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Whether a misfire to a guard or following quest NPC, or a Combat rape mod decided to enslave an NPC on NPC encounter down the road. Having no player input on the matter is going to leave a boatload of problems or frequent loading saves like quick loads or even old ones when you check the MCM and see someone important in the list for who knows how long.


Mods that were going in the right direction on this are actually not in the recent wave of ideas and concepts.


SexLab Defeat.

Skyrim Chainbeasts

Yamete (Original)


All 3 used a method of leaving the victim in a bound or bleedout like state in which then you the player can decide what to do. Free the accident or rob that dude you don't like. Much like the PAH enslaving message box, its player input, you have control.

I feel this is how it should lead into when it comes to enhancing and immersion-ing the enslavement process


For sure I agree! Not beeing able to see stats of a NPC before enslaving it is boring and when enslaved it's a pity to kill it, at least we may have an instant kill on slaves.

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22 hours ago, DocClox said:


There's a "do me a favor" option under "come here slave" that reporst "Imperial Captain won't  let you abuse her". She's naked and bound - don't tell me I have to buy her chocolates and a movie before she'll put out.



Corrected the fact that if she is tied she should have had a message to untie her first.

Now, if she stills report "won't let her abuse her" it's not chocolates you need to give her...


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3 hours ago, Strec2 said:

Hope there will be less virgins in v4, seeing so much bandits and Sven's mother as virgin break immersion, at least rename them Marie and Jesus ?

Less virgins among bandits maybe.


But unfortunately for Sven's mother, there is no way to tell an Actor is a parent in Skyrim. Actually Skyrim doesn't make the difference between being a parent and being a child, without checking both actors.


If I am wrong and you know a way, I am all ears!

Edited by TrollAutokill
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3 hours ago, Strec2 said:




For sure I agree! Not beeing able to see stats of a NPC before enslaving it is boring and when enslaved it's a pity to kill it, at least we may have an instant kill on slaves.

Try the restore persona spell on the victim, it should generate the personality.

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Version 4.0.1 is out. This is a beta version for testers only. Use at your own risk and report bugs, no complain allowed. LE not supported!


Many thanks to the early testers!


 - DoM slaves are now separated from PAHE slaves but can be swapped using the "Let's have a serious chat" dialogue.

 - You now have 4 different pools of slaves: PAHE, HSH, AYGAS and DoM.

 - HSH and AYGAS are only supported through PAHE and should NOT be installed with the DoM interface! Tick the DoM patch boxes off when installing HSH or AYGAS, for now (beta release only).

 - Added dialogue to have sex with slave under "Honour me slave". Options are rape oral/vaginal/anal which the slave can't say no and nice oral/vaginal/anal which the slave can deny.
 - MCM option to transfer outfit to inventory separated for Unique and Spawned.
 - MCM option to apply above flags to slavers.
 - Dialogue option to transfer outfit to inventory under "Come here slave" -> "Undress now!".
 - Outfit is restored upon slave release if no other actors are from the same actorbase.
 - armors and restrains are forced to equip when added and forced to not requip when removed.
 - weapons are not forced to equip when added and forced to not requip when removed.
 - Physical training is described by the usual PAHE 6 stats: submission/fear/humiliation/anger/resignation/respect
 - After the physical training is complete, and one finally accepts that one is truly a slave (training >= 100 in 1 stat)
   training stats will be replace with: desire/worship/fascination/absolution/devotion/admiration
 - Corrected DoFavor for tied slaves will now return a message to untie slave first
 - Corrected virginaty status according to previous occupations (less virgin bandits)
 - Corrected unrespectful punishment reason not being recognized.
 - Relationship corrected to -2 for slaves to avoid inlove/loyal moods happening at startup.
 - No weapons and no weapons nor armor added to strip options
 - Rename turned off for uniques

Edited by TrollAutokill
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1 hour ago, TrollAutokill said:

Now, if she stills report "won't let her abuse her" it's not chocolates you need to give her...


That's what I was trying to give her when it told me she wouldn't let me! :O


I'll give the new version a spin. Probably won't get to it for a couple of hours though.


1 hour ago, TrollAutokill said:

It should be in wheel 4 with undress/kiss/inspect/masturbate/...


I definitely looked there. I remember think that logically it should be the same place as "kiss". I seem to recall that the MCM help text said "sex" as well. it was just missing from the wheel.

Edited by DocClox
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19 minutes ago, DocClox said:


That's what I was trying to give her when it told me she wouldn't let me! /cdn-cgi/mirage/58d8fedba045e41d6336e240937bcd94057971e3e1128fd13a55934d77295591/1280/https://static.loverslab.com/resources/emoticons/open_mouth.png


I'll give the new version a spin. Probably won't get to it for a couple of hours though.



I definitely looked there. I remember think that logically it should be the same place as "kiss". I seem to recall that the MCM help text said "sex" as well. it was just missing from the wheel.

It might be because the wheel checks the "is love interest" flag and you need to set it to true with a bit of flirting first. It's in the "Listen to me slave" -> "I have something important to tell you" dialogue or somewhere in the wheel menus. Anyhow the dialogue doesn't care about love interest flag, so there you are.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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- Physical training is described by the usual PAHE 6 stats: submission/fear/humiliation/anger/resignation/respect

 - After the physical training is complete, and one finally accepts that one is truly a slave (training >= 100 in 1 stat)
   training stats will be replace with: desire/worship/fascination/absolution/devotion/admiration


1/ I'm currently test PAHE 1.30 without DOM  and I don't have in PAHE the stats humiliation and resignation but I have combat, pose and sex... Are these stats gone away?


2/ Once a physical training is done with a stat of 100 how do we up the others? Are stats transfered to PAHE and HsH?


3/ Did you solve the rerolling of traits when cloning a NPC?


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4 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

It might be because the wheel checks the "is love interest" flag and you need to set it to true with a bit of flirting first. It's in the "Listen to me slave" -> "I have something important to tell you" dialogue or somewhere in the wheel menus. Anyhow the dialogue doesn't care about love interest flag, so there you are.


Hmm. That bitch was trying to have me executed ten minutes previously. I had zero interest in flirting with her.


Nice to know  the dialogue will fire either way :)

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43 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

Version 4.0.1 is out. This is a beta version for testers only. Use at your own risk and report bugs, no complain allowed. LE not supported!


Many thanks to the early testers!


 - DoM slaves are now separated from PAHE slaves but can be swapped using the "Let's have a serious chat" dialogue.

 - You now have 4 different pools of slaves: PAHE, HSH, AYGAS and DoM.

 - HSH and AYGAS are only supported through PAHE and should NOT be installed with the DoM interface! Tick the DoM patch boxes off when installing HSH or AYGAS, for now (beta release only).


So ...  i can run DOM without PAHE now? 

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26 minutes ago, catazod said:


So ...  i can run DOM without PAHE now? 

No, DoM is an add-on to PAHE and always will be for Skyrim. It will only work with PAHE installed and running as it sill uses a lot of scripts from PAHE. But you don't need to have any slave in the PAHE list for it to work.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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1 hour ago, Strec2 said:




1/ I'm currently test PAHE 1.30 without DOM  and I don't have in PAHE the stats humiliation and resignation but I have combat, pose and sex... Are these stats gone away?

If you don't have humiliation and resignation defined in the PAHE plugin (they might be there even if they are not used) DoM will failed to work. Check the factions with sseedit.


Combat, pose and sex are also there as well s other secondary training stats.


1 hour ago, Strec2 said:

2/ Once a physical training is done with a stat of 100 how do we up the others? Are stats transfered to PAHE and HsH?

You need to continue the training with DoM. The slave needs to be at least 100 in the primary training stat and loyal (for absolution, worship and devotion) or inlove (for desire, fascination and admiration).


1 hour ago, Strec2 said:

3/ Did you solve the rerolling of traits when cloning a NPC?



As I said all spawned NPCs have a different seed generated once enslaved and save in a faction to ensure rerolling always lead to the same personality traits for this particular actor. 


I just need to make sure this seed is also correctly saved for non slaves/slavers.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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Thanks for all the work.



- "threten:*" locks out all other whell/hotkey inputs

- "clothing:ripped-off" includes the gag

- "abuse wheel" no longer contains sex/rape




################ ################ ################
# Rewards
################ ################ ################


Replace the praise section in the wheel with reward.  Reward should mostly mirror punishment.  With the ability to reward or punish with most actions you can preform on the slave:


    punish/reward -> (select reason) -> (select type) -> (optional select sub-type)


punish         | reward    || options                      | action
pain             | pain         || (slap, strangle, whip) | slap or open the weapon inventory
rape            | rape         || (vaginal, oral, anal)   | starts aggressive sex
                    | sex           || (vaginal, oral, anal)   | starts non-aggressive sex
take             | give           ||                                    | open exchange inventory windows
forced kiss | affection   || (hug, kiss)                | (forced kiss/kiss)
scold           | praise       ||                                   | print message
forbid          | allow         || (action)                     |  allow/forbid specific actions


Rewards, unlike punishments, can be refused.  Which will can be punished.


################ ################ ################
# promise
################ ################ ################


Promises should be linked to the type tree. The promise could be full filled for any reward or punishment reason later.


    "It's cold, may we have some clothing", "Please master promised."
     Reward slave with a sock for being a good slave.

Edited by Good Provider
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5 hours ago, McLovin3 said:

Bought slaves from the Sucubus market still can't get the SlaveTat DoM features like blushing when DoM Aroused even when transferring from Sucubus > PAH

can you share a link to it

2 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Less virgins among bandits maybe.


But unfortunately for Sven's mother, there is no way to tell an Actor is a parent in Skyrim. Actually Skyrim doesn't make the difference between being a parent and being a child, without checking both actors.


If I am wrong and you know a way, I am all ears!

under relationship HildeSven there's an association type parentchild if there's any way for you to access that

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30 minutes ago, CliftonJD said:

can you share a link to it

under relationship HildeSven there's an association type parentchild if there's any way for you to access that

As @Strec2pointed out, you need 2 actors to get the detail of a relationship. Unfortunately there is no function to get the other actor in a relationship. To my knowledge that is.


So for Sven's mother, it is possible to get that she is in a parent/child relationship but not possible to know she is the parent in this relationship without finding Sven first. Unfortunately finding Sven is in a parent/child relationship with his mother would mean looping on all Skyrim unique actors...


Families are complicated...

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1 hour ago, TrollAutokill said:

No, DoM is an add-on to PAHE and always will be for Skyrim. It will only work with PAHE installed and running as it sill uses a lot of scripts from PAHE. But you don't need to have any slave in the PAHE list for it to work.


Ohh ... my hopes and deams  ?


Thank you for your hard work and dedication!

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17 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

As @Strec2pointed out, you need 2 actors to get the detail of a relationship. Unfortunately there is no function to get the other actor in a relationship. To my knowledge that is.


So for Sven's mother, it is possible to get that she is in a parent/child relationship but not possible to know she is the parent in this relationship without finding Sven first. Unfortunately finding Sven is in a parent/child relationship with his mother would mean looping on all Skyrim unique actors...


Families are complicated...

Suggestion: why not make 2 form list one for parents one for childs.

I have littile knowlage about how SSE scripts work i assume one script can made that fill this forms so in game only need check if the npc on the childs or parent list.

Not perfect solution and if new mod instaleld that changes the relation ships this same sse script need to be re run. :(

but at least covers the basic skyrim.


this way whitout knowing the secund actor can be comformed the family status. Not perfect solution :(

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1 hour ago, Strec2 said:

You can get the relationship between 2 IDs but you can't have the relation child of an ID alone.

i notice there's an issue getting the parent from the child

37 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

As @Strec2pointed out, you need 2 actors to get the detail of a relationship. Unfortunately there is no function to get the other actor in a relationship. To my knowledge that is.


So for Sven's mother, it is possible to get that she is in a parent/child relationship but not possible to know she is the parent in this relationship without finding Sven first. Unfortunately finding Sven is in a parent/child relationship with his mother would mean looping on all Skyrim unique actors...


Families are complicated...

but why can't you at the least get the child from the parent

7 minutes ago, Nonseen said:

Suggestion: why not make 2 form list one for parents one for childs.

I have littile knowlage about how SSE scripts work i assume one script can made that fill this forms so in game only need check if the npc on the childs or parent list.

Not perfect solution and if new mod instaleld that changes the relation ships this same sse script need to be re run. :(

but at least covers the basic skyrim.


this way whitout knowing the secund actor can be comformed the family status. Not perfect solution :(

that's actually not a bad idea if there's no native function for it

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27 minutes ago, CliftonJD said:

i notice there's an issue getting the parent from the child

but why can't you at the least get the child from the parent

that's actually not a bad idea if there's no native function for it

There is a function but it is buried in Bethesda code and the SKSE team didn't bother to dig it out.



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39 minutes ago, Nonseen said:

Suggestion: why not make 2 form list one for parents one for childs.

I have littile knowlage about how SSE scripts work i assume one script can made that fill this forms so in game only need check if the npc on the childs or parent list.

Not perfect solution and if new mod instaleld that changes the relation ships this same sse script need to be re run. :(

but at least covers the basic skyrim.


this way whitout knowing the secund actor can be comformed the family status. Not perfect solution :(

Well if you know how to make such a form list of registered parents and post it here in a plugin, you'll be a hero.

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It can't work with 2 lists and anyway it would be a lot of work for a little gain, I hope there are other priorities :D


Note: I'm starting a notepad for debugging but I have one first which is not blocking but disturbing : I have the "Honour our master, slave" on all NPCs


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59 minutes ago, Strec2 said:

It can't work with 2 lists and anyway it would be a lot of work for a little gain, I hope there are other priorities :D


Note: I'm starting a notepad for debugging but I have one first which is not blocking but disturbing : I have the "Honour our master, slave" on all NPCs


Thanks. Will be fixed next update.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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