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[mod] Calcifire's Portrait Pack

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10 hours ago, peruviandrawfag said:

Does the Director Cut work without Lustful Void? LV last version keeps crashing on my pc.

I really like this mod portraits and I don't want to see vanilla aliens on my games ;_;

Nevermind, without LV it still crashes in the last part of empire creation. when you edit your leader traits.

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5 hours ago, peruviandrawfag said:

Nevermind, without LV it still crashes in the last part of empire creation. when you edit your leader traits.

Yeah, my game crashes when clicking the Ruler Traits button in empire creation too, if Director's Cut is enabled ?
Edit: After some additional testing, it appears it only crashes if both UI Overhaul Dynamic (which is reccommended with Lustful Void) and this mod is active at the same time. I would really prefer to be able to use UI Overhaul however, it's reccommended or even required for so many other mods...

Edited by Balah
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9 hours ago, Balah said:

Yeah, my game crashes when clicking the Ruler Traits button in empire creation too, if Director's Cut is enabled ?
Edit: After some additional testing, it appears it only crashes if both UI Overhaul Dynamic (which is reccommended with Lustful Void) and this mod is active at the same time. I would really prefer to be able to use UI Overhaul however, it's reccommended or even required for so many other mods...


Same happens here, fixed it when finishing every red section the empire creator before going to the Ruler Traits, but if I try going with anything red it still crashes.






Tried it again, it crashed about 3 times even after selecting everything, 4rt time it went through and did not crash even without changing anything.

Tried again to narrow it down, but it seems like it's random, it will sometimes crash, but sometimes it wont crash even if you just go straight to leader traits. 

Screenshot (28).png

Edited by Lukasbrasil
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7 hours ago, Lukasbrasil said:


Same happens here, fixed it when finishing every red section the empire creator before going to the Ruler Traits, but if I try going with anything red it still crashes.





Tried it again, it crashed about 3 times even after selecting everything, 4rt time it went through and did not crash even without changing anything.

Tried again to narrow it down, but it seems like it's random, it will sometimes crash, but sometimes it wont crash even if you just go straight to leader traits.



Guess my test results might have been wrong then, chances are it had nothing to do with UI Overhaul Dynamic, and I just happened to get the random not-crash with the "_with_icon" in red text as shown in your pictures the time I tried disabling UI Overhaul.

Edited by Balah
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8 hours ago, Lukasbrasil said:

Same happens here, fixed it when finishing every red section the empire creator before going to the Ruler Traits, but if I try going with anything red it still crashes.

This bug was impossible to track down until you mentioned that little detail. Funnily enough it has almost nothing to do with the leader traits menu itself. Check the spoiler if you're curious about a detailed breakdown of how this crash worked.


Whenever the game can't find a specific asset, it will normally fallback to a default asset. But for some reason, it doesn't want to in the specific instance listed above. When you are creating a new species, the game will default to the vanilla "human"s. Since I've scrubbed "human" out of the game, the default species then falls back to my custom "babe_human"s. It then selects the first "babe_human" from the list (babe_human_female_01), assigns them as your starting ruler, and everything is fine. However, when you switch to the starting leader traits menu, the game no longer wants to use a "babe_human" portrait as your ruler, it wants to look for the specific "human" portrait (human_female_04). So, when it can't find her(because I scrubbed vanilla humans out of the game), instead of falling back on "babe_human_female_01"(like it normally would), it gets mad and crashes.  This is the only situation I've found so far where it does this. IDK why they coded it that way. It's fucking goofy. You can literally hit create new empire, select a different species, THEN GO BACK TO HUMAN, and ALL OF A SUDDEN it doesn't get mad when it can't find "human_female_04" and it just falls back on "babe_human_female_01" like it shoulda just done the first time. Geez.


14 hours ago, yeet_69 said:

The Dacha System spawned with a default species its the only species that had that problem

I implemented a fix that should hopefully work... It won't correct your save, sorry... It might also cause a crash. IDK. cause I would need to play a game and get lucky enough to find the solarpunk system. But I'm pretty sure it won't crash. I've just got create empire bug ptsd right now.

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3 hours ago, Sadist12345 said:

When you make humans/humanoids a part of the hivemind are they intended to stay clothed or is nudity still not implemented in that situation?


This isn't the Situational Nudity mod. I don't know what to tell ya.

Anyone else? Feel free to make a patch for my portrait pack for it if you want. I'm unfortunately just not interested.

Edited by Calcifire
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14 hours ago, Calcifire said:

This bug was impossible to track down until you mentioned that little detail. Funnily enough it has almost nothing to do with the leader traits menu itself. Check the spoiler if you're curious about a detailed breakdown of how this crash worked.

  Reveal hidden contents

Whenever the game can't find a specific asset, it will normally fallback to a default asset. But for some reason, it doesn't want to in the specific instance listed above. When you are creating a new species, the game will default to the vanilla "human"s. Since I've scrubbed "human" out of the game, the default species then falls back to my custom "babe_human"s. It then selects the first "babe_human" from the list (babe_human_female_01), assigns them as your starting ruler, and everything is fine. However, when you switch to the starting leader traits menu, the game no longer wants to use a "babe_human" portrait as your ruler, it wants to look for the specific "human" portrait (human_female_04). So, when it can't find her(because I scrubbed vanilla humans out of the game), instead of falling back on "babe_human_female_01"(like it normally would), it gets mad and crashes.  This is the only situation I've found so far where it does this. IDK why they coded it that way. It's fucking goofy. You can literally hit create new empire, select a different species, THEN GO BACK TO HUMAN, and ALL OF A SUDDEN it doesn't get mad when it can't find "human_female_04" and it just falls back on "babe_human_female_01" like it shoulda just done the first time. Geez.


I implemented a fix that should hopefully work... It won't correct your save, sorry... It might also cause a crash. IDK. cause I would need to play a game and get lucky enough to find the solarpunk system. But I'm pretty sure it won't crash. I've just got create empire bug ptsd right now.

I started a new game to check it didn't crash but they are still a base game portrait


Edited by yeet_69
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On 6/8/2023 at 11:55 PM, FakeyFake said:

Huge fan of the art style of this mod.


but especially after playing your Itch,io demo I kind of like the idea of building around this universe you crafted for yourself as a bit of extra rp inspiration for my games. Would be cool to see more from both the VN and in the Director's cut version of the mod someday.

Thanks. As of right now Im currently doing a script rewrite of episode 2. The tone just wasn't hitting quite right.


Now to be honest, I've considered adding a "lore bible" episode just to expand on the context and setting. At this point i ought add the Ivory Lineage to the prescripted empires list. Lel. But there would be plenty of stories to tell if I had infinite time. If I had the means, I would want to do more than just 3 short stories, but its just a heck of a lot of work. Maybe someday Ill talk about the episodes I wanted to make but just don't have time for. A lore bible episode could accomplish that.


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10 hours ago, Calcifire said:

Thanks. As of right now Im currently doing a script rewrite of episode 2. The tone just wasn't hitting quite right.


Now to be honest, I've considered adding a "lore bible" episode just to expand on the context and setting. At this point i ought add the Ivory Lineage to the prescripted empires list. Lel. But there would be plenty of stories to tell if I had infinite time. If I had the means, I would want to do more than just 3 short stories, but its just a heck of a lot of work. Maybe someday Ill talk about the episodes I wanted to make but just don't have time for. A lore bible episode could accomplish that.


Sounds cool. 

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Made some simple edits to the jackal game to make it futa. Some are good and some are not. Some are big futa, some are "regular" (not too big (slightly)). I've included the files to add them to the game, but it may become outdated in the future (probably outdated, I did it a little earlier). If you want to update it's easy to do. It does not distinguish between small futa and large futa. I'll upload it if others might like it ?(sorry for bad english)


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On 6/13/2023 at 6:41 PM, HS39 said:

Made some simple edits to the jackal game to make it futa. Some are good and some are not. Some are big futa, some are "regular" (not too big (slightly)). I've included the files to add them to the game, but it may become outdated in the future (probably outdated, I did it a little earlier). If you want to update it's easy to do. It does not distinguish between small futa and large futa. I'll upload it if others might like it ?

That's awesome. I wish I had the brain wiring to make good futa for y'all, but it makes me feel better knowing someone out there actually sat down and did it. Makes me feel bad because the jackals are kinda old. Maybe Ill give them a redux, as my way of saying thanks.

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On 6/12/2023 at 3:37 PM, Shalkerc said:

Ok so I couldn't tell if someone found a solution to the crashing issue. Is there a way to get past the ruler traits crash? If I happened to miss the solution somewhere in here please feel free to point it out and call me blind.

Just checked with the most up to date version of the director's cut pack and it doesn't seem to be fixed. I wonder if you could make a dummy portrait so that when it looks for that file it doesn't crash? Seems like it'd be the simplest way to fix it.

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Would removing the files with all the traits make things buggy? I know I need to leave the "babe_leader_traits" and the archetypes, but editing the archetypes to have the number of traits I want is easy enough. I kinda don't like my game having duplicate traits but with different costs. I do love your mod though! ❤️

edit, it looks like something is wrong as every planet has presapients. (removing 0b_uplifting_events fixed this)

edit 2, I have the same problem where the game keeps crashing when I go to pick ruler traits while my appearance is set to human.

edit 3, I don't think anything changed, but it keeps crashing when I go to pick leader traits, no matter what I do.


In case it wasn't obvious, I have no idea what I'm doing.

Edited by CoffeeGirl7
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On 6/18/2023 at 12:30 PM, CoffeeGirl7 said:

Would removing the files with all the traits make things buggy? I know I need to leave the "babe_leader_traits" and the archetypes, but editing the archetypes to have the number of traits I want is easy enough. I kinda don't like my game having duplicate traits but with different costs. I do love your mod though! ❤️

edit, it looks like something is wrong as every planet has presapients. (removing 0b_uplifting_events fixed this)

edit 2, I have the same problem where the game keeps crashing when I go to pick ruler traits while my appearance is set to human.

edit 3, I don't think anything changed, but it keeps crashing when I go to pick leader traits, no matter what I do.


In case it wasn't obvious, I have no idea what I'm doing.


It shouldn't ruin things if you delete any of the files I use to overwrite LV. 


Uplifting events are not included in the download. It's just a left over file from 3.7

Something I had already fixed a couple weeks ago.

Just delete the mod and redownload it. 


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On 6/11/2023 at 10:02 AM, Calcifire said:

This bug was impossible to track down until you mentioned that little detail. Funnily enough it has almost nothing to do with the leader traits menu itself. Check the spoiler if you're curious about a detailed breakdown of how this crash worked.

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Whenever the game can't find a specific asset, it will normally fallback to a default asset. But for some reason, it doesn't want to in the specific instance listed above. When you are creating a new species, the game will default to the vanilla "human"s. Since I've scrubbed "human" out of the game, the default species then falls back to my custom "babe_human"s. It then selects the first "babe_human" from the list (babe_human_female_01), assigns them as your starting ruler, and everything is fine. However, when you switch to the starting leader traits menu, the game no longer wants to use a "babe_human" portrait as your ruler, it wants to look for the specific "human" portrait (human_female_04). So, when it can't find her(because I scrubbed vanilla humans out of the game), instead of falling back on "babe_human_female_01"(like it normally would), it gets mad and crashes.  This is the only situation I've found so far where it does this. IDK why they coded it that way. It's fucking goofy. You can literally hit create new empire, select a different species, THEN GO BACK TO HUMAN, and ALL OF A SUDDEN it doesn't get mad when it can't find "human_female_04" and it just falls back on "babe_human_female_01" like it shoulda just done the first time. Geez.


I implemented a fix that should hopefully work... It won't correct your save, sorry... It might also cause a crash. IDK. cause I would need to play a game and get lucky enough to find the solarpunk system. But I'm pretty sure it won't crash. I've just got create empire bug ptsd right now.

I FOUND IT!! It was a missing line in the default prescipted countries, the leader class was not defined. Everything works now, no more crash at ruler trait selection.

The answer.jpg

Director'sCut with 3.8 is real now

Edited by Grimlucifer
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5 hours ago, c a r l o s said:

I am playing with the directors cut and the AI seems to fill all 15 trait slots at the very start of the game, and I was wondering if there was a way to prevent this as it's all a bit silly


delete the "species_archetypes" folder from teh mod

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5 hours ago, Grimlucifer said:

I FOUND IT!! It was a missing line in the default prescipted countries, the leader class was not defined. Everything works now, no more crash at ruler trait selection.

The answer.jpg

Director'sCut with 3.8 is real now

Just added that line of text. No more crashes when selecting ruler traits ! tyty amigo?

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