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1 hour ago, bnub345 said:

First - there is no "skee" plugin. There is NiOverride.dll for LE and skee64.dll for SE.


Second - I briefly tested v4.0.2.


  1. Still having problems with most of the animations/poses playing, they either don't play or get stuck after playing
  2. Choosing "Tie up" from the wheel menu is now broken, it immediately results in the slave "Chooses to stop waiting" > "Minds own business" messages
  3. Tie up from dialogue works but it's hard for me to test as it breaks if the slave is stuck in a pose before hand, see point 1
  4. When actually tied, the slaves seem to mostly stay in place when being hit
  5. Threaten/promise no longer seems to bug out, looks fixed
  6. The necromancy spell works, it clones uniques even with that option off in the MCM, so everything seems to be working
  7. The rename function works, it even renames a spawned actor without renaming the base actor, which I didn't even think was possible
  8. The rescale actor during animation toggle works, although why you would want this I don't know
  9. Mood always seems to be normal after abduction, previous to v4 this was usually scared/terrified. Not sure if this is intended

Thanks for the thorough report.


1 and 9 are still WIP in V4.

2 should be easy to fix.


For @Jasmine92dialogues are now stable (I might have missed 1 or 2 ` instead of ') and voice files can be produced. I plan to add more lines but later, once we get out of beta.


Edited by TrollAutokill
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if SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") < 1 && SKSE.GetPluginVersion("NiOverride") < 1
        notify("SlaveTats requires NiOverride, RaceMenu, or SKEE.", silent)
        return true


Use the above code, will work for both LE and SE


And as for to use skee or skee64, use "skee" as it's the plugin name. You can check that from skse64.log if on SE

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27 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

Thanks for the thorough report.


1 and 9 are still WIP in V4.

2 should be easy to fix.


For @Jasmine92dialogues are now stable (I might have missed 1 or 2 ` instead of ') and voice files can be produced. I plan to add more lines but later, once we get out of beta.


Good to know, might be a couple of days though, before I have the time to update.

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2 hours ago, Tron91 said:
if SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") < 1 && SKSE.GetPluginVersion("NiOverride") < 1
        notify("SlaveTats requires NiOverride, RaceMenu, or SKEE.", silent)
        return true


Use the above code, will work for both LE and SE


And as for to use skee or skee64, use "skee" as it's the plugin name. You can check that from skse64.log if on SE

soo this would work 

Bool Function CheckNiOverride() 
    Return (SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") != NIOVERRIDE_VERSION || SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee64") != NIOVERRIDE_VERSION || SKSE.GetPluginVersion("NiOverride") != NIOVERRIDE_VERSION) && NiOverride.GetScriptVersion() >= NIOVERRIDE_SCRIPT_VERSION


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7 hours ago, Ghostman7nz said:

You mean "Dummy dialogue"? It's a check that dialogues for the slave comments are active. It wil be removed after beta.


Also I have to check how to remove the "You appear to be in a bind" dialogue for slaves. I think it's Zaz's.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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17 hours ago, Jasmine92 said:

Good to know, might be a couple of days though, before I have the time to update.


I realized 2 errors,


1) the script might miss some files due to Windows upper/lower case filenaming policy. It's better to run the loop twice to avoid missing any file.




dirs=`ls -d *`

for a in $dirs
  cd $a
  echo found $a
  files=`ls DOM02Dialo_DOM02Dialogue*.fuz`
  for b in $files
    n=`expr length $b`
    file=`expr substr $b 27 $n`
    mv $b DOM02Topic_DOM02TopicAnswe$file
  cd ..

for a in $dirs
  cd $a
  echo found $a
  files=`ls dom02dialo_dom02dialogue*.fuz`
  for b in $files
    n=`expr length $b`
    file=`expr substr $b 27 $n`
    mv $b DOM02Topic_DOM02TopicAnswe$file
  cd ..



2) The name of the quest is wrong, so if you generate now it will fail to find the already generated voice files.


In conclusion, you need to wait for 4.0.3beta


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One thing I wanted to note, The dialogue option in the capture dialogue shouldn't be available unless the player has a gag and rope restraints in their inventory. It seems so off to have them appear from nowhere and then remain forever. I'd be fine if they appeared when binding them then vanished after the new slave is unbound as that could be explained by "magicks". Also it it unclear precisely how we should unbind the new slaves after binding them through dialogue. If I tie them through the wheel menu I then get the option change to untie them, but when they are bound through dialogue the option in the wheel menu remains tie them and there is no dialogue to untie them.

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2 hours ago, Ghostman7nz said:

One thing I wanted to note, The dialogue option in the capture dialogue shouldn't be available unless the player has a gag and rope restraints in their inventory. It seems so off to have them appear from nowhere and then remain forever.

Ropes are default arm bindings in PAHE. Always available even if you don't have any. Same for the plain tissue mouth gag in DoM. 


2 hours ago, Ghostman7nz said:

I'd be fine if they appeared when binding them then vanished after the new slave is unbound as that could be explained by "magicks".

It's not magick, it's just that ropes and plain pieces of tissue are considered easily available. Most captives are wearing clothes and belts (cheapest were made of ropes actually in the middle ages) and have those materials on them, ready for you to use.


2 hours ago, Ghostman7nz said:

Also it it unclear precisely how we should unbind the new slaves after binding them through dialogue. If I tie them through the wheel menu I then get the option change to untie them, but when they are bound through dialogue the option in the wheel menu remains tie them and there is no dialogue to untie them.

The tie up dialogue should disappear and be replaced by "Let's get you out of those restraints". This is how it has always been working in PAHE.


Edited by TrollAutokill
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3 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

Ropes are default arm bindings in PAHE. Always available even if you don't have any. Same for the plain tissue mouth gag in DoM. 


It's not magick, it's just that ropes and plain pieces of tissue are considered easily available. Most captives are wearing clothes and belts (cheapest were made of ropes actually in the middle ages) and have those materials on them, ready for you to use.


The tie up dialogue should disappear and be replaced by "Let's get you out of those restraints". This is how it has always been working in PAHE.


Perhaps it isn't registering since I am using the dom abduct option to capture the slaves? I'll do a more testing on this as I am able and make note of anything that appears to be at odds.


on a new topic, it would be most useful to have a clone option in one of the dial menus rather than setting clone active for all unique npcs. There are a few that must be cloned for a quest line to proceed but Some npc can not be cloned or it will break some quests. I prefer to not clone the uniques unless it is required to progress and having a button to click and clone when needed would be most appreciated.

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8 hours ago, Ghostman7nz said:

Perhaps it isn't registering since I am using the dom abduct option to capture the slaves?

No, it's not related.


8 hours ago, Ghostman7nz said:

I'll do a more testing on this as I am able and make note of anything that appears to be at odds.


on a new topic, it would be most useful to have a clone option in one of the dial menus rather than setting clone active for all unique npcs. There are a few that must be cloned for a quest line to proceed but Some npc can not be cloned or it will break some quests. I prefer to not clone the uniques unless it is required to progress and having a button to click and clone when needed would be most appreciated.

You can clone afterwards in the "Let's have a serious chat" dialogue. It's in the last set of dialogue lines.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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Version 4.0.3beta is out. Still beta, still SE only.


- Spell checked new dialogue.  @Jasmine92 you can run xVaSynth! Number of new lines is small, if the DOM02 voice files are correctly renamed.

- Corrected quest name to fit voice filenames.

- Fixed Tie-up always failing.

- Strip of weapon and armor now always drops items (or send to player inventory according to MCM option).

- Known bugs being currently investigated: Weird mood swings and most poses not registering.


EDIT: Updated scripts didn't make it. Only 2 first items related to esp plugin are in 4.0.3b This version is only relevant for voice dialogue generation.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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2 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Version 4.0.3beta is out. Still beta, still SE only.


- Spell checked new dialogue.  @Jasmine92 you can run xVaSynth! Number of new lines is small, if the DOM02 voice files are correctly renamed.

- Corrected quest name to fit voice filenames.

EDIT: Updated scripts didn't make it. Only 2 first items related to esp plugin are in 4.0.3b This version is only relevant for voice dialogue generation.

Ok, got it, will start working on it the next couple days. I'm thinking about creating an update script, that will match old voicelines and voices against new ones to find all matches to reduce the voice and lip generation time needed. It should find all viable no matter the new naming or if the lines where moved. But it's only a concept atm, will have to see if it works as intended.

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1 clothing>ripe off ropes/unties
2 punish>rape : ZapDoggy01 repositions actors 4 feet apart and never starts animation, just audio
3 punish>chock/public/scold  : message , no animation did not return slave to tied state ; punish reason not removed
4 tie up : slave visual state changes, but "tie up" doesn't toggle in wheel 
5 masturbate : slave gained arousal, but doesn't animate 
6 untie : message; toggles state; doesn't untie slave visually
7 inpsection: loops
8 group:pose/kneel : no animation (resignation 84)  
9 slave broken, no comfort option

1  stay here>cross : message, but slave was not restrained
   - the cross was added
2 respect your>you're in luck : reads like it should be 'sex'. but produced punishment message
1 slave continues to idle animations, before cowering covering again
2 slave does not return to tied state after most animations 
3 mcm:slave roster 
  - changing name/title unselects slave, but does change state  
  - occupation : it isn't clear what you want this to be.  last order?  
4 can't activate slave for long seconds during some animations 
10 "h" abduction on traveling/guard merchant wench does strangle animation, but never finishes or adds to slave roster
   - "H" on following npc produced wheel rather then abduction
   "h" on named, sigid, NPC success (but never does the crawling animation)

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Had an interesting bug, or more like a race condition: I needed to re-clone a bandit, since its skeleton got messed up (belly collision node kept sticking out). The re-cloning made her angry at me for killing her... Well she is a vampire, so maybe it's a thing? :D (and a trailing <space> is missing at one of the strings that get concatenated to the message.)



Edited by Jasmine92
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1 hour ago, Jasmine92 said:

Had an interesting bug, or more like a race condition: I needed to re-clone a bandit, since its skeleton got messed up (belly collision node kept sticking out). The re-cloning made her angry at me for killing her... Well she is a vampire, so maybe it's a thing? /cdn-cgi/mirage/58d8fedba045e41d6336e240937bcd94057971e3e1128fd13a55934d77295591/1280/https://static.loverslab.com/resources/emoticons/smiley.png (and a trailing <space> is missing at one of the strings that get concatenated to the message.)

Not a bug. Cloning kills the original.


Check Lyta's feelings to see if she mentions her past friend or not.


Thanks for spotting the typo.

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Hey, I just wanna thank you the great mod you are doing and thanks for making it for LE version too, i know much people play now in SE and modders sometimes doesn´t wanna lose time making his mods for LE, but you don´t leave the old version guys like me forgotten, so yeah, thanks for that and cheer up with your great project?

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7 hours ago, NillyWilly0019 said:

I'm getting the following warning on FNIS:


"Duplicate AnimEvent Babo_ThreateningMMF_A3_S6 for character, mods Babo Human and DiaryOfMine
 1 possible consistence issues"


How can I fix it?

Maybe a leftover from a test in the DoM fnis file.


Which DoM version are you using?

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5 hours ago, The new guy1 said:

Hey, I just wanna thank you the great mod you are doing and thanks for making it for LE version too, i know much people play now in SE and modders sometimes doesn´t wanna lose time making his mods for LE, but you don´t leave the old version guys like me forgotten, so yeah, thanks for that and cheer up with your great project?

The LE thanks actually go to our dedicated LE fans.

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9 hours ago, NillyWilly0019 said:

I'm getting the following warning on FNIS:


"Duplicate AnimEvent Babo_ThreateningMMF_A3_S6 for character, mods Babo Human and DiaryOfMine
 1 possible consistence issues"


How can I fix it?


You can safely ignore duplicate animation messages from FNIS, they don't cause problems in any way. It is just letting you know that there is more than one copy of that animation, which makes sense as a lot of the DoM animations use bits from different SLAL packs. 

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16 minutes ago, Ghostman7nz said:

Is the slaves constantly stopping in crouched stance and refusing to follow with no notice or indication a new feature? If so I hate it and want a spell that yanks their ass along until they get up and start walking again.

Remember everything related to DoM 4 is beta. What you call new features might just be bugs. If you find one you like we can discuss it ?M


Anyhow version 4.0.3beta is flagged as only usable for voice line processing and MCM translation.


Version 4.0.4beta will come soon and be open for testing.


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