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[mod] Calcifire's Portrait Pack

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On 5/8/2024 at 7:07 AM, Calcifire said:
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So basically. Even though LV already has a "Humanoid Sexbot" on offer for free. I'm going to give owners of the Machine Age DLC access to "Human Synthetics", with bigger tits.


Damn I can't wait! Maybe I'll have to buy the synthetic dlc off sale 😥
Great job as always.



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A while ago, someone reported a bug with Baol's appearance. Mostly because they like her. So, even though that was months ago, I thought since hse uses, like... 5+ year old artwork, I would also give Spriggan a Redux for the next update.




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12 hours ago, MacalMedia said:

so ive follow the install guide and i did the whole upload thing and when i load in with the mods enable i don't see any portraits or anything from the mod please help im so confused

I'm uploading a functional portrait pack, right now. It should be available for download soon.

While I normally wait for LV to finish her update and then update my Directors Cut before making any moves, it shouldn't be that way. I will consider having the regular portraits uploaded ASAP in the future. I've just been hesitant in the past because pushing out an update pushes my mod up to the top of the list and shoots out notifications to followers... BUT SADLY, no. the Directors Cut is not ready yet for 3.12. Sorry. no ETA on that.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, sirgerrad said:

I downloaded the 3.12 portrait pack, but the synthetic species only can only have biological traits. Is that normal or a bug?

That's because the portrait pack is cosmetic. There is no gameplay integration. They aren't synths as far as the game is concerned.



16 hours ago, HS39 said:

how possible would it be to commission a species? if give price range, would help

Nah. I just do all of this for fun. But everyone is still free to make suggestions. If I think it's a cool idea, I'll just do it for freebees.

Edited by Calcifire
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I'm trying to figure out how to make it so the optionsal art in this get's mainly used instead of the defaults.  Although had an idea when using humans of a senario.  Of what if you have a Branch of the base line humans who arrived back in the Galaxy after some kind of expedition and now their bent on uniting or enslaving all the Human sub species and due to them being a root branch it offers some interesting benefits.  And they start to invade to take over.  Would be fun to play as to take the galaxy or even to create a Crisis.  Although it would also be amusing to create a sexy self made crisis where the race your playing as wants to turn the galaxy into slaves to serve themselves with similar options.



Although had an amusing idea of what if you had a race of fairies where their size is only about a foot high reproduction numbers but very weak and mostly make up for their weakness and other problems for soling everything with shear numbers and due to them being small they can  occupy more jobs and homes per population.   You could also come up with interesting complications with how their traits would go like most species won't fit them although they do have high ability for sex jobs due to solving it by shear numbers as the customer is quickly covered in  a flock of fairies.


That might make for some interesting event scenes.

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On 5/14/2024 at 12:41 PM, SpartanCommander said:

I'm trying to figure out how to make it so the optionsal art in this get's mainly used instead of the defaults.

It's either an on or off thing. I don't know of a way to weight the random results

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Posted (edited)

I thought about doing a WHO IS BEST GIRL tier list for this mod a long long time ago, and I've finally done it. (Like HOLY FUCK, if you look at the first comment ever made on the mod, that's how long ago I thought about it.) Follow the link to see how I've put myself on blast, BUT ALSO how you can make a tier list too! Feel free to share your lists in response.




This list is hidden from public and can only be found following the link, because I'm obviously breaking the websites rules, but we can still have some fun while it lasts.



Image version for people who don't have a tierlist.com account



Edited by Calcifire
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2 hours ago, TexasStyle said:

Unfortunately, the link seems like downed 😭

Damn that was quick. RiP


2 hours ago, Armchair said:

Who snitched?

Idk. I set it to unlisted. Must have been a site moderator.


Damn, sorry bros.

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On 5/8/2024 at 9:07 AM, Calcifire said:

I always knew that, one day, the judy hops fans will come for me. In preparation for 3.12, I drew up a mecha lopunny for the new synthetic species. I hope that's close enough. No ETA, when it's ready to upload. No spoilers either, I don't have nearly enough new content planned this time round.

Actually, on second thought. fuck it. who cares

Holy goddamn, this is the best possible outcome! Thank you! 

Smiling Face Emoji

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On 5/19/2024 at 10:08 AM, Katz said:

Oh no, the Storm Legion Omni are missing from that tier list!

XD, I should have anticipated that. I was only thinking of myself. If the tierlist hadn't gotten banned, I would have had the ability to update it. But that doesn't matter now. Yes, I'm still hurting.

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On 5/8/2024 at 5:07 AM, Calcifire said:

I always knew that, one day, the judy hops fans will come for me. In preparation for 3.12, I drew up a mecha lopunny for the new synthetic species. I hope that's close enough. No ETA, when it's ready to upload. No spoilers either, I don't have nearly enough new content planned this time round.

Actually, on second thought. fuck it. who cares

Okay first of all, awesome portrait. Being able to see the entirety of the synthetic pussy through her body is super hot.


Secondly, you mentioned not nearly having enough new content planned this time around. Though I'm not sure if you simply meant in reference to new portraits or if you meant in regards to game play additions such as with the pre-made empires, seeing that portrait did allow me to think of an idea for a new pre-made empire that could make use of the synthetic lopunny portrait.


So there will be this rabbit-like species and as rabbits, they're horny as fuck right? Well in order to satisfy their ever insatiable libidos these synthetic versions are eventually made. They are just like the originals except designed to be the perfect sextoy, albeit a very, very highly advanced one that might even be able to be considered sapient. Well unfortunately for their species, the synthetic versions of themselves prove to be just a little too good, good enough that a significant, and growing, part of the population is preferring to fuck the synthetics over the organics. Overtime this results in their populations rapidly dwindling, and despite the best attempts by the various governments of their worlds to put an end to the crisis, little can be done. All the organics eventually just spending the rest of their days fucking the synthetics, with the synthetics slowly taking over more and more of their society so their creators can keep fucking away. Their overwhelming desires to breed ironically leading to the lack of well, actually breeding. So now all that remains of their species are these synthetics, the species they once were created to satisfy long gone. Now with their original purpose lost, all they can do is carry on from where their creators left, advancing their civilization beyond their home system looking for new partners to satisfy.


Extra Thoughts:

Perhaps eventually, after unlocking certain technologies, they can even revive their original, organic species. Like a reverse version of that vanilla event where you find the uploaded consciousnesses of an extinct species.

Additionally, there could perhaps be a trait similar to the Aggressively Adaptive Reproduction trait from Lustful Void where allowing them into your empire can begin the same death spiral that ended their creators.


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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Calcifire said:

XD, I should have anticipated that. I was only thinking of myself. If the tierlist hadn't gotten banned, I would have had the ability to update it. But that doesn't matter now. Yes, I'm still hurting.


Speaking of which, I know the lore says they have no females and whatnot, but you can get some with genetic engineering and the Lustful Void Feminization drugs and some of the rare Bio tech. Since one of the Biological/Genetic ascension path perks is being able to choose your own race 'portrait', maybe you can sneak in the female portraits of Omni in there? Otherwise, you can always go with another generic toxoid portrait, but you have only like...4 to choose from.

Edited by Katz
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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Katz said:

Speaking of which, I know the lore says they have no females and whatnot, but you can get some with genetic engineering and the Lustful Void Feminization drugs and some of the rare Bio tech.


I mean, sure, I may as well. I'll add it to the todo.


If you mouse over the goth girl fungoids that the Storm Legion start with, it'll say in their bio... "These fungal beauties were carried along with us from our home galaxy. While they can only reproduce asexually, and are effectively useless to us, they've always expressed having a special affection for our kind. Choosing to adopt a femanine form simply because it pleases us." While there's a lot of lore that I don't write down, there is an implication going on here. The reason the Hyphae are said to be so endearing is because they are actually mimicing the appearance of a Omni woman. The threat of extinction isn't even on the table, they just do it because they want to be the Storm Legion's favorites. As it is apparent that Omni warships are stocked with purely recreational species that would offer no reproductive advantage to the enemy if captured, you can see why this also makes them popular. I think they would be quite upset if they found out you were trying to genetically restore the existence of female Omni, when they just hit the hyperjump jackpot and got taken to a galaxy with no competitors. XD


Edited by Calcifire
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While we are on this topic, how exactly do I make other races I conquer succumb to the same chain of events as the succubus race? The story heavily implies that this should be possible somehow , but I never managed how to do that with new races I conquer. After the whole mutagenic event chain plays out, and while the succubus pops are VERY good to colonize new worlds due to their habitability bonus, I can not figure out hiw to do the same with other new races I take over.

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2 hours ago, Katz said:

While we are on this topic, how exactly do I make other races I conquer succumb to the same chain of events as the succubus race?

In order to prevent notfication spam incase you play large galaxy gen and accidentally suck up like 6 new species at once. I limited any species outside the Succubi to only set off the starter "Xenos Corrupted" and then the final "Mutagenic Ascension" event. But even though you don't see notifications, they should still be picking up the mutagenic traits. So, unless things are broken, here is how it works under the hood...


Anytime you capture a planet, all the non-machine pops should get the Mutagenic Exposure trait. A year after you finish any war, the game will check every planet you own for species with Mutagenic Exposure and give them the Mutagenic Fit trait. This will then kick off the trait randomizer every 20ish years. Once they pick up x2 more traits, they will gain Mutagenic Ascension status.


It's been a long time since I last played the game, so if it's been broken this whole time in 3.11, I didn't know about it.


Oh and also...



It might be a lil dissapoiting to know that I stay canonical with it. But once I finish drawing a few outfits for them, you can expect to has it once im finished making the 3.12 version.

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