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[mod] Calcifire's Portrait Pack

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On 2/20/2024 at 8:48 PM, lollibob101 said:

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but the event that gives a recently conquered empire the mutagenic property trait doesn't fire by itself. If I manually trigger it, it works, but otherwise not.

I think I found the problem. Apparently the event bracket in 0b_babe_on_actions was missing, causing the subsequent on_action triggers to not trigger properly.



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I don't know how to put into written words how much I appreciate this pack and the consistent artstyle of it. I especially, especially adore the male counterparts - even if you didn't add as many of them, the fact that they're there for almost every single one is amazing, and a few of them are my absolute FAVORITES. :)


Is there any chance of us ever seeing a 'standalone' version that replaces the base portraits and the endgame crises and such without requiring Lustful Void? And, what rooms are these intended to go with?

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Drive by bug report:


The Nu-Baol don't seem to have visible portraits.

I started a new game with LV, the Director's Cut, and that mod that lets you pick a precursor, used the "hire_all_leaders" and "skills 9" commands to make the archaeology go faster, speedran to the Last Baol, activated the relic and the planetary decision. 


In the Species tab, the generated Nu-Baol species just don't have a portrait. In the Planetary Summary view, Nu-Baol pops working jobs don't have that little portrait next to the job icon: it visually looks similar to when no one is working the job, but in color. When you select a pop to look at the pop details screen, it shows the portrait of the last pop you clicked on. 

I was expecting instead to see the lovely tree ladies: the dialogue with the Last Baol itself has the right portrait.

I've also seen this bug pop up without the selector mod and without console commands, that's just the fastest minimal way to reproduce it. I'm almost certain that means the bug is in this mod.


Thanks for all you do!

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On 2/23/2024 at 10:12 AM, lollibob101 said:

I think I found the problem. Apparently the event bracket in 0b_babe_on_actions was missing, causing the subsequent on_action triggers to not trigger properly.

Gotcha thanks. I was away for a while, but I've come back to update the mod when I heard about patch 3.11, so it should be functional now.


On 2/27/2024 at 11:04 AM, shokushuu said:

I don't know how to put into written words how much I appreciate this pack and the consistent artstyle of it. I especially, especially adore the male counterparts - even if you didn't add as many of them, the fact that they're there for almost every single one is amazing, and a few of them are my absolute FAVORITES. :)


Is there any chance of us ever seeing a 'standalone' version that replaces the base portraits and the endgame crises and such without requiring Lustful Void? And, what rooms are these intended to go with?

Thanks for the support. It's always nice knowing I had an impact. If you want the portrait pack on offer to also be a replacer, then all you gotta do it replace the "species_classes" folder with the one that comes from the D-Cut version. Now, this won't cover the event species or crisis stuff, but it's a good enough band aid. Anything more than that just gets more complicated. It's theoretically possible, but I would definitely say that trying to remove LV as a dependancy would take a lot of debugging work to pull off. Sorry... I also don't understand what you mean by "rooms" in the second half of your question. If you are talking about the rooms for Empire customization, then they have no intention. I just see them in the vanilla files, but you aren't allowed to use them, and I just figured, fuck it, why not make them accessible in my mod.


On 2/29/2024 at 3:19 AM, Gelatinous Nudes said:

The Nu-Baol don't seem to have visible portraits.

I had a look, and I think I maybe misunderstand how the vanilla game is handling those portraits. It does it in a unique way, which is odd. So, my usual method for replacing the vanilla artwork doesn't seem to apply here. I've tried fixing it, though. Try it out from the latest download and lemme know how it goes.

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18 hours ago, Calcifire said:

Try it out from the latest download and lemme know how it goes.


No luck, unfortunately.  Deleted the Director's Cut, downloaded the new version, speedran the plant ladies, still invisible.  If it helps, the last two lines of my error.log look relevant:



[22:52:03][eventscope.cpp:2284]: Script error, create_pop species: 'event_target:nu_baol_species' is invalid at  file: common/decisions/05_ancient_relics_decisions.txt line: 118
[22:52:42][portraitobject.cpp:626]: Failed to find portrait selector babe_baol


I'm surprised by that first line, because the trigger actually goes off, creates the species, and creates the pops of the species. It's fine.  


The second line looks more relevant. "babe_baol" is in line 367 of calcifires_portrait_pack_DIRECTORS_CUT/common/scripted_effects/00_scripted_effects_0b.txt and no where else. I can't find a file or folder that matches that name, either. 


Hope that helps!

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I seem to have an issue where I get an event that constantly pops named uplift.6000.name. It's just a constant event and i don't know why it pops up this often. It happens in the early game when I'm just surveying systems.


Edited by StripesTT
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17 hours ago, StripesTT said:

I seem to have an issue where I get an event that constantly pops named uplift.6000.name. It's just a constant event and i don't know why it pops up this often. It happens in the early game when I'm just surveying systems.


Delete the mod and redownload. You have a file from an older version of the mod lurking around.

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19 hours ago, hydrak64 said:

New update dropped to the lustful void mod. Do you have any plans to update in the near future?

Based on the changes LV has made for 3.11, no. It should all still work just fine. BUT I will need to do some work on the sex rights mod, so hang tight for that one.

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On 3/12/2024 at 6:26 PM, TheFakeRealOne said:

I am having the same issues as user DC9, currently none of the Mutagenic Invasion events are firing. No Succubi pops are spawning either.

Unfortunately, I can't recreate. I dunno what could be causing the issue.


21 hours ago, ifferer above heaven said:

any plans for the upcoming dlc the machine age since they are apparently making is so that going cybernetic will show on the portrait?

If you read the DLC page, you'll see that this is true of the "new" portraits they are adding. This immediately offers up one concern. If they are creating two new species archetypes to the game, then I am going to struggle. I haven't worked on the mod in a long time, and I don't think I have it in me to make 8 new species portraits. However, if I am wrong, and they are adding new species to the game that have this added functionality, then I will be able to do a little something. It wouldn't be too much work to take one of my species and give them cybernetic trait support.

That being said, this is just more proof that the devs visit this website, because they obviously stole this idea from Wobobo123. lel.

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1 hour ago, Calcifire said:

Unfortunately, I can't recreate. I dunno what could be causing the issue.


User Error/User at fault.

I was using both Directors Pack and Trait pack at the same time. Disabling Trait Pack ensured that it all worked. Entirely my fault.

Never mind, removing trait pack did not fix it.
It seems that it works on Storm Legion now but not on a custom race.

Edited by TheFakeRealOne
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On 3/15/2024 at 5:32 PM, Calcifire said:

Unfortunately, I can't recreate. I dunno what could be causing the issue.

well i can at least say that im here because i'm also having that issue and came to see if anyone else was or was being fixed, starting a new game and the event never starts and no succubi pops spawned. It was working before i upgraded to 3.10.4, when i was still on 3.9.3 and using that version, i didn't have the issue of the event not firing, after upgrading to 3.10 i've noticed its been happening on my new games. sure it could be a mod conflict but i cant think of any mod that could conflict. i'd do deeper testing but i dont have the time atm. maybe it's something that actually is because of the game version but idk. but if you cant recreate it im a bit at a loss.

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Sorry if this is an issue that already has a solution, but I can't seem to get prescripted empires to show up in the list no matter how much I fiddle with it. My current mod list/load order is literally just: Lustful Void > Calcifire's Portrait Pack DIRECTOR'S CUT > Trait Pack > Citizen's Sex Rights > UI Overhaul Dynamic


I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but they won't show up in the list


Edited by TheFatManInTheBack
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Was taking a look at all the models in the mod folders on a whim and came across this. 



Is this for a specific event or is this supposed to be a selectable portrait in-game? cause i never seen this before.

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On 3/16/2024 at 12:23 PM, hydrak64 said:

Yo does Xondar have a custom portrait that you made? Cause if he does, he appears blank. If not then I need to figure something out.

Oops. Yeh, I had plans, but they never came to fruition. Sorry. should be fixed to show the default, now. I also fixed some issues with the leader class changes messing with the leader portrait selection.


On 3/18/2024 at 10:43 AM, TheFatManInTheBack said:

Sorry if this is an issue that already has a solution, but I can't seem to get prescripted empires to show up in the list no matter how much I fiddle with it.


Most of them require DLC.


18 hours ago, hydrak64 said:

Is this for a specific event or is this supposed to be a selectable portrait in-game? cause i never seen this before.

Lustful Void has it's own archeology event chain about a golden dildo turning your species into futa horse girls or something. Very Niche, not something I've ever pursued in my games, so I don't even know if it's working.

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On 3/19/2024 at 4:39 PM, Calcifire said:

Lustful Void has it's own archeology event chain about a golden dildo turning your species into futa horse girls or something. Very Niche, not something I've ever pursued in my games, so I don't even know if it's working.

I got the golden dildo event and the scientist didn't change to your portrait.

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