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[mod] Calcifire's Portrait Pack

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On 2/19/2023 at 7:04 PM, hexacron said:

I don't think they ever shared it XD I know I asked.

Yeh, that's what I thought, but I couldn't remember. Such a shame.


21 hours ago, SohCahToa said:

Dumb question but is the visual novel you're working on a mod for Stellaris or a standalone project? Interested to see what you've been working on.


It's a standalone project made in renpy. Doing some kind of MASSIVE event chain inside the vanilla game just wouldn't work. But while it's technically standalone, the story is still based on my mod, Lustful Void, and set in the Stellaris-esque universe. Since, we're getting closer to the release of the First Contact DLC, I think I'll hold off on sharing anymore teasers, but I can give y'all a wall of text.


I have plans to make 3 different short stories, with each episode featuring a different species. As of right now episode 1 is 100% done... I just got done with all the code work and story writing for episode 2, so now begins the (likely another year long) process of doing all the artwork. Eventually, I also want to have a sort of "lore bible" as well, for people who want more context based around the setting. For example, I'll name drop that the cowgirl species totally exist in the galaxy but not much else is said about them. So that'll be a good place to expound on topics without destroying the pacing or interrupting organic dialogue between characters.


The short stories are pretty short. You can probably read through episode 1 in like 10 minutes, with maybe taking another 10 or so to unlock other endings. Though this is gonna be like old school gaming days with no walkthroughs, so if you want the "good ending"... good fucking luck I guess. I wish I could track metrics on it because, I'd want to know what percent of players get the good ending on the first try. Actually the "bad ending" might be more obscure since you have to be a royal fuck up to get that one.

When it's out, it'll be free. Even when I get episode 3 done, the whole thing will always be free. Just like the portrait mod, I'm doing this for all fun and that means I've already gotten everything I wanted out of it. Even though I'm stepping into the adult visual novel world, I'm not doing it to sell erotica. I'm just venting creativity, and that means it's not for general audience scores. For example, when you first boot up episode 1 it's gonna greet you guys with a opening that only natives to loverslab are going to appreciate. Which is funny, because I'm sure a couple of random fucking people are gonna find my VN on itch.io and they're gonna be so fucking lost. I can't possibly imagine how confusing and strange it's gonna be if you don't know a single thing about Lustful Void or Stellaris. Rest in Peace you rando bro.


But yeh, I'm feeling positive. Once it's out, I won't feel bad about spoilers and I'll be posting work in progress pics of episode 2 to my newgrounds account every now and again.

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On 8/5/2022 at 7:39 PM, Madmonth said:

long time no see~ and I have something for you!!I wanna draw some comic, but I'm hard to choice which one..........

so which one you will be more interesting? Robot or Rock?

Bythe way, may I creat some portraits? just like pic you see down there~





5 hours ago, Calcifire said:

Yeh, that's what I thought, but I couldn't remember. Such a shame.


It's a standalone project made in renpy. Doing some kind of MASSIVE event chain inside the vanilla game just wouldn't work. But while it's technically standalone, the story is still based on my mod, Lustful Void, and set in the Stellaris-esque universe. Since, we're getting closer to the release of the First Contact DLC, I think I'll hold off on sharing anymore teasers, but I can give y'all a wall of text.


I have plans to make 3 different short stories, with each episode featuring a different species. As of right now episode 1 is 100% done... I just got done with all the code work and story writing for episode 2, so now begins the (likely another year long) process of doing all the artwork. Eventually, I also want to have a sort of "lore bible" as well, for people who want more context based around the setting. For example, I'll name drop that the cowgirl species totally exist in the galaxy but not much else is said about them. So that'll be a good place to expound on topics without destroying the pacing or interrupting organic dialogue between characters.


The short stories are pretty short. You can probably read through episode 1 in like 10 minutes, with maybe taking another 10 or so to unlock other endings. Though this is gonna be like old school gaming days with no walkthroughs, so if you want the "good ending"... good fucking luck I guess. I wish I could track metrics on it because, I'd want to know what percent of players get the good ending on the first try. Actually the "bad ending" might be more obscure since you have to be a royal fuck up to get that one.

When it's out, it'll be free. Even when I get episode 3 done, the whole thing will always be free. Just like the portrait mod, I'm doing this for all fun and that means I've already gotten everything I wanted out of it. Even though I'm stepping into the adult visual novel world, I'm not doing it to sell erotica. I'm just venting creativity, and that means it's not for general audience scores. For example, when you first boot up episode 1 it's gonna greet you guys with a opening that only natives to loverslab are going to appreciate. Which is funny, because I'm sure a couple of random fucking people are gonna find my VN on itch.io and they're gonna be so fucking lost. I can't possibly imagine how confusing and strange it's gonna be if you don't know a single thing about Lustful Void or Stellaris. Rest in Peace you rando bro.


But yeh, I'm feeling positive. Once it's out, I won't feel bad about spoilers and I'll be posting work in progress pics of episode 2 to my newgrounds account every now and again.

I think this person mean that edit. cat/deathclaw picture

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21 hours ago, Tettris2016 said:

I have a request. I love your art and I like to use it more. But I like to play for achievements. Is there any way you make Calcifire's Portrait Pack work with achievement and ironman? Or make a version that works with achievement?

I thought people just hex edited the stellaris.exe to pull that off. I've never done it, but im pretty sure that's what you do.

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23 hours ago, Tettris2016 said:

I have a request. I love your art and I like to use it more. But I like to play for achievements. Is there any way you make Calcifire's Portrait Pack work with achievement and ironman? Or make a version that works with achievement?

There's a guide on steam for hex editing the executable to allow playing with mods and achievements/ironman:
I've been using this method for a while now and can confirm it fully works with Lustful Void + Calcifire's Portrait Pack!

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Calc I want you to know you got me on a femboy thick thighed aliens kick. Tho, Saddly, I lost all the work I had done trying to make cute males for some of the races. X.x. hard drive I was storing all my gimp files on diiiiied.


Hope some of the racial updates/upcoming races got some Traps or cute characters like the Diseases or the toll bois. 

Hmmm, though I I wonder, v1/v2 ultrakill male synths... hmmm... Mayhaps. 



Edited by hexacron
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21 hours ago, hexacron said:

Saddly, I lost all the work I had done trying to make cute males for some of the races. X.x. hard drive I was storing all my gimp files on diiiiied.


Hmmm, though I I wonder, v1/v2 ultrakill male synths... hmmm... Mayhaps. 


Oof. My condolences.

I lost a hard drive about 13 years ago, and that was a heartbreaker even to this day. Because a lot of the first things I ever drew inside a computer are lost to the ether. It was a good lesson to be had at a young age, I keep an external harddrive for backups these days. So an HD malfunction will only set me back a few months.

But yeh, that sucks, man.


I hope you can take it and stride and continue the work though. I always like to see peoples work.

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On 2/21/2023 at 3:34 AM, Hutawa said:

I think this person mean that edit. cat/deathclaw picture


Since we're sharing customized species art that will never see the light of day. here's this.



Yeah, no, this'll never be integrated into the public release. BWAHahahaahah. While the amorphic species archetype has a couple of vacancies he could fill, people complain about my joke males enough already as it is. Ah fuck! Drawing the female species variants would feel like gender bending, yeesh. No matter how much I'm sure someone out there would like that... Yeah, no. I just had a goof one day. I have the power, why not use it? So no, sorry, but you won't be enslaving MY BOI anytime soon.

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On 2/14/2023 at 8:38 PM, Calcifire said:


That's more to work with. Super strange, but I had a fiddle.

I'm pretty confident that it's not my mod's fault. But just in case. Can you drop this modified file into the C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\mod\calcifires_hypersexualized_galaxy\events folder? It'll replace the one that already currently exists for my mod. Just replace it with this new one and let me know how it goes.


babe_leader_gender_events.txt 1.03 kB · 7 downloads


Basically, I know I have some really old junk code still in that file, but it's basically checking for a flag from a civic that doesn't even exists anymore. So idk how you could be triggering it, but I basically deleted that section, now. so if this don't fix your issue, I'm like 99.99% sure it's not my mod doing it.


I put in the new file.  Not sure how much effect it had.  Nothing happened until the next election, but then some of the portraits did change back.  Some of htem are still locked to whatever sex the main species leader is.


Basically the following are still locked:

All governors of the primary species and the two organic species in my federation

All scientists of the primary species (on all screens)


The following are now normal:

Other governors

Scientists of the non-primary species on the recruitment and ship highlight view.


Generals of the non-primary species


The following were always normal:

A species with the big musclular eyeless guys with horns, who never seemed affected 

The small pop pictures on the planet screen


One thing I do want to say, I appreciate the mod, and everything so I don't want it to seem like I"m complaining.  I tend to get interested, in why htis sort of thing happens, though and it's a bug so I'm reporting it.  SOmetimes people get irritated.

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On 2/22/2023 at 4:36 PM, Calcifire said:


Oof. My condolences.

I lost a hard drive about 13 years ago, and that was a heartbreaker even to this day. Because a lot of the first things I ever drew inside a computer are lost to the ether. It was a good lesson to be had at a young age, I keep an external harddrive for backups these days. So an HD malfunction will only set me back a few months.

But yeh, that sucks, man.


I hope you can take it and stride and continue the work though. I always like to see peoples work.

Hopefully. Probably after the next update I'll feel some spark. For now Imma keep playing the disease race. They are too cute for me to not play them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a week left to go LADS!!! I can't wait. I'm excited, so I want to share a teaser before updating the mod for the First Contact DLC. I'll be honest, I have no idea what all I've changed since last time... But I know I did a Redux for the big hands humanoid species at some point. Pic bellow.





Its funny, because I had made them before Cyberpunk 2077 had even delayed it's release date yet. (can't believe how old my mod is). But I was giving them a unique asset for the "comfort workers" job(it's the nightingale's trick or treatment cosplay one.) and I knew I had to give one of them V's jacket. So then I went and redid all the artwork for 'em while I was at it.


Fun fact, I forget who it was, or where I saw it. But they must have been someone's favorite species, because I remember seeing this modified image. I know you guys like to do edits of my work, and that's awesome! But, someone did like a realistic rendition of them, using their model as a base. It was just a screenshot of someone's game, and I noticed they were playing with their own custom asset based on them... Like I said, I wish I could find that post. I know it wasn't shared in this thread, but idk where else I could have seen it. Maybe I might have seen in in LV's discord server. WHOEVER YOU ARE, I hope you're still around, 'cause I gotsta know. Do you like these more? or do you still like the old ones better? Just like the mythical Kitty Cat Deathclaw Mecha hybrids post, I wish they'd share it.


In other news, I know I did add at least like 6 new event species for the upcoming update. I'll save that image for the official mod update post. But I will say! That stranded human scientist you can recruit got her own looks now. She's still using the base human model, but she's clearly being done some... lewd scientific experiments on herself. OH! plus, I did a male event species for a change. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? I tried really hard this time guys, I swear, but I don't know what I'm doing. I normally don't even try, I'm just a cis het boy. Men aren't sexually attractive to me, so I don't know what I'm supposed to do to make them look hot. You guys ask for futa all the time, and I try and accommodate, but I'm just shooting in the dark with this stuff. I'm just trying to temper expectations. They'll have a chance to appear as a fellow empire for the "common ground", "hegemony", or "imperial fiefdom" origins. So when March 14th rolls around, just keep re roll that origin until you get them.


I know for a fact I'm probably gonna release my VN with some bugs on March 14th and embarrass myself. I say that just because I fumbled it when I first released the portrait pack, back in the day, and I've never release a standalone fucking game before, but It'll be fine. It'll be fine. I'm tempted to do a private early release on Sunday. Just dump a fucking google drive link before publishing on itch.io. IDK. Maybe.

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On 3/7/2023 at 10:34 PM, Calcifire said:

Just a week left to go LADS!!! I can't wait. I'm excited, so I want to share a teaser before updating the mod for the First Contact DLC. I'll be honest, I have no idea what all I've changed since last time... But I know I did a Redux for the big hands humanoid species at some point. Pic bellow.


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Its funny, because I had made them before Cyberpunk 2077 had even delayed it's release date yet. (can't believe how old my mod is). But I was giving them a unique asset for the "comfort workers" job(it's the nightingale's trick or treatment cosplay one.) and I knew I had to give one of them V's jacket. So then I went and redid all the artwork for 'em while I was at it.


Fun fact, I forget who it was, or where I saw it. But they must have been someone's favorite species, because I remember seeing this modified image. I know you guys like to do edits of my work, and that's awesome! But, someone did like a realistic rendition of them, using their model as a base. It was just a screenshot of someone's game, and I noticed they were playing with their own custom asset based on them... Like I said, I wish I could find that post. I know it wasn't shared in this thread, but idk where else I could have seen it. Maybe I might have seen in in LV's discord server. WHOEVER YOU ARE, I hope you're still around, 'cause I gotsta know. Do you like these more? or do you still like the old ones better? Just like the mythical Kitty Cat Deathclaw Mecha hybrids post, I wish they'd share it.


In other news, I know I did add at least like 6 new event species for the upcoming update. I'll save that image for the official mod update post. But I will say! That stranded human scientist you can recruit got her own looks now. She's still using the base human model, but she's clearly being done some... lewd scientific experiments on herself. OH! plus, I did a male event species for a change. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? I tried really hard this time guys, I swear, but I don't know what I'm doing. I normally don't even try, I'm just a cis het boy. Men aren't sexually attractive to me, so I don't know what I'm supposed to do to make them look hot. You guys ask for futa all the time, and I try and accommodate, but I'm just shooting in the dark with this stuff. I'm just trying to temper expectations. They'll have a chance to appear as a fellow empire for the "common ground", "hegemony", or "imperial fiefdom" origins. So when March 14th rolls around, just keep re roll that origin until you get them.


I know for a fact I'm probably gonna release my VN with some bugs on March 14th and embarrass myself. I say that just because I fumbled it when I first released the portrait pack, back in the day, and I've never release a standalone fucking game before, but It'll be fine. It'll be fine. I'm tempted to do a private early release on Sunday. Just dump a fucking google drive link before publishing on itch.io. IDK. Maybe.


Ratfinks, Suicide tanks, and Cannibal girls. 


I love the updated Redux looks, the Redux of the Disease race, and this I simply love them. Some more certainly need some love.


If you want my advise on like, femboys and hot males. I'd say the Following are Hot males you do, : Elf and drow Males, (just wish they had hair). The Disease maless are hot, The Void males are cute. The Molten Males are beefcakes. Hyphae males are hot. The Eel Males are hot in their own odd way. and the Nebula males

Balls are the tits of the Pelvis. (weird saying I know xD). Male versions don't need to be all too different from their Babe counterparts.  I mean when I had all my files what I was doing was I had made monochrome versions of dicks of some species. Made a flat-chest version or a female race, then slapped the bulge or  dick (and balls sometimes) onto the flat slightly beefed up frame. Viola, easy way to make Males that keep up the same vibe or theme. Like the Nebula males are a perfect example.

but it is neat to sea extreme dimorphism between the males and females sometimes x3.


I love the Owls, even if they don't have much to them. And the female turtles look amazing.


You always kill it with your female Aliens. Even the more non-humanoid ones are good looking! 


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On 3/7/2023 at 11:34 PM, Calcifire said:

Just a week left to go LADS!!! I can't wait. I'm excited, so I want to share a teaser before updating the mod for the First Contact DLC. I'll be honest, I have no idea what all I've changed since last time... But I know I did a Redux for the big hands humanoid species at some point. Pic bellow.


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Its funny, because I had made them before Cyberpunk 2077 had even delayed it's release date yet. (can't believe how old my mod is). But I was giving them a unique asset for the "comfort workers" job(it's the nightingale's trick or treatment cosplay one.) and I knew I had to give one of them V's jacket. So then I went and redid all the artwork for 'em while I was at it.


Fun fact, I forget who it was, or where I saw it. But they must have been someone's favorite species, because I remember seeing this modified image. I know you guys like to do edits of my work, and that's awesome! But, someone did like a realistic rendition of them, using their model as a base. It was just a screenshot of someone's game, and I noticed they were playing with their own custom asset based on them... Like I said, I wish I could find that post. I know it wasn't shared in this thread, but idk where else I could have seen it. Maybe I might have seen in in LV's discord server. WHOEVER YOU ARE, I hope you're still around, 'cause I gotsta know. Do you like these more? or do you still like the old ones better? Just like the mythical Kitty Cat Deathclaw Mecha hybrids post, I wish they'd share it.


In other news, I know I did add at least like 6 new event species for the upcoming update. I'll save that image for the official mod update post. But I will say! That stranded human scientist you can recruit got her own looks now. She's still using the base human model, but she's clearly being done some... lewd scientific experiments on herself. OH! plus, I did a male event species for a change. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? I tried really hard this time guys, I swear, but I don't know what I'm doing. I normally don't even try, I'm just a cis het boy. Men aren't sexually attractive to me, so I don't know what I'm supposed to do to make them look hot. You guys ask for futa all the time, and I try and accommodate, but I'm just shooting in the dark with this stuff. I'm just trying to temper expectations. They'll have a chance to appear as a fellow empire for the "common ground", "hegemony", or "imperial fiefdom" origins. So when March 14th rolls around, just keep re roll that origin until you get them.


I know for a fact I'm probably gonna release my VN with some bugs on March 14th and embarrass myself. I say that just because I fumbled it when I first released the portrait pack, back in the day, and I've never release a standalone fucking game before, but It'll be fine. It'll be fine. I'm tempted to do a private early release on Sunday. Just dump a fucking google drive link before publishing on itch.io. IDK. Maybe.

For male content remember that androgyny can be just as hot or more appealing for some people than purely masculine stuff, just experiment with stuff and be creative whatever you come up with is bound to impress youve done so so far so i wouldnt worry about what all you end up making. I for one am always happy to see your more out there designs, as for the cyber punk humans i like the new ones a lot more nice to see how your art style has changed in this span of time it looks really good man keep it up.

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I can’t wait for the update! More excited for more Calcifire art than for the Paradox content drop lol.


I really wish the tall reptilian species had an alternate bust where she’s leaning down to peer at the camera sideways or something. Like “my eyes are up here” kinda vibe. After you showed me the full image some time ago, I’m obsessed now. Also wish they, and more of the races, had LV-compatible futa alts too, BUT I’m super grateful for what’s there already. I’m just addicted to your art honestly, I can’t imagine playing Stellaris without it now


The species I find myself using the most are actually the tall red horned Necroids, I just all-Female them to remove the occulty males lol.

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::Visual Novel RELEASE!!!::



Todays the day! I want to first thank all the people who've been a part of my little corner of the internet for so long. To all those Past and Presently, Thank You everyone. 


link to the VN ::HERE::

Anyways, to catch everyone up to speed who doesn't already know. I've been working on this side project(based on my mod and the Stellaris universe setting overall) for the past year or so. It's short, you can probably read it in about 15 minutes, and it's just for fun.


To help set expectations, I don't think it's good coomer material. Even thought it requires the adult content tags, my goal was just to make something entertaining and share a sort of canonical universe that my mod revolves around.


I've always wanted to make a visual novel, ever since I was in highschool. Here I am, over a decade later and I've finally done it! I was always so scared of learning how to code, but modding has really built my confidence, and one fateful labor day weekend I sat down and did it. After all this time thought, I never would have thought it was going to be based on a video game mod, but the Portrait Pack has totally taken over all of my creative energy. So lewd galaxy stories it is then. I often think about LORE for all of my different species a lot, but I've never shared any content based on that until now.


Unfortunately I haven't made a walkthrough yet, but I can give you guys a checklist of all the endings.


   -I got thrown out the airlock

   -I got to see the shower scene after getting put in cryo sleep

   -I joined the empire's military and never saw the antagonist again

   -I got the flashback scene with the molten prisoner

   -I choked the antagonist till she passed out and fucked the cat

   -I got assigned to the antagonist's personal guard and I guess she uses me as her boy toy. idk.


I'm gonna get to work on updating the mod for the new 3.7.0 version of the game, now. So have fun with the VN while we all wait for an update.


Edited by Calcifire
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1 hour ago, Calcifire said:

::Visual Novel RELEASE!!!::



Todays the day! I want to first thank all the people who've been a part of my little corner of the internet for so long. To all those Past and Presently, Thank You everyone. 


link to the VN ::HERE::

Anyways, to catch everyone up to speed who doesn't already know. I've been working on this side project(based on my mod and the Stellaris universe setting overall) for the past year or so. It's short, you can probably read it in about 15 minutes, and it's just for fun.


To help set expectations, I don't think it's good coomer material. Even thought it requires the adult content tags, my goal was just to make something entertaining and share a sort of canonical universe that my mod revolves around.


I've always wanted to make a visual novel, ever since I was in highschool. Here I am, over a decade later and I've finally done it! I was always so scared of learning how to code, but modding has really built my confidence, and one fateful labor day weekend I sat down and did it. After all this time thought, I never would have thought it was going to be based on a video game mod, but the Portrait Pack has totally taken over all of my creative energy. So lewd galaxy stories it is then. I often think about LORE for all of my different species a lot, but I've never shared any content based on that until now.


I'm gonna get to work on updating the mod for the new 3.7.0 version of the game, now. So have fun with the VN while we all wait for an update.



Common Calcifire W, thanks for your work!

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5 hours ago, Calcifire said:

::Visual Novel RELEASE!!!::



Todays the day! I want to first thank all the people who've been a part of my little corner of the internet for so long. To all those Past and Presently, Thank You everyone. 


link to the VN ::HERE::

Anyways, to catch everyone up to speed who doesn't already know. I've been working on this side project(based on my mod and the Stellaris universe setting overall) for the past year or so. It's short, you can probably read it in about 15 minutes, and it's just for fun.


To help set expectations, I don't think it's good coomer material. Even thought it requires the adult content tags, my goal was just to make something entertaining and share a sort of canonical universe that my mod revolves around.


I've always wanted to make a visual novel, ever since I was in highschool. Here I am, over a decade later and I've finally done it! I was always so scared of learning how to code, but modding has really built my confidence, and one fateful labor day weekend I sat down and did it. After all this time thought, I never would have thought it was going to be based on a video game mod, but the Portrait Pack has totally taken over all of my creative energy. So lewd galaxy stories it is then. I often think about LORE for all of my different species a lot, but I've never shared any content based on that until now.


I'm gonna get to work on updating the mod for the new 3.7.0 version of the game, now. So have fun with the VN while we all wait for an update.



Good stuff!


You know maybe you should do someme custom events. Or atleast overhaul some of the existing event art. *strokes chin with a gleam in his eye*.

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2 hours ago, Cassius93 said:

bug with the new dlc?


I have not said that i have released an update for version 3.7  of the game. Once I do, bugs like this will become relevant. Ive bee n hilding off until LV is updated first. Partly because Lithia said she would have her patch ready this week, and also because I want to have the new "solarpunk" event species ready. Nothing about them was mentioned until after the DLC dropped, to which, stuff like that is typical.


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On 3/17/2023 at 12:48 PM, Calcifire said:

I have not said that i have released an update for version 3.7  of the game. Once I do, bugs like this will become relevant. Ive bee n hilding off until LV is updated first. Partly because Lithia said she would have her patch ready this week, and also because I want to have the new "solarpunk" event species ready. Nothing about them was mentioned until after the DLC dropped, to which, stuff like that is typical.


Classic Paradox tho' You almost need to make a Miscellaneous side-race for each expansion from the unannounced rando event races.

Edited by hexacron
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is here..




I was also hoping Lithia would include the combo traits she has been working on this go round, but alas, she has not. I'll go ahead and release mine then, in the hopes of whatever she has cooking won't conflict. 


This update includes...

x1 new playable species:: Sylvan Plantoids(showcased above)

   -the new plantoid species fill the slot that the radiotrophs left behind after they were moved to toxoid


x3 artwork REDUXs:: 
   Big Hands - humanoids
   Prikkiki Ti - event species
   Stranded Human scientist - event species


x10 new event species::
   minamar(origin species, showcased above)
   sentinel order(prethoryn crisis event species, showcased above)
   solar punk(event species, showcased above)

   lyut(common ground/hegemony/imperial fiefdom origin species, showcased above)
   daemonic incursion(the doorway event)
   reth unddol(tiyanki matriarch event)
   khotalo(ouroboros event)
   unscrupulous salvagers(sublight probe event chain)
   shrowd manifestation(shroud tunnel event)
   thwaa'phyr(on the shoulders of giants event chain)
   larionessi consciousness(larionessi refuge system)


x5 primitive species variants:: 
   human - humans
   goats - mammalians
   spore spreaders - fungoids
   alabaster - lithoids
   skinless - necroids


x3 portrait variants::
   Molten - breeder
   Cowgirl - brood mother
   Cowgirl - dairy cow
   Kitty Cat - whore
   Big Hands - comfort worker


x10new traits::
   battle thralls - combo trait (combines trait_strong and trait_resiliant)
   dairy cows - combo trait (combines trait_lv_huge_breats, trait_lv_high_volume_lactation, and trait_lv_highly_nutritious_milk)
   onaholes - combo trait (combines trait_lv_huge_breats, trait_lv_breeder_hips, trait_lv_excess_estrogen, and trait_lv_sexually_gifted)
   enhanced baby formula - machine trait
   translucent shell - machine trait
   criminal restraints - machine trait
   shockers - machine trait
   mimetic heaters - machine trait
   aphrodesiac injectors - machine trait
   pleasure frames - machine combo trait (combines trait_babe_milk_pumps, trait_babe_restraints, trait_babe_mimetic_heaters, and trait_babe_aphrodesiac_injectors)

Edited by Calcifire
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