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[mod] Calcifire's Portrait Pack

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2 hours ago, Calcifire said:

So, I'm currently trying to expand the lewd robot traits. Default LV has always been kind of limited in scale. Robot Fetishism isn't my thing, so I'm already out of ideas. If anyone has any good ideas to share, NOW is the time.



You might take ideas from other works, like Rick and Morty S1E7, Westworld series, Matrix, and Terminator movies. There is also some fanart? that can be used as reference

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A few weird ideas I wrote up, probably needs some balancing tweaks

Multiple Appendages

These units are equipped with extra limbs which may be augmented with a variety of different graspers, tools, or other items. These flexible yet sturdy appendages allow for greater efficiency in manual labor, and are also quite useful when equipped on sexbots for satisfying more eccentric customer tastes.

More limbs:

Resources from Worker Jobs: +5%
Energy Credits from Jobs: +5%
Sex Jobs Output: +5%

Complicated design:

Robot Upkeep: +5%


Wearable Frame
(LV tech required: Mechanized Pleasure Suits)
These units are capable of doubling as pleasure suits. By shifting their internal mechanisms out of the way and securely locking them into place, biologicals are free to wear the now mostly empty robot frame, which is complete with basic pleasure suit-esque functionality, as well as a full HUD and basic protection from harsh planetary environments.

Pseudo pleasure suit:
+1 Amenities if under AI Servitude
Amenities from Jobs: +5%
Sex Jobs Output: +5%
Consumer Goods from Jobs: +5%
Occasional lock failures:
Pop Consumer Goods Upkeep: +5%

Equipped with specially formulated alloys, these units are capable of trans-mutating their bodies into different forms to a limited degree, allowing customers to request different appearances to their liking without the need for a custom made unit.

Sex Jobs Output: +10%
Trade Value from Jobs: +5%
Empire Size from Pops: -5%
Expensive manufacturing process:
Pop Assembly Cost: +5%

Flavor Enhancements:
These units are capable of secreting specially flavored 'juices', with a variety of customizable flavors and nutritional enhancements to choose from.

Trade Value from Jobs: +5%
Consumer Goods from Jobs: +5%
Food from Jobs: +5%

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Heya, getting an issue from the log:

[18:45:49][trigger_impl.cpp:1190]: Script Error: Invalid context switch [leader] from Cradle [sector], file: common/traits/lv_species_traits_bio_any.txt line: 1834, Scope: 
random={ 0 3991148998 }
    random={ 0 3991148998 }
    random={ 0 3991148998 }
    random={ 0 3991148998 }

Not sure exactly whats up but ive got it a few times now, causing a crash. Could be an interference with another mod (ive got a heap) but thought id put it out there anyway.

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9 hours ago, Guardianqu said:

 file: common/traits/lv_species_traits_bio_any.txt line: 1834, Scope: 


Line 1834? thats the part where LV checks if a submissive pop is currently being governed by a dominant leader.



12 hours ago, QueenPrisma said:

New 'primitive' dlc was teased (speculation), interested to see how you'll tackle it!


Funnily enough, my most recent update added a couple of primitive species variants. Obvious choice would be to add a couple more to round out the roster. Primitive humans don't exist in the vanilla game, I could add em.

Edited by Calcifire
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  • 2 weeks later...

With the most recent Dev Blog, they basically confirmed that I need to make a custom species for our new "benevolent" corporation.





Yes yes. Why did I save the mass effect outfits for this, and not for the literal Asari knock offs that are already in the game?... idk bro.

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8 hours ago, Calcifire said:

With the most recent Dev Blog, they basically confirmed that I need to make a custom species for our new "benevolent" corporation.


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Yes yes. Why did I save the mass effect outfits for this, and not for the literal Asari knock offs that are already in the game?... idk bro.


Looks realy cool, cant w8 for new DLC thanks to this. ❤️ Any other new pre sapient models or old models reworks in plan ? :3 

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On 1/27/2023 at 7:43 AM, Wobobo123 said:


Looks realy cool, cant w8 for new DLC thanks to this. ❤️ Any other new pre sapient models or old models reworks in plan ? :3 



Primitive Humans are ready to go. No major reworks, I've been focused on the event species roster. The Thwaa Benefactors from the Shoulders of Giants event chain finally got some custom artwork. At the end of the event chain, you have the option of uplifting them, so hopefully they will be worth a playthrough for when the new DLC comes out. They were previously using the Pyorun assets as placeholder, so it's nice to have something fresh.




Other than that, I've been putting polish in the Visual Novel. As of right now, it is in a "ready to launch" state. Which makes me quite happy. When the First Contact DLC comes out, we all know we're going to have to wait for the LV patch before we can play my mod. So I think that will be the perfect day to release it, to hold us all over while we wait for Lithia. So whenever Paradox announces the DLCs release date, that will be my release date as well.


Until then, I'm just going to continue touching up the script, and extending scenes. For example, just this weekend... I originally had a failure state that would kinda bring the story to an abrupt end. But I thought about how crummy it might feel to find it on your first playthrough, so I expanded it to be less of a fail state and more of a bad ending. This meant more writing, coding, and of course artwork. So, to pull a Wizard of Oz, I'll let you guys peek behind the curtain.




I was sketching up a new scene for it today and I thought it would be fun to share.


It sounds goofy, but yeh, I'll sit here and think about the kind of emotion her hand is putting off. LOL. 1st and 2nd attempts just didn't have the right vibes, so we're getting the 3rd attempt in the final product. I'm an artist, not a writer after all. I know I'm better off flexing the visuals for the sake of story telling than I am with my words. But I'm excited for the release and I'm getting the same nervous anxiety that I had when I first released the Portrait Pack. Shoowee.


Edited by Calcifire
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Using the Director's Cut


I think I either hit a wrong button, or have a glitch or something.  Not sure if it is a bug or a feature that I stumbled over.  


So all the portraits have changed sex.  When I first started playing this run-through (first with the mod) all of the portraits were female, regardless of the character was male or female.  I figured it was a minor glitch or just the way it was set up, The small portraits on some screens would show male if the character was male.  So, I'm playing, just now and all of sudden  all of the portraits switch to male.  It's affecting all the species/characters in my empire. 




I dont' know what they are called offically by you, but for what its' worth, I'm using the sort of goth-looking fungoids for my main species.

I just unlocked the genetic tradition path and started that.


I'm running the following mods in the follwing order :

UI Overhaul Dynamic

More Trait Points

CHeat Menu

More Civids Picks


Calcifire Director;s Cut


Is there a way to fix it?  A way to switch it between the two (I hit some button or something?)  Ideally, I'd like them to show as whatever the character is supposed to be, i.e. have them both.


Thanks in advance


Two additional things: 1) It seemed to happen shortly after (but not immediately after) I modified another species.  2) I can't seem to find a way to chane the portrait in the create template screen, though I may be just not used to the new UI (first playthrough using the UI overhaul)


Not sure if any of that is important, but I figure more info is better than less.

Edited by DecaySociety22
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On 2/2/2023 at 3:03 AM, DecaySociety22 said:

So all the portraits have changed sex.  When I first started playing this run-through (first with the mod) all of the portraits were female, regardless of the character was male or female.  I figured it was a minor glitch or just the way it was set up, The small portraits on some screens would show male if the character was male.  So, I'm playing, just now and all of sudden  all of the portraits switch to male.  It's affecting all the species/characters in my empire. 


Two additional things: 1) It seemed to happen shortly after (but not immediately after) I modified another species.  2) I can't seem to find a way to chane the portrait in the create template screen, though I may be just not used to the new UI (first playthrough using the UI overhaul)


Hard to say. There's a couple of ways this could happen intentionally, that you might not have realize. Did you toggle female portraits when you were creating the species in the "Species Name" section? Do they have the "All Female" trait? Is there a population of "Interspecies Seeders" fucking them all into women? Is your "Leader Gender" empire policy set to female? Did you take the "Matriarchy" civic? and then last but not least. Did you just luck into it? like what kind of a sample size are you talking about?

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9 hours ago, Calcifire said:


Hard to say. There's a couple of ways this could happen intentionally, that you might not have realize. Did you toggle female portraits when you were creating the species in the "Species Name" section? Do they have the "All Female" trait? Is there a population of "Interspecies Seeders" fucking them all into women? Is your "Leader Gender" empire policy set to female? Did you take the "Matriarchy" civic? and then last but not least. Did you just luck into it? like what kind of a sample size are you talking about?


I don't remember toggling anything when I was doing the design of the species, I did select it from the female portrait of it, but I remember seeing both male and female portraits in the list.  (I think, 99% sure)


No "All Female" trait, no "Interspecies Seeders" that I can find.  leader gender is default, so not set to female only. First leader female, second male.


No Matriarchy civic.


Originally, all the pictures were female.  The only time I would see the male portrait was in the small version of the pictures in the job tiles, and once as a pirate leader.


I figured it was either a one off or that it normally just showed the female pictures or there was some switch that I couldn't find.  


Then, suddenly, all the pictures were male instead.  I first noticed it I was actually looking at a different species in the empire, (Pliff-Plaff in the game, not sure if it uses the same picture and name combo, but the sort of blocky gold lithoids.)  At frist I thoguht there was a new species I had missed that for some reason running one of my sicence ships, but then I realized that his was the male portrait.  I thought, "huh, the male portraits are showing up now."  That's when I realized they all had switched.


The only placed that I see the female portrait now is in the job tiles (which now show both male and female) and the really small pic in the empire species tab.


*I'm thinking that it also happened shortly after a new leader was elected who was male, so it might be changing to match the leader pic for some reason.  I'm going to do an experiment, and make sure that the next leader elected (oligarchy) is female, and see if that changes it.


As far as a sample size, I use a cheat menu because I RP my own restrictions on the game, and I'm really here for the story anyway.  Plus, I'm playing especialyl loose with it because I want to see the new stuff in the mod.  (I'm thinkign about adding more mods here and regular soon, the more planets stuff, hopefully compatible)  So one way or the other, its' actualyl a big sample size.  About a half-dozen governors, and a couple-dozen each scientists and admirals, all switched pictures.  Affected all three species in my empire at hte time. (Third is Kazam if iti s the same name, the sort of arctic-fox looking one.)


It seems to be primarily affecting my empire, the other empires seem to still be a mix, though, honestly (and it may be coincidental/random but it seems about 75% female in the portraits as well, but they seem to be staying the same.

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On 11/7/2022 at 8:53 AM, unwashed biomass said:

So as i was playing i was thinking, we have situational nudity where pops change outfits depending of ocupation.


I found out a way to do it!!!

I literally just completed a successful test, and don't have much to say atm because I'm rushing over here to herald the news. But let's just say the Cow Girls are going to have unique assets when they occupy milk cow jobs


Edit:: For the longest time, Cow Girls having brood mother art assets was kind of a hidden feature. But now they show up organically. This feature has also been implemented to the futa Arachnid species, as this was what they were literally designed for. So that feels nice to finally have their artwork properly integrated into the game systems. I also did a pass to add some variants to other LV jobs. Breeder assets added to Moltens. Escort/Whore assets added to Kitty Cats.  Not sure yet who I'm going to give the Comfort Worker job out to. Criminal is also a good idea as well.





Edited by Calcifire
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On 2/3/2023 at 1:39 AM, Calcifire said:


Hard to say. There's a couple of ways this could happen intentionally, that you might not have realize. Did you toggle female portraits when you were creating the species in the "Species Name" section? Do they have the "All Female" trait? Is there a population of "Interspecies Seeders" fucking them all into women? Is your "Leader Gender" empire policy set to female? Did you take the "Matriarchy" civic? and then last but not least. Did you just luck into it? like what kind of a sample size are you talking about?


So, update: All the pictures have switched back to female.  Apparently it has something to do with the who gets elected to lead the empire.  I remembered a few days ago that there might have been an election right before it switched the first time.  Looks like I was right.  The one who won the election this time was female, and all the pictures switched back to female, regardless of the sex of the character in general.  There were only two exceptions: 1) the three main science leaders (one male, two female, so it shows both) did not switch immediately and kept using the male portrait, but switched back the next time I reloaded the game and 2) about 1/3 of the small pics such as on the jobs screen remained the sex they were showing before it switched back, and if I click on those pics, the larger pic is also switched back.  


It affects most of the species in the empire, and especialyl effects my main species and the hybrids of them and the first two species I met (which are now in a federation with me), affecting all of them.  A few other species don't switch at all, and some may have been affected but I can't tell.


So apparently it's something that is causing (almost all) of the pics in my empire to match the sex of the leader.


So, anyway, that's the bug.

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18 hours ago, DecaySociety22 said:

So, anyway, that's the bug.


That's more to work with. Super strange, but I had a fiddle.

I'm pretty confident that it's not my mod's fault. But just in case. Can you drop this modified file into the C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\mod\calcifires_hypersexualized_galaxy\events folder? It'll replace the one that already currently exists for my mod. Just replace it with this new one and let me know how it goes.




Basically, I know I have some really old junk code still in that file, but it's basically checking for a flag from a civic that doesn't even exists anymore. So idk how you could be triggering it, but I basically deleted that section, now. so if this don't fix your issue, I'm like 99.99% sure it's not my mod doing it.

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On 2/14/2023 at 8:38 PM, Calcifire said:


That's more to work with. Super strange, but I had a fiddle.

I'm pretty confident that it's not my mod's fault. But just in case. Can you drop this modified file into the C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\mod\calcifires_hypersexualized_galaxy\events folder? It'll replace the one that already currently exists for my mod. Just replace it with this new one and let me know how it goes.


babe_leader_gender_events.txt 1.03 kB · 2 downloads


Basically, I know I have some really old junk code still in that file, but it's basically checking for a flag from a civic that doesn't even exists anymore. So idk how you could be triggering it, but I basically deleted that section, now. so if this don't fix your issue, I'm like 99.99% sure it's not my mod doing it.


Got it installed.  No changes yet.  So far they all still look the same.  The empire has an election coming up soon.  I'll see if it switches then, since elections of new leaders seems to be what triggers the bug.


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On 1/29/2023 at 4:09 AM, Calcifire said:



Primitive Humans are ready to go. No major reworks, I've been focused on the event species roster. The Thwaa Benefactors from the Shoulders of Giants event chain finally got some custom artwork. At the end of the event chain, you have the option of uplifting them, so hopefully they will be worth a playthrough for when the new DLC comes out. They were previously using the Pyorun assets as placeholder, so it's nice to have something fresh.

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Other than that, I've been putting polish in the Visual Novel. As of right now, it is in a "ready to launch" state. Which makes me quite happy. When the First Contact DLC comes out, we all know we're going to have to wait for the LV patch before we can play my mod. So I think that will be the perfect day to release it, to hold us all over while we wait for Lithia. So whenever Paradox announces the DLCs release date, that will be my release date as well.


Until then, I'm just going to continue touching up the script, and extending scenes. For example, just this weekend... I originally had a failure state that would kinda bring the story to an abrupt end. But I thought about how crummy it might feel to find it on your first playthrough, so I expanded it to be less of a fail state and more of a bad ending. This meant more writing, coding, and of course artwork. So, to pull a Wizard of Oz, I'll let you guys peek behind the curtain.

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I was sketching up a new scene for it today and I thought it would be fun to share.


It sounds goofy, but yeh, I'll sit here and think about the kind of emotion her hand is putting off. LOL. 1st and 2nd attempts just didn't have the right vibes, so we're getting the 3rd attempt in the final product. I'm an artist, not a writer after all. I know I'm better off flexing the visuals for the sake of story telling than I am with my words. But I'm excited for the release and I'm getting the same nervous anxiety that I had when I first released the Portrait Pack. Shoowee.



Love it!

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On 1/26/2023 at 10:51 PM, Calcifire said:

With the most recent Dev Blog, they basically confirmed that I need to make a custom species for our new "benevolent" corporation.


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Yes yes. Why did I save the mass effect outfits for this, and not for the literal Asari knock offs that are already in the game?... idk bro.


I'm excited that the coming update involves stealth and cloaking. Gonna have fun with the dark forest...


Can't wait to see the couple new designs you add. As well As this up coming Visual novel! March is going to be a very interesting month.

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