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[mod] Calcifire's Portrait Pack

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19 hours ago, herrzog said:

Anybody know how to reduce the number of 'Pile of Shit' primitive and presapient portraits that end up in the game?  It really pisses me off to see that when it was supposed to be reserved for 'extinct' species.


Easiest way is change models of 'Pile' to sometching atractive. Its realy simple to do. Just take any of those,coppy it, rename ad ready to go. :)


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On 12/13/2022 at 12:42 PM, herrzog said:

Anybody know how to reduce the number of 'Pile of Shit' primitive and presapient portraits that end up in the game?  It really pisses me off to see that when it was supposed to be reserved for 'extinct' species.


Just one of those incomplete features. If I had infinite time and resources, then I could have an alt version of each archetype to populate the presapient species. If people want to know what is intentional and not just stop gap measures... Only Mammalian, Reptilian, Avian, and Arthropoid ever got unique assets. Is what it is. The Nivlac's aren't the only event species I threw in to help fill the content gap. I mean fuck. The prethoryn are currently filling up the primitive molluscoid slot. The intelligent cockroaches on the apocalyptic earth can show up randomly too. Theoretically I could just take both of them out if people are really that bothered by it.

Edited by Calcifire
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9 hours ago, Calcifire said:


Just one of those incomplete features. If I had infinite time and resources, then I could have an alt version of each archetype to populate the presapient species. If people want to know what is intentional and not just stop gap measures... Only Mammalian, Reptilian, Avian, and Arthropoid ever got unique assets. Is what it is. The Nivlac's aren't the only event species I threw in to help fill the content gap. I mean fuck. The prethoryn are currently filling up the primitive molluscoid slot. The intelligent cockroaches on the apocalyptic earth can show up randomly too. Theoretically I could just take both of them out if people are really that bothered by it.

What I would love is to have the presapients simply be nude versions of one of the normal species, and to be uplifted into their normal species class, like in vanilla Stellaris. As it is, I just copy a bunch of my favorites into the presapient class, and remove those I dislike the most.

The prethoryn one bothers me a lot, also because it is (for me) always displayed as a close-up of the face area, filling the entire portrait. The pre_minecraft and pre_toadstool also get annoying pretty fast, as they break with your general artstyle. As a rare spawn they might make a funny surprise, but having them show up often, and as regular empires, is not fun.

Having the special event species spawn for normal empires usually makes me happy, as many of them are very pleasing to look at.

For whatever reason after your last update I got the "marauder" portraits for one of the marauder societies for the first time ever. Before that they always got the "molten" portraits. The molten being one of you hottest sets, I wasn't that bothered, but the marauder portraits are lovely too.

The invazor portraits I hate, but in a good way. Makes it all the more satisfying to destroy them. I would love to have a female portrait to gene-mod them into, though.

Thanks for maintaining the mod, and for making it in the first place! 

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9 hours ago, Martichoras said:

For whatever reason after your last update I got the "marauder" portraits for one of the marauder societies for the first time ever. Before that they always got the "molten" portraits. The molten being one of you hottest sets, I wasn't that bothered, but the marauder portraits are lovely too.

Marauders are another incomplete area. There are technically 4 uniquely premade marauder factions that can appear in the game. I only ever did art for 2 of them, and one of those is SUPER RARE. I've never even seen them spawn in game myself yet. They are called the Bemat Thalassocracy in vanilla, and they only spawn after the endgame year. They just get a few fleets and I don't even think they get a planet. I may have even just fucking blown them up before without even noticing.


9 hours ago, towboat421 said:

Was sketching idly while doing a playthrough with your mod, just wanted to say your styles really cool and am looking forward to your VN dude will drop a donation later today. Thanks for your cool stuff.

Ey, that's awesome. Thanks.

No ETA, but I've only got 1 out of the 4 possible endings left to do. So I'm getting there. I've got a couple of other things to do before release. Like some promotional art and a... title screen. Fuck I gotta make a title screen. And then it'll be ready to go.

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On 12/15/2022 at 10:26 AM, Martichoras said:

The prethoryn one bothers me a lot, also because it is (for me) always displayed as a close-up of the face area, filling the entire portrait. The pre_minecraft and pre_toadstool also get annoying pretty fast, as they break with your general artstyle. As a rare spawn they might make a funny surprise, but having them show up often, and as regular empires, is not fun.

While I don't want to totally get rid of them, because I think they are kinda funny, I did think what would be a good idea is if I diluted the RNG instead.





Basically, I picked one of the other fungoid species and made primitive versions of them, which led to me also updating their artwork. Since as usual. I look at art I made 4+ years ago and think I could do better now. Whenever Lithia finds the time to update Lustful Void, I'll have to make a hotfix that with include these new assets. And yes, this basically means I'm hinting at the idea that I am going to be picking one of the lithoid species to "primify".


EDIT:: Damn for some reason I was really motivated this morning. I went ahead and did the primitive versions of one of the Lithoids while I was at it.





For those of you who remember, I believe I mentioned that it would be theoretically possible to change a species portraits when they are being purged? Well that will be a thing now for the long armed lil statuettes... I don't feel so bad cause they are made out of rock... Fuck, no. I do feel bad. If you see them in game and purge them just to see the new assets, you are a monster.

Edited by Calcifire
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!!! Lustful Void has been patched for 3.6 and so have I, just redownload my mod to get the latest version.


Current release includes::

   x1 primitive fungoid variant

   x1 primitive lithoid variant

   purging variant for long armed lithoid species(because why not)



Edited by Calcifire
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So, ever since I moved the radiotrophic species over to toxoids, PLANTOIDs has had to deal with a slight gap to their lineup.

Just want people to know I haven't forgotten, and have put some work into filling it. Doubt I'll be making another update until Stellaris drops a new DLC. So y'all are going to have to hold your breath on this one.





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I've been having issues trying to use the last few patches of the DC in Irony mod manager. Specifically, a lot of the traits get bugged out/don't display properly after merging mods (necessary to reduce load times from nearly an hour to only 3 mins on my PC), and I suspect it's due to the fact that LV recently modified the trait files.


Most importantly, you overwrote lv_species_traits_bio_feminine.txt and lv_species_traits_bio_masculine.txt files with blank ones. I know you merged them all into the main lv_species_traits_bio_any.txt, but Lithia specifically separated them for easy organization and minimizing conflicts in the original LV. I suspect this is what's causing issues after merging/using mod managers. Either this or the edits you've made to the localizations. 


Please consider restoring these separate files and adding your new traits to them instead of merging them into a single file, so that we can use LV and the DC together properly in Irony

Edited by b00tyblues
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Error at line: 2297 column: 18 file: common\traits\lv_species_traits_bio_any.txt.
Please report this error to the author of the mod: Calcifire's Trait Pack for LV.

Error message says:

Error in common\traits\lv_species_traits_bio_any.txt: Ln: 2297 Col: 32
(UTF16-Col: 18)
Note: The column count assumes a tab stop distance of 8 chars.
Expecting: closing brace, statement or whitespace
Other error messages:
  The clause opened at ("common\\traits\\lv_species_traits_bio_any.txt", Ln:
  2285, Col: 14) was not closed.


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On 12/20/2022 at 11:51 PM, b00tyblues said:

I've been having issues trying to use the last few patches of the DC in Irony mod manager.

I installed Irony and it seemed to all work okay. Maybe it's because I was just using a fresh out the box instal. I tried doing a test where I just deleted the traits files from my mod and it didn't seem to effect load times with or without them.


11 hours ago, alaunus01 said:


Error at line: 2297 column: 18 file: common\traits\lv_species_traits_bio_any.txt.
Please report this error to the author of the mod: Calcifire's Trait Pack for LV.

Error message says:

Error in common\traits\lv_species_traits_bio_any.txt: Ln: 2297 Col: 32
(UTF16-Col: 18)
Note: The column count assumes a tab stop distance of 8 chars.
Expecting: closing brace, statement or whitespace
Other error messages:
  The clause opened at ("common\\traits\\lv_species_traits_bio_any.txt", Ln:
  2285, Col: 14) was not closed.


Maybe that's the hangup with Irony. I have a fix uploading now...

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Irony Mod Manager is a blessing and a curse. Let's go on a walk with that backslash typo.

It's awesome typos get caught, not so awesome that those errors will only show at the very end of your conflict resolution.

If you installed the typo'd version and run it through Irony it will comment out almost all of the basic LV traits instead of applying your modified traits.
Then at the very end you'll get a 'this file has an error' notification.

One should think that manually correcting that typo and rerunning the conflict resolution should be enough to get the traits back right? WRONG.
Most of the time that is enough. However sometimes Irony does not recognize a change was made and sticks with the previous iteration.

I'll just uninstall this mod, rerun Irony and then reinstall the mod again, that should trigger a redo on the traits right? Still kinda wrong.
Irony remembers. In this special case if I had simply mashed the resolve button at the seemingly now fixed traits I still would have ended up with the empty traits.

You have to:
- Either start a new mod collection and deal with all the other conflicts again,
- Manually delete the borked trait overwrites from you current mod collection
- Or pay close attention and make sure to copy the fixed traits.

TL/DR: It is a PAIN to clean up after you commited changes from a file with typos in it. It is a good idea to check if Irony shows errors in the Invalid tab BEFORE you resolve conflicts.

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14 hours ago, Calcifire said:

I installed Irony and it seemed to all work okay. Maybe it's because I was just using a fresh out the box instal. I tried doing a test where I just deleted the traits files from my mod and it didn't seem to effect load times with or without them.


Maybe that's the hangup with Irony. I have a fix uploading now...


Thanks for looking into this, I'll try out the fix shortly to see if it helps. The issue wasn't load times, it was whether or not the traits would appear in the empire creation menu. I just mentioned load times as the main reason I use irony over the completely ass default paradox launcher

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On 12/30/2022 at 6:31 PM, KaanErak said:

Custom Empires with some portraits don't show up in game


I'll need a lot more information on what's going on if you're looking for help.


13 hours ago, eagle_279 said:

why are trait restrictions so random? (can´t have sadistic with nudist, weak stamina with huge penis, adorable with huge penis etc.)
i think you went a bit overboard


Sorry, just wrangling in the AI acting like actual psychos when making random species. The still do, but not as much as they used to.

But yeh, I couldn't justify it logically. Basically I had identified a couple of traits that would show up on 100% of the random species, so to help squash it by provide SOME kind of coded restriction. Weighting didn't seem to help. If the AI saw an open gene slot, it would fill it. Traits that have no restrictions were prime culprits for being over represented in the galaxy.


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6 hours ago, Calcifire said:


Sorry, just wrangling in the AI acting like actual psychos when making random species. The still do, but not as much as they used to.

But yeh, I couldn't justify it logically. Basically I had identified a couple of traits that would show up on 100% of the random species, so to help squash it by provide SOME kind of coded restriction. Weighting didn't seem to help. If the AI saw an open gene slot, it would fill it. Traits that have no restrictions were prime culprits for being over represented in the galaxy.



That is an interesting titbit. Is one restricted trait enough to prevent the AI from going hogwild with it or do you need multiple restrictions? Because I am thinking dummy expensive ghost trait that does nothing gameplay wise instead. Or would that end up with a similar seeding like no restriction again?

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7 hours ago, Calcifire said:


I'll need a lot more information on what's going on if you're looking for help.



Sorry, just wrangling in the AI acting like actual psychos when making random species. The still do, but not as much as they used to.

But yeh, I couldn't justify it logically. Basically I had identified a couple of traits that would show up on 100% of the random species, so to help squash it by provide SOME kind of coded restriction. Weighting didn't seem to help. If the AI saw an open gene slot, it would fill it. Traits that have no restrictions were prime culprits for being over represented in the galaxy.


Could their be something in the game engine that takes the cost of a trait as a factor in species generation? Your mod does take all of the LV traits down to 1 or 2 points each. I mention it because I create my own patch with IMM and keep all of LV's original trait costs and they don't show up in species gen as often as your traits do.

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On 1/2/2023 at 7:43 PM, DoYouSeeJay said:

Quick question for Calcifire or anybody else:
In regards to the goat species, what requirements do you need in order for it to start using the "beast" males for leaders and pop portraits?

Also amazing work on this mod and I hope the VN is going well.

There are a couple of assets that work like this. Random pops and leaders just have different asset libraries to pull from. I guess I could say I have a lore explanation as to why the livestock don't show up as fleet admirals, but I also don't like making statements on any kind of canon. If you want to modify my mod files to better suit your tastes, it's actually a pretty simple tweak to pull off what you're asking for. Just add the critters to the leader and ruler lists and you're good to go. If you don't know what I'm talking about, just read ::THIS:: it'll get you started.


VN things are great. Just finished up all the artwork for it. coding is all done. I just need to make some promotional artwork and launch the damn thing. No idea when that'll be. I haven't even made the itch.io account yet.


2 hours ago, towboat421 said:

Whos this species never seen them before.

THAT is one of the species that can generate for the common ground origin, or the hegemony one too, or during a couple of events. There are actually lots of special species like that one to find in the game.

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Reth, the Leviathan Slayer. Tiyanki vore. She mad cause she smol.

I don't really have to time to make whole new species anymore, but it only takes a couple of hours to go in and increase the event species roster. Glad that I finally got around to making a unique admiral for the galaxy's local Moby Dick hunter. Man, I got a big list of ToDo in that regard. Still gotta do some artwork for the Prethoryn Sentinels, the Larionessi Refugees, the newly added Daemonic Incursion. Shit gets away from me so fast.

I'll admit... Having combed through the event files again, I realize I introduced a bug with the Kohtalo event chain. Oops. At least it's not game breaking. I'll have to go and make a unique asset for that doomed deja vu crew too while I'm at it. All in good time.

Edited by Calcifire
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On 1/5/2023 at 1:48 PM, Calcifire said:

There are a couple of assets that work like this. Random pops and leaders just have different asset libraries to pull from. I guess I could say I have a lore explanation as to why the livestock don't show up as fleet admirals, but I also don't like making statements on any kind of canon. If you want to modify my mod files to better suit your tastes, it's actually a pretty simple tweak to pull off what you're asking for. Just add the critters to the leader and ruler lists and you're good to go. If you don't know what I'm talking about, just read ::THIS:: it'll get you started.


VN things are great. Just finished up all the artwork for it. coding is all done. I just need to make some promotional artwork and launch the damn thing. No idea when that'll be. I haven't even made the itch.io account yet.


THAT is one of the species that can generate for the common ground origin, or the hegemony one too, or during a couple of events. There are actually lots of special species like that one to find in the game.

About those special species... Some of them are just too good, and it made me wonder... Is there an any way to be able play as them from the beginning, or at least replace how your main species look with those arts through genetic modifications? Tho I think only one answer here will be is going in game files and create new species....

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