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6 hours ago, FriedTm said:

Ok so cloning spawned npcs works as intended however unique npcs do not seem to be working as intended anymore. before you change anything though let me poke at it for a day and make sure its not on my end! :) thanks for all you have done!

I guess you're testing V3 here? Unique NPCs are not cloned by default. In that case I understood they should be fine. No? Or do you mean you changed the MCM option and tested the cloning of unique?

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6 hours ago, sidfu1 said:

you dont need to clone uniques unless they are dead then you need to clone them.

Good point, I will add a check on dead uniques. Though next version you shouldn't be able to abduct dead anymore. I will add a necro spell though.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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1 hour ago, TrollAutokill said:

Good point, I will add a check on dead uniques. Though next version you shouldn't be able to abduct dead anymore. I will add a necro spell though.

how will the necro spell work thou. since some uniques have to be killed when enslaved to prevent future bugs. also for me i only enslave uniques and never touch  random bandis so that i never get the naked bandit bug ever. not being able to do the enslave on dead uniques means that there alot less slaves an have for AYGAS uniques being resold.

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10 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

I am more concerned about did you manage to take them out of the bag?


You can use the PAHE "teleport slave to player" command in the MCM. I dropped a sack recently and the physics engine glitched and the bag clipped through a wall and was lost. So I teleported the girl back from the PAHE cell.


Mind you, that run ended in an annoying mess of duplicated PAHE slaves and whatnot, so I wouldn't recommend it in normal play.

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no audio from slave for anything



- adds "Honor your Master slave!" to the top of all dialog, not just slaves

- "You appear to be in a bind" repeated twice at bottom of dialog tree

- "You're a slave now. Listen.."->"nudity"->"..covering" appears to put the code into the same loop as using the wheel



- untied changed state to untied (slave could move and "tie" was listed in wheel, but her appearance was still tied  

- punish->reason->{scold, choke, public} ; displays message, but  doe not start animation or remove the reason from the list.

- punish - ... - rape; displays message, starts animation, removes from list

- punish -. ... - pain; displays message and removes from list ( would prefer it mark the reason for later whipping) 

- masturbate ; changes state to masturbate, but slave does not animate and will instead idle  (with covering) 

- inspection - resulted in looping on last stage of inspection animation

- comfort - message listed emotion has happy.  assumes emotion was changed before message was generated 



- in previous version, slave would wait and listen or flee.  currently most often their idle animation kicks in.

- slave got stuck at in the last stage of "Lossen up .."  looping on the last stage of drink animation;  "stop what you are doing" did not break her from the loop. "inspection" started a new animation, but also failed to end on last animation loop ; reloaded at this point 

- abduction does not align


appreciates the data about the slave, would also like "teleport" and "debug" 


Edited by Good Provider
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Concerning the unique I really doubt they don't need cloning. When I modded Skyrim long ego and, when cloning was not as easy as now, I had a lot of problems with unique, for example enslaving Silfrid and having her retrieving her base package after some days, like going to her garden ?


In v3 for example you can easily see that by getting some unique as paid slavers (not slaves), you will see that a lot of them will retrieve their base package and won't stay in place training or garding the new slaves...

Now I only get as paid slavers unique from mods which seems to have only "sandbox" package without fixed locations, no merchants for example.

Edited by Strec2
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1 hour ago, Strec2 said:

Concerning the unique I really doubt they don't need cloning. When I modded Skyrim long ego and, when cloning was not as easy as now, I had a lot of problems with unique, for example enslaving Silfrid and having her retrieving her base package after some days, like going to her garden ?


In v3 for example you can easily see that by getting some unique as paid slavers (not slaves), you will see that a lot of them will retrieve their base package and won't stay in place training or garding the new slaves...

Now I only get as paid slavers unique from mods which seems to have only "sandbox" package without fixed locations, no merchants for example.

enslaving uniques is actualy safer than doing rando spawns for most part. the only cadvent is you must only enslave them after any quest. you also have to do wiki research to see if theyhave anything esle assostated with them. a good example is angi. once you do her shooting quest she fine ot enslave with no clone.

for voice if a npc has a none base game voice they wont get voiced lines on enslavement.

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2 hours ago, sidfu1 said:

enslaving uniques is actualy safer than doing rando spawns for most part. the only cadvent is you must only enslave them after any quest. you also have to do wiki research to see if theyhave anything esle assostated with them. a good example is angi. once you do her shooting quest she fine ot enslave with no clone.

for voice if a npc has a none base game voice they wont get voiced lines on enslavement.

I have no voice for anyone, and I have enslaved uniques with long dialog tracks. 

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19 hours ago, Superfart2000 said:
20 hours ago, Nonseen said:

hmm maybe we need make a separate thread for collection of slavery mods and slavery support mods. like a mod index :) i sure lot of users make use of it.

I second this

i done it. :) ( "We need it, we make it!" :D :D )


 started it added some mods i aware of, pls put recomendation here! Soon as i able i update the first post.

here the topick:
NPC slavery mod cataloge topick


Sorry for offing here TrollAutoKill

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3 hours ago, Good Provider said:

I have no voice for anyone, and I have enslaved uniques with long dialog tracks. 

Most of the dialogue file names have changed in V4, that explains why you won't get the audio.

@Jasmine92 will probably hate me for that, but I have a renaming script...


Edited by TrollAutokill
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2 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Most of the dialogue file names have changed in V4, that explains why you won't get the audio.

@Jasmine92 will probably hate me for that, but I have a renaming script...


... :D

I will try and update the voicepack to V4, but maybe i should wait, until it has reached a release candidate version, so it will save me the trouble of checking every update. Maybe xou can give me a heads up when it's there?


I always wondered how the filenames are set? Does the CK set the filename or how it is derived.

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39 minutes ago, Jasmine92 said:

... /cdn-cgi/mirage/58d8fedba045e41d6336e240937bcd94057971e3e1128fd13a55934d77295591/1280/https://static.loverslab.com/resources/emoticons/smiley.png

I will try and update the voicepack to V4, but maybe i should wait, until it has reached a release candidate version, so it will save me the trouble of checking every update. Maybe xou can give me a heads up when it's there?

Absolutely. As long as it says 'beta' it's better to stay away from it and stick to V3.


The reason I posted V4beta is because I can only test once a day and the beta testers' reports are really speeding up the debugging process.


39 minutes ago, Jasmine92 said:


I always wondered how the filenames are set? Does the CK set the filename or how it is derived.

fuz file names are made of the first characters of the topic name which you can see in sseedit and the ID number of the topic answer.


I had to rename the topics to something more standardized so that the CK would fill the script properties automatically, without having to type all the ID number and names one by one.


It only affects the voice files starting with "DOM02" so it is easy to fix the names with a shell script. Unfortunately my knowledge of PowerShell is very limited. So I wrote a script using Linux shell under WSL (Windows Subsytem for Linux, it's basically a Linux shell app for windows 10 and 11. I use 'Ubuntu' from the windows store).


I can post the script here if you want to try it and save time with reprocessing.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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Ok so something is off, it seems that the cloning of non unique nps is not working in this version on a new game. Something seems amiss on the cbbe clone code because if I run a new game with the old v2 diary of mine and the old pahe and my code it works just fine. This is the same load order and everything. I am using 3ba not pure cbbe but that should not cause an issue. Is there a change in the clone code from the v3 version? I wonder if check nioveride is not working properly.


let me test all of your versions and I will get back to you. Sorry for the inconsistencies because of the way my game is set up it can be hard sometimes to tell if it is working or not.


EDIT: seems you version 3.1.6 does not work on my end. Before I redownload all the scrips required to build my own versions again would you be willing to send me a version of either 3.1.6 or 3.4.1 with the nioverides check off? 


Edited by FriedTm
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3 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

It only affects the voice files starting with "DOM02" so it is easy to fix the names with a shell script. Unfortunately my knowledge of PowerShell is very limited. So I wrote a script using Linux shell under WSL (Windows Subsytem for Linux, it's basically a Linux shell app for windows 10 and 11. I use 'Ubuntu' from the windows store).


I can post the script here if you want to try it and save time with reprocessing.

That's sounds good, I'll gladly take it. Bash is even better than PowerShell for me.

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57 minutes ago, FriedTm said:

Ok so something is off, it seems that the cloning of non unique nps is not working in this version on a new game. Something seems amiss on the cbbe clone code because if I run a new game with the old v2 diary of mine and the old pahe and my code it works just fine. This is the same load order and everything. I am using 3ba not pure cbbe but that should not cause an issue. Is there a change in the clone code from the v3 version? I wonder if check nioveride is not working properly.


let me test all of your versions and I will get back to you. Sorry for the inconsistencies because of the way my game is set up it can be hard sometimes to tell if it is working or not.


EDIT: seems you version 3.1.6 does not work on my end. Before I redownload all the scrips required to build my own versions again would you be willing to send me a version of either 3.1.6 or 3.4.1 with the nioverides check off? 


OK! so I did an edit to your code and moved the 

transferNode(original, clone)

outside the 


If CheckNiOverride() ; && clone.GetLeveledActorBase().getSex() != 0


and this fixed everything. CheckNiOverride() is not working on my end I am happy to send any files you would like to look at as to why this may be. 


Bool Function CheckNiOverride()
    Return SKSE.GetPluginVersion("NiOverride") >= NIOVERRIDE_VERSION && NiOverride.GetScriptVersion() >= NIOVERRIDE_SCRIPT_VERSION

I don't see anything wrong with this other than maybe my version is to low? should I update racemenue? 


anyway my modified files are below

pahcore.pex pahcore.psc

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3 hours ago, FriedTm said:

OK! so I did an edit to your code and moved the 

transferNode(original, clone)

outside the 


If CheckNiOverride() ; && clone.GetLeveledActorBase().getSex() != 0


and this fixed everything. CheckNiOverride() is not working on my end I am happy to send any files you would like to look at as to why this may be. 


Bool Function CheckNiOverride()
    Return SKSE.GetPluginVersion("NiOverride") >= NIOVERRIDE_VERSION && NiOverride.GetScriptVersion() >= NIOVERRIDE_SCRIPT_VERSION

I don't see anything wrong with this other than maybe my version is to low? should I update racemenue? 


anyway my modified files are below

pahcore.pex 126.82 kB · 0 downloads pahcore.psc 156.66 kB · 0 downloads

I just wonder what happens for vanilla body users if we remove the nioverride check?


Can you dump your version numbers? I will a dump and a warning to the code, so people will know when to update.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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So some small observations from my fiddling tonight.


Still have 0 clue about these Sucubus Slaves unable to get SlaveTats, it says in the SlaveTats MCM they have DoM tats but nothing happens even if i try to force a tat onto them


I think the disappearing names may be tied to if a Maid is cleaning, when these happen it can be instant and can affect multiple slaves regardless of their origin or the last time you interacted with them.


I am only getting slaves to have an orgasm by Sex Scenes, no amount of commanding to masturbate or things that may trigger it like inspections or kissing will work.


I can't get any slaves to fall in love or get loyal either. Checking the log always says they aren't broken enough, even though i broke a slave over a dozen times, unless its not keeping counts of breaks. It pretty much came down to me mashing Spank and Scold over and over as their mood kept bouncing from shocked/fine/broken/happy. I do hope there'll be better methods to the shocking and breaking


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I can't get any slaves to fall in love or get loyal either. Checking the log always says they aren't broken enough, even though i broke a slave over a dozen times, unless its not keeping counts of breaks. It pretty much came down to me mashing Spank and Scold over and over as their mood kept bouncing from shocked/fine/broken/happy. I do hope there'll be better methods to the shocking and breaking


Somewhere this make me happier, I did think I was the only one unable to understand the mod and did think it was because I'm not a native english speaking ?


Personnaly after reading ton of pages I'm not able to understand what is really the order of the moods (normal, afraid....broken,...) and how to go from one to another.


I'm also unable to understand how ppl who have been enslaved can be in a "normal" mood but it's another problem :P

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Scaling question.  Is there any way to turn off the auto-scaling?  


For me, people getting smaller/bigger is worse than the clipping/alignment.


My current work around is to go into SSEEdit and change their heights to 1.000 in the mod files, and sometimes I must replace their skeleton too if they use a custom one.  It's far easier to adjust their height in game to align instead.



Edited by NicholasJMoore
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