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[mod] Calcifire's Portrait Pack

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12 hours ago, Deathclaw Cock said:

Lovely mod. Think you could do me the favor of making the quadrupedal machine portrait's dicks a little more... mmh.. terrifying? add some spikes or some shit man. too smooth.

Username checks out. 😝

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18 hours ago, Deathclaw Cock said:

Think you could do me the favor of making the quadrupedal machine portrait's dicks a little more... mmh.. terrifying?

Nah, sorry. I do my best to draw the bare minimum penis I have to, and I don't have the energy for any more than that. Not even for pride month. Maybe in the next dimensional merge you'll luck into a different universe with a gay little ball of fire named, Cal. But until then, boring straight gamer Cal is what we got.

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Hey i love the way your portraits look and i want them to assign species qualities but with the regular non-replacer they all count as just a biological portrait right?
The directors cut adds a bunch of other stuff too and i don't want to change the game that much. Is there a in between option where the portraits do replace the originals but don't add new traits and such?

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So 100% the directors cut is causing my game to generate endless pop-ups for Larionessi clone vats and the animator of clay events to spam 2x times per day. Is there a fix to this?

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12 hours ago, Rekgig Zaggazag said:

Hey i love the way your portraits look and i want them to assign species qualities but with the regular non-replacer they all count as just a biological portrait right?
The directors cut adds a bunch of other stuff too and i don't want to change the game that much. Is there a in between option where the portraits do replace the originals but don't add new traits and such?

As of right now, no. But you could probably play with the Director's Cut files and remove what ya don't like.

Also! Thanks for the update Cal! ❤️

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3 hours ago, Sybian said:

So 100% the directors cut is causing my game to generate endless pop-ups for Larionessi clone vats and the animator of clay events to spam 2x times per day. Is there a fix to this?

I can't recreate this issue on my end, but I am familiar with why it can happen. This is likely being fired off by a file from a much older version of the DC. Just delete the mod, and reinstal it.


15 hours ago, Rekgig Zaggazag said:

Hey i love the way your portraits look and i want them to assign species qualities but with the regular non-replacer they all count as just a biological portrait right?

Yep. The main reason I don't do any inbetween versions is because of conflicts. The portrait pack plays nice with other people's mods. The Directors Cut doesn't. This used to not be the case, but as of 3.12, with the new species class/archetype system, it is no longer possible. We had a glorious window of harmony during 3.11, but that has all been shattered.

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@Calcifire  Think I've ran into a bug. Machine Adaptive frame Trait seems to be not working if I have either your Species rights mod or Sex Traits mod, As in they won't won't get the job trait it'll just stay the auto modding trait.


But the Organic Version Vocational Genomics seemed to be working with Sex Rights or turned on Species Traits but not when both are turned on..



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16 hours ago, Calcifire said:

I can't recreate this issue on my end, but I am familiar with why it can happen. This is likely being fired off by a file from a much older version of the DC. Just delete the mod, and reinstal it.


Yep. The main reason I don't do any inbetween versions is because of conflicts. The portrait pack plays nice with other people's mods. The Directors Cut doesn't. This used to not be the case, but as of 3.12, with the new species class/archetype system, it is no longer possible. We had a glorious window of harmony during 3.11, but that has all been shattered.



Strange, I cleared out my manually installed mods before updating every mod this week as I hadn't touched the game in a few major patches, I use the irony mod manager, know of any way that something might have been carried over by mistake? I do have one left over broken trait from the directors cut left in my game when I switched to the regular version.  I have no idea where this hangup or file carry over might be coming from? Think it might the mod manage conflict resolution?

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1 hour ago, Sybian said:



Strange, I cleared out my manually installed mods before updating every mod this week as I hadn't touched the game in a few major patches, I use the irony mod manager, know of any way that something might have been carried over by mistake? I do have one left over broken trait from the directors cut left in my game when I switched to the regular version.  I have no idea where this hangup or file carry over might be coming from? Think it might the mod manage conflict resolution?

I've had the same issue creating conflict patch with irony mod manager. For some reason it specifically breaks those two events when Directors Cut is added to collection. I haven't noticed what in Directors Cut causes it, but you can fix it by deleting "!!!_00000008unique.20.txt" and "!!!_00000008unique.90.txt" from event folder of irony mod manager's conflict patch folder. The conflict patch folder is called "IronyModManager_[collection name]" in your stellaris mod folder. 

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Basically, unique_systems.txt doesn't work like all of the other modable files. Normally, you don't have to overwite an entire file, you can just modify the specific section of the file you want changed. However, for reasons I'll never know, unique_systems doesn't have this ability. You have to do a full file replacement. If you attempt a partial, it will act like the rest of the file doesn't exist and start flinging up that looping larionessi event. I've known about it for years, and everytime paradox makes a slight edit to unique_systems, it'll cause that error. I'm probably one of the few people who even know about this bug, given my niche... So it could be possible that irony mod isn't aware of this quirk. It could see my mod as an inefficiency and try and pull a partial overwrite, therefore causing the larionessi event to start looping. 

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On 5/22/2024 at 3:30 PM, Calcifire said:

Anytime you capture a planet, all the non-machine pops should get the Mutagenic Exposure trait. A year after you finish any war, the game will check every planet you own for species with Mutagenic Exposure and give them the Mutagenic Fit trait. This will then kick off the trait randomizer every 20ish years. Once they pick up x2 more traits, they will gain Mutagenic Ascension status.


It's been a long time since I last played the game, so if it's been broken this whole time in 3.11, I didn't know about it.


Was this fixed already in 3.12?
None of the alien species are picking up any new traits beyond the initial one, even after many years.

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On 6/2/2024 at 2:19 PM, Spaceguest991 said:

I've ran into a bug. Machine Adaptive frame Trait seems to be not working.

I've been trying to figure this out but I can't wrap my head around why this bug could effect the standalone Traits Pack. That shit doesn't even touch vanilla files, so I am going to lean on the idea that this isn't my fault. However, I'm still gonna drop a possible fix into the DC version. Lemme know how it goes.


23 hours ago, Sadist12345 said:

Was this fixed already in 3.12?

I think I have a solution that is going live, now.

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1 hour ago, Calcifire said:

I've been trying to figure this out but I can't wrap my head around why this bug could effect the standalone Traits Pack. That shit doesn't even touch vanilla files, so I am going to lean on the idea that this isn't my fault. However, I'm still gonna drop a possible fix into the DC version. Lemme know how it goes.

Booting up a game with the Mechanist origin on the DC version and the robots with auto modding are working as intended and getting traits now from it now. 


I did try with it The Citizen's Rights Mod also active but that caused them to stop auto modding even with the DC Portrait mod loading last.


I think Patriarchy Civic last from the Citizen's Sex Rights Traits version might a bit buggy as well, While so far the Rulers have been male all other leaders are female. While Matriarchy Civic has the has the Rulers all be female but all the other leaders are male. I don't think that's intend behavior since the text says leaders can be the other sex not they will only be the other sex.

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Posted (edited)

For the Mutagenic Invaders Origin, is there supposed to be succubus pops that shows up in species and planet view?


Edit: I was dumb, I had both Director and Traits mod.

Screenshot 2024-06-07 133111.png

Screenshot 2024-06-07 133056.png

Edited by bigbuttsona
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Posted (edited)
On 6/4/2024 at 10:53 AM, Spaceguest991 said:

I did try with it The Citizen's Rights Mod also active but that caused them to stop auto modding even with the DC Portrait mod loading last.


I think Patriarchy Civic last from the Citizen's Sex Rights Traits version might a bit buggy as well,

Strange new angle sourcing from the other mod. I'll have a look.


Matriachy and Patriarchy are mid content rework. I'll be honest, I am intentionally switching it to a unisex system just to make my code work easier. Once it's done, I'll consider reversing this change.


On 6/5/2024 at 4:22 AM, Wobobo123 said:

Hey I just download new portrait version after some time and I find out it miss 1 sprite from Jackals. Here is missing one I got in old version "jackal_male_6"

Gotcha. I'm still working on some polish work, I'll make sure to add this back for my next update.


On 6/10/2024 at 10:35 AM, cwperkins1291 said:

Having trouble with the Asari showing the incorrect portrait again after recent updates, went down to just LV and Calcifire to make sure it wasn't a different mod causing the issues.

Damn, again? I even double checked my error log. I hate "working unintetionally" type bugs. SIGH. kk, I'll go have a look.


Edit:: KK, fixed. I figured out the game was giving the Asari the cybernetic trait and then random rolling a new cyber portrait for them. I have circumvented that, and they should be working now.

Edited by Calcifire
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Sorry to keep being a bother about this kind of thing, but I found another instance of vanilla portraits. 😅







This is that one system with the 2 primitive tomb worlds that were supposed to have once been the same species. The two species names are the Czyrni and the Pyorun.

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22 hours ago, cwperkins1291 said:

Sorry to keep being a bother about this kind of thing, but I found another instance of vanilla portraits. 😅

Nah, it's welcome. It's hard to test for all these things after every game update. I have too TOO many threads to worry about, I can't keep track of them all.

I'll have a fix for this one soon, but I wanna get a patch for my other mod out first.

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Very minor thing but in line 251 of 20_portraits_firstcontact_0b.txt it references weredog_female_nude instead of minamar_female_nude making it so that if you select the minamar portraits when making your faction, the one in the species tab as well as the pop growth icon will just be the dog girl. Just posting it here since it took me a bit to figure out. This is from the director's cut version

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20 hours ago, Jimmyjam4 said:

Very minor thing but in line 251 of 20_portraits_firstcontact_0b.txt it references weredog_female_nude

Should be working correctly, now.


13 hours ago, Holy_Silver1 said:

@Calcifire I'm trying to get the parenthogenetic origin to work but no events happen after the game starts

It looks like having both of my mods together created a conflict and made the necessary government policy get overwritten. I've uploaded both mods so that this shouldn't happen anymore, but you'll need to make sure you delete them first, before updating.

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