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[mod] Calcifire's Portrait Pack

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Love the mod, and all the new machine traits. Makes playing the sexbot-pleasure-palace much more fun. Im having a problem with the organic combo traits though. They're not showing up on empire creation. Not sure if that's as intended, like you're supposed to use late-game gene editing to make them better or not. Fantastic update all the same.

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13 hours ago, Calcifire said:


I was also hoping Lithia would include the combo traits she has been working on this go round, but alas, she has not. I'll go ahead and release mine then, in the hopes of whatever she has cooking won't conflict.



Thanks for the blazing quick update regardless.

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23 minutes ago, anbuagent12 said:

They're not showing up on empire creation. Not sure if that's as intended, like you're supposed to use late-game gene editing to make them better or not.


Correct. The two combo traits that already come with LV are both late game. It just made sense to do mine the same way. They are considered advanced traits.

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I really love this mod.  Thanks Calcifire!


Just a question though.  Why did you choose to put all your portraits into their own categories (BABE1, BABE2, etc...) instead of putting them into the normal base game categories (humanoid, lithoid, etc...)?


Would it break anything if I edit my local copy of your mod to put your portraits into those categories?  I have a bunch of portrait mods, and I'm trying to cut down on having like 50 categories.

Edited by dastardlii
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14 minutes ago, dastardlii said:

I really love this mod.  Thanks Calcifire!


Just a question though.  Why did you choose to put all your portraits into their own categories (BABE1, BABE2, etc...) instead of putting them into the normal base game categories (humanoid, lithoid, etc...)?


Would it break anything if I edit my local copy of your mod to put your portraits into those categories?  I have a bunch of portrait mods, and I'm trying to cut down on having like 50 categories.


You had three options to choose from when clicking the download button, you just picked the wrong one. Read the mod descriptions if you still don't understand.

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36 minutes ago, dastardlii said:

I really love this mod.  Thanks Calcifire!


Just a question though.  Why did you choose to put all your portraits into their own categories (BABE1, BABE2, etc...) instead of putting them into the normal base game categories (humanoid, lithoid, etc...)?


Would it break anything if I edit my local copy of your mod to put your portraits into those categories?  I have a bunch of portrait mods, and I'm trying to cut down on having like 50 categories.

The advantage of having a new species defined in its own category is that the files that define that species will be unique and segregated from any other mods.  That's why Calcifire mentioned in the OP that the standard portrait pack shouldn't conflict with other mods.  Unless other mods are also defining species classes that are exactly named "BABE1, BABE2, etc", then you don't need to worry about another mod breaking this one or vice-versa.



However, when you try integrating a species into an existing species class, then you need to alter one of the game's vanilla files to add your new species to that species class definition.  That introduces a higher risk that another mod will also edit the same file.  Whose version of the file takes precedence?  That's what your load order will define.  But by overruling one mod's version of the file, you're going to break that mod.  The easy fix at that point is to pick your favorite mod and abandon the other conflicting ones, but alternatively you could try to merge the mods by dusting off a text editor and fixing it all by hand.


So in summary, if you're very concerned about avoiding breaking anything, then keep the standard version of the mod where everything has been split off into BABE1/BABE2/etc.  But if you really want to have Calcifire's portraits be implemented within the default species classes, then make use of the Director's cut.  Just know that you may need to resolve any mod conflicts if multiple portrait mods try to edit the same species definitions.



I think that basically sums it up.  Honestly I'm a bit new at modding stellaris myself so I might get some things wrong.

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Thanks for the clarifications.  I understand that the directors cut version would do what I'm asking, but it also includes the new traits, which i didn't really want.


I suppose I was hoping there would be some mod technique like the XML patching in Rimworld, where you could add to the base species categories without completely overwriting the vanilla file.  Guess not.


I'll just use the directors cut version.  Thanks again for the awesome work Calcifire.

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46 minutes ago, dastardlii said:

Thanks for the clarifications.  I understand that the directors cut version would do what I'm asking, but it also includes the new traits, which i didn't really want.


I suppose I was hoping there would be some mod technique like the XML patching in Rimworld, where you could add to the base species categories without completely overwriting the vanilla file.  Guess not.


I'll just use the directors cut version.  Thanks again for the awesome work Calcifire.

Dastardlii, I think that I misspoke slightly.  I apologize for the confusion.  I'm still learning a bit.


I suppose it's not the files themselves that matter so much as the definitions within the files.  To try to wrap your head around this, I recommend taking a quick peek at a different mod.  Mugginnato included a variety of "compatibility patch" files alongside his Vanilla Framework mod that address the collision problem that I was trying to describe yesterday.  Mugginnato's mod encounters that problem that I was warning about when you try to run it alongside other mods such as Lewd Galaxy.  The compatibility patch files alter Vanilla Framework to reconcile the problems and allow both mods to work simultaneously.



For example, the vanilla game has a file named "00_species_classes.txt".  One of the definitions defined within that file is "HUM", which defines the biological humanoid species archetype.  Vanilla Framework contains a file named "_100_VF_Humanoids_classes.txt" that ALSO defines HUM.  The files themselves are different, but due to the load order the definition for HUM within vanilla framework takes precedence.  This definitions of HUM contains everything needed to make VF's humanoid portraits function.   Lewd Galaxy has a file named "00_species_classes.txt" which has its own definition of HUM that enables its lewd galaxy portraits.   We can't have all of these definitions of HUM.  Only the one with the greatest priority survives.  The compatibility patch file is named "_101_VF_Lewd_Galaxy_patch_1.6.txt", and this file contains yet another definition for HUM.  This one is essentially a merger bewtween VF's _100_VF_Humanoids_classes.txt and Lewd Galaxy's 00_species_classes.txt so that it can support both mods simultaneously.



In sounds like in Rimworld you were appending new content to the species categories, while here each mod is writing new definitions for the categories.  Calcifire's standard mod is "safe" because it is highly unlikely that any other mod will try to touch the definitions of BABE1, BABE2, BABE3, etc.  But many mods may attempt to redefine HUM.



If you can get a grasp of how Mugginnato fixes the "too many cooks in the kitchen problem" with the default species definitions, then you can adapt that knowledge to customize your installation of Calcifire's mod to integrate Calcifire's portraits within the default categories alongside whichever other portrait mods that you want.  The goal that you described in your previous post is possible.  It just will require a bit of elbow grease on your part.



Edited by Armchair
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2 hours ago, dastardlii said:

Thanks for the clarifications.  I understand that the directors cut version would do what I'm asking, but it also includes the new traits, which i didn't really want.

If you're looking to avoid the elbow grease, at least for a bit, you could cut the traits out of the director's cut.  The traits are in 'common', the replacement pictures in 'gfx', and the descriptors in 'localisation'.

(Random side thought:  Anyone know the first Stellaris coder who put an 's' in localization, thus forcing us all to spell it that way forever more?)

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6 minutes ago, EmmaZail said:

(Random side thought:  Anyone know the first Stellaris coder who put an 's' in localization, thus forcing us all to spell it that way forever more?)

You're asking for some DEEP CUTS THERE. I don't think any modders from 2016 are still around

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Probably someone over at paradox.  It's spelled "localisation" in the game's installation directory.   From there I suspect that modders simply copied the folder structure verbatim to stay in lockstep with paradox just to keep everything organized in a consistent manner even if the typo is dumb.

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4 hours ago, Trigoniris said:

doesn't really affect anything, but combo traits don't have text to them so they just show as "trait_babe_battle_thralls" for example in game

 Ah, I musta forgot to overwrite the old lacalizzzzation before posting it. I'll have a fix uploaded at the end of today.

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3 hours ago, dastardlii said:


I saw that as well.  if it helps, here are screenshots.

Oh yeah, I don't even need to launch the game to fix this. Like I was sayin, the version of the mod I develop on doesn't have this issue, I just forgot to include the most up to date localization file in the public build when I uploaded it.


Here is the file if you know what to do with it...


For everyone else, I'm uploading the fix to the download page as I type this.

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1 hour ago, TOPSNEAKY said:

Hello, Two points, A) love the mod, it's great. B) In the developers cut version, is there supposed to be a "humanoids" section separate from the "human" section? Cause I don't have that.



Because the DC version is a replacer, that means it is irreparably tied to the DLC packs. I don't know if it's still possible, but when I released this mod a couple of years ago it was totally possible to let you use the DLC species packs through modding without paying for it. Since I don't want to have to deal with any legalese, I have rightly restrict some of my mods content. If you want to play with the Humanoids species or any of the other species DLCs, then you either have to buy them or use the regular version of my mod. Just the way it is.

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22 minutes ago, Calcifire said:


Because the DC version is a replacer, that means it is irreparably tied to the DLC packs. I don't know if it's still possible, but when I released this mod a couple of years ago it was totally possible to let you use the DLC species packs through modding without paying for it. Since I don't want to have to deal with any legalese, I have rightly restrict some of my mods content. If you want to play with the Humanoids species or any of the other species DLCs, then you either have to buy them or use the regular version of my mod. Just the way it is.

Ok, good to know thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Amazing portraits, thank you very much for your work.

There seems to be an error in 0b_portraits_vaulter.txt which causes all vaulter portraits to switch to faction leader's gender independent of other genders. You have to replace a few ruler = {gender = (fe)male} in latter half of the text file with just gender = (fe)male like it is in other files. I think there's four in total, and I'm not sure if there are similar errors in any other races.

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21 hours ago, DecaySociety22 said:

Just a quick question: Did the number of allowed traits or trait points reduce in the new update?  

Yes. Ive always been trying to hit a middle ground between customizability and the AI abusing that power to go nuts.


14 hours ago, gortyborty said:

Amazing portraits, thank you very much for your work.

There seems to be an error in 0b_portraits_vaulter.txt

Gotcha. Ill try and have an fix made when I get off work


Edit:: kk, fix is live. I also did a pass and fixed this same issue for the... Mosswitch, Princess Toadstool, Weredogs, Rockworms, Radiotrophs, Death Psykers, Insect Parasites, Octopussy, Mushroom Symbiotes, Blockhead, Mantid, Intergalactic Invader, Goth(I think I remember someone bringing that up, but I never knew why it was happening till now), Greys, Dorito Gremlin, Pale Demon, AND FINALLY the Flower people things with no faces that scare me.

Edited by Calcifire
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7 hours ago, Calcifire said:

Yes. Ive always been trying to hit a middle ground between customizability and the AI abusing that power to go nuts.


Gotcha. Ill try and have an fix made when I get off work


Edit:: kk, fix is live. I also did a pass and fixed this same issue for the... Mosswitch, Princess Toadstool, Weredogs, Rockworms, Radiotrophs, Death Psykers, Insect Parasites, Octopussy, Mushroom Symbiotes, Blockhead, Mantid, Intergalactic Invader, Goth(I think I remember someone bringing that up, but I never knew why it was happening till now), Greys, Dorito Gremlin, Pale Demon, AND FINALLY the Flower people things with no faces that scare me.


Yeah, that was me.  I just didn't know what they were called.


Quick question: Would a "more trait points" mod after it in the load order work?  (one way or the other, its' awesome, I'm just wondering)

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Hey anyone have this problems with text pathing in Lv 3.7+ ?

First one is from new machine orgin and its look like its try to use lv trait not directors cut one.
Secound one probably need to be send to lv forum but if someone here know solution to repair text patching I will be grateful :)









Edited by Wobobo123
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