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[mod] Calcifire's Portrait Pack

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On 8/6/2023 at 12:27 PM, NickAccount said:

Mod does not seem to work in my game
My mod list(every mod is up to date):

When i open empire designer, only vanilla and LV portraits are there:


What can cause such problems?

Make sure you're using the correct playset, and try ordering the mods as such:


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On 2023/8/7 at AM12點27分, NickAccount said:


Hmmm..... I am Interesting about what is " Calcifire's {{{{Hypersexualized}}} Galaxy DIRECTORS CUT"

Are you change the folder's name so it don't work?

It will greatful if you show me the folder of your mod like this:


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11 hours ago, Madmonth said:

Bro~ this knight armour is awsome-!! so big buttom she have!!!

Sinople was fun to make. She's based off a japanese fallout 4 power armor mod combined with a 40k aesthetic. It's a bummer that robots aren't a kink for me, because there are a bunch of robot events that could use custom artwork. I honestly don't think I'll ever get around to doing them. Soz.


11 hours ago, Madmonth said:

Hmmm..... I am Interesting about what is " Calcifire's {{{{Hypersexualized}}} Galaxy DIRECTORS CUT"

Are you change the folder's name so it don't work?

It will greatful if you show me the folder of your mod like this:

Aw fuck, i might have accidentally inserted a file from my developer version of the mod. That could explain all of Nick's issue. I'll check when I get off work. Yeh well that's some fun lore for you guys, I suppose. Before I ever released the mod, for that 3 years of secret development I had originally intended to call the mod hypersex galaxy. But I felt it was too silly and there was also a time where I never intended to release the Directors Cut at all. I honestly wanted to keep the directors cut content just for myself out of embarrassment. Lol. Hence the name change to "portrait pack". But I eventually thought that people still might enjoy my little edits and so I made my homebrew modding work more public. But I still hold onto the hypersex mod folder as like my developer version. I've been really good about avoiding leaks, thus far. But it looks like the .mod file got out of the box. Oops. Tbh there ARE still things that I keep to myself. Again, out of embarrassment and also uh... Taboo worries. A lot of my localization files are way longer and way edgier than what you guys get from the mod download. However, with my next major update, I feel like I'm comfortable releasing my species namelists publicly. Since I don't think it'll be cool to play the upcoming "lore canon" premade empires without their lore accurate namelists as well. Hahaha, I'm actually kinda shy about them. The "slave" species namelist is pretty whore-ific actually. Actually!!! I had to tame it down some... Yikes. I've said enough.


Edit:: Nick, if you're reading this, I've updated the download. BUT! I give it like a 50/50 chance it fixes the problem for you.

Edited by Calcifire
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26 minutes ago, Calcifire said:

 But I felt it was too silly and there was also a time where I never intended to release the Directors Cut at all. I honestly wanted to keep the directors cut content just for myself out of emberassment. Lol. Hense the name change to "portrait pack". But I eventually thought that people still might enjoy my little edits and made my homebrew modding work more public. But I still hold onto the hypersex mod folder as like my developer version. I've been really good about avoiding leaks, thus far. But it looks like the .mod file got out of the box. Oops. Tbh there ARE still things that I keep to myself. Again, out of embarrassment and also uh... Taboo worries. Alot of my localisation files are way longer and way edgier than what you guys get from the mof download. However, with my next major update, I feel like I'm comfortable releasing my species nameslist publicly. Since I don't think it'll be cool to play the upcomming lore "canon" premade empires without their lore accurate nameslist. Hahaha, I'm actually kinda shy about them. The "slave" species nameslist is pretty whore-ific actually. Actually!!! I had to tame it down some... Yikes. I've said enough.

Hypersex galaxy is nice name, maybe can use it someday. and whoa!! some secret things make me more interesting about them owo!!! can't w8 to see them ,but take care yourself healthy and good night~


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So I've been running into an issue that I have regretfully narrowed down to the Directors Cut mod, even the most recent version from yesterday. Using Lustful Void, Directors Cut, and UI Overhaul, in that order from top to bottom. The game would not start up until I close, then reopen the launcher for it to actually load. When it does load. All is normal till we reach the last tab in the empire creator where the ruler class is this.

I can switch to a normal class such as Governor or admiral. Finish setting everything up and start the game. This is all fine till I close the game, start it back up and go to that same tab, crashing my game. Verifying my files just sets me back to very beginning of this post, repeating the whole situation.


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Well, at least I'm committed to not censoring my visual novel. The main thing is alot of the NonCon/DubCon stuff I either tone down or omit entirely from the DC version and my Citizens Sex Rights mod. People bitch about taboo mod content on the sexlab discord all the fucking time and I just don't want to hear it.


I'll tell ya a story though. Back in 00s, I think, there was a cannibal fetishist in Germany who turned himself into police. At some point he had met a guy online who had a fetish for being killed and agreed to his victim. However, the German guy said that after the castration, murder, and chomping... that he suddenly became horrified and vomited up his disgust. The guy said that he had  been having sexual fantasies about this sort of thing for years, but that as soon as he bit into the corpse, the reality of what human flesh was actually  and reality hit him like a truck. Dude got shot out of the dream. I always took this as a good lesson about taking the blue pill. Wise men learn from the mistakes of others...


I get that when people find out you make struggle snuggle content they think you're a creep, but I'm not so fucking retarded as to think that doing something like that would be fun to do in real life. No offense German guy, but you kinda ate too much glue. I get it, though, Jeffery Dahmers are out there. Saddam Hussein's son could have posted in these very forums. But guys like that are a fucking rarity. I mean, when you look up rape doujins on the internet, 99% of the time, the victims are consenting by the end of the story. I think that says a lot about what makes rapeplay the most popular kink for normal people. The vast majority of us are self aware enough to be trusted. But like I said, I'd rather just not deal with the masses opinion.

Edited by Calcifire
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Curse you, Discord! howling at the moon rn fr


And yeah most people who are going to go digging into niche forum threads about submods to LV, which already features a lot of dub and noncon understand that these things are just a fetish, but I guess the discord attracts a lot of 'general audiences' who come for Bethesda or Sims content. I understand why you don't want to put up with their attention.


Guess I'll just have to keep using my imagination.

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18 hours ago, DeltaZone said:

So I've been running into an issue that I have regretfully narrowed down to the Directors Cut mod, even the most recent version from yesterday. Using Lustful Void, Directors Cut, and UI Overhaul, in that order from top to bottom. The game would not start up until I close, then reopen the launcher for it to actually load. When it does load. All is normal till we reach the last tab in the empire creator where the ruler class is this.

I can switch to a normal class such as Governor or admiral. Finish setting everything up and start the game. This is all fine till I close the game, start it back up and go to that same tab, crashing my game. Verifying my files just sets me back to very beginning of this post, repeating the whole situation.


Here, put this in the prescripted_countries folder


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Discovering that this mod and even the Citizens Sex Rights mod were censored because of annoying people on discord really disappointed me. Especially, when I'm into that NonCon/DubCon myself. I kinda don't want to use this mod anymore after knowing this... ?



Edited by Megumin.
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I can understand Calcifire's position completely.  With the kind of witch hunts that some people go on these days, and the levels of harassment that they're willing to sink to, I can understand a desire to just avoid rolling the dice.


I suppose perhaps more risque material might be better released as a separate set of localization files and that any user that wants to use them would have to go through a distinct step of willingly replacing the normal localization.  In that case everyone who sees it has to go deliberately out of their way to see the content.  Sort of like how e-hentai gates some galleries behind an "offensive for everyone" content warning.  Where the content is available but you forfeit the right to complain about if you ignore the warning.  But that might cause a headache in its own right from people asking for tech support when they copy the files wrong, and again I can respect Calcifire's decision to just not open this can of worms.  Some people are just jerks who go out of their way to find things to be offended by as justification to cause misery for others.

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I can't wrap my head around it. Are these mods available somewhere else for this to happen? I don't know how he attracted these kind of people on Discord because I find it hard to believe that there's alot of people who complain about taboo stuff when there's much worst mods here.

"I can excuse genociding entire alien races and commit multiple warcrimes but don't you DARE sex them without their consent!" WHAT?!

Skyrim is filled with defeat mods and even bestiality, necrophilia.

Rimjob world cleverly put a funny disclaimer on the their page to tell these people to fuck off because you can turn people into hats so why are you offended by sex?

I guessing discord is just a different environment because the forum members here will 100% rally to the defense of the mod author if he was harassed. There's a strict no harassment on this site. 


It annoys the fuck out of me that I can only play the sanitized (censored) version and that I don't have a choice. I feel like I've been lied to.


Edited by Megumin.
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2 hours ago, Megumin. said:

I can't wrap my head around it. Are these mods available somewhere else for this to happen? I don't know how he attracted these kind of people on Discord because I find it hard to believe that there's alot of people who complain about taboo stuff on here when there's much worst mods here.

"I can excuse genociding entire alien races and commit multiple warcrimes but don't you DARE sex them without their consent!" WHAT?!

Skyrim is filled with defeat mods and even bestiality, necrophilia.

Rimjob world cleverly put a funny disclaimer on the their page to tell these people to fuck off because you can turn people into hats so why are you offended by sex?

I guessing discord is just a different environment because the forum members here will 100% rally to the defense of the mod author if he was harassed. There's a strict no harassment on this site. 


It annoys the fuck out of me that I can only play the sanitized (censored) version and that I don't have a choice. I feel like I've been lied to.


Cal's and artist, and artists are defined almost entirely by the art they put into the world. If for whatever reason, they don't feel comfortable posting some their art, then we should be grateful they posted what they did for free anyway. 

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3 hours ago, anbuagent12 said:

Cal's and artist, and artists are defined almost entirely by the art they put into the world. If for whatever reason, they don't feel comfortable posting some their art, then we should be grateful they posted what they did for free anyway. 


It would be one thing if they didn't want to post it out of cringe or embarrassment. But it's not. It's out of fear of being harassed on site that doesn't support this kind of hate. I thought we didn't stand for harassment. He doesn't want to censor his visual novel so why this mod? I'm pretty sure we ban trolls and harrasers who attack mod authors for their content. Don't know why this is suddenly not the case anymore. 


Edited by Megumin.
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1 hour ago, Megumin. said:

It would be one thing if they didn't want to post it out of cringe or embarrassment. But it's not. It's out of fear of being harassed on site that doesn't support this kind of hate. I thought we didn't stand for harassment. He doesn't want to censor his visual novel so why this mod? I'm pretty sure we ban trolls and harrasers who attack mod authors for their content. Don't know why this is suddenly not the case anymore. 

Do you remember, recently, in the Lustful Void thread where someone complaining about a tentacle death event? Well, in the latest LV patch notes you'll see that the event got changed. Made less problematic and I get why Lithia did it. She's under the same pressure that I'm under. I've had similar DMs hit my inbox in the past and it just makes me want to try and keep my head down. You step on one or two toes and you start thinking, "what if I accidentally step on a moderators toe? will I be able to brush that off?" I get wanting to give those people the middle finger, go down with the ship, but I'm just not ready to internet die yet. If my VN getting ass blasted off the internet forever by the ban hammer, I'm okay with that, but I would be actually pretty hurt if I lost my parking space on this website.


But you all are being encouraging right now and it's making me give it some thought. I had quietly made the decision to self censor after I got those DMs a long time ago and I hadn't considered how people might also feel like I was letting 'em down by becoming paranoid about what I post. IDK, we'll see. I'll have to meditate on it. But for now, I've only got 2 more event graphics left to draw before I'm ready to release my next update. So I really want to get that out first before I dare to think about drinking from the devil's cup.

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Yeah weird line to draw when a lot of people play this game specifically to engage in hapless cruelty on a galactic level, I'd just ignore them if i were you but I get not wanting to have a brush with the wrong person. Though I wouldn't think that would be something they'd be secretive about, if a mod had a problem with you I think they'd let you know. I'm not a big fan of the noncon stuff definitely not my cup of tea but I can just as easily ignore it since i know someone else enjoys it.

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1 hour ago, Astralbody13 said:

the director's cut of this game causes my game to crash when I click on the ruler traits menu


Put this inside the "prescripted_countries" folder



Like I've been having to say ever since Stellaris 3.8 released, guys. Unpacking the mod doesn't delete old files from the mod. I know it's troublesome. I never do it, either. But when I get a bug, it's just good practice to fresh install your builds, first. Astralbody13, you're probably also going to run into the planet scan bug if you're having the leader trait bug. Just do like I recommend and delete the whole mod off you're PC and then try downloading and installing the Portrait Pack. Otherise, delete the "uplifting_events.txt" file from the events folder.


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Hey does anyone know why the Director's Cut versions spawn a bunch of pre-made empires? I have several empires I made for a playthrough but only a handful of them actually spawn when I toggle them to always spawn. Several of them get replaced by empires with random origins. I've tested this with the mod enabled and disabled and it only happens when the Director's Cut is enabled. I also checked the mod's files and I can't seem to find the file that is causing these empires to spawn.

20230822214711_1 (2).jpg

20230822214754_1 (2).jpg

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12 hours ago, Np5 said:

Hey does anyone know why the Director's Cut versions spawn a bunch of pre-made empires? I have several empires I made for a playthrough but only a handful of them actually spawn when I toggle them to always spawn. Several of them get replaced by empires with random origins.

Those look like random gen empires. It's hard to read on that galaxy view, but I can 100% confirm that those arent a leak from what I've been working on, Nor a they a leak of my own personal empire setup. So yeah pretty confident those are random gens. 


But my mod isn't gonna fuck with the game like you've show, anyway. If I were you, I would verify my steam files. And if that doesnt work, I'd clean instal the mod. And If that didnt work, I would backup my custom empires and rebuild them. Incase something got corrupted with my save.

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On 8/23/2023 at 9:00 AM, Np5 said:

Hey does anyone know why the Director's Cut versions spawn a bunch of pre-made empires? I have several empires I made for a playthrough but only a handful of them actually spawn when I toggle them to always spawn. Several of them get replaced by empires with random origins. I've tested this with the mod enabled and disabled and it only happens when the Director's Cut is enabled. I also checked the mod's files and I can't seem to find the file that is causing these empires to spawn.

20230822214711_1 (2).jpg

20230822214754_1 (2).jpg

I had this issue as well, basically the fix is to not use randomized flags, or empire name, you have to type in your own. I don't know if your issue exactly the same as mine but this was how I fixed it

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