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10 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Oh also in the MCM menu there is a slider for animation speed. Check that it's still something around 1.


That's possible. I've been clicking around all over the place trying to find a layout I like for all the hotkeys you added while I was away. It's quite possible I mis-clicked on something.


I'll check it tonight when I get home.

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1 hour ago, sidfu1 said:

animation speed is wonky. i hvae it on like 40sec but it comptely plays in like 20....


Weird thing is, it was working fine two days ago.  Then my game collapsed under the weight of it's save file and I started new one, and things have been wonky ever since. I don't think I made any major changes in-between. Removed Elephant's latency tester and an overly-useful summonable tent from my load order it about it.


Mind, I'm still not sure I have all the needed updates after migrating from SE to AE, so there could be some SKSE dll lurking still and injecting random weirdness into the game. Although I'd expect more CTDs if that was the culprit.

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1 hour ago, DocClox said:


Weird thing is, it was working fine two days ago.  Then my game collapsed under the weight of it's save file and I started new one, and things have been wonky ever since. I don't think I made any major changes in-between. Removed Elephant's latency tester and an overly-useful summonable tent from my load order it about it.


Mind, I'm still not sure I have all the needed updates after migrating from SE to AE, so there could be some SKSE dll lurking still and injecting random weirdness into the game. Although I'd expect more CTDs if that was the culprit.

Are you using this papyrus speed enhancer we were talking about before? I would not be surprised if one of its enhancements is to change the Wait(X seconds) function into 0.01 second waits...

Edited by TrollAutokill
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2 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Are you using this papyrus speed enhancer we were talking about before? I would not be surprised if one of its enhancements is to change the Wait(X seconds) function into 0.01 second waits...


I don't think so. Certainly nothing I've added since the last character when it worked just fine.


Probably I've misclicked on the slider. That seems most likely at the moment.

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21 minutes ago, Strec2 said:

Hi here.

I just installed the mod, the McM menu intalls itself but nothing happens when I click a submenu (for example options) nut it seems to block the entire menu (can't activate any other submenu).

Any idea to correct this?

Use setstage to restart MCM. Type in the console and wait 5 minutes,


setstage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1


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4 hours ago, サマエル said:

Here's the Legendary Edition Backport version from Update 3.4.0 SE


PAH DiaryOfMine 3.4.0 LE.7z 54.72 MB · 2 downloads


Thanks For the hard work @TrollAutokill


By the way, there's no need for the DynamicAnimationReplacer folder to backport or something, Right?

Thanks! I am not sure for the DAR folder, check for hkx files there. If any, they need to be backported yes.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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The game became very insteresting with this mod, at least if like me you prefer management than sex only but it is far more difficult to understand so 2 questions :


1/ Concerning the "slavers" you can recruit :
As I see the have only one training useable, growing some stats, which exactly and is there limits for each stat?
 - Have they another role?
 - Is it planned to have more "dedicated" slavers, specialized in some stats like in HSH? Having non-slave trainers could be interesting mainly if they can teach more than one slave at a time


2/ I've seen some new enslaved NPC indicating that "I'm a good trainer", is it reliable to choose the as slaver/trainer? Same I've seen some indicating "I'm a good leader" but what does it means? Good Taskmaster? Else?


3/ Concerning the stats some are evident (I imagine a slave with 100 in resignation or submission is the best) but for some (fear, anger,...) is it better to have them at 0 or 100?


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26 minutes ago, Strec2 said:

The game became very insteresting with this mod, at least if like me you prefer management than sex only but it is far more difficult to understand so 2 questions :


1/ Concerning the "slavers" you can recruit :
As I see the have only one training useable, growing some stats, which exactly and is there limits for each stat?
 - Have they another role?
 - Is it planned to have more "dedicated" slavers, specialized in some stats like in HSH? Having non-slave trainers could be interesting mainly if they can teach more than one slave at a time


2/ I've seen some new enslaved NPC indicating that "I'm a good trainer", is it reliable to choose the as slaver/trainer? Same I've seen some indicating "I'm a good leader" but what does it means? Good Taskmaster? Else?


3/ Concerning the stats some are evident (I imagine a slave with 100 in resignation or submission is the best) but for some (fear, anger,...) is it better to have them at 0 or 100?


1. dont use the trainers. they a  unfinished part of the mod
2. good trainer is jujst as it says they will be good for trainer. it works best with home sweet home rih tnows. good leader is good for a taskmaster
3.you want everythin gat 100 idealy. some like combat dont play  as big  arole righ tnow

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3 hours ago, Strec2 said:

The game became very insteresting with this mod, at least if like me you prefer management than sex only but it is far more difficult to understand so 2 questions :


1/ Concerning the "slavers" you can recruit :
As I see the have only one training useable, growing some stats, which exactly and is there limits for each stat?
 - Have they another role?
 - Is it planned to have more "dedicated" slavers, specialized in some stats like in HSH? Having non-slave trainers could be interesting mainly if they can teach more than one slave at a time

Slavers will be extended later. For the moment they can train 4 slaves at a time.


3 hours ago, Strec2 said:

2/ I've seen some new enslaved NPC indicating that "I'm a good trainer", is it reliable to choose the as slaver/trainer? Same I've seen some indicating "I'm a good leader" but what does it means? Good Taskmaster? Else?

These are indications for HSH.


3 hours ago, Strec2 said:


3/ Concerning the stats some are evident (I imagine a slave with 100 in resignation or submission is the best) but for some (fear, anger,...) is it better to have them at 0 or 100?



Those are training stats, 0 is no training, 100 is full training. 100 training in fear means the slave fears you. 100 training in anger means the slave will not show anger at you. It might be confusing...

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I working on a mod that take out pahe slaves miner duty. So they not wight down the pahe / dom.

My mod work well with pahe, i  assume work well with current version of DOM ( not yet tested).


Not sure DOM 4.0 or newer versions how compatibile with pahe? I need do any extra thing/step to make compatible my mod with DOM ?

I wish prepare in advance, if need extra step i build up some interface.


currently i using fallowing script to take out slaves from pahe, and put back:



Quest PAH
PAHCore Core

Faction PAHPlayerSlaveFaction 
Faction PAHHasBeenPlayerSlaveFaction 


Function ReleaseSlave(Actor Hooker)

        ;realise pahe slave from slavery
    If (Game.GetModByName("paradise_halls.esm") != 255)

        PAH = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x01FAEF, "paradise_halls.esm") As Quest
        PAHPlayerSlaveFaction = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0047DB, "paradise_halls.esm") As Faction
        Core = (PAH as PAHCore)
        PAHPlayerSlaveFaction = Core.PAHPlayerSlaveFaction

        if Hooker.IsInFaction(PAHPlayerSlaveFaction)
            Debug.Notification("paradise halls Slave detected")


Function AddSlave(Actor Hooker)

        ;put back pahe slave to pahe
    If (Game.GetModByName("paradise_halls.esm") != 255)

        PAH = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x01FAEF, "paradise_halls.esm") As Quest
        PAHHasBeenPlayerSlaveFaction = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0052B8, "paradise_halls.esm") As Faction
        Core = (PAH as PAHCore)
        PAHHasBeenPlayerSlaveFaction = Core.PAHHasBeenPlayerSlaveFaction

        if Hooker.IsInFaction(PAHHasBeenPlayerSlaveFaction)

            Debug.Notification("paradise halls ex-Slave detected")




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34 minutes ago, Nonseen said:



I working on a mod that take out pahe slaves miner duty. So they not wight down the pahe / dom.

My mod work well with pahe, i  assume work well with current version of DOM ( not yet tested).


Not sure DOM 4.0 or newer versions how compatibile with pahe? I need do any extra thing/step to make compatible my mod with DOM ?

I wish prepare in advance, if need extra step i build up some interface.


currently i using fallowing script to take out slaves from pahe, and put back:


  Reveal hidden contents

Quest PAH
PAHCore Core

Faction PAHPlayerSlaveFaction 
Faction PAHHasBeenPlayerSlaveFaction 


Function ReleaseSlave(Actor Hooker)

        ;realise pahe slave from slavery
    If (Game.GetModByName("paradise_halls.esm") != 255)

        PAH = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x01FAEF, "paradise_halls.esm") As Quest
        PAHPlayerSlaveFaction = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0047DB, "paradise_halls.esm") As Faction
        Core = (PAH as PAHCore)
        PAHPlayerSlaveFaction = Core.PAHPlayerSlaveFaction

        if Hooker.IsInFaction(PAHPlayerSlaveFaction)
            Debug.Notification("paradise halls Slave detected")


Function AddSlave(Actor Hooker)

        ;put back pahe slave to pahe
    If (Game.GetModByName("paradise_halls.esm") != 255)

        PAH = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x01FAEF, "paradise_halls.esm") As Quest
        PAHHasBeenPlayerSlaveFaction = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0052B8, "paradise_halls.esm") As Faction
        Core = (PAH as PAHCore)
        PAHHasBeenPlayerSlaveFaction = Core.PAHHasBeenPlayerSlaveFaction

        if Hooker.IsInFaction(PAHHasBeenPlayerSlaveFaction)

            Debug.Notification("paradise halls ex-Slave detected")




It will work with DoM 4 without any modification. Users will have to move slaves from DoM to PAHE then to your mod.


We could also make an interface from r direct moving and using personality.

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Hello, simple question: is DoM dialogues and stuff works in HSH(i would love too but it seems when transfering to HSH there are only dialogues and interactions from HSH framework) when tranfer slaves there or it will separate dialogues from each framework? Skyrim LE, thank you.

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10 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

It will work with DoM 4 without any modification. Users will have to move slaves from DoM to PAHE then to your mod.


We could also make an interface from r direct moving and using personality.

Sunds good :)

I thnk if some sort of interface made for dom 4 can be good if other mod makers wish interact with dom 4 to users more easy to move salves beatwen the mods.


My current oslution to move betwen pahe and my mod is player requested cast a spell to the slave. the spell call the scripts that handle the slave movment.

i think if dom 4 has own function that do the slave movment to pahe easy to make a function that do the falowing steps:


call slave movment from  dom to pahe

after that call slave movement from pahe to my mod ( or other mod)

i think this way easy to implement for mod makers and easy to use for users.


but maybe you have better idea how good to handle this.  my knowlage about papyrus scripting very littile compered to yours or clifton knowlage. :)


currently my mod in WIP state. if intrested can be found here:




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8 hours ago, stalPROm said:

Hello, simple question: is DoM dialogues and stuff works in HSH(i would love too but it seems when transfering to HSH there are only dialogues and interactions from HSH framework) when tranfer slaves there or it will separate dialogues from each framework? Skyrim LE, thank you.


HSH does have dialogues for PAHE slaves for posing because posing state exists in all frameworks. DoM dialogues don't have that possibility for the moment.


But for more complex states (other than pose) it would be too much work.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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it seems after i install DoM, my home sweet home have hard time to register the slaves in auction or to cell, usually they will go outside while cursing at me and then come back again after under 1 minute, i wonder what is the cause?


also cant seem to use DoM menu when slave is active in HSH

Edited by RiseKnight
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After some hours of game, training manually some NPC to be HsH trainers and taskmistress I realize that the slaves affected to these are only gaining 1 or 2 pts per 24h (for example in sex or pose).


I understand well my HsH trainers/taskmistress are not good and optimized but is having so slow gains working as intended or am I bugged?


Note that I have some doubts concerning my load order with Pah, Aigas and HsH, any advice?

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