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3 hours ago, gekker said:

Okay, I'm circling back because I am absolutely at a loss.  I have included the logfile.  


Basically this time DoM related animations fired from dialogue.  I can not get a single sex animation to fire from PAHE options, although all the other PAHE functionality seemed fine.  The tests are at around 8:04, but I included the entire file just in case from 7:44 there is something there.  


If anyone can offer any help or advice I'd appreciate it.  Again, it seems I broke PAHE sex animations starting somehow installing PAHE 8.1.6 to upgrade to DoM 3.4.1 on a clean save on Skyrim LE.


PapyrusLog.txt 779.46 kB · 1 download

Did you run FNIS?  You never wrote that down.  Running FNIS is crucial when adding in new animation.


Mod users forget to run FNIS.

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3 hours ago, kkziins said:

One question: Why is it that after I let slaves who have fallen in love go free they only speak words of fear and are unable to converse?

Spawns maybe? They should still have the "let's have a serious chat" option, but sometimes Skyrim won't let them because they are spawns.

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2 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Spawns maybe? They should still have the "let's have a serious chat" option, but sometimes Skyrim won't let them because they are spawns.


I have the same problem, not only on the freed slaves but also on NPCs that have not dialog planned, do you know a tip for your dialog to be added on all NPCs, independently of their base dialog?



Minor bug: relationship is inversed on the left notifications (for example son/mother can be tested on Sven and his mother)

Edited by Strec2
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38 minutes ago, Strec2 said:


I have the same problem, not only on the freed slaves but also on NPCs that have not dialog planned, do you know a tip for your dialog to be added on all NPCs, independently of their base dialog?

You'll need to edit the dom01 quest in sseedit and remove the check on uniques. But that would open the dialogue to all spawned, including enemies. Maybe you want to replace with an "is hostile" check.


38 minutes ago, Strec2 said:


Minor bug: relationship is inversed on the left notifications (for example son/mother can be tested on Sven and his mother)

Thanks, I will correct. I must admit I only tested it on sisters ?

Edited by TrollAutokill
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3 hours ago, RiseKnight said:

how do you increase affection beyond broken? I found HSH slaves can grow affectionate with trainers but I cant seem to do it myself except random occasion without me doing anything.

Just give them more abuse. The more varied the better, whip, scolding but also praising, comforting, insulting, flattering...

Edited by TrollAutokill
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8 hours ago, gekker said:

I ran it.  Animations work through DoM and MassMatchMaker.


I was able to get it working updating to PAHE for LE version 8.9.1.  Seems good so far.  Anyone that encounters a similar issue using DoM on LE, that may help you out.

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I ran into  small problem on my last play test using 3.4.1. I captured a few slaves early on and all was working fine until I became a lycanthrope. I am not sure if using Moonlight Tales has any effect but should be noted. Anyway it was after I became lycanthrope that I used the Forget your old life dialog to remove all the old factions and now every time I transform my slaves begin attacking me. There after, no matter what form I am in, if they get hit with any of my magic they instantly agro me. I'm not too fussed about it since 4 will be released soon(Tm) but I thought I should let you know just in case it might catch a sneaky bug early.

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5 hours ago, Ghostman7nz said:

I ran into  small problem on my last play test using 3.4.1. I captured a few slaves early on and all was working fine until I became a lycanthrope. I am not sure if using Moonlight Tales has any effect but should be noted. Anyway it was after I became lycanthrope that I used the Forget your old life dialog to remove all the old factions and now every time I transform my slaves begin attacking me. There after, no matter what form I am in, if they get hit with any of my magic they instantly agro me. I'm not too fussed about it since 4 will be released soon(Tm) but I thought I should let you know just in case it might catch a sneaky bug early.

Weird. It sounds more of a Skyrim bug than anything related to PAHE. With DoM 4 we will be able to check that separately on PAHE and DoM slaves. If their behaviour is different than we might be able to fix it.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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9 hours ago, Strec2 said:

Will it be possible later to add the ability of crafting DOM potions on a standard alchemy table (new recipes)?


I centralize my items in a home with a sorter and it's a pain to specifically get the ingredients and go to the cottage...

Just spawn a bench at your position?


Otherwise open ssedit and move the recipes to a standard alchemy bench. As you see you need to edit the plugin for this kind of change and I only care for script only options.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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How about Exhibitionism Training?


Higher Exhibition makes the slave feel more and more compatible being naked in front of other. 


Without training, the slave try to cover herself or put on any clothes she can find. 


With max Exhibitionism she dislikes clothes. 

Edited by MortiferusX
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10 hours ago, MortiferusX said:

How about Exhibitionism Training?


Higher Exhibition makes the slave feel more and more compatible being naked in front of other. 


Without training, the slave try to cover herself or put on any clothes she can find. 


With max Exhibitionism she dislikes clothes. 

This is included with similar training into "humiliation" training.

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5 minutes ago, CrazySloth said:

I'm still getting crashes whenever I'm training a slave, it always happens when I'm in the dialogue menu. I'm using the latest LE version with all the required files updated. 

post your papyrus log of the incident

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