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I'm trying to populate lakerise with hostile mermaids, for testing. What is the name of the world space? The one just near the place before you get in the water? Well they are all named the same, and when I click on of them, they also look the same.


Also the place where you can find the chest that contains an underwater necklace?

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If I ever get to work on this again, yes. I've also thought about placing a good part of the Lakerise world into the Sea of Ghosts which is currently very empty in the deeper regions.


oi, isnt the sea of ghosts a mod, or is it just the empty arctic ocean regions?

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Before getting the stuff in the game, I need to finish the mesh first and I've run into a bit of a problem right now. I want to attach the tail mesh to the tail bones right now, but I can't find a mesh in which both the tail and the rest of the body bones exist together. Neither do I know how the import the bones directly from the skeleton.nif file.


actually I redid a simular tail for my sirens in Crowning isle mod. The natural movement of the legs was enough to mostly simulate the swimming motion with out a true need for a special animation. you must let the tail hide the leg's, and allow it to move in the same way clothing moves ataching it to the bones that use the legs, as with any lower body clothing, and it will be pretty effective.


  I do not know all the ins' and outs you will face in Papyrus, but it was actually a very simple thing in Oblivion scripting to have the legs appear on land, and the tail to appear in water. I even had different clothing for in water, and on land, which changed automatically.


The oblivion tail was made by Growlf, I retouched mine, and retextured it to my liking. I also reshaped it a little reveling more of the butt, and crotch area, as well as reshaped the tail, and added extra fin's.


   I look foward to your skyrim version.


PS >> I also hope you real life problems do not overtake you. Good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm terribly sorry but life has taken a big dump on me. I've already lost my job, and I'm still in danger of losing my home as well. I can't work on anything gamerelated right now. :(


We all know what this means, why don't we all work together hand in hand and help a fellow modder out by lending her some cash until she can get back on her feet? The sooner she can get back on her feet, the sooner this mod will be completed, and this mod isn't just any mod, it's an entire race mod, with entiely new mesh, and new set of animations, it's not exactly easy work that can be done overnight. WIshing her well is one thing, but actually helping her out is what helping truly is.

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Before getting the stuff in the game, I need to finish the mesh first and I've run into a bit of a problem right now. I want to attach the tail mesh to the tail bones right now, but I can't find a mesh in which both the tail and the rest of the body bones exist together. Neither do I know how the import the bones directly from the skeleton.nif file.


actually I redid a simular tail for my sirens in Crowning isle mod. The natural movement of the legs was enough to mostly simulate the swimming motion with out a true need for a special animation. you must let the tail hide the leg's, and allow it to move in the same way clothing moves ataching it to the bones that use the legs, as with any lower body clothing, and it will be pretty effective.


  I do not know all the ins' and outs you will face in Papyrus, but it was actually a very simple thing in Oblivion scripting to have the legs appear on land, and the tail to appear in water. I even had different clothing for in water, and on land, which changed automatically.


The oblivion tail was made by Growlf, I retouched mine, and retextured it to my liking. I also reshaped it a little reveling more of the butt, and crotch area, as well as reshaped the tail, and added extra fin's.


   I look foward to your skyrim version.


PS >> I also hope you real life problems do not overtake you. Good luck



Hi, thanks for your interest on the topic, at this rate, it's almost no one is willing to partake in this mod anymore, everytime I login back, the thread has already gone to the 3rd or 4th page or so, your interest is very much appreciated.


Do you have a mermaid and merman mesh that can be used for skyrim? That is the thing that this mod still needs. Suludi said she will take care of the animations, so please don't worry about hiding the legs underneath the tail. She actually did a few of the animations already, she did mermaid swimming, minus left and righ direction, and the mermaid dual cast animation. I think what's giving her problems is creating the mermaid and merman mesh, she almost finished them, but suddenly stopped.


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I've collected all six mermaid races, the animations and the tridents and zipped them into an archive. I hope the original authors are okay with this (after all, I only took what was published here).

Ive had interest in the underwater side of skyrim since I started making a pirate a few weeks ago, and found this thread in my wanderings. Ive tested some of the archive, and am loving what ive seen so far, there is a lot of potential here. Ill be happy to help (probably wont be much use, I dont have the time as of now to learn to 3D model). As for now, ill see if I can stir up some interest with some screenshots, to hopefully attract the attention of someone who does. May this project not die. 

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