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3 hours ago, cato2121 said:

Is it possible to add this mod in Skyrim VR or is it not compatible? I played with this mod in non-VR and its really amazing! ;)

Version 3 has an option at install to deactivate player animations designed for VR users.


You won't get the nice animations of the player, only the NPCs. Use your imagination for the rest, but at least your head won't spin like someone put you in a blender.


Version 4 is not ready for VR, but there will be a MCM option to deactivate player animation.

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I was thinking on the feature/bug I discovered earlier where the new slave would crouch and follow very slowly or refuse to follow and the comment I made about having a spell that would yank them along until they would finally get up and start walking on their own again. The more I think about it the more it feels like it would fit quite well for a cruel slave master. So it would be nice if there was a tether spell that would work with the leashing slave collars that has the anchor staying with the player to force the slaves to follow. The more they resist the more they are yanked forward and off their feet until they submit and follow. I am thinking it would need to be a concentration spell. possibly?

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Just a quick bug report that I haven't seen listed yet. If you order a slave to pose while they have their weapons drawn they get stuck with the weapons in hand and cannot enter combat until you manually remove the weapons/shield. you can give the items right back and they work fine until they try to pose again.

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I have been having an issue where slaves dialogues wont progress past the first options. The list of "Come here, slave; Listen to me, slave; ect ect" comes up but when I select an option it sits like its going through silent dialogue but then it just ends the dialogue. Only happening on DoM slaves and not sure what caused it because they were working for the first couple of hours. Have tried putting em in and out of the bag, fucking em, beatin em, tying em, and turning respectful and silent on and off, but they are still having the issue. Only thing I havent been able to do is the reset cause its locked behind the "Come here, slave" dialogue.

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Hey so question for anyone that knows if i can fix/change this


So when using the entertain me > dance for me order, using for example shake your boobs, will just for example trigger the animation where the NPC stands leaning forward with their hands in the air, it's not like this on all NPCs because as understand the dances are assigned based off their personalities, But what i wish to know if there is a way to remove/disable these motionless animations and just use the GS animations for example, like some of the NPCS already do.


I tried to edit and remove the animations from the fnis list completely already and maybe i am just too stupid for that (using skyrim VR as well for more info)


Not a huge deal if not, but it's just really jarring at times when some just stand there motionless and some use animations

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1 hour ago, mikewest123x said:

Hey so question for anyone that knows if i can fix/change this


So when using the entertain me > dance for me order, using for example shake your boobs, will just for example trigger the animation where the NPC stands leaning forward with their hands in the air, it's not like this on all NPCs because as understand the dances are assigned based off their personalities, But what i wish to know if there is a way to remove/disable these motionless animations and just use the GS animations for example, like some of the NPCS already do.


I tried to edit and remove the animations from the fnis list completely already and maybe i am just too stupid for that (using skyrim VR as well for more info)


Not a huge deal if not, but it's just really jarring at times when some just stand there motionless and some use animations


The poses are all assigned by script, so you would have to edit the scripts to use the ones you want and then recompile the scripts. I think they are in DOMUtil? Of course whenever this script gets updated it would overwrite your changes. 

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24 minutes ago, bnub345 said:


The poses are all assigned by script, so you would have to edit the scripts to use the ones you want and then recompile the scripts. I think they are in DOMUtil? Of course whenever this script gets updated it would overwrite your changes. 

If you where compiling scripts anyway, you would simply make your own mod and load it after. Making a mod is much easier than compiling. The problem would be that your mod would likely break with each update and you would need to fix it.

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On 1/11/2023 at 8:06 PM, bnub345 said:


The poses are all assigned by script, so you would have to edit the scripts to use the ones you want and then recompile the scripts. I think they are in DOMUtil? Of course whenever this script gets updated it would overwrite your changes. 

So for the life of me i cannot get Domutil to recompile, gives me


A:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SkyrimVR\Data\Scripts\Source\DOMUtil.psc(46,37): pahslave is not a known user-defined type
A:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SkyrimVR\Data\Scripts\Source\DOMUtil.psc(46,29): cannot multiply a float with a none (cast missing or types unrelated)


Over and over, have the psc too if someone else wants to try to compile it, or maybe i am just missing something really simple.


If this is a lost cause so be it, but now curiosity has a hold of me and i just want this thing to work after a few hours of trying to make it, i don't even care about the poses this much lol.


Edited by mikewest123x
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Version 4.0.4beta is out and open for testing. SE only.


- Fixed poses not registering.

- Fixed idle reset happening too often.

- Fixed main dual animations.

- Player animation can now be turned off in MCM. This is mainly for VR users.

- Added new chained & display poses (last ones are just for testing).

- Fixed double capture if pressing abduction key twice.
- Fixed camp marker.
- Fixed previous position marker.
- Fixed paired animation marker.
- Fixed MCM roster reset.


Underground bathhouse has been updated to DoM 4. Version 4 of UB is also compatible with PAHE standalone.


Not fixed yet:

- Moods are not yet exactly as in version 3.

- Cuffs might pileup in player inventory. Temporary fix only allows for 1 set of each cuffs to be moved to player inventory.

- Actors sometimes stand up at tied up startup.

- Punish/threaten/scold for running away is not working. FIXED


Edited by TrollAutokill
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Some notes from 4.04:

  • Poses not from the pose menu still get stuck, like kneel/attention. They work normally if the start pose option is ticked in the MCM.
  • Starting a pose works fine, but another pose can't be started without a reset. Example: Submissive pose > cute pose doesn't start the cute pose, but submissive pose > stand still >cute pose works as expected
  • The free cam option for paired animation doesn't do anything
  • There are no arousal widget messages for inspecting/kissing
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So just out of curiosity has anyone figured out why for the last several updates going back to early version 3's that devious devices items do not seem to want to equip with dom? I prefer DOM to PAH overall but the lack of being able to use DD is starting to be a little frustraiting.

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33 minutes ago, Thalon93 said:

So just out of curiosity has anyone figured out why for the last several updates going back to early version 3's that devious devices items do not seem to want to equip with dom? I prefer DOM to PAH overall but the lack of being able to use DD is starting to be a little frustraiting.

I have tried repeatedly to get the DD items to show up on my slaves and nothing has worked so far. I am fairly sure it is due to a nude masking in DoM but so far haven't found the culprit.

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39 minutes ago, Thalon93 said:

So just out of curiosity has anyone figured out why for the last several updates going back to early version 3's that devious devices items do not seem to want to equip with dom? I prefer DOM to PAH overall but the lack of being able to use DD is starting to be a little frustraiting.

3 minutes ago, Ghostman7nz said:

I have tried repeatedly to get the DD items to show up on my slaves and nothing has worked so far. I am fairly sure it is due to a nude masking in DoM but so far haven't found the culprit.


Have you tried better NPC Support for Devious devices? I can at least equip them and bound animation are played correctly. (Walking with hands bound behind back etc) However I think the devious effects don't work properly. Like a periodic activation of a soulgem plug etc.

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Thanks for new Dom4!

Just a few problems  i noticed while playing new Dom 4.04

- there is mo dress dialog after undressing. am used carry dialog instead but i think that is not what was planed.  And it would be better to put  strip-dress dialog to the main menu (for my opinion)

- after playing a few hours i got some slaves which cannot find and cannot delete from Dom. So may be release/call function is necessary (like in Pah)

- sometimes it is very difficult to transfer slave from Pah to Dom, specially when the'r many slaves.  need to save and reload game each time and then wait for some time.  without saving/loading nothing happens.


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7 minutes ago, nalios said:

Thanks for new Dom4!

Just a few problems  i noticed while playing new Dom 4.04

- there is mo dress dialog after undressing. am used carry dialog instead but i think that is not what was planed.  And it would be better to put  strip-dress dialog to the main menu (for my opinion)

Sorry, forgot that one! Telling the slave to be always naked and then revert is a temporary workaround.


7 minutes ago, nalios said:

- after playing a few hours i got some slaves which cannot find and cannot delete from Dom. So may be release/call function is necessary (like in Pah)

Will add this function to the MCM lists.


7 minutes ago, nalios said:

- sometimes it is very difficult to transfer slave from Pah to Dom, specially when the'r many slaves.  need to save and reload game each time and then wait for some time.  without saving/loading nothing happens.


Will check and add an MCM option to do transfers.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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2 hours ago, bnub345 said:

Some notes from 4.04:

  • Poses not from the pose menu still get stuck, like kneel/attention. They work normally if the start pose option is ticked in the MCM.

True. They use a different mechanism. Will fix.


2 hours ago, bnub345 said:
  • Starting a pose works fine, but another pose can't be started without a reset. Example: Submissive pose > cute pose doesn't start the cute pose, but submissive pose > stand still >cute pose works as expected

True. Will make posing as restart same behaviour enabled.


2 hours ago, bnub345 said:
  • The free cam option for paired animation doesn't do anything

True. I removed it for debugging and then forgot it. Will fix.


2 hours ago, bnub345 said:
  • There are no arousal widget messages for inspecting/kissing

Weird. Will check.

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4 hours ago, Jasmine92 said:


Have you tried better NPC Support for Devious devices? I can at least equip them and bound animation are played correctly. (Walking with hands bound behind back etc) However I think the devious effects don't work properly. Like a periodic activation of a soulgem plug etc.

Can confirm that this mod totally fixed everything for me. One thing is that you don't get the little message boxes when you equip devices on them, but other than that they work perfectly.

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7 hours ago, Jasmine92 said:


Have you tried better NPC Support for Devious devices? I can at least equip them and bound animation are played correctly. (Walking with hands bound behind back etc) However I think the devious effects don't work properly. Like a periodic activation of a soulgem plug etc.


I use Better NPC Support DD and happily collar all my slaves :). 


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12 hours ago, AnonymousUser007 said:

I noticed under the slave roster in MCM there is a spot for title, what is that for?

Slaves have empty titles. Slavers are Mistress or Master.


But in the roster you can change it to whatever you'd like. Then some messages will use title+name. Also the logfile will use it. But only when training other slaves for now, and that's not yet implemented for slaves, only slavers. Also the title can not be unset for now, I'll fix it for next version.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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22 hours ago, bnub345 said:


You need the source scripts of every dependent mod and all of their dependencies. So in this case DOM, PAHE, ZAZ, Sexlab, FNIS, SkyUI and SKSE at least.

Thank you for your help, after a bit of work after your tip, i managed to find the psc files for every mod needed.


but one more quick question for anyone who might know, what psc files contains PAH_gender and Checkgender, i have i believe everything but still getting compiling error saying those funtions/properties don't exist, i assumed these were pah and sexlab things but i have all those source files. But thought i would just ask before i start digging through the scripts trying to follow a bread crumb trail.


for the exact error

CheckGender is not a function or does not exist

PAH_gender is not a property on script pahcore or one of its parents

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Version 4.0.5 is out Still BETA. Testers only. SE only.


Trying to fix most reported bugs so far:

 - New DOM_Version global variable to identify DoM 4 (displayed in MCM)
 - Only one set of cuffs sent to player inventory
 - MCM options to change poses when in posing behavior
 - MCM option to summon actor to player position
 - MCM option in debug tab to transfer all slaves from PAH to DoM or DoM to PAH
 - Dialogue option to dress up
 - Wheel menu option to equip inventory (equivalent to dress up for naked slaves)
 - Free camera mode is back in for dual animations
 - Allow pose behavior reset. You can now set a new pose without having to go to wait/follow
 - Added busy flag when changing behavior to avoid script conflict
 - Corrected actor alias loop when releasing actor


Not fixed yet:

- Transfer to/from PAH in MCM is NOT WORKING. Do not try it or you'll regret it. (Try it one by one with the dialogue option and save in between each transfer)

- Moods are not yet exactly as in version 3

- No arousal widget messages for inspecting/kissing
- Kneel and salute poses not registering unless set to pose behavior


Edited by TrollAutokill
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2 hours ago, mikewest123x said:

Thank you for your help, after a bit of work after your tip, i managed to find the psc files for every mod needed.


but one more quick question for anyone who might know, what psc files contains PAH_gender and Checkgender, i have i believe everything but still getting compiling error saying those funtions/properties don't exist, i assumed these were pah and sexlab things but i have all those source files. But thought i would just ask before i start digging through the scripts trying to follow a bread crumb trail.


for the exact error

CheckGender is not a function or does not exist

PAH_gender is not a property on script pahcore or one of its parents

I guess you're using pahe 8.2 and those were removed by @CliftonJDuJust comment the calls.

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