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[mod] Calcifire's Portrait Pack

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K, I didn't want to post ::HARD SPOILERs:: in the thread, here.

But I wanted y'all to know that I've uploaded ALL(well, not all, just the saucy ones) of the event portraits at full resolution to my NG account.

So if you want ruin the surprise, then feel free to check it out now, or wait till later. I'm getting pretty close to pulling the trigger, I just need to do more bug testing. GODD HOWARD I hope I can get this out before Starfield drops, otherwise we are gonna have to wait until I sink 1,000 hrs into that game before I come back to modding. Though I'll say, I had never stuck my nose into event modding until now, and it's kinda wetted my appetite. IDK We'll see.

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On 8/18/2023 at 8:03 AM, Calcifire said:

Do you remember, recently, in the Lustful Void thread where someone complaining about a tentacle death event? Well, in the latest LV patch notes you'll see that the event got changed. Made less problematic and I get why Lithia did it. She's under the same pressure that I'm under. I've had similar DMs hit my inbox in the past and it just makes me want to try and keep my head down. You step on one or two toes and you start thinking, "what if I accidentally step on a moderators toe? will I be able to brush that off?" I get wanting to give those people the middle finger, go down with the ship, but I'm just not ready to internet die yet. If my VN getting ass blasted off the internet forever by the ban hammer, I'm okay with that, but I would be actually pretty hurt if I lost my parking space on this website.


But you all are being encouraging right now and it's making me give it some thought. I had quietly made the decision to self censor after I got those DMs a long time ago and I hadn't considered how people might also feel like I was letting 'em down by becoming paranoid about what I post. IDK, we'll see. I'll have to meditate on it. But for now, I've only got 2 more event graphics left to draw before I'm ready to release my next update. So I really want to get that out first before I dare to think about drinking from the devil's cup.

In my honest opinion, fuck the discord and don't self censor yourself, I don't get the issue with noncon/dubcon with the amount of non con mods in the skyrim and fallout side is plenty too, I do not understand this exclusivity of noncon/dubcon with Stellaris, hell CK3 got a handful of noncon/dubcon events mod yet they don't have any complaining on their side

P.S: also the tentacle death event being an issue is idiotic, I remember a CK2 mod which also did the same thing (killing a character via tentacle) yet there is no complaining on their side

P.S.S: if you are worried of posting the hard version in loverslab, maybe try other site like maybe f95zone?

Edited by Al_banehra
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On 8/31/2023 at 9:54 PM, Al_banehra said:

P.S.S: if you are worried of posting the hard version in loverslab, maybe try other site like maybe f95zone?

I think I like how they have a more robust barrier to entry than LoveLab's got. Works as a nicer filter for the normies, but I looked at their ToS and Guidelines and it's kinda funny. They basically have a "I don't make any promises" system..... I'll talk more about it at a later date.

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is here..


God dammit, talk about feature creep. Guys I really want to just keep adding and adding to this update, but I just need to pull the trigger on it already.

The MAIN THING YOU GOTTA KNOW RIGHT NOW is that I made a new Lewd Origin called "Mutagenic Invaders"

   Play the new "Storm Legion" starter empire or build your own custom empire using the new origin. Basically, your species' semen comes packed with mutagenic compounds that are used to corrupt modify the biology of other species and make them better suited for their usage as breeding stock. This ranges from giving them bigger breasts to them having more submissive behavior AND it's all RNG based for replay value.


When you start the game, you will have already taken over the medieval age world of Sheol. It's succubi inhabitants are like your starter species, and they are the ones that trigger the story events. Feel free to purge them right at the start of the game, you are still able to genetically corrupt any non-all-male species in the galaxy, but random species don't trigger story event pop ups. Though, you will get pop ups whenever a species achieves their full genetic potential and will stop generating new mutagenic traits.


Step 1 - Species will acquire the "Mutagenic Property" trait when you take over any planet. This just means they have trouble breeding with their own kind and have become dependent on mutagenic seeders for reproduction. NOW I DON'T PLAY MULTIPLAYER STELLARIS, but if you lose a planet to a species of mutagenic seeders, then you should get an event pop up, letting you know that your pops are being "claimed". If someone can bug test this shit for me and confirm that it is working, I would be much appreciated.

Step 2 - Species will acquire the "Mutagenic Fit" trait. This means they have become an all-female species, making them totally dependent on you for reproduction, and that their genitalia is physically compatible with yours

Step 3 - Species will acquire x1 from a list of x3 body modifications. This is to help them learn to enjoy their roles as breeding stock. An example would be the "Mutagenic Throats" trait, where your mutagenic seed has mistaken their mouths for genitalia and turned it into a new erogenous zone.

Step 4 - Species will acquire x1 from a list of x6 behavior modifications. This is just doujin mind break fodder. The pops are losing their ability to resist you. An example would be the "Mutagenic Labido" trait, where their sexual needs are starting to surpass your own.

Step 5 - Species will acquire the final "Mutagenic Ascension" trait. This just means that they no longer have any misgivings about being enslaved and want to help you turn the entire galaxy into your breeding grounds.

The SECOND THING YOU GOTTA KNOW is that I added Vivienne from EP1 of my Visual Novel into the game

   Play the new "Civilian Hub Network" starter empire to get her to spawn. It's the only way sorry. Read the spoiler bellow for more info.


Now, you are still free to edit the Hub Network empire to your liking, but it HAS TO STAY MEGACORP for her to show up.


About 20 years into the game, Vivienne will ask to join your empire. Once you get through her short event chain, the game warns you not to let her win an election... So obviously all you have to do is make sure she becomes president of your empire to end the story. Now, if you don't want Vivienne to be nearly 60 years old by the time the next election hits, then hopefully you've been making preparations for her arrival. You'll need like 800ish Unity to trigger an early election and like 1200ish Unity to give her enough votes to win. But it could also be much more than this, depending on how -gamer- your empire is. I also recommend rushing the "Expand the Council" agenda, as promoting Vivienne into a councilor position is an easy way to help ensure she'll be on the list of candidates for election. If you want to guarantee that she will be an available candidate for election, then just make sure you only have a total of x4 leaders in your empire. Theoretically, you can insta promote her to your ruler as soon as you get her, but you'll also be cutting the event chain short. It's up to you. You'll probably just break some stuff, and then SPOILERS... Her and Oerlikon's love child won't spawn.

Now, uh, I initially had a bug where Vivienne would unintentionally kill herself during an event... I'm just saying, I'm not a code monkey and I honestly think that my solution to the issue only made this bug more rare. oof.

Small notes things yah kinda gotta know

   I changed the Patriarchy and Matriarchy Civics to only effect your Rulers and Heirs... Don't worry, you can still use LV's policy settings to get all female or all male leadership, it's just that I'm planning on reworking these for future content. Ever since they added that new Councilor Position stuff, I've been dreaming of turning all of my scientists and admirals into harem girls. So for right now, you just have to RP it. But eventually, I want to add a couple "initiation" events whenever you hire a new leader where they have a sex scene with your ruler.

   I also slightly updated my Citizen Sex Rights mod, and it is designed to play really well with my Directors Cut. idk you guys, you might wanna grab that too, while you're at it.

Edited by Calcifire
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32 minutes ago, lastesotericist said:

Holy shit Calcifire added an enhanced and improved version of my favorite LV origin complete with events? It's my lucky day. The loc for the events is working well but the loc for the traits and trait descriptions is missing.

Make sure you've deleted the mod before installing the new one.

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5 hours ago, KaanErak said:

Species like void and elf from Civilian Hub Network PE are meant to have other species name and in case of void even traits than they PE(Ivory lineage, Green court) counterpart?

Yes. They also have different names list to help make them culturally distinct. For example, the Crimson Dogs have already used the monogender conversion to make their slaves all female. So they aren't scientifically distinct, sure, but they need to be game mechanically distinct. It makes things a little messy, but I do it for the flavor it provides.


As of right now, the prescripted arent coded to spawn naturally. So it works most the time.

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5 hours ago, TheFatManInTheBack said:

Do the mutagenic traits kick in for species that are integrated/acquired through a migration treaty? Or does it have to be military conquest?

The way it works atm is, when you capture a planet, all pops on the planet go through a check and flags them with the "mutagenic property" trait if they are available for use. This was designed so that even if you lose the war, all the planets you landed on still get tainted.

So you bring up a good point.

Now the LAST thing I want to do is slow the game down by adding in a check every 30 days. So what I think I'll do instead is... Whenever you win a war, I'll have it run a little round up code. It'll scan your whole empire for prospective species and start the mutation process for them when applicable.


You don't need to redownload the mod, though I have pushed out a patch for it. Just add this text file into the events folder. Hopefully I didn't just break everything.


Then just load up your save, win an easy war, and it should kick off the party for any pops you have.


THANK YOU, to all you beta testers btw. I spend more time deving than I ever do playing anymore. I haven't seen the victory screen in over 2 years.


BTW starfield comes out tomorrow, so I'm glad I was able to push out 1 bug fix before I go dark. See you on the other side, lads.


Edited by Calcifire
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17 hours ago, Calcifire said:

The way it works atm is, when you capture a planet, all pops on the planet go through a check and flags them with the "mutagenic property" trait if they are available for use. This was designed so that even if you lose the war, all the planets you landed on still get tainted.

So you bring up a good point.

Now the LAST thing I want to do is slow the game down by adding in a check every 30 days. So what I think I'll do instead is... Whenever you win a war, I'll have it run a little round up code. It'll scan your whole empire for prospective species and start the mutation process for them when applicable.


You don't need to redownload the mod, though I have pushed out a patch for it. Just add this text file into the events folder. Hopefully I didn't just break everything.

babe_muta_events.txt 13.28 kB · 9 downloads

Then just load up your save, win an easy war, and it should kick off the party for any pops you have.


THANK YOU, to all you beta testers btw. I spend more time deving than I ever do playing anymore. I haven't seen the victory screen in over 2 years.


BTW starfield comes out tomorrow, so I'm glad I was able to push out 1 bug fix before I go dark. See you on the other side, lads.




Just tried it out in-game and it seems like it's working, thanks! My only other thought would've been maybe to set up a console command to do a check manually? Or maybe a one-time edict.


Whatever the case, one other question about the system -- right now it seems like if you take gene tailoring you can swap and drop the mutagenic perks whenever, a bit curious if that's intentional or if they're supposed to be irremovable perks like some of the other LV ones.

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On 9/6/2023 at 12:11 PM, TheFatManInTheBack said:

Whatever the case, one other question about the system -- right now it seems like if you take gene tailoring you can swap and drop the mutagenic perks whenever, a bit curious if that's intentional or if they're supposed to be irremovable perks like some of the other LV ones.

Well I always preferred player expression. So if you go down that tech tree, then yes. I want people to be able to custom build their species. Mutagenic Invaders + Gene Tailoring really ought to just flat out trigger crisis mode for the rest of the galaxy. lol.

Personally, Muta Empathy and Muta Stockholm are my favorite combo. But like, how many games would I have to play in order to get the right RNG drops? I'm not even going to calculate that, I just know it would be take me a few.

Edited by Calcifire
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3 hours ago, FurryFactualFun said:

Will the "Mutagenic Invaders" origin shit itself if I change the all male trait requirement to futa?

Surprisingly enough. All you gotta do is edit the origin file, and all of the events will actually run just fine.

Just spit balling here... When I get the chance, I could change the code. Instead of all male req, I'll make it a NOT statment, that denies all female. That oughta work.

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3 hours ago, juandeagles said:

Guess it's something to do with 3.9 :shrug:


2 hours ago, lorm43 said:

Seems 3.9 is incompatible with many mods.... again.

I'm glad that Stellaris is a live service title, but damn, do I hate putting out the fires. I'll look into it when I get off work.

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3 hours ago, juandeagles said:

Getting crashes when the loading hits 100% trying to start the game
Fresh install no work
Did not click continue save, am clicking play.

I turned off everything else to make sure it was the director's pack causing the crashes.
Guessing it's something to do with 3.9 :shrug:


if you ask me it's because of the new potraits they added for some of the creature since director cut basically changes the potrait by coding

thankfully if you ask me they gave us the ability to revert back to 3.8 so all is good until we have updates for 3.9

iirc they added 4 new potraits, 2 for humanoid, a dryad skin for plantoid and finally rockman for lithoid

Edited by Al_banehra
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On 9/12/2023 at 9:34 AM, lastesotericist said:

From what I can tell 3.9 breaks Lustful Void, not just the director’s cut, so it might not even be an issue with your mod. 

LV works fine for me, but this and Vanilla Framework do not work, seems like any mod that adds portraits to the vanilla species groups that hasn't been updated is breaking things

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On 9/15/2023 at 10:17 PM, Smily1 said:

LV works fine for me, but this and Vanilla Framework do not work, seems like any mod that adds portraits to the vanilla species groups that hasn't been updated is breaking things

Can Confirm. After the LV update that came today, and a extensive session of trying to find out which mods i had were still broken, this is one of them. 

On a different note, with Calc playing Starfield now, i wonder if we're gonna get random easter eggs thrown in? Be funny to see their Starfield Waifu as a legendary scientist or something of the like.

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