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13 hours ago, Jasmine92 said:

That's sounds good, I'll gladly take it. Bash is even better than PowerShell for me.

There it is, it has to be run in the "sound\Voice\Diary Of Mine.esp" directory




dirs=`ls -d *`

for a in $dirs
  cd $a
  echo found $a
  files=`ls dom02dialo_dom02dialogue*.fuz`
  for b in $files
    n=`expr length $b`
    file=`expr substr $b 27 $n`
    mv $b dom02topic_dom02topicanswe$file
  cd ..



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10 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

I just wonder what happens for vanilla body users if we remove the nioverride check?


Can you dump your version numbers? I will a dump and a warning to the code, so people will know when to update.

I have no idea although it seems to do nothing if I try to transfer unp sliders when using cbbe. I am using racemenue version  4.16.19080. also this is in nioveride

int Function GetScriptVersion() global
    return 7

I am going to try it with this modification as I suspect that the issue lies in the skse.getpluginversion

Bool Function CheckNiOverride()
    Return SKSE.GetPluginVersion("NiOverride") >= NIOVERRIDE_VERSION || NiOverride.GetScriptVersion() >= NIOVERRIDE_SCRIPT_VERSION



EDIT: Confirmed the || fixed it. Something is wrong with skse.getpluginversion or NiOveride.getscriptversion. With my money on skse.getpluginversion. Ill keep testing.

Edited by FriedTm
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1 hour ago, TrollAutokill said:


It's for slavers. They can be neutral, fine or happy. Fine is in between neutral and happy. It has no real purpose for now. But they could be better at training in the future for example.

okay then Here is another bug the fine mood is showing up on one of my slaves

Skyrim Special Edition 1_6_2023 9_42_32 AM.png

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18 hours ago, Superfart2000 said:

Yes, it will be fixed next update. I'm just fighting with CK now, all DoM dialogues suddenly disappeared after I added a few aliases. Don't know what's going on as the quest is firing as usual. @CliftonJDidid you ever experience something similar?


Edit: just deleting the new aliases solved the problem.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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41 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

But can we do without it, without running into other problems?

I am confused as to why it is in the code anyway? It should do the same thing as NiOveride.getscriptversion. Are you trying to check to see if nioveride is installed? There has to be a way to do that. I wonder why skse.getpluginversion is not working.


If someone without racemenue installed could please test this file in place of there normal pahcore.pex and see if it breaks anything. This is for version 3.4 of DOM


Edited by FriedTm
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I think the best way to do this is to check if the plugin is loaded with a -1 check. If its not -1 then its loaded and we can then check NiOveride.getscriptversion biased on what I am reading here 

; get a plugins version number, -1 if the plugin is not loaded
int Function GetPluginVersion(string name) global native


here are my changes I am testing now

; RaceMenu Version data
Int Property NIOVERRIDE_VERSION = -1 AutoReadOnly
Int Property RM_CBBE_VERSION = 2 AutoReadOnly


Bool Function CheckNiOverride()
    Return SKSE.GetPluginVersion("NiOverride") != NIOVERRIDE_VERSION && NiOverride.GetScriptVersion() >= NIOVERRIDE_SCRIPT_VERSION; ||   


Edited by FriedTm
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23 minutes ago, FriedTm said:

I think the best way to do this is to check if the plugin is loaded with a -1 check. If its not -1 then its loaded and we can then check NiOveride.getscriptversion biased on what I am reading here 

; get a plugins version number, -1 if the plugin is not loaded
int Function GetPluginVersion(string name) global native


here are my changes I am testing now

; RaceMenu Version data
Int Property NIOVERRIDE_VERSION = -1 AutoReadOnly
Int Property RM_CBBE_VERSION = 2 AutoReadOnly


Bool Function CheckNiOverride()
    Return SKSE.GetPluginVersion("NiOverride") != NIOVERRIDE_VERSION && NiOverride.GetScriptVersion() >= NIOVERRIDE_SCRIPT_VERSION; ||   


Thanks for all the good work! The end is near.

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1 hour ago, TrollAutokill said:

Thanks for all the good work! The end is near.

I have bad news I cant get SKSE.GetPluginVersion to work for any plugin something is up. Do you have any ideas?


I have messaged the maker of skse to ask about it

Edited by FriedTm
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4 hours ago, FriedTm said:

I have bad news I cant get SKSE.GetPluginVersion to work for any plugin something is up. Do you have any ideas?


I have messaged the maker of skse to ask about it


This is the code which enabled SlaveTats to work on SE when I ported it.


    if SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") == -1
        notify("SlaveTats requires NiOverride, RaceMenu, or SKEE.", silent)
        return true


This has been from the start of SE when skse was released for SE

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10 minutes ago, Tron91 said:


This is the code which enabled SlaveTats to work on SE when I ported it.


    if SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") == -1
        notify("SlaveTats requires NiOverride, RaceMenu, or SKEE.", silent)
        return true


This has been from the start of SE when skse was released for SE

interesting! do you know what the name of the plugin for nioverides is? or is it safe to assume that if "skee" is installed nioverides is installed? what I got back from skse developer was not helpful see below. I feel bad for bothering him though.


for now I will edit the code to be and test

; RaceMenu Version data
Int Property NIOVERRIDE_VERSION = -1 AutoReadOnly
Int Property RM_CBBE_VERSION = 2 AutoReadOnly

Bool Function CheckNiOverride() 
    Return SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") != NIOVERRIDE_VERSION || NiOverride.GetScriptVersion() >= NIOVERRIDE_SCRIPT_VERSION



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14 hours ago, FriedTm said:

interesting! do you know what the name of the plugin for nioverides is? or is it safe to assume that if "skee" is installed nioverides is installed? what I got back from skse developer was not helpful see below. I feel bad for bothering him though.


for now I will edit the code to be and test

; RaceMenu Version data
Int Property NIOVERRIDE_VERSION = -1 AutoReadOnly
Int Property RM_CBBE_VERSION = 2 AutoReadOnly

Bool Function CheckNiOverride() 
    Return SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") != NIOVERRIDE_VERSION || NiOverride.GetScriptVersion() >= NIOVERRIDE_SCRIPT_VERSION



I may be mistaken but I am fairly sure that SKSE.GetPluginVersion is for SKSE plugins it is not used for checking mod files

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Version 4.0.2beta is out - Still SE only and for testing purposes. PAHE version should not matter.


 - Fixed infinite loop in threatening and promising UNTESTED - BETA TESTER NEEDED
 - Added option to rename and set title in rosters. Just click on name or title field. So now "Aela the Huntress" can be renamed to Bitch "Aela".
 - Added new behavior for chained slaves
 - More dialogue options to chain your slaves WIP - FULL DIALOGUES ARE NOT IN (It just says "Chains X") SUGGESTIONS WELCOME
 - Added spell to abduct dead (spell tome in Fellglow keep on a table) UNTESTED - BETA TESTER NEEDED
 - Fixed moving tied/chained slaves when being whipped. UNTESTED - BETA TESTER NEEDED
 - Fixed recently punished modifier. Was causing slaves to be unable to pose and wait. Might need more tweaking.
 - Added option to NOT RESCALE actors during DoM paired animations. For Sexlab animations, see Sexlab settings.
 - Ammo is now stripped together with weapons.
 - Always reset idle on behavior change. Still some weirdness happening from time to time after tied/chained.
 - Chance happy disabled for slaves for now.
 - Corrected random seed faction check for spawned NPCs.
 - Disrespectful typo fixed.
 - "Honor your master, slave" for slaves only.
 - "Punished tied bandit with 9.00000 strokes..." : #strokes is now an int as it should be
 - Corrected mood swings that were set too low.
 - Adjusted armor and weapons effect on mood.
 - Always clone dead NPCs regardless of MCM settings. UNTESTED - BETA TESTER NEEDED

 - @FriedTm fix not included yet. Will come next version.

 - Fixed Kimli enslave option.
 - Fixed training & punishment after sex.


Edited by TrollAutokill
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18 hours ago, FriedTm said:

interesting! do you know what the name of the plugin for nioverides is? or is it safe to assume that if "skee" is installed nioverides is installed? what I got back from skse developer was not helpful see below. I feel bad for bothering him though.


NiOverride is a function bundled as part of Racemenu. It is also the name of the Racemenu SKSE plugin, but only for LE, as it was changed to skee64 for SE.

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55 minutes ago, bnub345 said:


NiOverride is a function bundled as part of Racemenu. It is also the name of the Racemenu SKSE plugin, but only for LE, as it was changed to skee64 for SE.

So @FriedTmfix would only work for SE. How do we tell LE from SE in scripts? Maybe we can just check both for NiOverride or skee (or is it skee64?)


On a side note, SKSE GetPluginVersion is for DLLs not esp/esm. A return value of -1 means the plugin was not found. So if we don't care for the actual version, we just need to test against -1.


Edited by TrollAutokill
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4 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Version 4.0.2beta is out - Still SE only and for testing purposes. PAHE version should not matter.


 - Fixed infinite loop in threatening and promising UNTESTED - BETA TESTER NEEDED
 - Added option to rename and set title in rosters. Just click on name or title field. So now "Aela the Huntress" can be renamed to Bitch "Aela".
 - Added new behavior for chained slaves
 - More dialogue options to chain your slaves WIP - FULL DIALOGUES ARE NOT IN - SUGGESTIONS WELCOME
 - Added spell to abduct dead (spell tome in Fellglow keep on a table) UNTESTED - BETA TESTER NEEDED
 - Fixed moving tied/chained slaves when being whipped. UNTESTED - BETA TESTER NEEDED
 - Fixed recently punished modifier. Was causing slaves to be unable to pose and wait. Might need more tweaking.
 - Added option to NOT RESCALE actors during DoM paired animations. For Sexlab animations, see Sexlab settings.
 - Ammo is now stripped together with weapons.
 - Always reset idle on behavior change. Still some weirdness happening from time to time after tied/chained.
 - Chance happy disabled for slaves for now.
 - Corrected random seed faction check for spawned NPCs.
 - Disrespectful typo fixed.
 - "Honor your master, slave" for slaves only.
 - "Punished tied bandit with 9.00000 strokes..." : #strokes is now an int as it should be
 - Corrected mood swings that were set too low.
 - Adjusted armor and weapons effect on mood.
 - Always clone dead NPCs regardless of MCM settings. UNTESTED - BETA TESTER NEEDED

 - @FriedTm fix not included yet. Will come next version.

 - Fixed Kimli enslave option.
 - Fixed training & punishment after sex.


I made a mistake the code should be 

Bool Function CheckNiOverride() 
    Return SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") != NIOVERRIDE_VERSION && NiOverride.GetScriptVersion() >= NIOVERRIDE_SCRIPT_VERSION

instead of

Bool Function CheckNiOverride() 
    Return SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") != NIOVERRIDE_VERSION || NiOverride.GetScriptVersion() >= NIOVERRIDE_SCRIPT_VERSION

here are the new fixed files :3


I am running se and skee returns not -1 so it seems to work but if you wanted to catch both I would do it like this

Bool Function CheckNiOverride() 
    Return (SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") != NIOVERRIDE_VERSION || SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee64") != NIOVERRIDE_VERSION) && NiOverride.GetScriptVersion() >= NIOVERRIDE_SCRIPT_VERSION

pahcore.psc pahcore.pex

Edited by FriedTm
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So couldn't you add an if statement in the script to designate which version of skyrim. something like


if SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") != -1

 do this

elif SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee64") != -1

    do this other thing

else warn

    someone forgot something "stranger danger"

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8 minutes ago, FriedTm said:

I made a mistake the code should be 

Bool Function CheckNiOverride() 
    Return SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") != NIOVERRIDE_VERSION && NiOverride.GetScriptVersion() >= NIOVERRIDE_SCRIPT_VERSION

instead of

Bool Function CheckNiOverride() 
    Return SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") != NIOVERRIDE_VERSION || NiOverride.GetScriptVersion() >= NIOVERRIDE_SCRIPT_VERSION

here are the new fixed files :3


I am running se and skee returns not -1 so it seems to work but if you wanted to catch both I would do it like this

Bool Function CheckNiOverride() 
    Return (SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") != NIOVERRIDE_VERSION || SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee64") != NIOVERRIDE_VERSION) && NiOverride.GetScriptVersion() >= NIOVERRIDE_SCRIPT_VERSION

pahcore.psc 156.65 kB · 0 downloads pahcore.pex 126.83 kB · 0 downloads

Looks more correct indeed. I will add it to 4.0.3beta when it's ready.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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or you could do it like this

Bool Function CheckNiOverride() 
    If SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee64") != NIOVERRIDE_VERSION; this means we are in se in theory
        Return NiOverride.GetScriptVersion() >= NIOVERRIDE_SCRIPT_VERSION
    ElseIf SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") != NIOVERRIDE_VERSION
        Return NiOverride.GetScriptVersion() >= NIOVERRIDE_SCRIPT_VERSION
        Return False


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10 minutes ago, Ghostman7nz said:

So couldn't you add an if statement in the script to designate which version of skyrim. something like


if SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") != -1

 do this

elif SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee64") != -1

    do this other thing

else warn

    someone forgot something "stranger danger"

beat me to it cheers!

Edited by FriedTm
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First - there is no "skee" plugin. There is NiOverride.dll for LE and skee64.dll for SE.


Second - I briefly tested v4.0.2.


  1. Still having problems with most of the animations/poses playing, they either don't play or get stuck after playing
  2. Choosing "Tie up" from the wheel menu is now broken, it immediately results in the slave "Chooses to stop waiting" > "Minds own business" messages
  3. Tie up from dialogue works but it's hard for me to test as it breaks if the slave is stuck in a pose before hand, see point 1
  4. When actually tied, the slaves seem to mostly stay in place when being hit
  5. Threaten/promise no longer seems to bug out, looks fixed
  6. The necromancy spell works, it clones uniques even with that option off in the MCM, so everything seems to be working
  7. The rename function works, it even renames a spawned actor without renaming the base actor, which I didn't even think was possible
  8. The rescale actor during animation toggle works, although why you would want this I don't know
  9. Mood always seems to be normal after abduction, previous to v4 this was usually scared/terrified. Not sure if this is intended
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