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Demonic Creatures - Mod Version V1.80 patch v1.84

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On 04.05.2023 at 13:49, Thor2000 said:

Затем, чтобы эти новые существа распространялись в Скайриме, вы должны поместить своих «SUBLCHARGrawiSkeevers» в один из больших списков существ Skyrim. Если вы хотите, чтобы они появлялись там, где вы обычно видите Скивера, вам нужно отредактировать вот эти ванильные: LCHARAnimalHills, LCHARAnimalPlainsPredator, LCHARAnimalForestPredator и LCHARAnimalCanyonPredator.

Кажется я разобрался там можно дажк драугров заменить драконами ))


I think I figured out where you can even replace draugrov with dragons))

и вот вам еще 1 вид драконов из вова


and here's another 1 kind of dragons from world of warcraft


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On 5/4/2023 at 9:58 PM, lydiaofwhiterun said:


Thanks for checking. It's clearly something to do with my particular setup, just need to keep digging until I find it!



by chance, has anyone created a mod. Patch Demonic Creaturies  for Hentai Creaturies ,to summon creatures from demonic creatures

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On 5/6/2023 at 1:21 PM, crococat said:

Started new game. Now Sly in Windhelm palace is atacking me always.

I haven't changed anything with him. He's got the same factions as from the start.

On 5/7/2023 at 3:18 PM, grawi said:

by chance, has anyone created a mod. Patch Demonic Creaturies  for Hentai Creaturies ,to summon creatures from demonic creatures

Check Akis mod. Link on description page

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27 minutes ago, Thor2000 said:
On 5/6/2023 at 2:21 PM, crococat said:

Started new game. Now Sly in Windhelm palace is atacking me always.

I haven't changed anything with him. He's got the same factions as from the start.

Sorry, it was something wrong with my game. I think that it was something about POP. Now all is ok.

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On 5/4/2023 at 5:58 PM, lydiaofwhiterun said:


Thanks for checking. It's clearly something to do with my particular setup, just need to keep digging until I find it!

No worries. 


I've been switching back and forth from new save games and 3-4 year old savegames lately due to a video project I'm doing. CreatureFramework is having a hard time keeping up with the mix of new creatures and the old creatures that got new races along the way. Half of the creatures won't switch to their aroused mesh. Another half are not recognized by sexlab anymore ?.


So people that are not getting these creatures to work with sexlab, I truly feel your pain. Old saves and creatures that change races in the same save can be an issue.

Edited by Thor2000
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On 5/10/2023 at 6:52 AM, Thor2000 said:

No worries. 


I've been switching back and forth from new save games and 3-4 year old savegames lately due to a video project I'm doing. CreatureFramework is having a hard time keeping up with the mix of new creatures and the old creatures that got new races along the way. Half of the creatures won't switch to their aroused mesh. Another half are not recognized by sexlab anymore ?.


So people that are not getting these creatures to work with sexlab, I truly feel your pain. Old saves and creatures that change races in the same save can be an issue.


Well I managed to fix it. 2 other mods in my load order, Sexlab More Creatures and Hentai Creatures both had missing files which were affecting the skinned hounds only. I'm not sure how that happened but at least it's all good now!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unless I missed something in the xedit there are no mimics from Mihail? That's one hentai trope I always missed in modded skyrim. Estrus traps are not quite the same. If you ever added that one I'd be over the moon. Either way really love the work you've done so far, great mod.

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40 minutes ago, Karkhel said:

Unless I missed something in the xedit there are no mimics from Mihail? That's one hentai trope I always missed in modded skyrim. Estrus traps are not quite the same. If you ever added that one I'd be over the moon. Either way really love the work you've done so far, great mod.

The real evil mimics are included in Skyrim Chain Beasts ?

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3 minutes ago, Karkhel said:

That is one thing I actually never tried, what happens once the chain beasts got you?

The SCBs selflessly carry you straight to the nearest ZAP furniture or prison or slave auction or to a not-yet-well-known troglodyte who breeds SCBs.

Depending where you are you even get a nice sightseeing tour thru Skyrim.

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3 hours ago, donttouchmethere said:

The SCBs selflessly carry you straight to the nearest ZAP furniture or prison or slave auction or to a not-yet-well-known troglodyte who breeds SCBs.

Depending where you are you even get a nice sightseeing tour thru Skyrim.

?  and we're hoping for aurora to show up. I remember the Sanguine Debauchery mod. Specially when you got enslaved by bandits on the road. You'd see all of skyrim then too. Walking veeeeeery slooooow that is. Ah.. those where the good times.....

4 hours ago, Karkhel said:

Unless I missed something in the xedit there are no mimics from Mihail? That's one hentai trope I always missed in modded skyrim. Estrus traps are not quite the same. If you ever added that one I'd be over the moon. Either way really love the work you've done so far, great mod.

I have to dissappoint you on this one... I've never really got myself on the same page as these walking chests. Thanks for the words :)

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2 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

and we're hoping for aurora to show up. I remember the Sanguine Debauchery mod. Specially when you got enslaved by bandits on the road. You'd see all of skyrim then too. Walking veeeeeery slooooow that is. Ah.. those where the good times.....

SD+ got better, in that regard, now the master follows you instead the other way around.

SCB has luckily enough workarounds to solve any never ending travels.


Good old times = you never knew if it's a bug or a feature >.<

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5 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

Is there anyone on Legendary edition running the demonic creatures goblin village mod in a working state?

I've got it loaded on my other save. Haven't found the village yet, but haven't encountered any loading screen problems while playing. Will report when I find the fun village.

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14 hours ago, donttouchmethere said:

SD+ got better, in that regard, now the master follows you instead the other way around.

Hot idea on paper and then post nut clarity hits you and existential dread creeps in. I should give SD+ another go one of these days.

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1 hour ago, Karkhel said:

Hot idea on paper and then post nut clarity hits you and existential dread creeps in. I should give SD+ another go one of these days.

It is more "fluid" now. Collar doesn't zap you to death or does things like spamming your screen full of useless information as punishment for running away.

I just played around a bit with newest version and the most annoying issues are gone.

There is still a void of something slavery related to do while enslaved. On the other hand this makes it highly compatible with other mods that can jump in there and do stuff on a slave flagged PC.

I mainly use it as form of punishment for a local defeat (fights are more meaningful), instead of just being invulnerable and getting up right away after defeated or get teleported away.


It is also possible now to make the SD master a follower (for example with NFF) so it is possible to finish your quest while also enslaved. If you are lucky on the way thru the quest your master might have an "accident". Skyrim is a dangerous place right ^^


I limit the enslavement to 3 days, if you are nice to your SD master you might even get away unharmed and SD master stays alive.

This works great with SD+/DEC combo, if enslaved by an usually friendly but kinky city NPC you don't wanna kill to escape.


DDs will help to make the enslavement a bit/lot harder so you don't feel like escaping is too easy.

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19 hours ago, Canceller said:

I've got it loaded on my other save. Haven't found the village yet, but haven't encountered any loading screen problems while playing. Will report when I find the fun village.


21 hours ago, donttouchmethere said:

What what what? There is such a thing?

Edit: yo, found the download a page back ^^

Let me now if there's anything "unusual", will yah? Such as gaps betweeen structures and ground. Erynes in the reported in the DD SE thread that structures seem to float in the air above the ground. There's some screenies to show it too.

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38 minutes ago, Thor2000 said:


Let me now if there's anything "unusual", will yah? Such as gaps betweeen structures and ground. Erynes in the reported in the DD SE thread that structures seem to float in the air above the ground. There's some screenies to show it too.

Sure, if i don't get stuck in the gaps I will be back to report.

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