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Demonic Creatures - Mod Version V1.80 patch v1.84

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10 hours ago, invicturus said:

Hello, I recently updated the mod to version 1.7 and noticed a malfunction in myself: some creatures are not registered in CF and are not used in scenes

Is it the new added creatures from v1.7 that doesn't work? If so, download patch v1.73. I missed those in the upgrade file.

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Allright I've updated the file "upgrade from v1.62 to v1.7" with new json files.




Issued a new patch v1.73 for just because of these missing json files (the patch also inlcudes v.72 in case you wondered).

Edited by Thor2000
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2 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

Это новые добавленные существа из v1.7, которые не работают? Если да, скачайте патч v1.73. Я пропустил их в файле обновления.

from the new version, some work, but not all, some old ones also do not work

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3 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

Это новые добавленные существа из v1.7, которые не работают? Если да, скачайте патч v1.73. Я пропустил их в файле обновления.

I already completely reinstalled the mod by deleting the old files (installed the new version) but I can't figure out what the problem is

enb 2023_04_02 13_06_54_45.bmp

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just today i came across your mod after a long time and i wanted to try it. Since i like to use immersive creatures, i would need to merge it with your mod.

Problem is, Wrye Bash considers DemonicCreatures.esp as not mergeable, it produces an error when i try to use "Mark Mergeable", Wrye Bash mentions voices, facegen and facetint subdirectories.


Since i have never before used Wrye Bash in any way, i have no idea what to do now.

Any idea what to do now, outside of simply removing immersive creatures or trying both at the same time?


Thanks a lot for the mod!

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3 hours ago, invicturus said:

even when registering creatures, it displays the message {Cf File DemonicCreatures.json creature 143 is missing its race or rase name

Just to be sure, install latest patch with the updated json files.


That missing error could be a race that has a record error from my side. But it's only one race so it can't just be that. 


If you got all races registrated in CF but still they refuse to animate, I'd try a new test game from scratch. Are there any changes in creature behaviour?



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5 hours ago, AdalBro said:



just today i came across your mod after a long time and i wanted to try it. Since i like to use immersive creatures, i would need to merge it with your mod.

Problem is, Wrye Bash considers DemonicCreatures.esp as not mergeable, it produces an error when i try to use "Mark Mergeable", Wrye Bash mentions voices, facegen and facetint subdirectories.


Since i have never before used Wrye Bash in any way, i have no idea what to do now.

Any idea what to do now, outside of simply removing immersive creatures or trying both at the same time?


Thanks a lot for the mod!

I'm not familiar wrye bash since I make my own tes5edit patches, but there should be some settings which let you choose what to merge(?). Only leveled lists needs to be merged.

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46 minutes ago, angellllo said:

Hi, this creature is invisible in my game, the others I found work fine

Yup... I forgot the meshes for the warzog too. It's a quick fix, but I'm going to wait until I release a patch fix. It might be more issues down the road.

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1 hour ago, Thor2000 said:

На всякий случай установите последний патч с обновленными файлами json.


Эта отсутствующая ошибка может быть гонкой, в которой есть рекордная ошибка с моей стороны. Но это только одна гонка, так что это не может быть просто так. 


Если у вас есть все расы, зарегистрированные в CF, но они все равно отказываются анимироваться, я бы попробовал новую тестовую игру с нуля. Есть ли изменения в поведении существ?



started a new game and everything seems to work (thanks for the help and for the mod)

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1 hour ago, Thor2000 said:

I'm not familiar wrye bash since I make my own tes5edit patches, but there should be some settings which let you choose what to merge(?). Only leveled lists needs to be merged.

Well, i think it worked with tes5edit, at least the game does not crash. Time will tell if i did right.

Creatures do appear in the framework, so gg i guess.

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Hi guys.


I've noticed the problem with Bjaergtrolls. Most of the animations play fine but for couple of them (anub throne for example), there's a stretch bug like in the screenshot.

On the other hand similar animation from leito plays fine. Any ideas how to fix that? I got newest MNC and CF installed.




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9 hours ago, Dyshonoriusz said:

Hi guys.


I've noticed the problem with Bjaergtrolls. Most of the animations play fine but for couple of them (anub throne for example), there's a stretch bug like in the screenshot.

On the other hand similar animation from leito plays fine. Any ideas how to fix that? I got newest MNC and CF installed.

I need to check this one out. It could be bone specific error of the mesh itself.

9 hours ago, angellllo said:

Hello I found another invisible creature


I can't find any errors with this one. Isn't there a nif file named "bluedemon.nif" inside skyrim\data\meshes\newcreatures\VICN\Troll\?

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21 hours ago, Dyshonoriusz said:

Hi guys.


I've noticed the problem with Bjaergtrolls. Most of the animations play fine but for couple of them (anub throne for example), there's a stretch bug like in the screenshot.

On the other hand similar animation from leito plays fine. Any ideas how to fix that? I got newest MNC and CF installed.


What version of Anubs animations do you have? The latest I can find is : "Anub C 7.2021.7z - 96.46 MB / September 15, 2021"


I can't see any Anubs Throne animations in here. If that is the name for it?


EDIT: This must be some patreon animations you have here. I can't find any from Anub with a throne involved. Nor does any of the riekling animations I have installed (billyy + leito + anub + baka + among othes) create the distortion I see in your pictures. Can you name other animations where this happen?

Edited by Thor2000
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3 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

EDIT: This must be some patreon animations you have here. I can't find any from Anub with a throne involved. Nor does any of the riekling animations I have installed (billyy + leito + anub + baka + among othes) create the distortion I see in your pictures. Can you name other animations where this happen?

You're right, this is from patreon anim pack and it's called anubs riekling throne. Not sure if only newer anim packs are affected but for me other animations with the same distortion are anub: riekling worship, riekling squat, riekling anal (although it's small), riekling calm cowgirl, femdom cowgirl; billy: riekling lotus, reverse cowgirl; fluffy fox laying bj and (not 100% sure for this) nibbles cowgirl.


The belly node is kind of weird because sometimes it can also appear very skinny like in the screenshot (anub bound and some others), but most of the time it stays a little chubby like I think it should.



Edited by Dyshonoriusz
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13 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

I need to check this one out. It could be bone specific error of the mesh itself.

I can't find any errors with this one. Isn't there a nif file named "bluedemon.nif" inside skyrim\data\meshes\newcreatures\VICN\Troll\?

I conjure a blue demon to test, and it's working fine, it seems that only this blue demon that was dead became invisible

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14 hours ago, Dyshonoriusz said:

You're right, this is from patreon anim pack and it's called anubs riekling throne. Not sure if only newer anim packs are affected but for me other animations with the same distortion are anub: riekling worship, riekling squat, riekling anal (although it's small), riekling calm cowgirl, femdom cowgirl; billy: riekling lotus, reverse cowgirl; fluffy fox laying bj and (not 100% sure for this) nibbles cowgirl.


The belly node is kind of weird because sometimes it can also appear very skinny like in the screenshot (anub bound and some others), but most of the time it stays a little chubby like I think it should.

I know that in my setup fluffy fox laying bj is ok. Cause that was one of the animations I used as a test anim when I put weights on the troll. But I'm not at my pc for a while so I can't really confirm anything before after the Eastern.


But none of the vanilla rieklings behave like this? Or the ghoul riekling from my mod? Which ABC version is installed (though I don't know if Baka has updated the riekling skeleton lately)?


I should probably also add that I'm not a pro when it comes to rigging, so some "distortion" is present here and there in certain sex animations. But it shouldn't be as bad as I've seen in your screenies. I'll get back to it in a small week.



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Found a couple skeletons that weren't being effected by anti-undead magic. Thought it was odd since the ActorUndead keyword was added to pretty much every undead creature in the last patch. Discovered that some of the Draugr Ambush spawn templates in the base Skyrim.esm do not have the Inherits Keywords flag checked.  So things like the Crippled Skeletons will spawn from that leveled entry but not gain the ActorUndead keyword. Simple fix to add the inherit keywords flag in a patch, or add to the Demonic Creatures plugin. I assume things like USSEP don't touch those records since they never expected to have undead actors using races like Falmer. 

These are the specific records: 6F837, 6F838, 6F83A, and 6F83E. 


PS. Actually looking at the other Draugr leveled templates, none of them seem to use the Inherits Keywords flags. I'd assume that any non-draugr/skeleton race creatures that spawn from those templates won't act as undead. 

Edited by Papersword
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On 4/5/2023 at 12:53 PM, Thor2000 said:

But none of the vanilla rieklings behave like this? Or the ghoul riekling from my mod? Which ABC version is installed (though I don't know if Baka has updated the riekling.

Vanilla rieklings are ok. I have to test the ghoul variant and check the ABC version. Maybe issue is on my end. I will be able to test it probably on saturday or after the Easter as well.


I'll try the se version in my free time as well and will get back to you.

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5 hours ago, Gukahn said:

This is be best present you could've ever given me..


I love you for this Dude ?

What mod do you use for the  werewolf penis?


I know that werewolf model in demonic creatures is called Werewolf elite, but I don't have that penis in those werewolves elites

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16 hours ago, Papersword said:

These are the specific records: 6F837, 6F838, 6F83A, and 6F83E. 


PS. Actually looking at the other Draugr leveled templates, none of them seem to use the Inherits Keywords flags. I'd assume that any non-draugr/skeleton race creatures that spawn from those templates won't act as undead. 

Falmer skeletons everyone of them? What magic type did you use when it didn't work?

13 hours ago, Gukahn said:

This is be best present you could've ever given me..


I love you for this Dude ?

You're welcome I guess ?.


Nice male character. Is that a follower? I'm looking for a good male character for a video. There's a zillion females, but no males.

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