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[mod] Calcifire's Portrait Pack

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12 hours ago, Calcifire said:

That event is from the Sex Rights mod, not the Portrait Pack, and I've already fixed it over there. If you wanna be a lil extra, let me know if just disabling the Sex Rights mod fixes the issue


Oooo, kk. It does, they just weren't displaying text.


I actually don't know how they get around the hard 10 trait limit sometimes... Ima try something, but it'll break saves. Let me know how it goes in your future games.



BTW thanks for all the comments. I don't have a lot of time to properly test things, and the mod has grown so big and unmanagable for me at this point. You guys are helping make the quality better for everyone. thank you, very much.

I assume those traits are coded like the male/female ones among others were they dont count towards the trait limit?

The same seems to apply to these traits:
Not sure what the context is for these as in are they attached to something specific or not?
If they are meant to be combination traits then their cost should be about the same as the traits its supposed to combine imo. (atm they have 0 cost)

Could maybe do a quick gene mod cost evaluation at some point if you are interested?
Personally I like there to be some sort of balance at least with gene points, atm most species in my empire are sitting at 20-30+ unspent points lol, tho I have at this point in my game researched all or almost all of the gene modding techs.

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Making a separate post so this is easier to keep track off.

This should probably be "understand":

If you start with the race (goatmen?) that is prescripted for "mutagenic invaders" then you get 2 other species as well (does not happen with a different custom invader race) but the vampyr one has the "necrophage" trait so it wont grow and so you cant do much with it unless you remove the necrophage trait with console commands or something.

Ps. Just got a mutagenic breasts event that seemed to imply that you are supposed to have the 2 other races from the start, so none-goatmen starting races NOT having them might be the issue?

I think you could consider making the event for species changes pop up for every species due to how long the MTTH is for the events btw.
Something elese I also noticed is that the event seems to apply the same modification to EVERY species undergoing changes at that time, meaning you get a bunch of species with the same mutagenic traits without the events taking into consideration their starting traits like its supposed to based on the coding.

Edited by Tyrgalon
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On 1/8/2024 at 4:49 AM, Tyrgalon said:

If they are meant to be combination traits then their cost should be about the same as the traits its supposed to combine imo. (atm they have 0 cost)

In Lustful Void, the combo traits are all zero cost. I never considered changing them since they require advanced gene tech. BUT, I've also never used LV's balance patch, nor even looked at those. If I ought to model my traits after that, then I guess I'll look into it. idk.


On 1/8/2024 at 4:59 AM, Tyrgalon said:

If you start with the race (goatmen?) that is prescripted for "mutagenic invaders" then you get 2 other species as well (does not happen with a different custom invader race) but the vampyr one has the "necrophage" trait so it wont grow and so you cant do much with it unless you remove the necrophage trait with console commands or something.

It's intentional for the extra species to essentially be just a flat bonus to your game start. Nothing more. Necrophage is intentional, although, if you like having them for a custom civ(and this is true of stellaris in general, nor just my mod) when you edit any premade empire and save them as your own, the game also stores whatver under the hood scripts that go with them. (AKA the "flags = { }" that you can't edit in-game, but are still stored in the save files.)


On 1/8/2024 at 4:59 AM, Tyrgalon said:

Something elese I also noticed is that the event seems to apply the same modification to EVERY species undergoing changes at that time

Technically, the way it works is every species that shares the same degree of mutation share trait updates. I would imagine that in most games, your species acquisition would be offset, but it is noticeable, sometimes if they aren't well staggered. EH, I'll be a little extra technical than that... So when a war ends the game selects 3 random trait from the pool. Then it goes, "alright, every species in your Empire that doesn't have a trait yet is getting mutation #1. if they already have a mutation, give them mutation #2, if they already have 2 mutations, give them mutation #3." Done. Each war triggers a reroll of those 3 traits and repeats. I did it this was cause it was hard enough just to develop a new game system from scratch, that worked well enough within the modding limits, and was also very lite on performance. Honestly, I don't have the skill to do something better. I'm guessing you would basically want to assign and store every species you discover with a unique id that the game could them generate a mutation list for and spoon feed it out over time, but I-I don't even know where to start coding that.



On 1/8/2024 at 4:59 AM, Tyrgalon said:

I think you could consider making the event for species changes pop up for every species due to how long the MTTH is for the events btw.

So, on the upper end. It would take 78ish in-game years for a species to reach ascension. I think most people play for maybe 200ish years, so personally think where I have it is fine. But, idk. Do you think I should make it quicker?

Edited by Calcifire
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7 hours ago, Viking_Berzerker said:

Have you removed some of the pre made empires? Becase Crimson Dog Tribes, Storm Legion and Ozmos Dynasty dosen't show up in the selection screen.

I've been messing with trait balance, and that seems to have created errors for them. They should be fixed, now.

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14 hours ago, Calcifire said:

I've been messing with trait balance, and that seems to have created errors for them. They should be fixed, now.

That was a fast responce.


However only the Crimson dogs showed up. the Storm Legion and Ozmos Dynastys are still not availeble. Do I need a the Toxoid DLC to play them?

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7 hours ago, Viking_Berzerker said:

Do I need a the Toxoid DLC to play them?

The only one that is 100% vanilla are the Crimson Dogs. Because my mod is a visual overhaul, then I can't just enable all the DLC for everyone, who downloads my mod, for free. Because, yes, even though it's my art, it's being plastered on top of a payed product. Sorry.


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Hello Internet,


So starting a run and I'm updating mods and prepping and I see that there's the update 4 picture for the mod and I can't seem to find 60% of the species in the picture I got far left and far right but the middle ones are alluding me. Are they a special race in the game? or require set conditions or assigned to certain jobs? I'm just confused and could use some help


Thx Internet

Update 4.jpg

Edited by Trickster78
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16 hours ago, Trickster78 said:

So starting a run and I'm updating mods and prepping and I see that there's the update 4 picture for the mod

In the post where that image comes from, I describe each of them. Not to make you go digging through old posts again, the pink hair is from broken shackles origin, the red baldie is the sentiniel from the prethoryn crisis, the blondie is the solarpunk system event species.

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Posted this on your citizen's sex rights mod page but I think it belongs better here: 


Ok, I've done some more testing and I cannot get the gorehound events to fire correctly. The Parth origin works at the start with the first initial event where you can choose to turn on bestiality or not. I choose the option to "embrace it" and turn it on. After some time the next event fires with the "Awoo" option to click and it adds a new gorehound den (Making my planet have 2). After that, no events fire at all. All of my planets have unemployed pops and I ran the game for 50 years and no other gorehound event fires. I repeated all of this across 3 new starts, each running 50 or more years with no events firing. I believe the gorehound parth event chain is broken.

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I keep posting the problems I'm discovering in the opposite mod forums. Sorry about that. Here's what I've discovered:


I think one of the problems is that the Reverse Domestication Origin isn't giving my species the parth breeder trait at game start. Not sure if that's intended. Also, I've discovered that when the second event fires (The one with the "Awoo" option) that it's supposed to give my pops the parth surrender trait but it's not because the event requires that a planet be currently selected. When the event fires naturally but no planet is selected no pops receive the trait. When I have a planet selected and fire the event through the console then all of the pops on the planet I've selected get the parth surrender trait. The rest of my pops on other planets do not and I have to apply the gene modification to them. Hope this helps! Thanks again!

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On 1/17/2024 at 10:05 PM, Bronz0h said:

Ok, I've done some more testing and

Didn't post a fix ASAP cause I was working on extra things that I wanted to get done first... In the current version that I've just uploaded, I think I've addressed all your issues.

For the eagle eyed, you could create a custom empire without also taking the "all female" trait and get strange results. It was always my intention for this to be a playthrough option, and now that's done. It'll take a long long in-game time. But eventually, you can end up where the Ozmos Dynasty starts. I've added two new events. The first event is just like "hey, ever since you legalized zoo, boys have stopped being born" and then "hey, zoo has been legal for so long that the last man died of old age today, woops."... essentially. Right now, it's just on a timer, but eventually I'll set it up where if you aquire too many zoo traits, you then become "all female" species. SoonTM .

Edited by Calcifire
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1 hour ago, Calcifire said:

Didn't post a fix ASAP cause I was working on extra things that I wanted to get done first... In the current version that I've just uploaded, I think I've addressed all your issues.

For the eagle eyed, you could create a custom empire without also taking the "all female" trait and get strange results. It was always my intention for this to be a playthrough option, and now that's done. It'll take a long long in-game time. But eventually, you can end up where the Ozmos Dynasty starts. I've added two new events. The first event is just like "hey, ever since you legalized zoo, boys have stopped being born" and then "hey, zoo has been legal for so long that the last man died of old age today, woops."... essentially. Right now, it's just on a timer, but eventually I'll set it up where if you aquire too many zoo traits, you then become "all female" species. SoonTM .

 Awesome! I've been making my empires "All Female" from the beginning but having all of this as an option is great! I'm sure there are more people out there other than me that will appreciate this addition immensely. Thank you for putting in such great work with your mods, they are some of my favorites and have been a staple of my load set ever since I found them.  If you'd ever like to discuss additions, I have some ideas I've been kicking around but I don't know how to implement them. 1 of which is the possibility of a "Den World" which is like the Tentacle worlds but with a zoo twist. 


Thank you again for your great mods! 

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Srry for the repetitive questions, but is anyone else not getting the event pop up once you start the mutagenic invader origin ?, i thought it was a problem when i used it on a custom species, but the same is happening on the storm raiders preset.

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On 1/26/2024 at 11:33 AM, Bronz0h said:

The Reverse Domestication origin event at game start is also not firing. 

There isn't one if you don't play as the Goat Girls. If you play a custom empire with it, it'll just hit you with the Awoo~ event after a few years. Then the events relating to the males dying off with follow.


BTW, I've also theory crafted a more elagent solution to firing off the "all the men are dead" event. KK, so unless I've coded an event loop here... IT SHOULD, theoretically kill off all the dudes if you acquire 3 parthenogenetic traits (Parthenogenetic Courtship does not count towards this check, nor will it save the males from dying off). For those who don't know, every time you colonize a planet you have a random chance of meeting a critter and gaining a trait... Now, while there are only 4 animal traits in the game, killing off the boys might be hard to pull off. BUT, maybe someday, I'll make more traits and the RnG will be more forgiving at that point.


On 1/24/2024 at 8:20 PM, DC9 said:

Srry for the repetitive questions, but is anyone else not getting the event pop up once you start the mutagenic invader origin ?

IDK what could be the issue for ya, but it's always good to do a clean instal. Sometimes relic files from older versions of my mod can hang around and cause problems. Just delete my mod and redownload it and let me know if that worked for you.


On 1/24/2024 at 5:20 PM, Bronz0h said:

is the possibility of a "Den World"

I haven't looked into it. I can just imagine it'll be a lot of work and I'm unfortunately not willing to take up that labor. Doing new event art is always fun, but doing city and building art doesn't sound fun. I do acknowledge that what you're asking for makes alot of sense, but I just don't have enough time. Soz.

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So, the Storm Legion and Ozmos Dynasty have event chains and sequences tied to their origins, and it appears that the Civilian Hub Network also has a whole event chain.


Do the other empires have events too?


Also, the Ivory Lineage's "Void Borne" race has the prosperous unification origin for me. Intended?

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17 minutes ago, Nicharveechu said:

Do the other empires have events too?

Not atm, but I have dreams.

When you play the elves, you may notices that the kitty cat homeworld spawns. They have the doomsday origin, and if I find the time, I want to have a short refugee event chain after their planet goes ka-boom.

In Stellaris 3.9 I changed the matriarchy/patriarchy civics to only set the ruler'heir genders as the inverse of the leader genders. This was done so that hopefully someday, the crimson dogs will have a harem builders event chain.

The Ivory Lineage probably has to most ambitious project in store for it. If you boot them up right now, the planet of Ovrist spawns nearby. Someday I want to create a hybridization event chain system that revolves around the "human sub-species" trait. The way I would want it to work is that any two species that share that specific trait can create F1 Hybrids. Which are like real world mules. Infertile offspring that share traits between the parents species, but can't sustain their own existence without the parent species. Then I would also have these pre-made F2 Hybrids which have custom artwork. AKA fertile offspring. The first being a void/stone hybrid species that you would unlock after the Ivory Lineage conquers Ovrist. Overtime I would create more artwork for other mixed race hybrids and artwork for other combinations of species that are found in my custom empires. 


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9 hours ago, Calcifire said:

Not atm, but I have dreams.

When you play the elves, you may notices that the kitty cat homeworld spawns. They have the doomsday origin, and if I find the time, I want to have a short refugee event chain after their planet goes ka-boom.

In Stellaris 3.9 I changed the matriarchy/patriarchy civics to only set the ruler'heir genders as the inverse of the leader genders. This was done so that hopefully someday, the crimson dogs will have a harem builders event chain.

The Ivory Lineage probably has to most ambitious project in store for it. If you boot them up right now, the planet of Ovrist spawns nearby. Someday I want to create a hybridization event chain system that revolves around the "human sub-species" trait. The way I would want it to work is that any two species that share that specific trait can create F1 Hybrids. Which are like real world mules. Infertile offspring that share traits between the parents species, but can't sustain their own existence without the parent species. Then I would also have these pre-made F2 Hybrids which have custom artwork. AKA fertile offspring. The first being a void/stone hybrid species that you would unlock after the Ivory Lineage conquers Ovrist. Overtime I would create more artwork for other mixed race hybrids and artwork for other combinations of species that are found in my custom empires. 


these are all really interesting miniature quest lines; I particularly like the idea of Crimson Dogs Dating Simulator where you've got lots of possible 'renowned leader' harem members.


it was missed in my last message, so I'll reiterate: Are the Ivory Lineage supposed to have prosperous unification? It seems like their fluff and species name are indicative of them being Voidborne, but they aren't on my end. 

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23 hours ago, Nicharveechu said:

Are the Ivory Lineage supposed to have prosperous unification?

Well, all the premade civs have more lore to 'em than I could possibly express through the game. I don't want to bore y'all, but the Ivory Lineage were basically like the quarian flotilla from mass effect throughout most of their history, but by the time of the game's start they had already been successful conquerors and terrestrialized. So, Experiter is not their homeworld, it's just the site of their first landfall and defacto capital world. If Stellaris ever had a nomadic city fleet DLC, kinda like the Vodyani from Endless Space 2, then I would totally plug that in. Otherwise, basic bitch prosperous unification it is.

The same criticisim could be levied against Civilian Hub. The Jötunn colonized a jovian type moon after leaving Earth, but the place is currently under such a severe ice age that they had to return to the stars again and should be considered homeless and not as a species that has evolved for space life... You know, it would be a SERIOUSLY silly bucket list type item, but if you ran the in-game simulation to year 4413, then Riphea is predicted to be habitable again. I could theoretically make an event just for it, but like. c'mon that would be goofy.

Edited by Calcifire
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On 1/30/2024 at 7:42 AM, asdfmovie666 said:

I wanted to ask if you will add the Origins to the non Directors Cut version? Or make them an additional Mod

I didn't have any plans to when I made the origins, so I basically didn't make anything modular with my codework. Sorry. It isn't that it would be arduous to separate out, but the problem for me is that I would have to enact the same process every single update. Having the trait pack separate is easy to manage, and takes about 10 seconds for me to do, because all I have to do is copy and paste a couple of files. If it was that easy to cut the origins out of the mod pie, I would be up for it. You know? If Paradox ever abandons the IP and goes on to make Stellaris 2, THEN I would do it, because I would only have to do it once.

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