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[mod] Calcifire's Portrait Pack

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17 minutes ago, Calcifire said:


Not every species has futanari art. Only a couple of them do. For those that don't, then the futanari trait doesn't effect anything.

Pitifully. I thought there would be purely female portraits when choosing the "futanari" feature.

Edited by Redoctor
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I don't think it matters if it was releasing in a few weeks or a few years.  You can't possibly be expected to remix the characters in your own style until you actually know who they are.   At most you can try getting a head start on the few that have been teased so far.  From watching Montu's clip and looking at the video's thumbnail, I think that's:


  • Plantman the "Astrocreator"
  • The captain of that titan from that event Montu mentioned (I assume he's the level 10 birdman admiral that the UNE has on its council.  The species matches with the starship design style.  But we can't know if the race even matters in this case or if it's just dressing up a random species in a fancy uniform)
  • The blue guy who is holding that puzzle box thing
  • The dark and brooding lady
  • the Blob who's hiding in the background
  • That other blue guy with the fishbowl hat in the lower left at 0:53.  Haven't the slightest clue what his thing is.
  • edit;  Another blue guy at 17:30. 


Honestly I'm curious if their appearances even matter that much or if it's just generating them on the fly from a selection of portraits and namelists to populate a selection of paragon archetypes?



I suppose that raises the question:  Are these even unique portraits for the paragons?  The council screenshots suggest that they may have given the existing species new yearbook photos.  The portraits in the teaser trailer are new to us, but they might just be standard leader portraits that are being pulled from whatever selection of portraits are in use at the time of galaxy generation.

Edited by Armchair
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16 hours ago, Armchair said:

Honestly I'm curious if their appearances even matter that much or if it's just generating them on the fly from a selection of portraits and namelists to populate a selection of paragon archetypes?



I suppose that raises the question:  Are these even unique portraits for the paragons?  The council screenshots suggest that they may have given the existing species new yearbook photos.  The portraits in the teaser trailer are new to us, but they might just be standard leader portraits that are being pulled from whatever selection of portraits are in use at the time of galaxy generation.

Some might be uniques, others might get pulled from the species list. The "stranded scientist" is an example of a random name but always female and always human event leader that already exists in the game and will obviously be updated to this new system. Its a good thing I already gave her custom human artwork in a previous update. (Youll obviously notice she has the biggests breasts in all humanity if you get her event). There are a couple of other quest reward leaders in the game as well. Like the tyanki matriarch hunting admiral. Who has a name but uses random species portraits.


Obviously the two characters from my visual novel have the potential to be CANONized and appear in game. So i can definitely make those art assets now as opposed to after.


I know ill do a mix of cheap and high quality. Ill just give an existing portrait a custom outfit for a paragon variant. A few of my event species could easily be converted this way, but I do want to make a couple of totally new assets for a few paragons as well. Just like how I make unique species for a lot of the events.


As far as the council goes. Its just taking old assets and slapping green with scanlines on top. Probably just a filter, so I wont need to make new art... Hopefully... It could be handled by the 3D render, like how all vanilla species are actually composited and animated by the game. To which Ill likely be screwed.

Edited by Calcifire
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I'm worried about the council images a bit.  One thing that has confused me is that I've seen a variety of different portrait mods use slightly different dimensions for their DDS files, and I was always kind of puzzled as to why the DDS file had landscape style dimensions when the leader portraits all have portrait style dimensions for their portrait boxes.   I basically just used trial and error to try and position people in the right spot so that they appear in the center of the frame when you select your fleets or science ships.   My fear is that something might be different for the council screen and that within that context my leader portraits might be slightly out of frame so that it makes them all look like boomers who can't configure their webcam properly for a web conference call.

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On 4/22/2023 at 8:45 PM, Calcifire said:


I've never worked with events before, but I took a look.


If I was trying to do the same thing, I would give this a shot...

# Trees Integrate
planet_event = {
	id = colony.13
	title = "colony.13.name"
	desc = "colony.13.desc"
	picture = GFX_evt_alien_planet
	show_sound = event_alien_nature
	location = ROOT

	pre_triggers = {
		has_owner = yes

	trigger = {
		has_planet_flag = forest_pheremones_adaptation
		NOT = { has_planet_flag = forest_pheremones_integration }
		num_pops > 0

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 12

	immediate = {
		set_planet_flag = forest_pheremones_integration
		create_species = {
			name = "NAME_Migrating_Trees"
			plural = "NAME_Migrating_Trees"
			class = PLANT
			namelist = random
			portrait = babe_tree
			traits = random
			homeworld = root
			effect = {
				save_event_target_as = migrant_trees_species
		create_pop = {
			species = event_target:migrant_trees_species
		create_pop = {
			species = event_target:migrant_trees_species
		create_pop = {
			species = event_target:migrant_trees_species
	option = {
		name = colony.13.a

And then I would make a localization file that would set "colony.13.a" to "How exciting!"

Thank you for taking the time to look into it for me! I really appreciate it, I'll give it a try and see what happens.

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20 hours ago, Armchair said:

One thing that has confused me is that I've seen a variety of different portrait mods use slightly different dimensions for their DDS files, and I was always kind of puzzled as to why the DDS file had landscape style dimensions when the leader portraits all have portrait style dimensions for their portrait boxes.   I basically just used trial and error


I use two different set ups depending on my needs. A 440 wide and a 640 wide. Each one needs a different amount of blank space on the left side to work, but i havent had any issues with this.

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I just couldn't understand why any blank space on the left side was needed in the first place.  Wouldn't it make more sense for the DDS files to be a portrait style rectangle of the same dimensions as the boxes that show up when we see the leader captaining a star ship? Why would paradox make it work this way?  I basically just shrugged and thought "when in Rome" and copied what all of the other portrait mods did.

Edited by Armchair
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4 hours ago, Calcifire said:

Android lookin' sith lord from the Paragons DLC was the obvious eye catcher from the trailer.


  Hide contents



Wonder what event she'll come from. Oh, also. Knuckle glove cleavage? You degenerate, Cal.


See I was gonna come here and beg on my hands and knees for something you've already created. I should not have doubted you my lord.

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5 hours ago, voidface_ said:

If, theoretically, I wanted to separate the parasitic races' genders into two separate races how would I go about doing that?

Read THIS first, if you know absolutely nothing about the subject, but uh. I don't know of any way for a pop to check if there is a pop of another specific species on the same planet as themselves, and then how would I change it's look based on that condition being true? Nothing in the vanilla game works anywhere close like that. I don't think it's possible. Which is why I've never attempted. 


If you're okay with something JANK, I would have 2 options....


1. draw a new "parasite" species as a stand alone critter.
2. draw new male variants of "grey" to fill the void that the bugger left behind.

3. copy and paste the code from one of my other species that changes appearance based on job. Make 'em use the old "grey_male_X.dds" files when they're like brood mothers or some shit.




1. rename all the "grey_male_X.dds" files to "grey_MIXED_X.dds" or something similar.

2. draw new "parasite" art as a stand alone critter and make these the new "grey_male_X.dds" files set.

3. duplicate the "babe_grey" file and call it "babe_grey2"

4. modify "babe_grey" so that anytime it wants to render a male pop, it uses the "grey_MIXED_X.dds" files

5. modify "babe_grey2" so that anytime it wants to render a female pop, it uses the "grey_MIXED_X.dds" files AND let the males use the new "parasite" standalone art

6. create an Empire with "babe_grey" and "babe_grey2"

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On 4/25/2023 at 8:10 PM, Armchair said:

I suppose that raises the question:  Are these even unique portraits for the paragons? 


Dev Diary today basically confirmed that there are 16 unique legendary paragons. HOOOOO boi.

I'll have maybe 2 ready to go for launch day, the rest will have to wait for post launch.


TBH though. there's a lot of modding potential here, fellas. Like, I haaavvvee to pull Vivienne from my Visual Novel and make my her a legendary paragon, right? Like I have to put her into the game now, right? I think I have to. Maybe? You know what? Maybe I could throw in my little fireball guy into the game. You can't just slap futa onto your leaders, so I'll give this kameo a pass. No flaming tiddie gene modding, so I know he'll be safe from you guys. This isn't Hearts of Iron, so you also can't just wed me off to your neice. Yeah. I think I'll do it.

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If there's already been a solution posted for this, I'd be very grateful to be directed to it. I'm encountering a bug when I use the Hypersexualized Galaxy Directors Cut where every time an event could conceivably trigger I'm getting an event pop-up labeled "uplift.6000.name" with a description of "uplift.6000.desc". I went looking for a solution and people kept saying that it was caused by the "Expanded Events" mod, but the only other mods I'm running are "Lustful Void", "LV Overwrites Patch", "Base Game Gender Patch", and "UI Overhaul Dynamic", and the bug doesn't happen until the Director's Cut is installed.


Has anyone else encountered this issue? Is there already a fix? Thanks in advance for any help that can be offered.

Edited by ElegiacCrown
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22 hours ago, ElegiacCrown said:

If there's already been a solution posted for this, I'd be very grateful to be directed to it. I'm encountering a bug when I use the Hypersexualized Galaxy Directors Cut where every time an event could conceivably trigger I'm getting an event pop-up labeled "uplift.6000.name" with a description of "uplift.6000.desc". I went looking for a solution and people kept saying that it was caused by the "Expanded Events" mod, but the only other mods I'm running are "Lustful Void", "LV Overwrites Patch", "Base Game Gender Patch", and "UI Overhaul Dynamic", and the bug doesn't happen until the Director's Cut is installed.


Has anyone else encountered this issue? Is there already a fix? Thanks in advance for any help that can be offered.

Just do a fresh instal. Delete the mod and download it again.

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Well I was hoping to use this as a replacer but instead of replacing the portraits, it just adds new ones beside the old portraits in each category.  I'm using the director's cut with lustful void and no other mods.  What should I do about this?

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19 hours ago, lite said:

Well I was hoping to use this as a replacer but instead of replacing the portraits, it just adds new ones beside the old portraits in each category.  I'm using the director's cut with lustful void and no other mods.  What should I do about this?

Wait for an update. It stopped replacing once 3.8 came out.

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