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35 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

It usually means she has no body associated with her. Maybe she is a custom race.


Yeah, I figured.  I loaded from an earlier save rather than digging into the records with xEdit and whatnot. It's probably fixable, I just wondered if anyone had a workaround, or knew of a mod that fixed it.


It's not a problem. I'll just dress up a couple of Thalmor girls in Saints gear, once they're properly trained of course.

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1 hour ago, DocClox said:

Has anyone tried enslaving Staada from Saints and Seducers in AE? I tell her to strip and her body goes along with her armor!

i checked she uses teh default body and no worn armor so she should have a body. BUT all her armor is set to unplable so it wont pup in her inventory. even thou she unique it sows she has a template so its possible it might  cause naked issue with any based on that template maybe. for some reason you might need to add a worn armor of the base game body mesh.

here a high poly head repalcer for the CC  stuff

Edited by sidfu1
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Version 4.0.0beta is out. This is a beta version for testers only. Use at your own risk and report bugs, no complain allowed. Only to be used with clean save.


Not LE compatible!


 - DoM slaves are now separated from PAHE slaves but can be swapped using the "Let's have a serious chat" dialogue.

 - Since the scripts are now splitted, use whichever PAHE version you'd like.

 - HSH and AYGAS are only supported through PAHE and should NOT be installed with the DoM interface!

Edited by TrollAutokill
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(sigh... I just posted a fairly lengthy reply to this. Then, when I tried to link a relevant Nexus mod, Clownflare decided it hadn't been the center of attention for far too long and made me do catchpa shit. And when the page reloaded, my post was gone. Fucking Clownflare!)


Anyhow - long story short: I though about adding Staada's inventory to the bat script I use for disarming Deadly Wench vampires and the like. There's also a Skyrim Extended Cut mod that replaces the S&S storyline with an extended version of the Sheogorath deadric quest and takes you back to SI. So I might try that next time. I'll get my pet Saint and Seducer bodyguards yet!

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10 minutes ago, DocClox said:


Does this need a new game? Or will DoM upgrade?

No upgrade yet. We will come to that later. You can upgrade yourself if you move all your slaves to HSH, reload with PAHE (no DoM) reboot PAHE, save, reload with DoM, pray one or two Daedrae and it should work.


But if you want to test and want your report to be taken seriously, I strongly advise to start from a clean save. Clean = no DoM in it. Original PAHE is ok.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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OK. Early report. Sided with Ralof at Helgen and used the DoM " Abduct" option. Told her should wouldn't need weapons, and she stripped naked, and then that a gag and cuffs would keep her quiet, and they applied.


... and then all her armor re-equipped itself. I took the items away manually and now I have two copies of everything she had.


Silly question I'm sure, but where's the "have sex" option in the new menu? I mean if we're not using PAHE?




There's a "do me a favor" option under "come here slave" that reporst "Imperial Captain won't  let you abuse her". She's naked and bound - don't tell me I have to buy her chocolates and a movie before she'll put out.


Also getting "Unknown punishment reason=32 when I choke her for "I told you to call me Master".


Also it's getting super laggy all of a sudden.


Edited by DocClox
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4 minutes ago, DocClox said:

OK. Early report. Sided with Ralof at Helgen and used the DoM " Abduct" option. Told her should wouldn't need weapons, and she stripped naked, and then that a gag and cuffs would keep her quiet, and they applied.


... and then all her armor re-equipped itself. I took the items away manually and now I have two copies of everything she had.


Silly question I'm sure, but where's the "have sex" option in the new menu? I mean if we're not using PAHE?

It's not in the dialogue yet! Should be in the wheel menu though.

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34 minutes ago, DocClox said:

OK. Early report. Sided with Ralof at Helgen and used the DoM " Abduct" option. Told her should wouldn't need weapons, and she stripped naked, and then that a gag and cuffs would keep her quiet, and they applied.

Did you choose strip weapon AND armor? If just weapons she should not be naked.

34 minutes ago, DocClox said:

... and then all her armor re-equipped itself. I took the items away manually and now I have two copies of everything she had.

So I guess you had the option to steal equipment with stripping?


34 minutes ago, DocClox said:

Silly question I'm sure, but where's the "have sex" option in the new menu? I mean if we're not using PAHE?




There's a "do me a favor" option under "come here slave" that reporst "Imperial Captain won't  let you abuse her". She's naked and bound - don't tell me I have to buy her chocolates and a movie before she'll put out.

It should tell you first that she is bounded and can't do you a favor.


34 minutes ago, DocClox said:

Also getting "Unknown punishment reason=32 when I choke her for "I told you to call me Master".

Certainly a typo in the reason number, I'll check.


34 minutes ago, DocClox said:

Also it's getting super laggy all of a sudden.


That sounds like an endless loop at some point in a script. Try to start over and reproduce with the same events and note after which event it starts happening.


Thanks for the report I'll try to fix.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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6 hours ago, DocClox said:

(sigh... I just posted a fairly lengthy reply to this. Then, when I tried to link a relevant Nexus mod, Clownflare decided it hadn't been the center of attention for far too long and made me do catchpa shit. And when the page reloaded, my post was gone. Fucking Clownflare!)


Anyhow - long story short: I though about adding Staada's inventory to the bat script I use for disarming Deadly Wench vampires and the like. There's also a Skyrim Extended Cut mod that replaces the S&S storyline with an extended version of the Sheogorath deadric quest and takes you back to SI. So I might try that next time. I'll get my pet Saint and Seducer bodyguards yet!

Not sure if this will fix it but there is a mod that makes the Saints and Seducers races both playable. Installing that may make the existing NPCs of those races act more normal.


EDIT: Here it is

Edited by InsanityFactor
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1 hour ago, InsanityFactor said:

Not sure if this will fix it but there is a mod that makes the Saints and Seducers races both playable. Installing that may make the existing NPCs of those races act more normal.


Says it adds a body to the races, so yeah, looks promising.


6 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

That sounds like an endless loop at some point in a script. Try to start over and reproduce with the same events and note after which event it starts happening.


OK. Restarted.


Abducted the Imperial Captain in Helgen. This itself may be the cause of some weirdness since it's possible not everything in the game is set up properly until we exit Helgen. Anyway, telling her that she won't need weapons results in her stripping. I had intended to take it slow with just weapons first, and then armor, but it didn't work out that way. No option was offered at the time to take her stuff, and afterwards it drops me to "you're a slave now, I own you".


Gag and ropes from that point makes her kneel, but then her armor reapplies and she stands back up. I should mention that I was seeing some weirdness like this on the previous version but didn't mention it since you were crushing for the new release. It's possible that I'm seeing a clash with something like TAMOBA or SPID.


I can take her armor and then she kneels naked, bound and gagged as expected. I end up with two copies of all her stuff.


I still can't find a "sex" option, even on the wheel menus (all six of them)


No repetition of the lag I reported earlier. Might just be random Skyrim weirdness, or might be a product of my flailing around at random trying to find "have sex".


In any case I'm going back to the previous version for the time being. I have a MO2 profile with its own saves and ini settings for DoM4, so if you want any more tests, I'll do what I can.



Edited by DocClox
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I did a super quick test of version 4 and my notes are below. This was all tested on a new game. 


The Good:

I see a lot of promising stuff here, the groundwork looks pretty good. 


1. The dialogues for enslavement seem cool, I like having the option to immediately tie & gag on capture, that is a good addition.


2. Enslavement cloning seems faster and more seamless, I am not sure if this is part of the update or if I was just lucky, but I was seeing enslavement happen before the corpse could even appear. I really hope that was on purpose.


3. I noticed a lot of new dialogues. Nice!


4. Performance overall just seems better.


The Bad:

1. Tying and gagging on capture is sticky, the slave won't stop the tied animation after being untied. 


2. Posing seems off, I am not seeing entertainment poses play even though it says that the slave is obeying.


3. @DocClox is right, I do not see a sex dialogue or sex wheel option. I can't believe you've blue-balled us like this you monster.


The Weird:

1. I tested this on Ysolda, and it renamed her to a generic Nord name like she was a common NPC. I did have 'clone uniques' turned on, so this might be intended, however I always have this setting on and it did not happen in previous versions. Just checking. 


2. Checking the mood of a fresh capture says she is loyal. I only tried this once so I don't know if it was just a random one-time thing or not. 



1. So what is the main purpose of this split? Is it for better performance or just easier to handle on the development side of things?


2. How will slaves be passed from DoM to AYGAS/HSH? Will we need to transfer them to PAHE and then to AYGAS/HSH, or can they go straight from DoM to one of those?


3. Are the new dialogues replacing the PAHE dialogues entirely now? As in, will we still hear the "By the gods!" and the "Yes, my thane" lines or no?


I'll probably do some more testing this week, and I'll keep an eye out for updates. :)


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trolll might want to be more deatiled on change log with these new updates. even i have no idea what the update notes mean. to me the updates notes read as we now have 4 differnt ypes of slaves
DOM, PAHE, HSH and AYGAS. and we have to do  transfer hocu spocus for the mods to work together.


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On 1/1/2023 at 5:04 PM, CrazySloth said:

I'm still getting crashes whenever I'm training a slave, it always happens when I'm in the dialogue menu. I'm using the latest LE version with all the required files updated. 


On 1/1/2023 at 5:11 PM, CliftonJD said:

post your papyrus log of the incident

Nevermind, seems like EVG Conditional idles was the cause of the crashes. I had to disable EVG's animations for "injured" and "tired" state for NPCs because it seems to conflict with the idle animations from DoM, I haven't got a single crash since.

Edited by CrazySloth
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7 hours ago, sidfu1 said:

trolll might want to be more deatiled on change log with these new updates.

Changelog will come, but the goal is to make it as small as possible, hence the beta release to help get it back to the level of DoM 3.


7 hours ago, sidfu1 said:


even i have no idea what the update notes mean. to me the updates notes read as we now have 4 differnt ypes of slaves
DOM, PAHE, HSH and AYGAS. and we have to do  transfer hocu spocus for the mods to work together.


Yes that's correct, there are now 4 pool of slaves PAHE, HSH and AYGAS and DoM, plus 1 pool of slavers. For the moment the only available transfers are through PAHE. Later I will add a direct interface from DoM to HSH and AYGAS, following @Musje latest modifications.


So now you can have up to 128 brainwashed slaves in PAHE and up to 64 slaves + 8 slavers with personalities in DoM.



Edited by TrollAutokill
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Took me awhile to get all these new PAHE updates functional. I had guaranteed crashes upon starting a new game, dice rolls of missing MCM menus for HSH, DoM and AYGAS.

Go figure all it took to fix all these hours of frustration was a redoing of the Bash Patch


So here's my findings while fidding with the new beta system




Strangely transferring slaves from the Sucubus slave trio of mods to PAH is now almost instant with DoM out of the picture. Bought slaves from the Sucubus market still can't get the SlaveTat DoM features like blushing when DoM Aroused even when transferring from Sucubus > PAH > DoM. I cannot transfer them from DoM directly back unless they were in the Sucubus system at least once. (So normally it'll be transfering them back to PAH before i can transfer them to the Sucubus system)


A friendly reminder link on these Sucubus mods since these are a sort of a rare gem for PAH compatible mods


Most animations for making them doing things in DoM aren't playing for me. So far The only ones that are working, are Body Inspections, Kissing, Bowing, Public Humiliations, maid functions and getting a torch (widget says though they are getting a drink).

I guess you can say Slaves will still act normal when trying animation things not working,

for example so a slave disobeys and stops "posing" or "masturbating" and wanders, If I beat them and the widget says they are continuing or I command them to do another not working animation thing, they will still wander. So i don't think this is an issue finding the animation. Yet available options to do to them still can be done, like posture correction or demanding to masturbate harder for example.

I'm seein the lines in the papyrus log

exmaple DOM_Actor: Vyctyvyra: ChooseMasturbateIdle() for a shamed Vyctyvyra.x=33.707375 id=1002 pose=DoMLeito_FemaleSolo_A1_S1


I think terrified and jealous moods are getting mixed up as well, still gotta screw with this but all of my new slaves were jealous at one point during basic training just so i don't have to always monitor them from running off.


BIG UPDATE. There's a bit of a gender mix up and after quite a bit of screwing around (figuratively and literally) I think I finally understand the situation.

Something got bugged out from a recent PAHE update. If ANY female is transferred from the Sucubus system to PAHE, PAHE thinks they are male and thus DoM when transferred (Sex animations triggered by either of them and SexLab will also think you are having sex with a male. Yet strangely Commanding these female slaves to Masturbate still raises Vaginal training). Transferring real males between everything seems to be fine in all this.

What I think for the most part fixes this problem is if you check "Use SexLab gender" in the PAH MCM. But the DoM Widgets still treat these slaves as male ("Teaching Slave how to be a good Boy") there could be other things DoM may still be treating these slaves as male.



Haven't had enough time to put more into them to try other things like AYGAS protstitution or selling. HSH training or falling in love

Speaking of which My last real playthrough i think i saw what may have been the issue with getting the love falling mechanics to work properly, I noticed a line in the log that mentioned like in love chances and like a formula yet it only starting popping up for a slave on his/her first time being broken, I remember one attempt doing so much to woo a slave and then when she broke the inlove formula code popped up in the log with really high numbers of the things I did, she quickly fell in love a few more attempts after.

Even though i completely don't remember what that line of code looked like, i at least have a general idea for the next go.



So for ideas, I do hope there'll be some hotkeys or wheel options for transferring between the various systems. Maybe for immersion the naked choice for outfit/equipment on a fresh capture or transfer could play the clothes rip animation. Maybe when slavers get more worked on an option for the fresh slave to go to the nearest available slaver for safekeeping or a feature for this to automatically happen to reduce micro-managing in a heavily hostile occupied area.


And lastly i guess maybe some venting, though not would you think.

I've noticed quite a bit of some new or newly updated mods in the past month trying out PAH capturing methods, a basic example: auto-enslaving or enslaving weapons.

While I don't want to name names or bash them since either these concepts are still alpha or there could be something I'm missing. 

It irks me cause I feel they are all missing the most important aspect for this: control


Whether a misfire to a guard or following quest NPC, or a Combat rape mod decided to enslave an NPC on NPC encounter down the road. Having no player input on the matter is going to leave a boatload of problems or frequent loading saves like quick loads or even old ones when you check the MCM and see someone important in the list for who knows how long.


Mods that were going in the right direction on this are actually not in the recent wave of ideas and concepts.


SexLab Defeat.

Skyrim Chainbeasts

Yamete (Original)


All 3 used a method of leaving the victim in a bound or bleedout like state in which then you the player can decide what to do. Free the accident or rob that dude you don't like. Much like the PAH enslaving message box, its player input, you have control.

I feel this is how it should lead into when it comes to enhancing and immersion-ing the enslavement process 


I picture the perfect wet dream fantasy enslaving weapon for Skyrim as a Net Gun modeled like something out the mod Lore-Friendly Rifles


It would fire basically a full Unrelenting Force shout with the visuals modified to look like the net being launched out.

The target would ragdoll like the shout and if the conditions are met, instead of the target getting back up, the victim would be tied down using one of the bound on floor zaz poses, then the player decides what to do.


Also makes a great fetish with this type of booty hunting. Good luck finding any porn or hentai that tries to match this concept ?


I got some small bits of free time here and there so it'll be fun still fooling around and finding bugs with all these new PAH-family updates

Edited by McLovin3
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