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[mod] Calcifire's Portrait Pack

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Is anyone having an issue with the council not showing anything except the empire leader (i.e. no ministers?)  Trying to figure out if I am able to finish hte one I was doing.


From what I can see it looks like overall, while not expanded yet, this is working with the new version (correct me if I am wrong)

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10 hours ago, Gelatinous Nudes said:

I have the same issue with a save game I started in 3.7: It looks like there just isn't a way to get the other council positions filled.  Ended up starting a new save.


Yeah, I tried to, but it kept crashing.  Probably going to wait until this and LV is updatd an then try again.


While I'm here, does anyone know of a high limit trait increaser that works with this?

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Got portraits working with the new version and stuff, wondering if you're playing with just the base portraits if there's any way to use the trait-specific species art as your leader portrait? It seems to not have every option just cycling through the phenotype options

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Not gonna quote anyone specific as it would be too much, so I'm just gonna make some broad statements here... Updates will typically break your saves in most games that don't present themselves as a live service title. No the mod doesn't work with 3.8 yet, I'm still working on it.


Now let's get into the news...

They changed how the gfx files are read. pre 3.8, you had to overwrite the species class files completely, you couldn't just modify them. As of now the gfx files are moddable like you'd've expected them to have been 5 fucking years ago. ANYWAY, this is really great for mod compatibility. However, the Directors Cut will continue to be a replacer of vanilla portraits and be a mod breaker, BUT I'll be making the standalone Portrait Pack even more friendly, in an awesome way. That being said, the regular Portrait Pack has been updated for 3.8, so for people who use that, go ahead and check your new download. the DC version however, is still 3.7. This is unprecedented, so apologies for that. Not only is it hard to get these paragons to spawn and test, I've been playing a lot of Age of Wonders 4 (no lewd modding potential for that game, RiP). I'm also being a little ambitious as I've been uh... editing the vanilla localization files to make the dialogue fit the new lewder portraits better. Trait Pack is dependant on LV, so that isn't up to date yet either.


I'll go ahead and post a teaser for y'all though. It's been a couple weeks since the DLC came out.




As of right now, once:: Azaryn(95%), Keides(15%), Gia'Zumon(0%), Vas the Gilded(100%), Kai-Sha(100%), and Q'la-Minder(25%) are all 100% done. I'll consider that enough content for an update. Hopefully I can get it done before Lithia pulls the trigger on LV. Once those 6 paragons are done, I want to try and mod in 2 custom paragons(shown above) before I finish out the full cast. I've also decided not to use any placeholder art for the renowned paragons that aren't finished yet, so you'll still see the vanilla paragons. ITS JUST A FUCK TON OF WORK. holy shit. 20 of these bastards. goddamn. so no ETA mang, sheeeet.

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43 minutes ago, Calcifire said:

I'll go ahead and post a teaser for y'all though. It's been a couple weeks since the DLC came out.

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I love the space cat!  I hope that you're not over-stressing yourself and losing track of time to compose the new portraits.  It's only been six days since the DLC released!

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6 hours ago, Armchair said:

I love the space cat!  I hope that you're not over-stressing yourself and losing track of time to compose the new portraits.  It's only been six days since the DLC released!


I always start working after the announcement day. However, Paradox only gave me a two weeks notice this time around, lol. Usually I get 1 or 2 months head start. Plus, the time between DLCs was much shorter this time too. Is what it is.


Yeah! The snake cat thing is fun. Like I said, Im editing dialogue too, so instead of coming out if cryo with a mystery box, I thought an organic computer pet would be more sci-fi fun. Imagine having to help you hard drive grow before you can read the data stored on it. Don't worry, the cat doesnt get sexy over time, but Keides will age up.

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On 11/23/2021 at 4:04 PM, Calcifire said:


My plan is to provide 5 new species per content update(which is separate from Stellaris development and is my just my personal roadmap). As of now, 3 of them are done and ready to go. One of which is an elderitch horror species that was requested on a different thread. Robo Deathclaws will be included in this upcoming set, as well as a new aquatic species. It'll be ready when it's ready. If this is disappointing news, then here! Have a teaser for the new "zombie" gals in the spoiler bellow...

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Until then... Hotfix for Stellaris version 3.2.0 is now live.

Excited to see the Directors cut of this update when its ready.

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12 hours ago, hexacron said:

I'm wondering if there's a way to get the portrait pack to work

You can download it just fine still, but it won't replace vanilla portraits and they'll be in their own categories for species type, which if the AI generates using them they only have a name list of like... 5-10 names so there'll be some confusion but if you don't mind that it still works as a mod, mostly.


Otherwise, wait for update

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8 hours ago, WoopoWoopo said:

You can download it just fine still, but it won't replace vanilla portraits and they'll be in their own categories for species type, which if the AI generates using them they only have a name list of like... 5-10 names so there'll be some confusion but if you don't mind that it still works as a mod, mostly.


Otherwise, wait for update

Sorry, was tired. I mean, to work as a replacement pack. 

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21 hours ago, Ardghal said:

Hi, can anyone help me?

Somehow those portraits arent working, even regular version. What have I done wrong?

Modlist and order:

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Result - no new portraits:


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How can I make this mod work?


Try a fresh instal. files from older versions of the mod will cause problems. Besides, I havent updated the Directors Cut to Stellaris 3.8 so just wait. Its not ready yet.

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2 hours ago, Calcifire said:


Try a fresh instal. files from older versions of the mod will cause problems. Besides, I havent updated the Directors Cut to Stellaris 3.8 so just wait. Its not ready yet.

Still not working, even after reinstalling the game and whole mod folder. Guess I will try to wait for Directors Cut, I cant find the problem with regular pack.

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On 5/20/2023 at 10:29 AM, Al_banehra said:

a small tiny note if you download the trait pack and the game do not detect it there is a small typo in the version in the .mod file just fix it like this


Easy fix. I've added it to the downloads, but like I've said. Until lustful void comes to 3.8 I'm holing my breath.

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On 5/15/2023 at 5:24 AM, Calcifire said:

Not gonna quote anyone specific as it would be too much, so I'm just gonna make some broad statements here... Updates will typically break your saves in most games that don't present themselves as a live service title. No the mod doesn't work with 3.8 yet, I'm still working on it.


Now let's get into the news...

They changed how the gfx files are read. pre 3.8, you had to overwrite the species class files completely, you couldn't just modify them. As of now the gfx files are moddable like you'd've expected them to have been 5 fucking years ago. ANYWAY, this is really great for mod compatibility. However, the Directors Cut will continue to be a replacer of vanilla portraits and be a mod breaker, BUT I'll be making the standalone Portrait Pack even more friendly, in an awesome way. That being said, the regular Portrait Pack has been updated for 3.8, so for people who use that, go ahead and check your new download. the DC version however, is still 3.7. This is unprecedented, so apologies for that. Not only is it hard to get these paragons to spawn and test, I've been playing a lot of Age of Wonders 4 (no lewd modding potential for that game, RiP). I'm also being a little ambitious as I've been uh... editing the vanilla localization files to make the dialogue fit the new lewder portraits better. Trait Pack is dependant on LV, so that isn't up to date yet either.


I'll go ahead and post a teaser for y'all though. It's been a couple weeks since the DLC came out.

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As of right now, once:: Azaryn(95%), Keides(15%), Gia'Zumon(0%), Vas the Gilded(100%), Kai-Sha(100%), and Q'la-Minder(25%) are all 100% done. I'll consider that enough content for an update. Hopefully I can get it done before Lithia pulls the trigger on LV. Once those 6 paragons are done, I want to try and mod in 2 custom paragons(shown above) before I finish out the full cast. I've also decided not to use any placeholder art for the renowned paragons that aren't finished yet, so you'll still see the vanilla paragons. ITS JUST A FUCK TON OF WORK. holy shit. 20 of these bastards. goddamn. so no ETA mang, sheeeet.


This is a case where I don't want 'replacement' I want 'additional'.

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