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In the information box I get for "How are you feeling, slave?", what does "I will always remember [Slave]" mean?


I assume DoM adds that line, as it's DoM that gives slaves personalities and emotions and allows them to be friends. The slave that I'm interviewing and the slave that will be remembered are friends. From the text it seems like the interviewee thinks she's never gonna see her friend again. Like she's dead or has been sold? Except she hasn't. She's currently working as a taskmistress in a HSH house. They see each other all the time.


Seems to me like there's a miscommunication between DoM and HSH.

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4 hours ago, sidfu1 said:

stop looking for ways ot cheat. if spending time WHILE your already playing to check out for a trainer is far to hard maybe DOM isnt meant for you then. you do not have to just stop everything your doing and train a salve to 100 in everything in 1 go. just play the game and you  be surpised how many trainers and such drop in your hands.

i literaly have 5 people right now that can be a trainer/taskmistress and all i did was play the game.


Why to be so aggressive?

I don't look for any cheat, or having a trainer in 1 go, I like playing and define myself my gameplays but as I dev myself I consider any return to a dev is a good return.
(For now I don't post for bugs, there are a lot but I'm optimist as they will be corrected as the mod advance :) )

Considering MY!? problem finding trainers there are for ME 2 major problems :


- After some tests (but I can be wrong, not having the source) it seems that "bandit" is for the NPCs in the bandit faction making rare for the others to be unlawful and I play with OBIS which seems to not give this bandit factions to its NPCs so I must give it for each NPC before enslavement ( addfac 0001BCC0 1) but it's not really due to this mod as it can't manage all other bandit mods, maybe I'll do and add-on later when the mod will be stable.

- The other problem is the fact that enslaving a non-unique launch a cloning and that the traits are rerolled for this clone, making impossible to see if a NPCs is worth enslavement before enslaving it. Cloning is good to avoid diseappearance or changes due to a reroll of the NPC but I think initial traits would be copied on the clone, not rerolled. Evidently I look at the initial traits of the NPCs with the dedicated key, not speaking to them, I don't know if it change something.



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47 minutes ago, Ultima1990 said:

In the information box I get for "How are you feeling, slave?", what does "I will always remember [Slave]" mean?


I assume DoM adds that line, as it's DoM that gives slaves personalities and emotions and allows them to be friends. The slave that I'm interviewing and the slave that will be remembered are friends. From the text it seems like the interviewee thinks she's never gonna see her friend again. Like she's dead or has been sold? Except she hasn't. She's currently working as a taskmistress in a HSH house. They see each other all the time.


Seems to me like there's a miscommunication between DoM and HSH.

Actors in HSH do not have the same functionalities as in DoM. Only DoM slaves remember friends: up to 4 DoM actors as current friends plus up to 4 Skyrim actors as "old friends"). This line in the feelings info box means they are still friends but can not interact anymore. When you release your slave from HSH to DoM they will certainly rebound. But if you move both of them to HSH you loose the friendship.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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26 minutes ago, Strec2 said:


Why to be so aggressive?

I don't look for any cheat, or having a trainer in 1 go, I like playing and define myself my gameplays but as I dev myself I consider any return to a dev is a good return.
(For now I don't post for bugs, there are a lot but I'm optimist as they will be corrected as the mod advance :) )

Considering MY!? problem finding trainers there are for ME 2 major problems :


- After some tests (but I can be wrong, not having the source) it seems that "bandit" is for the NPCs in the bandit faction making rare for the others to be unlawful and I play with OBIS which seems to not give this bandit factions to its NPCs so I must give it for each NPC before enslavement ( addfac 0001BCC0 1) but it's not really due to this mod as it can't manage all other bandit mods, maybe I'll do and add-on later when the mod will be stable.

- The other problem is the fact that enslaving a non-unique launch a cloning and that the traits are rerolled for this clone, making impossible to see if a NPCs is worth enslavement before enslaving it. Cloning is good to avoid diseappearance or changes due to a reroll of the NPC but I think initial traits would be copied on the clone, not rerolled. Evidently I look at the initial traits of the NPCs with the dedicated key, not speaking to them, I don't know if it change something.




When you get the traits of a non unique the first time it should save its seed in a faction. The seed is then reused later and the traits should not change for that instance. Also if the traits are saved in factions and they should not be recomputed, so that's 2 reasons why the traits should be the same.


I never looked at spawned before enslavement, so it might be bugged. I'll try to correct.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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3 hours ago, KillinCuzICan said:

I mean...they are there for a reason though. If they weren't meant to be used, then they should be taken out of the mod. People play the way that they want, and if they wish to alter and have a more hands on modification of their slaves then so be it. Not that hard to understand really.

they can be botten by normal means in th egame by going to the specasl crafting tables and craft them. the items they use are not thatg specal just the bench you need to do it on

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I somehow broke my installation on LE. Tried to update and no longer received notifications from DoM and animations no longer fired via dialoge (sex, punishment, etc).  Tried to rollback but have the same issue with animations not firing even with DoM removed and running a script cleaner on the save,


Can anyone with a working LE installation of HSH, AYGAS, PAHE, and DoM share their version numbers and load order?  Also I use Mod Organizer so if you can list the order of overwrites in the left pane that would help too.  

I REALLY don't want to abandon my save, this could be a painful lesson in not fixing what isn't broken for me though or at least backing up my mod organizer....


Thanks in advance  for any help.

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25 minutes ago, gekker said:

I somehow broke my installation on LE. Tried to update and no longer received notifications from DoM and animations no longer fired via dialoge (sex, punishment, etc).  Tried to rollback but have the same issue with animations not firing even with DoM removed and running a script cleaner on the save,


Can anyone with a working LE installation of HSH, AYGAS, PAHE, and DoM share their version numbers and load order?  Also I use Mod Organizer so if you can list the order of overwrites in the left pane that would help too.  

I REALLY don't want to abandon my save, this could be a painful lesson in not fixing what isn't broken for me though or at least backing up my mod organizer....


Thanks in advance  for any help.

What happens with a new game? Still getting the same problem? If not then your save might be more corrupt than you think it is. You can still try to salvage it by cleaning all mods from it.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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34 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

What happens with a new game? Still getting the same problem? If not then your save might be more corrupt than you think it is. You can still try to salvage it by cleaning all mods from it.

I'll get back to you when I try a clean save.


Are there any files I can provide that would provide any insight?

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Not sure how to get the papyrus logs setup.


UPDATE: So I am to the point where I DoM specific animations fire on the dialogue, but no PAHE dialogue options launch their animations.  Could this be a load order issue?  I feel like I am closer than I was before to sorting this out.

Edited by gekker
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16 hours ago, sidfu1 said:

stop looking for ways ot cheat. if spending time WHILE your already playing to check out for a trainer is far to hard maybe DOM isnt meant for you then. you do not have to just stop everything your doing and train a salve to 100 in everything in 1 go. just play the game and you  be surpised how many trainers and such drop in your hands.

i literaly have 5 people right now that can be a trainer/taskmistress and all i did was play the game.

All I did was give him the info! You on the other hand just made the most unaware comment I have ever read in a MOD forum! You are literally cheating using mods that alter how the game functions! But you are free to play however you wish seeing it doesn't take away anything from someone else's game experience. So climb off that high horse and let us play with our bikini clad, double-d, sex slaves in peace.?

Edited by cantgetright008
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3 hours ago, cantgetright008 said:

All I did was give him the info! You on the other hand just made the most unaware comment I have ever read in a MOD forum! You are literally cheating using mods that alter how the game functions! But you are free to play however you wish seeing it doesn't take away anything from someone else's game experience. So climb off that high horse and let us play with our bikini clad, double-d, sex slaves in peace.?

Be nice and civil or Paarthurnax will come and spank you and @sidfu1.till your asses are all red and fiery.?

Edited by TrollAutokill
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3 hours ago, cantgetright008 said:

All I did was give him the info! You on the other hand just made the most unaware comment I have ever read in a MOD forum! You are literally cheating using mods that alter how the game functions! But you are free to play however you wish seeing it doesn't take away anything from someone else's game experience. So climb off that high horse and let us play with our bikini clad, double-d, sex slaves in peace.?

sorry to say your 20 years out of date. mods are not in themself cheating. it depends on what the mod actually does if its a cheat and how its used.
a good example of this is tgeh AIM mod for skyim. it allows you to spawn any item  in the game that you could carry. is it a cheat nope. can it be used to cheat yes.
not to derail trols comment section more but for future its best to point people how to get a item normal before pointing them to  spawning in a item..

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bla bla bla ...



Bug? : my slaver diseapeared, or to be more precise it goes on a journey. I'm not paying him for lollygagging!!! please do something...


I propose :

 - To clone the slavers like slaves to avoid them to respawn

 - To add an UI in McM like for the slaves so you can recall them to you in case of diseapearance (for example stuck in a wall...)


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27 minutes ago, Strec2 said:

bla bla bla ...



Bug? : my slaver diseapeared, or to be more precise it goes on a journey. I'm not paying him for lollygagging!!! please do something...


I propose :

 - To clone the slavers like slaves to avoid them to respawn

You're not supposed to hire slavers directly from spawns. First send them to pahe for cloning. Anyhow this will be corrected in DoM 4 as slave and slavers will use the same scripts.


27 minutes ago, Strec2 said:

 - To add an UI in McM like for the slaves so you can recall them to you in case of diseapearance (for example stuck in a wall...)


It's in DoM 4.

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Hi people, i have a question about what is going on with this mod with my Skyrim. I'm currently using a pre AE version of the game, using the old modpack of D&DDC. I litterally managed to get to work properly PHAE, with HsH and AYGAS. Everything works fine, except for Diary of Mine.  When i try to ask everything to my slaves  (releated to that mod), the textbox grayed out and nothing happens. I cannot understand what is the problem. If i go in the MCM and try to see its options, nothing appear except a blank page. Anyone can help me with that problem? I know D&DDC is an outdated massive modpack but this is litterally the last mod i need to create my complete experience. Thank you in advice for any help you can get me!

loadorder.txt modlist.txt plugins.txt

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39 minutes ago, KillerCereale said:

Hi people, i have a question about what is going on with this mod with my Skyrim. I'm currently using a pre AE version of the game, using the old modpack of D&DDC. I litterally managed to get to work properly PHAE, with HsH and AYGAS. Everything works fine, except for Diary of Mine.  When i try to ask everything to my slaves  (releated to that mod), the textbox grayed out and nothing happens. I cannot understand what is the problem. If i go in the MCM and try to see its options, nothing appear except a blank page. Anyone can help me with that problem? I know D&DDC is an outdated massive modpack but this is litterally the last mod i need to create my complete experience. Thank you in advice for any help you can get me!

loadorder.txt 10.66 kB · 0 downloads modlist.txt 26.94 kB · 0 downloads plugins.txt 11 kB · 1 download

Since DoM 3 is overwriting Pahe scripts and you have such a huge mod list, debugging is going to be impossible for you unless you turn off all mods but pahe and Sexlab suite and then add DoM and then all other mods one by one.


Also if you want some help I would recommend posting a logfile rather than a list of mods.


Or you could just enjoy PAHE for the moment and add DoM 4 when it becomes available, next week (for the beta release on LL).

Edited by TrollAutokill
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1 hour ago, TrollAutokill said:

Since DoM 3 is overwriting Pahe scripts and you have such a huge mod list, debugging is going to be impossible for you unless you turn off all mods but pahe and Sexlab suite and then add DoM and then all other mods one by one.


Also if you want some help I would recommend posting a logfile rather than a list of mods.


Or you could just enjoy PAHE for the moment and add DoM 4 when it becomes available, next week (for the beta release on LL).

Yeah i know that list is just Huge. Sorry for the wrong .txt files, is litterally the first time in my life i've been seeking for help about a mod so i didn't really know what could o couldn't be usefull. Btw, i tried for days a first trubleshoot without any good result, so i think simply i could wait the DoM 4 hoping it will work with D&DDC modpack. Anyway, thank you!

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On 12/27/2022 at 11:21 PM, TrollAutokill said:

Your logfile

Okay, I'm circling back because I am absolutely at a loss.  I have included the logfile.  


Basically this time DoM related animations fired from dialogue.  I can not get a single sex animation to fire from PAHE options, although all the other PAHE functionality seemed fine.  The tests are at around 8:04, but I included the entire file just in case from 7:44 there is something there.  


If anyone can offer any help or advice I'd appreciate it.  Again, it seems I broke PAHE sex animations starting somehow installing PAHE 8.1.6 to upgrade to DoM 3.4.1 on a clean save on Skyrim LE.



Edited by DoctaSax
needed spoiler
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