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2 hours ago, RiseKnight said:

it seems after i install DoM, my home sweet home have hard time to register the slaves in auction or to cell, usually they will go outside while cursing at me and then come back again after under 1 minute, i wonder what is the cause?


also cant seem to use DoM menu when slave is active in HSH

not a bug. that is due to it takes time to transfer and if your game is chugging a some it slows it. when you hit transfer tmake sure to just open console till you see the message of slave numbber change


1 hour ago, Strec2 said:

After some hours of game, training manually some NPC to be HsH trainers and taskmistress I realize that the slaves affected to these are only gaining 1 or 2 pts per 24h (for example in sex or pose).


I understand well my HsH trainers/taskmistress are not good and optimized but is having so slow gains working as intended or am I bugged?


Note that I have some doubts concerning my load order with Pah, Aigas and HsH, any advice?

not a bug. stats of both taskmistress and trainer effect tranings speed. a shitty one of either will slow down traing to a crawl.

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4 minutes ago, sidfu1 said:

not a bug. stats of both taskmistress and trainer effect tranings speed. a shitty one of either will slow down traing to a crawl.

Thx for the quick answer.

Problem is, as very often, that as soon a game introduce some management gameplay devs forget that a game is, before anything, done to procure fun, not only to satisfy a little minority of optimizers ?


As a player I love to micro-manage but as a modder the only question I ask myself each time I introduce a feature is "will it be fun for the player?", always.

- Cheat mode and full training a slave to trainer without any work is not fun, definitively.
- Playing days to eventualy have chance to have a trainer is not fun, definitively.

In my example imagine you set a value of 100 in pose for the trainer and you want to train a new slave without any knowledge in the stat you must wait 100 day to get the result. Surely some will think it's fun, personaly I don't.

I agree that the abilities of the trainers and taskmasters must influence the training but it may be balanced and have playable  limits. 100 days of training per stat is not a playable limit. This completly kill the HsH and Aygas mods as it's easier to train them yourself than with HsH trainers and if you train all slaves yourself you'll need years of play to have result in Aygas. If the objective is not yo have 90% of player fleeing the mod it must be balanced.

The second problem is that trainer/taskmaster performance depends mainly on attributes that are not easily manageable (dominance, dishonesty, ...), or at least I did not find how to directly manage them. Nobody have a computer in place of brain or play 3 screens to show a webpage and a spreadsheet while playing.

Some proposals:
 - Reduce the amplitude of the effectiveness by having a part depending of the stat trained and the other part due to the trainer attributes. In my example a trainer with 100 in "pose" may be able to train the "pose" stat of any slave in less than a week, the general performance of the trainer would only permit to reduce this time and a bad trainer general performance won't completly make the training unuseable.


- Same for the taskmaster. A taskmaster may be good in all part of training so here a taskmaster having 100 in "pose" could help to train "pose".


- Definitly block the ability to be a trainer or a taskmaster if attributes in the domain are bad. For example only a slave having less than 40 in dominant/submissive may be able to be a trainer, same for the other concerned attributes. It will force the player to dedicate to get trainers and taskmistress avoiding them to get a trainer "on the fly" and being frustated after hours of play...


- Have a way to directly influence the attributes by training, not by managing mass other things to avoid any indirect loose changing a "good trainer" at enslavement in a shit NPC after training...

Personnaly I'll have a last try on a new game before quitting the mod to be sure I did not miss something :)


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you do not need to micro manage any part of it. people realy need to stop thinking things need micro when only  need a good stat on something. 
you just need to find someone that has good stats to fit a trainer/taskmistress. it requires luck if you enslaved  rando nps like bandits. some unique npc have constant stats due to included files for dom.

remember when you talk to a person and acheck therir stats thats when it locks their stats for them.
you can look at this to help.


Edited by sidfu1
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You missed the part "Have a way to directly influence the attributes by training, not by managing mass other things to avoid any indirect loose changing a "good trainer" at enslavement in a shit NPC after training..."


I did find some NPC saying "I'm a good trainer" but generally they are not very good in stats (for example sex of pose) and so, in HsH they can train a slave on an upper value than the one they have. At least it was like this the last time I played Skyrim with HsH.

So, continuing my example on the "pose" stat I must train my trainer before using it as a trainer and, surely because I don't master the mod, it generally loose the "good trainer" thing while I train it, mainly due to the need of training the obedience :)


Or did HsH change and I can set the directly as trainer after enslavement maybe?

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for your first trainer/taskmistress you need to train them yourself. its not tha hard just take them with you as you go around the world.it depends on how you play how fast it goes.

for example i dont fast travel. i go by foot, horse or carrage. this means that there is alot of time so the saleaves get rpcoewssed more as i interact wtih them more than those who fast travel everywhere.

for some like pose and house cleaning just leave them at home posing. or post them before your charcter sleeps or such.

you have always had to set the taskmistriess and trainer for HSH.

Edited by sidfu1
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Thanks for the tips.


It was the idea when I said I'll give a last try with a new save, I just understanded that you must train a few slaves manually for some tasks so I'll try.


For now I was confident in the slavers to train the basic stats of the new slaves and I did finish them manually but it's not enough for trainers and taskmaster as you need to observe and manage their attributes.


So I'll change my gameplay using slavers only to train non-important slaves :)

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38 minutes ago, Strec2 said:

Thanks for the tips.


It was the idea when I said I'll give a last try with a new save, I just understanded that you must train a few slaves manually for some tasks so I'll try.


For now I was confident in the slavers to train the basic stats of the new slaves and I did finish them manually but it's not enough for trainers and taskmaster as you need to observe and manage their attributes.


So I'll change my gameplay using slavers only to train non-important slaves :)

a trainer will only  be able to train a slave  up to the skill they have. so if a trainer only has 20 pose they can only train to 20 pose. this is why you find a goodf slave and traing them to max and let them do the traning. thats what i been doing for years. the first  taskmistress and trainer are fully trained by me then they can move to HSH camp and train others.

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5 hours ago, Strec2 said:

Thanks for the tips.


It was the idea when I said I'll give a last try with a new save, I just understanded that you must train a few slaves manually for some tasks so I'll try.


For now I was confident in the slavers to train the basic stats of the new slaves and I did finish them manually but it's not enough for trainers and taskmaster as you need to observe and manage their attributes.


So I'll change my gameplay using slavers only to train non-important slaves :)

One thing to remember is that trainers get better over time, so even though they might say "I am a good trainer", they are not "excellent at training," but they could be. Think of it like "training the trainer." A good strategy is to give a trainer some crappy slaves so they can just practice on them, once they train a few, you will see much faster turnarounds. At one point I had a trainer that could turn a fresh capture into a fully trained servant in 24 hours. It just takes time for them to get good at their job. You could try adding some mods that give you something to do over time, like Spell Research or Train & Study, or playing with Survival Mode so you have to sleep sometimes, etc. Try to find some things you can drop in your load order that use up a lot of in-game time but very little real time, and you'll notice it goes much faster. 


As far as trainers losing the "I am a good trainer", this is a problem, but it's also intended. You have to train your trainers a slightly different way than your other slaves, if you treat them the same, they will come out the same: obedient & submissive. The solution is to stay away from sex training until the very end. Then if you want them to be good at sex training too, you have to carefully get them up there without them enjoying it too much. Each orgasm they have makes them worse at training because they become more submissive each time, so you can try to focus on oral training so they still learn but don't become worse trainers. It's not easy to navigate, but one could argue that it shouldn't be, because once you have one really good trainer you have them for the rest of the game and they are super valuable. Alternatively, you could just have them train a slave in everything except sex, and then do that part yourself, something to think about.


So overall for trainers, don't tell them to masturbate, don't body inspect them, don't kiss them, and try not to make them orgasm too much when having sex. It sounds kind of harsh, but you are literally trying to create a sadist, so they need to be neglected somewhat to reach that end. For posing, tell the slave to hold a pose using the "entertain me" option, then warn them against not posing, and then slap them with the "spank slave" weapon you get in your inventory automatically. Each time you hit them will be for "posture correction" which boosts pose training, and the slap has a chance for them to break the pose, something the whip and other weapons don't do. When they break the pose, slap the shit out of them with the whip or something else for a big boost to pose training. Doing this for like 5-10 mins will get you near 100 pose training, and also break them down a lot without making them worse trainers.



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When i start a consensual sex with a slave, she keeps saying "Have mercy Mistress! I will behave!", "I am deeply sorry, Mistress!", "I would be foolish to provoke your wrath, Mistress.", "You are truly unrivalled, Mistress.", and then she goes into shock mood. I've been playing for a week, and I can't get a slave in the love mood. And Merry Christmas! :D

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hey, this is a really fascinating mod, thanks for making it.


i was wondering what the best way is to pull a slave back from being hystericall or about to fall apart? ive tried praising them lots but it doesnt seem to do anything. even changed mcm to have praise effectiveness up to 1000% and was nice to them the equivalent of 60 or 70 times but nothing changed.  do they just need some time and if so is leaving them in my house with home sweet home a good way to calm them down?

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5 minutes ago, cdfgrstvxyh said:

thx for the response, do they have to be with you for their feelings to change or is giving them a break in my house a way to normalise their emotions?

far as i know  you need to be near as you wont get a message of it if they not with you.


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18 hours ago, cdfgrstvxyh said:

hey, this is a really fascinating mod, thanks for making it.


i was wondering what the best way is to pull a slave back from being hystericall or about to fall apart? ive tried praising them lots but it doesnt seem to do anything. even changed mcm to have praise effectiveness up to 1000% and was nice to them the equivalent of 60 or 70 times but nothing changed.  do they just need some time and if so is leaving them in my house with home sweet home a good way to calm them down?

Comforting works to get them out of shocked state.


But for the rest they will grow more and more hysterical with more abuse, and actually throwing in a bit of nice words (part of psychological abuse) will just speed up the process.

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49 minutes ago, TrollAutokill said:

Comforting works to get them out of shocked state.


But for the rest they will grow more and more hysterical with more abuse, and actually throwing in a bit of nice words (part of psychological abuse) will just speed up the process.


so it's basically inevitable they'll be permanently close to shocked after a certain point?

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6 minutes ago, cdfgrstvxyh said:


so it's basically inevitable they'll be permanently close to shocked after a certain point?


No, their mental state goes in a sort of cycle. They start out resolute and then become more hysterical until they break. So their mood might go from normal > sad > shocked > broken. After some time passes they will recover and go back to normal, but it takes less abuse to break them as this goes on. Eventually they recover to either In Love or Loyal, which more less marks the point where they give up resisting and develop something like Stockholm syndrome as a coping mechanism. They might fall in and out of love a few times but that's the end point of slave development. How long this process takes depends on their personality traits. 

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1 hour ago, cdfgrstvxyh said:


so it's basically inevitable they'll be permanently close to shocked after a certain point?

If you just do one kind of abuse they won't get shocked. For example if you stick to pain punishment (physical abuse) or if you just use telling off and praise (psychological abuse).


You need at least 2 kinds of abuse (out of the three: physical, psychological and sexual) to start the hysterical feelings leading to shock.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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7 hours ago, Strec2 said:


How do we increase vaginal skill on men?

They need to practice sex with a woman. If your men are sex trained exclusively with other men they won't be trained in vaginal. Maybe we can use the MCM sex/gender options to determine which training to take into account. Would that be better for you?


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The idea was to manually train a NPC to be a trainer.


It's, in my mind, very hard to find a good potential trainer, as you need luck to find a NPC with good attributes and so if you must reduce the choice to only females I let you imagine...

Needing 80 submission to permit a NPC to be a HsH trainer is surprising (I did think it would now have 80 resignation) and training a NPC in sex without changing its dominant/submissive attribute is hell ?

Edited by Strec2
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2 hours ago, Strec2 said:

It's, in my mind, very hard to find a good potential trainer, as you need luck to find a NPC with good attributes and so if you must reduce the choice to only females I let you imagine...

There are spells that help you manipulate the traits. It's not a scalpel more like a hammer but it helps. I forgot the spells name. But if you use additemenu mod you can easily get spells.

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12 minutes ago, cantgetright008 said:

There are spells that help you manipulate the traits. It's not a scalpel more like a hammer but it helps. I forgot the spells name. But if you use additemenu mod you can easily get spells.

stop looking for ways ot cheat. if spending time WHILE your already playing to check out for a trainer is far to hard maybe DOM isnt meant for you then. you do not have to just stop everything your doing and train a salve to 100 in everything in 1 go. just play the game and you  be surpised how many trainers and such drop in your hands.

i literaly have 5 people right now that can be a trainer/taskmistress and all i did was play the game.

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2 hours ago, sidfu1 said:

stop looking for ways ot cheat. if spending time WHILE your already playing to check out for a trainer is far to hard maybe DOM isnt meant for you then. you do not have to just stop everything your doing and train a salve to 100 in everything in 1 go. just play the game and you  be surpised how many trainers and such drop in your hands.

i literaly have 5 people right now that can be a trainer/taskmistress and all i did was play the game.

I mean...they are there for a reason though. If they weren't meant to be used, then they should be taken out of the mod. People play the way that they want, and if they wish to alter and have a more hands on modification of their slaves then so be it. Not that hard to understand really.

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3 hours ago, sidfu1 said:

stop looking for ways ot cheat. if spending time WHILE your already playing to check out for a trainer is far to hard maybe DOM isnt meant for you then. you do not have to just stop everything your doing and train a salve to 100 in everything in 1 go. just play the game and you  be surpised how many trainers and such drop in your hands.

i literaly have 5 people right now that can be a trainer/taskmistress and all i did was play the game.


37 minutes ago, KillinCuzICan said:

I mean...they are there for a reason though. If they weren't meant to be used, then they should be taken out of the mod. People play the way that they want, and if they wish to alter and have a more hands on modification of their slaves then so be it. Not that hard to understand really.

Between the "cheat" mode that are the spells and the "grind" that is training the slaves by hand one at a time, there is a middle ground: you can adjust the effectiveness of training in the MCM, rising the bars to the max makes the slaves learn so fast, you only need to scold them a hand full of times before they max out, so you can adjust the level of difficulty to ones liking. Some may want Ultra-Nightmare, while others are too young to die. ;)

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