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[mod] Calcifire's Portrait Pack

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Posted (edited)

As you see, this is for 3.11, and DEFINETLY what you tell me should happen does not happen.



Also, the female Omni are so CUTE!



Edited by Katz
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I've updated to the most current (3.12) of the Portrait Pack but almost none of the portraits are showing up in the species creator. Is this a user error on my part, do I need to delete the mod then re-download it to work properly with the newest update? Or is this a more general issue due to the changes the current update made to how portraits work?

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15 hours ago, Calcifire said:

In order to prevent notfication spam incase you play large galaxy gen and accidentally suck up like 6 new species at once. I limited any species outside the Succubi to only set off the starter "Xenos Corrupted" and then the final "Mutagenic Ascension" event. But even though you don't see notifications, they should still be picking up the mutagenic traits. So, unless things are broken, here is how it works under the hood...


Anytime you capture a planet, all the non-machine pops should get the Mutagenic Exposure trait. A year after you finish any war, the game will check every planet you own for species with Mutagenic Exposure and give them the Mutagenic Fit trait. This will then kick off the trait randomizer every 20ish years. Once they pick up x2 more traits, they will gain Mutagenic Ascension status.


It's been a long time since I last played the game, so if it's been broken this whole time in 3.11, I didn't know about it.


Oh and also...

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It might be a lil dissapoiting to know that I stay canonical with it. But once I finish drawing a few outfits for them, you can expect to has it once im finished making the 3.12 version.


New favorite species portrait unlocked. Seriously, I dig the new design.

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Seeing updates in the works for your mod might get me to reinstall Stellaris, lol. I uninstalled it in a fit of indignation after the tech costs nerf. It was the final straw… I feel like Paradox is CONSTANTLY shitting on my fun now with every single update.


Also, I’m here because I saw a *striking* resemblance between your art-style and the artist who does work for OnlyWaifus on YouTube. Maybe I’m crazy, but the styles feel pretty close!


I love your artstyle so when I found that channel I immediately thought of this mod even though I haven’t played Stellaris in many months lol.

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19 hours ago, WolfOfPasloe said:

Also, I’m here because I saw a *striking* resemblance between your art-style and the artist who does work for OnlyWaifus on YouTube. Maybe I’m crazy, but the styles feel pretty close!

It's the square eyes, isn't it? lol. OnlyWaifus isn't me, but I see the resemblance. Thick line art, colors that pop. Pretty close.


On 5/22/2024 at 11:56 PM, RoninToad said:

I've updated to the most current (3.12) of the Portrait Pack but almost none of the portraits are showing up in the species creator. 

Just to be clear, the Directors Cut won't be ready until after LV gets updated. So only the regular Portrait Pack is ready to go. So if it's not working, I would say delete the old version. 3.12 changed how species archetypes organize portraits, so old 3.11 files are def gonna bork stuff.


On 5/22/2024 at 11:04 AM, Katz said:

As you see, this is for 3.11, and DEFINETLY what you tell me should happen does not happen.

Hard to say what is going on. Could you try typing.... "event babe_muta_event.2" into the command line and tell me what happens?

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Kartan1 said:

So, just to be clear - did the newest update to the portrait pack add any of the new/upgraded portraits, or was it simply a maintenance update for 3.12?

Some but not all. LV posted her 3.12 update today, so it won't matter soon. I can now push forward with my own update work. No TBA, will have it ready, when it's ready.

Edited by Calcifire
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I have a humble request. I attempted to make my own little submod to do it myself, but I can't seem to get it right. Seems to do nothing at best the ways I tried to code it.

I wanted to build a little event that triggered after the "Migrating Forests" event chain from LV, that spawned a few pops that use your tree_female_1 and _2 portraits (Assuming those only got used for the hostile armies if you chose to NOT coexist) but perhaps because they aren't actually coded in as a selectable/usable species it just won't work.

Is there a way this could be done? A method to it?

I dunno why, I just like those portraits. Titan ones too. I have a thing for tall girls I guess.

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::Machine Age UPDATE::

is here...



::AS ALWAYS Y'ALL:: make sure you delete the old version of the mod before installing the new one. Thank You!

MATRIARCHY and PATRIARCHY civics was added to my citizen's sex rights mod... I'm cooking something, but it is so WiP, I'm not gonna talk about it yet, but the files are there for you data miners to see.


From Left -to- Right
- Human -to- Synth species

- Cyber Lopunny species
- Cetana crisis species

- Faun common ground/hegemony origin species (they are designed with slave assets in mind, so if you get them. have at it.)

- Mutagenic species now have females


This update also includes...
   - Spriggan artwork Redux
   - Sexbot artwork Redux (Given a more mammalian aesthetic for mammalian species to evolve into)

   - Added Mermaid pre-ftl aquatic event species
   - Added event portrait for Digested Scientist (Basically just a green slime girl)
   - Added new 40k Female Space Marines species to rescue from Synth Queen Centana. (these are just reskins of Sinople, but with the whole female custodes fiasco, I just thought it would make for a good joke)
   - Added a few event specific portraits to Empire Ruler Creation (for example, you may now select the busty Owl lady from the presapient set as your starting ruler.)

   - Added Paragon Grey's event Leader art
   - Added Paragon Apostate's event Leader art
   - Added Paragon Blorg, "the friendly trans-dimensional friendmaker" event Leader art (is he mewing? omg, shut the fuck up, Cal)

   - Added male assets for the playable version of the Unbidden species


In other news...

   - players can now make custom empires using "MOST" of the possible event species. These portraits will never generate randomly. It's been a popularly requested item for a while now, but I'm such a retard that I couldn't figure out a way to do it until now. I said "Most event species" because some of the event species are a bunch of single portrait losers. Only the 3 or more chads species can be played

   - The new Species Archetype system allowed me to make some cool polishing touches. For example, certain Molluscoid portraits are now also available to be played in Aquatic format. And so on and so forth.

   - I was a bit lazy and just dumped all the WiP shit I have cooking for matriarchy and patriarchy. I don't expect crashes, but do expect issues and overall, incomplete content.

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Posted (edited)
36 minutes ago, Calcifire said:


::Machine Age UPDATE::

is here...



::AS ALWAYS Y'ALL:: make sure you delete the old version of the mod before installing the new one. Thank You!

MATRIARCHY and PATRIARCHY civics was added to my citizen's sex rights mod... I'm cooking something, but it is so WiP, I'm not gonna talk about it yet, but the files are there for you data miners to see.


From Left -to- Right
- Human -to- Synth species

- Cyber Lopunny species
- Cetana crisis species

- Faun common ground/hegemony origin species (they are designed with slave assets in mind, so if you get them. have at it.)

- Mutagenic species now have females


This update also includes...
   - Spriggan artwork Redux
   - Sexbot artwork Redux (Given a more mammalian aesthetic for mammalian species to evolve into)

   - Added Mermaid pre-ftl aquatic event species
   - Added event portrait for Digested Scientist (Basically just a green slime girl)
   - Added new 40k Female Space Marines species to rescue from Synth Queen Centana. (these are just reskins of Sinople, but with the whole female custodes fiasco, I just thought it would make for a good joke)
   - Added a few event specific portraits to Empire Ruler Creation (for example, you may now select the busty Owl lady from the presapient set as your starting ruler.)

   - Added Paragon Grey's event Leader art
   - Added Paragon Apostate's event Leader art
   - Added Paragon Blorg, "the friendly trans-dimensional friendmaker" event Leader art (is he mewing? omg, shut the fuck up, Cal)

   - Added male assets for the playable version of the Unbidden species


In other news...

   - players can now make custom empires using "MOST" of the possible event species. These portraits will never generate randomly. It's been a popularly requested item for a while now, but I'm such a retard that I couldn't figure out a way to do it until now. I said "Most event species" because some of the event species are a bunch of single portrait losers. Only the 3 or more chads species can be played

   - The new Species Archetype system allowed me to make some cool polishing touches. For example, certain Molluscoid portraits are now also available to be played in Aquatic format. And so on and so forth.

   - I was a bit lazy and just dumped all the WiP shit I have cooking for matriarchy and patriarchy. I don't expect crashes, but do expect issues and overall, incomplete content.


I have finally woken up and decided to check the thread to see if you responded... and you have already pushed an update. Thank you Calcifire, I absolutely love your species portraits. You are honestly a blessing among the endlessly ripped/AI-generated portrait packs.

Edited by Kartan1
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On 5/28/2024 at 12:24 AM, WolfOfPasloe said:

I have a humble request. I attempted to make my own little submod to do it myself, but I can't seem to get it right. Seems to do nothing at best the ways I tried to code it.

If I would to take a crack at it, I would...

Open up id = colony.9 and add a "hidden_effect = {" to the option section. Like this::

	option = {
		name = EXCELLENT
		add_modifier = {
			modifier = "friendly_trees"
			days = 3600
		from = {
			hidden_effect = {
				create_species = {
					name = "NAME_Migrating_Trees"
					class = PLANT
					portrait = babe_tree
					homeworld = from
					namelist = "FUN4"
					sapient = no
					effect = {
						save_event_target_as = babe_tree_species
				while = {
					count = 1
					create_pop = {
						species = event_target:babe_tree_species


You could probably also to it to colony.10


11 hours ago, SpartanCommander said:

Do you have plans to make slave versions of the fallen empire's pop pics?

A genuinely good take. I'll think about it. Off the top of my head, I wouldn't dedicate to time to doing that for all of them, but. I think Keepers of Knowledge are probably a good candidate. Although, the sort of secret Fallen Empire you can get from the Scion Origin would probably take the trophy home.


34 minutes ago, Kartan1 said:

Thank you Calcifire, I absolutely love your species portraits.


Thanks, and happy bug hunting.

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Posted (edited)

Found a bug, the kitty species under mammilian has a bugged first three portraits. Opened up 0b_portraits_kitty.txt and it has:




Which don't exist in the gfx\models\portraits\kitty folder


Edit: And while I'm here, the custodes portrait is completely bugged. The files point to a "custodes_female_*.dds" which doesn't exist in the files

Edited by Elick320
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13 hours ago, Elick320 said:

Found a bug, the kitty species under mammilian has a bugged first three portraits. Opened up 0b_portraits_kitty.txt and it has:

Cool, should be fixed. Thanks. This also led me to find a similarly small issue with the cowgirls and tall lizards.

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35 minutes ago, cwperkins1291 said:

The Asari fallen empire interacts weirdly with the new cybernetics systems. They spawned like this and were literally the first empire I ran into.

Possible fix. It won't fix a save, you'll have to experience it on a new run, but... It's something that may have been effecting all humanoid species. Though I will say, ever since Paradox changed how things with species classes and archetypes work, I'm not 100% sure if I understand how the new machine pop asset selection on upgrade system works yet. fingers crossed, it's fixed.

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I redownloaded the mod 2 days ago, before the update (!), and I've been heading into the late game now with genetic ascension, when I noticed that none of the Calcifire's combo traits (not regular ones) are available (thralls, milk cows etc.)

When checking the mod files to see if I was missing the tech or something and I noticed they're all designated as


    species_potential_add = {
        always = no


Were combo traits temporarily disabled, was this incompatibility of the old mod with the new version, or am I missing something completely different.

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Not sure if this is a result for our mod or not but it keeps happening though might have something to do with lustful void not sure but when you click on diplomacy for curator enclave the diplomatic part for them never pops up.  I'm not sure if it's on this mods in or some mistake with the Lustful void but I probably should mention it since I'm not sure which mod's doing this.

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the stellaris launcher says this mod isnt present on my disk when its in my mods folder and ive done the same thing thats always worked for downloading it, i even tried downloading it 3 times and it keeps saying it isnt on my disk

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The primitive portraits are disabled by default

I edited the babe_species_classes.txt to make PRESAPIENT archetype

    playable = {
        always = yes


Not sure if it's going to cause gameplay problems down the line, but it's either that or making the primitive portraits for the player into a separate archetype.

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19 hours ago, Sadist12345 said:

    species_potential_add = {
        always = no

Combo traits have been LV's thing and I had just been copying her homework without paying much attention. Good catch. I will change it so that they are available upon certain technologies.


5 hours ago, Splashwar482 said:

the stellaris launcher says this mod isnt present on my disk when its in my mods folder 

Since other people are able to run it just fine, then it's gonna have to be an issue on your end. Go look up how to troubleshoot your mods on google and follow what people say there.


5 hours ago, Sadist12345 said:

The primitive portraits are disabled by default

They shouldn't be playable. I only want them to spawn for NPCs

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On 5/29/2024 at 12:46 AM, Calcifire said:


::Machine Age UPDATE::

is here...



::AS ALWAYS Y'ALL:: make sure you delete the old version of the mod before installing the new one. Thank You!

MATRIARCHY and PATRIARCHY civics was added to my citizen's sex rights mod... I'm cooking something, but it is so WiP, I'm not gonna talk about it yet, but the files are there for you data miners to see.


From Left -to- Right
- Human -to- Synth species

- Cyber Lopunny species
- Cetana crisis species

- Faun common ground/hegemony origin species (they are designed with slave assets in mind, so if you get them. have at it.)

- Mutagenic species now have females


This update also includes...
   - Spriggan artwork Redux
   - Sexbot artwork Redux (Given a more mammalian aesthetic for mammalian species to evolve into)

   - Added Mermaid pre-ftl aquatic event species
   - Added event portrait for Digested Scientist (Basically just a green slime girl)
   - Added new 40k Female Space Marines species to rescue from Synth Queen Centana. (these are just reskins of Sinople, but with the whole female custodes fiasco, I just thought it would make for a good joke)
   - Added a few event specific portraits to Empire Ruler Creation (for example, you may now select the busty Owl lady from the presapient set as your starting ruler.)

   - Added Paragon Grey's event Leader art
   - Added Paragon Apostate's event Leader art
   - Added Paragon Blorg, "the friendly trans-dimensional friendmaker" event Leader art (is he mewing? omg, shut the fuck up, Cal)

   - Added male assets for the playable version of the Unbidden species


In other news...

   - players can now make custom empires using "MOST" of the possible event species. These portraits will never generate randomly. It's been a popularly requested item for a while now, but I'm such a retard that I couldn't figure out a way to do it until now. I said "Most event species" because some of the event species are a bunch of single portrait losers. Only the 3 or more chads species can be played

   - The new Species Archetype system allowed me to make some cool polishing touches. For example, certain Molluscoid portraits are now also available to be played in Aquatic format. And so on and so forth.

   - I was a bit lazy and just dumped all the WiP shit I have cooking for matriarchy and patriarchy. I don't expect crashes, but do expect issues and overall, incomplete content.

Thats why he's the GOAT.

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