential errors, that's inevitable.  But I think the source of the vast majority of the Nexus' connection issues are just the sheer volume of people coming in for Skyrim, which is their most popular game, and more popular than they had ever expected it to be.


I do agree that adding more supported games isn't their brightest idea, though.  That's only going to add to the traffic.  But I get the feeling that the new games being supported was due to memberbase demand.


For the most part, though, it just annoys me that people rage against the Nexus whenever they make an attempt to hammer out their download/connection issues and it doesn't work out as well.  It's not like it's deliberate on their part, and I have doubts that a lot of the people who complain could've done better under the same circumstances.


I know that my opinion on the matter is hardly going to be popular, especially here, but I felt it had to be said.

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Its one thing for a set up to need testing, but They just keep adding more and more features when they havn't optimized first.


Even if Coding isn't that big of an impact, A single line of improper coding would have the same effect as elephant high on cocaine rampaging through the city.

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I'm starting to think some of you people are unpleasable.  You complain about Nexus' connection issues due to Skyrim's popularity, but the moment they try and do something to fix it, you guys get even worse with your complaints.


Nexus has its problems, sure, but you guys are blowing things way, way, WAY out of proportion at times.


I do agree with you for the most part.


However as of late, they're really starting to bite off more than they can chew. They keep adding more features and services to already congested servers. Esp now that they're going to be supporting even more games and loads of even more files.


It's almost as if, in my opinion, they want to keep themselves busy with work. "Well now that our servers are finally back to 100%, let's add some more shit".



It's like me with my Skyrim! "Oh I got it working again! Okay, now I need to add more mods!  :lol: "

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I'm starting to think some of you people are unpleasable.  You complain about Nexus' connection issues due to Skyrim's popularity, but the moment they try and do something to fix it, you guys get even worse with your complaints.


Nexus has its problems, sure, but you guys are blowing things way, way, WAY out of proportion at times.


Some of us (as in people in general) are unpleasable, that's a given anywhere you go, for anything in life there is someone who won't be happy with it, but lately trying to get anything out of nexus, be it a download, or even look at a download has been like pulling teeth.... if not several of them and god (or w/e) help you if want to open the comments tab.


That said, they did finally figure out what was going on, and the site for the last little while (hour or so) for me anyway, has been smooth and pretty good. Nmm is pooched for logins though, since, as it turns out.....  Nexus was being more or less ddos'ed again....   this time by NMM itself lol, so they did something to keep it from logging in. You can read up on that if you want on their news/forum thingy for those who care to know more.


At the very least, the site seems to have stabilized, so people can relax about that and enjoy bacon or some such.

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For the most part, though, it just annoys me that people rage against the Nexus whenever they make an attempt to hammer out their download/connection issues and it doesn't work out as well.  It's not like it's deliberate on their part, and I have doubts that a lot of the people who complain could've done better under the same circumstances.


I know that my opinion on the matter is hardly going to be popular, especially here, but I felt it had to be said.


I agree with you, and let's not forget in all that the folks who are also raging about any attempt to actually garner a revenue stream for the site, which is necessary in order to get better servers.  Saw a blog post here yesterday urging a Nexus boycott because the sign up page has the pay options displayed prominently, right before comparing the nudity restrictions to "something out of North Korea".  


It's probably inevitable, given that there are a lot of LL members who are here for, among other reasons, the fact that they got themselves banned from the Nexus in the first place.  


It's unfortunate, because this is a great site in its own right, but it has a "little brother syndrome" undercurrent that pops up a lot.  Thankfully, that's not coming from the people who actually run the site themselves.

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It's unfortunate, because this is a great site in its own right, but it has a "little brother syndrome" undercurrent that pops up a lot.  Thankfully, that's not coming from the people who actually run the site itself.

Completely agree with that; LL is and has to be more than just "not nexus".

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Edit -- this was directed at a post now deleted, not the one now immediately above it.


Funny, I don't believe I was talking to you at all.


Actually, I came here because I was getting an error message logging on to the Nexus, due to their address change, and this thread was the place I thought I'd see somebody else posting about it, to see if it was my problem or a general one. Then I saw a post that I agreed with, so I posted to agree and raise an observation that I've had for some time about some of the users of this site. Nor did I claim any universal or absolute truth to any of my observations so, no, my statement is not false.


But, on the contrary, the entitlement complex sometimes exhibited by the users of an optionally-free service is something that, in general, I do care about, both as a user and as a modder, and I will challenge it from time to time, when and where I see fit, unless I'm told that I should desist by somebody with a claim to the site. You are neither obligated to like it, follow it, or pay attention to it at all. The choice is entirely up to you. As you yourself said: if you don't like it, don't read it. And if you don't want contrary opinions . . .


. . . well, too bad.

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For the most part, though, it just annoys me that people rage against the Nexus whenever they make an attempt to hammer out their download/connection issues and it doesn't work out as well.  It's not like it's deliberate on their part, and I have doubts that a lot of the people who complain could've done better under the same circumstances.


I know that my opinion on the matter is hardly going to be popular, especially here, but I felt it had to be said.


I agree with you, and let's not forget in all that the folks who are also raging about any attempt to actually garner a revenue stream for the site, which is necessary in order to get better servers.  Saw a blog post here yesterday urging a Nexus boycott because the sign up page has the pay options displayed prominently, right before comparing the nudity restrictions to "something out of North Korea".  



About the only good thing with the Nex: I'm bloody sure they'll not go the way of those Sims payware sites (this after seeing the controversy over a popular hair compilation mod, its rise and fall).

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