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[mod] Calcifire's Portrait Pack

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4 hours ago, Wobobo123 said:

Hey anyone have this problems with text pathing in Lv 3.7+ ?


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Actually, Ive learned about a new way to handle localisation files that is more compatibility friendly. It should fix this issue and potential future issues. I'll make it my next todo.

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5 hours ago, hughgekok said:

Having a problem with the directors cut version. when i scan a planet it gives me uplift.6000.name. Any idea what is causing this?


Do you have any mods that add events into the game? Those are causing the uplift.6000.name. It means the event mod haven't been updated to the First Contact update. Take those out one by one to see if it fixes. For me it was from the More Events Mod.

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On 4/14/2023 at 2:37 PM, hughgekok said:

Having a problem with the directors cut version. when i scan a planet it gives me uplift.6000.name. Any idea what is causing this?


Pretty much know for a fact that my mod doesn't touch uplifting events. I went ahead an double checked and didn't find anything.


On 4/14/2023 at 6:09 AM, Wobobo123 said:

First one is from new machine orgin and its look like its try to use lv trait not directors cut one.
Secound one probably need to be send to lv forum but if someone here know solution to repair text patching I will be grateful :)

For everyone else having issues like these. I've updated the mod with new localization files. For this fix, you will NEED to delete the old directors cut before installing teh latest(specifically just the localization folder).

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For those of you who only follow me here, I just wanted to let everyone know that I made another ::little mod:: on the side.


I didn't include it with the Directors Cut, because I know a lot of people don't like playing with my art BUT would still stand to gain from this little module I made anyway. It's a half baked work in progress mod, but I thought I'd go ahead and share it anyway. The mod page already says it all. Go check it out!!!

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Hello, I am also getting the uplift.6000.name issue on every planet that I scan. I am not running expanded events or More events mods, which seem to be the cause for most people. I've gone through my whole list and am sure the directors cut version is throwing this issue. I know you said it doesn't touch anything with uplifting, but could it be doing something with planet events in general, since its happening every planet scan?  Could it also be caused by an interaction with a different mod, since you didn't find any issues?

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22 hours ago, Calcifire said:

:: N E W M O D A N O U N C E M E N T :: _ 



對於那些只在這里關注我的人,我只是想讓大家知道我 在旁邊 製作了另一個:: little mod :: 。


我沒有將它包含在 Director Cut 中,因為我知道很多人不喜歡玩我的藝術作品,但無論如何仍然會從我製作的這個小模塊中獲益。這是一個半生不熟的正在進行的工作模式,但我想我還是會繼續分享它。模組頁面已經說明了一切。去看看吧!

I like this mod , thanks Calcifire ❤️

Edited by Madmonth
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5 hours ago, spryshadowbomb said:

Hello, I am also getting the uplift.6000.name issue on every planet that I scan. I am not running expanded events or More events mods, which seem to be the cause for most people. I've gone through my whole list and am sure the directors cut version is throwing this issue. I know you said it doesn't touch anything with uplifting, but could it be doing something with planet events in general, since its happening every planet scan?  Could it also be caused by an interaction with a different mod, since you didn't find any issues?

That's cool, I'll get technical.

"uplift.6000" is a reference id. Every event window in the game has it's own id. uplift.6000 is found within "uplifting_events.txt"(which my mod doesn't touch) and it is the event that plays when you discover a pre-ftl species. it's just a pop up box that informs you that your science ship has discovered one.

Whenever I scan my text files for "uplift.6000" I don't get any hits. sorry.


Now, what you could try, is deleting my mod. and then downloading it again. If my mod edited the uplifting_events fils at anytime in the past, then it still existing would be a problem. So just do a fresh instal and see if the bug still persists.

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23 hours ago, Calcifire said:

That's cool, I'll get technical.

"uplift.6000" is a reference id. Every event window in the game has it's own id. uplift.6000 is found within "uplifting_events.txt"(which my mod doesn't touch) and it is the event that plays when you discover a pre-ftl species. it's just a pop up box that informs you that your science ship has discovered one.

Whenever I scan my text files for "uplift.6000" I don't get any hits. sorry.


Now, what you could try, is deleting my mod. and then downloading it again. If my mod edited the uplifting_events fils at anytime in the past, then it still existing would be a problem. So just do a fresh instal and see if the bug still persists.

A fresh install did fix it. Thanks for the help.

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Hi everyone. 

I need help, you see - Calcifire's portrait's just don't show up in race creation menu. At first i was thinking this is because my mods conflicting, but then after i turned on only Lustful Void and calcifire's portrait pack directors cut it still isn't worked. Every other mod for now seems to work fine.


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On 4/18/2023 at 12:09 AM, Madmonth said:

here, enjoy your chinese translation


I'll be sure to pop this into the mod before my next update.


On 4/18/2023 at 12:49 AM, Madmonth said:

and sorry for delay months, deathclaw suit is online now

He actually did it. The madmonth-man


5 hours ago, LoliDefender19 said:

Calcifire's portrait's just don't show up in race creation menu. At first i was thinking this is because my mods conflicting, but then after i turned on only Lustful Void and calcifire's portrait pack directors cut it still isn't worked. Every other mod for now seems to work fine.

I am going to assume there was something wrong with the installation process. considering that "spryshadowbomb" just did a fresh instal and got the mod running, makes ne pretty confident that I have just uploading something BROKE. If my installation steps on the mod page didn't suffice, there are plenty of more in depth mod tutorials found in the ether. To help test, though. You can always run my mod by itself without LV and it'll still run.

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7 hours ago, Calcifire said:

I'll be sure to pop this into the mod before my next update.


He actually did it. The madmonth-man


I am going to assume there was something wrong with the installation process. considering that "spryshadowbomb" just did a fresh instal and got the mod running, makes ne pretty confident that I have just uploading something BROKE. If my installation steps on the mod page didn't suffice, there are plenty of more in depth mod tutorials found in the ether. To help test, though. You can always run my mod by itself without LV and it'll still run.

Well, neither director's cut nor standard version works. I've been lurking in mod's folder, portraits section. Some species had pictures, some not, so I'm guess that's yeah, I may somehow downloaded it wrong? 

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On 4/19/2023 at 6:19 PM, LoliDefender19 said:

Hi everyone. 

I need help, you see - Calcifire's portrait's just don't show up in race creation menu. At first i was thinking this is because my mods conflicting, but then after i turned on only Lustful Void and calcifire's portrait pack directors cut it still isn't worked. Every other mod for now seems to work fine.



Do you have mod on "read only" in settings ? if you dont set it like this stellaris change mod path and mod will not work.

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So, I tried to code an event for the first time and it didn't seem to work out. Dunno if it's me trying to use art from your mod that's not properly set up for what I'm trying to do, or if I parsed this totally wrong, but besides cutting/pasting the format and most of the other functions from other places in the events text file I was in... Nothing's really hand-written:

# Trees Integrate
planet_event = {
    id = colony.13
    title = "colony.13.name"
    desc = "colony.13.desc"
    picture = GFX_evt_alien_planet
    show_sound = event_alien_nature
    location = ROOT

    pre_triggers = {
        has_owner = yes

    trigger = {
        has_planet_flag = forest_pheremones_adaptation
        NOT = { has_planet_flag = forest_pheremones_integration }
        num_pops > 0

    mean_time_to_happen = {
        months = 12

    immediate = {
        set_planet_flag = forest_pheremones_integration
        create_species = {
            name = "NAME_Migrating_Trees"
            plural = "NAME_Migrating_Trees"
            class = PLANT
            namelist = random
            portrait = babe_tree
            traits = random
            homeworld = root
                while = {
                    count = 3
                    create_pop = {
                        species = last_created_species
    option = {
        name = EXCITING

I had this added into the colony_events file where the rest of the migrating forests event chain sits. Mainly I just wanted to see the trees without having to go murderhobo on them... Not sure what I did wrong though. Lol.

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22 minutes ago, WolfOfPasloe said:

So, I tried to code an event for the first time and it didn't seem to work out.


I've never worked with events before, but I took a look.


If I was trying to do the same thing, I would give this a shot...

# Trees Integrate
planet_event = {
	id = colony.13
	title = "colony.13.name"
	desc = "colony.13.desc"
	picture = GFX_evt_alien_planet
	show_sound = event_alien_nature
	location = ROOT

	pre_triggers = {
		has_owner = yes

	trigger = {
		has_planet_flag = forest_pheremones_adaptation
		NOT = { has_planet_flag = forest_pheremones_integration }
		num_pops > 0

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 12

	immediate = {
		set_planet_flag = forest_pheremones_integration
		create_species = {
			name = "NAME_Migrating_Trees"
			plural = "NAME_Migrating_Trees"
			class = PLANT
			namelist = random
			portrait = babe_tree
			traits = random
			homeworld = root
			effect = {
				save_event_target_as = migrant_trees_species
		create_pop = {
			species = event_target:migrant_trees_species
		create_pop = {
			species = event_target:migrant_trees_species
		create_pop = {
			species = event_target:migrant_trees_species
	option = {
		name = colony.13.a

And then I would make a localization file that would set "colony.13.a" to "How exciting!"

Edited by Calcifire
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12 hours ago, DoYouSeeJay said:

Any plans for more trait specific edits to already existent species?


Nah I've stepped away from the Portrait Pack for anything that isn't bugs or Stellaris updates.


But I always listen to people's inputs and I try to be accommodating most times. Only thing, is if a species already has a "gimmick" then they aren't a good candidate in my book. The code work gets out of hand real fast with the more bells and whistles you give a species and there are still plenty of neglected species that haven't gotten any love yet. So, if I think someone has a cool idea, I'll probably do it.

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