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[mod] Calcifire's Portrait Pack

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Hey, a question. Either I fucked up the install, or the ketlings/Racket inc race has no custom(or ANY) portrait.


Seems to be one of the few races with no lewd portrait, but maybe it is just me load ordering it wrong? Others with no custom portrait (like Keides, some of the other paragons) use their base portraits, but ketlings are missing it entirely.



Also, some traits for the rare anomaly event scientist are missing her localization/effect. I forgot her name and can't check her name, but it was the special scientist that studies xenobreeding and wants to turn herself into her own experiments.

Edited by Katz
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4 hours ago, Katz said:

Hey, a question. Either I fucked up the install, or the ketlings/Racket inc race has no custom(or ANY) portrait.

Someone brought this brought up a few pages ago. They are an event species that were never meant to be playable, but someone requested they be usable in the past, despite knowing they only have like 1 pic. But since you're the third person to ask about them, I'm gonna go ahead and bump it up to 3 variants er some shit. Lel. Here...



I guess the guy is more popular than I realized.



4 hours ago, Katz said:

some traits for the rare anomaly event scientist are missing her localization/effect. I forgot her name and can't check her name, but it was the special scientist that studies xenobreeding and wants to turn herself into her own experiments.

KK. I figured it out. Hotfix incoming.


Edited by Calcifire
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3 hours ago, Shane843 said:

Any chance we could get that Mutagenic origin as its own standalone mod? I love the idea, but your art style, while objectively quality, isnt my cup of tea.

I don't think I'm the one to ask, you're gonna have to outsource that work, lel.

The whole reason I gave players the options to genocide the starter species at the beginning, is so you can opt out. You only other time you have to suffer is whenever your "friends" are done mutating any other species.

tbh, it would be a super simple thing for anyone to go ahead and do. Aw hell, you send me all the pictures you want to replace the event artwork with and I'll even make the standalone version for you. I'm just not going to be the one to upload it, nor am I going to be the one who keeps it up to date as time passes.



On 9/30/2023 at 7:29 PM, hydrak64 said:

With the rats getting more love, do u have any plan to make female variants?

Eh, sorry, XD

I try an be amicable, guys. I draw the futa even though I don't want to draw the futa. and I know you all want more futa(It hurts me how bad y'all want the futa). I'll think about it. I'm just not feeling it. You know how I always end up making a bunch of "joke males" for a lot of the species. Because I know I have to do it, but I just don't have the same energy for drawing men that I have for women. And I don't like that I have to do that... I'm just being honest, if I were to pick up the pen and to try and do fem rats right now, they would be disappointing. I'm sorry. I'm just gonna leave 'em alone for now.

YOU KNOW WHAT. I'm just gonna say it. Without my mod. Inside the base vanilla game. I hate those ratling traders. I hate them so much! They trick you into letting them stay at your house, and you wake up the next day to find out he's interspecies breeding with your pet dog. It's not cool Paradox!!! and and and AND TO THIS DAY, I just can't shake that impression of them off me. Lolololololololol. I know the Megacorp DLC came out a long time ago, but I guess I've been holding an grudge against them since 2018. So this is my plan, guys. I'm gonna meditate on my rage. Try and calm the storm and tell myself. "You know what, maybe that rat woman that sells the overpriced apples on the caravaneer fleet, ain't so bad. Yes, she's cheated me on a number of deals. Stealing my hard earned alloys and credits... But maybe she had a good reason. Maybe, I'm just a rat hating bigot and I need to be a better man. You know? Not all rats are the same, right? Maybe she's one of the good ones and I just couldn't see that before. Alright, squeakers. C'mere."

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43 minutes ago, MonkeyMan1235789 said:

Sooooooo..... This happens, not sure if it's only when the hypersensitive vulvas trait is taken or not, but yeah.

WOOPs. Thats a relic from a gui test I was doing. Uh... There's no reason to have to redownload the mod, just shove this into the lizards gfx folder


All I was doing was. When they made the Paragon's DLC, I was curious if the extra head room that leaders had inside the council window meant that you could expand the scope for the assets. Stupid, thinking. I know. But I still wanted to test it. It woulda made for a great face reveal, amirite? Unfortunately, nothing under the hood had changes, and they was stellaris renders the pics still cut off their heads anyway. *shruggs. It was worth a shot.

Edited by Calcifire
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17 hours ago, Calcifire said:


I try an be amicable, guys. I draw the futa even though I don't want to draw the futa. and I know you all want more futa(It hurts me how bad y'all want the futa). I'll think about it. I'm just not feeling it. You know how I always end up making a bunch of "joke males" for a lot of the species. Because I know I have to do it, but I just don't have the same energy for drawing men that I have for women. And I don't like that I have to do that... I'm just being honest, if I were to pick up the pen and to try and do fem rats right now, they would be disappointing. I'm sorry. I'm just gonna leave 'em alone for now.

YOU KNOW WHAT. I'm just gonna say it. Without my mod. Inside the base vanilla game. I hate those ratling traders. I hate them so much! They trick you into letting them stay at your house, and you wake up the next day to find out he's interspecies breeding with your pet dog. It's not cool Paradox!!! and and and AND TO THIS DAY, I just can't shake that impression of them off me. Lolololololololol. I know the Megacorp DLC came out a long time ago, but I guess I've been holding an grudge against them since 2018. So this is my plan, guys. I'm gonna meditate on my rage. Try and calm the storm and tell myself. "You know what, maybe that rat woman that sells the overpriced apples on the caravaneer fleet, ain't so bad. Yes, she's cheated me on a number of deals. Stealing my hard earned alloys and credits... But maybe she had a good reason. Maybe, I'm just a rat hating bigot and I need to be a better man. You know? Not all rats are the same, right? Maybe she's one of the good ones and I just couldn't see that before. Alright, squeakers. C'mere."


This is one of the funniest rant posts I've read in a decent while lol. 

Also fair, base game rats can go walk off a cliff(at least until i find their old homeworld, then they become my vassal)

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10 hours ago, hydrak64 said:


This is one of the funniest rant posts I've read in a decent while lol. 

Also fair, base game rats can go walk off a cliff(at least until i find their old homeworld, then they become my vassal)

Totally cracking that planet. Fuck em rats

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16 hours ago, LuceoX30 said:

Let me throw money at you!

OH, thank you. But I haven't been interested in doing commissions in a while.

I actually used to do SFW contract work for about 10 years when I was young. Though, I was only able to manage a part-time job + living off my artwork, so I never really made it BIG. But, I did cartoons for like advertisement agencies, websites, t-shirts, animated videos. I threw in the towel about 2 years ago and got a full-time job cause I was sick of apartments... Right at the very end of my career, I guess, there was a prototyped indie LCG that I did some card art for. I'm not under NDA er anything, so I published most of the cards I made to my SFW account already, but not all of it. If the game ever launches it's kickstarter, would reverse google image search catch me over here?.. FUCK. Alright guys. I highly doubt anyone would be able to track me down anyway. But, still, plz don't go looking for me.



YEAH SEE FUCK! For those of you who have read the Visual Novel, if you came across me on twitter you would fucking know it was me. gdi. lolololololol. But yeah, you know, I would be given these prompts, and I did like 37 card arts. But I only ever published, 13 of 'em to my account. The rest were either rejects or the world will just have to wait for the game's humble release to see them all. BUT! This was the last one I ever did before I stopped. My last commission, circa 2021.


Right, so. You know, my DMs are always open for you guys. You're just gambling on whether or not I'll think it's a cool idea and would want to draw it for free. Actually, 1 of the loading screen "load_02b.dds" from the mod is 100% just because someone kindly messaged me one day and asked for it. So you never know. Try me.


3 hours ago, cobrasgrip said:

Out of curiosity, is there any plans for a portrait for the psionic ascension path? Hate having nice art get replaced by some floating crystal looking creatures.

Oh, uh. I don't know what floating crystals you are referring to.  Is it a vanilla game asset? I don't play psionic, so I don't know if this is something that happens? BUT YES AND NO. the blue squid head cthulu-ish species gets glowing eyes and then turns full unbidden when you get the psionic trait. But that's all I got. Kinda like how the giant gals change for the cybernetic ascension.

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On 10/11/2023 at 7:47 PM, vanas_1111 said:

Would love to see the empire pack you've made be expanded with new species.

I only have designs for one more. They'll have thier own story origin. I believe their custom starting solar system is already in the files. No eta on them.


13 hours ago, vanas_1111 said:

Are the Crimson Dogs supposed to be so hard to start with?

I would say they are not easy, but I wouldnt call them a hard start. They basically suffer from overpop at the start, and you have to manage that crisis first. Im no pro, but I recommend that if the pop growth is outpacing your eco, then disable the breeder job to help reign that in and I also ditch the brothels fast so I can put 'em in the mines.

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On 10/10/2023 at 7:04 PM, Calcifire said:

Oh, uh. I don't know what floating crystals you are referring to.  Is it a vanilla game asset? I don't play psionic, so I don't know if this is something that happens? BUT YES AND NO. the blue squid head cthulu-ish species gets glowing eyes and then turns full unbidden when you get the psionic trait. But that's all I got. Kinda like how the giant gals change for the cybernetic ascension.

Yeah, it just looks like the vanilla unbidden. Any species that reaches psionic ascension will switch to that default vanilla portrait. 
I'll have to try out that cthulu-ish species, or just use the appearance in the Amorphic section.

Edited by cobrasgrip
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15 hours ago, Meatshield236 said:

It seems like the good old "uplift.6000.name" bug is back, at least with my game. I removed the usual suspects (More Events and Expanded Events) at first, but the problem only went away after I disabled this mod.

Delete my mod, download it again.

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Hello, I have an issue when playing with Lustful Void and your Directors Cut. I have made a race with the trait "Futanari". It says that all pops should look female. Some pops of particular jobs, like Metallurgists, Farmers, Politicians and Enforcers have male portraits in the "resettle" and "population" tabs though. Not exclusively, a few of them are female. But these seem to be the only jobs that suffer the problem so far. This issue is present with all three races using your portraits that I tested so far - cowgirls, Crimson Dogs race and the last tall, tan Human portrait. I am using several other mods - no additional portrait or trait mods though, aside from "Trait Point Traits" and "Z-99 Trait Selections".

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