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Demonic Creatures - Mod Version V1.80 patch v1.84

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2 hours ago, Lord Simian said:

Appreciate the answer, i might just try out Tes5edit.


1 hour ago, MaximusApp said:

Hey, I wanted to manually turn off some of the larger / more prone to get misaligned creatures, is it enough to use TESEDIT to just delete the specific NPCs or is there anything else to do to disable certain monsters from this mod? Great mod otherwise, thank you, It's just certain creatures are more trouble for me.

To sum up the tabs (the categories shown on your left in tes5edit after you expand a mods espused in tes5edit:


"armor addon": creates the link between 3d model (nif file in your data\meshes folder) and the mod esp
"armor": contains the skin of the creature and uses armor addon as a reference. It also does other things.
"non-player character (actor)": Or the "NPC", is the creature you encounter in your game wearing the armor


These are the records you basically need to establish a simple "NPC/creature" in skyrim.
It might be a fourth tab, the "race", but most of the creatures in this mod uses vanilla races.

The NPC however, does not exist as anything else as a record in the mods esp.
You won't encounter it in the game unless you spawn it through console using it's ID.
Simply because there is no user or referencer that is using this NPC record yet (hereby called user).

The users so far in this mod is:

"Leveled NPC": (Signature LVLN): The so called LCHARs (leveled character lists) which is responsible to spawn every creature in Skyrim in an immersive way using dedicated spawnpoints.
"Cell": (Signature ACHR): This is world reference. A rather static way of placing NPCs in the world. You simply draig your npc id into a world cell in creation kit and there and it stays there no matter what level you are.


So to the question, how to remove a creature from the game without getting errors in any way?


What needs to be done is to remove NPCs record from its users. How to know which user a NPC is referenced in?

We'll remove the NPC record with the name spiderironmaiden from its excistence in the world(but keep it's npc data together with armor addon and armor)


----> BACKUP demoniccreature.esp!!!


Load Tes5edit:


1. Fire up tes5edit

2. unselect all mods except demoniccreatures.esp, press ok, load or whatever it says and wait until its finished loading.


Find your creature (spiderironmaiden):


3. Expand the demoniccreature.esp which is now showing up on the left below it's master esps (window1). Find "non-player character (actor) and expand it.
4  You know see a long list of NPC actors.To simplify searching in tes5edit, click "Name" (almost at the top, still in window1, to the right of FormID and EditorID). This sorts all NPC records by names alphabetical.
5. Locate ur creature and select it (window1). Look for Spiderironmaiden.


Find your creatures users:


6. Now look on the right side (window2). See all its data starting with "record healer" at the top, then signature NPC_. The tab selected to show these data is called "view". The view tab is where you can set attributes to your creatures (find this view tab together with several other tabs at the bottom in the window).
7. You don't want to change the creature data, but it's users. we need to change tab from "view" to "referenced By". So look at window2 at the bottom and locate the tab called "referenced By" (to the right of "view") and select it.
8. Now you see all the users of this Spiderironmaiden. It has two users. Both with signature LVLN, so we have two leveled NPC lists. DEMLCharAnimalHills and DEMLCharAnimalForestPredator


Remove the NPCs users:


9. We have to remove spiderironmaiden from these two lists. So doubleclick the first, DEMLCharAnimalHills and you will be transported to this list and its content.
10. You now see the leveled list with its EDID-Editor ID DEMLCharAnimalHills, and below, its content: two NPC records and two LVLN records.
11. Locate "Leveled List Entry" just above the DEMspiderironmaiden but below DEMLCharGallimimusADv.
OBS!!! NOT "Leveled list Entries" at the far top. That will remove the whole list.
12. Now right click the empty cell to the right of the cell containing "Leveled List Entry". Only if you have rightclicked in the correct location a choice to "remove" this entry will show. Click "yes I'm sure cause I am in fucking charge here". The whole entry containing DEMspiderironmaiden will be gone. There should be one NPC and two LVLN records left in the list.


Remove second user:


13 Now spiderironmaiden is removed from one list. Time to do the same with leveled list no2. Go back to step 5, and follow same procedure until step 12.
14 Confirm your edit by again doing step 5, 6, 7 and 8. Check that there is no users left in the "referenced By" tab. The creature is now a ghost in the mod, but you can still spawn it through console since NPC record, Armor addon and armor records are still intact.


Save and exit


15 Save (make sure demoniccreature.esp is selected in the pop up box), pres ok and close Tes5edit.



*** NPCs can be listed more than once in a Leveled list.
*** sometimes this is easy, sometimes it's a spiderweb of leveled lists integrating each other and you really need to have the tongue in the right position to remove the records correctly.
*** As for now, no NPC in this mod is used by Quest":  (Singature QUST). This will be a bit trickier to remove since you have to edit the quests themselves.
*** Note that NPC may still excist in the world for another 31 in game days. Visiting the world cell before 31 days will reset this counter. Best way to see the effects right away: Find a cabin and sleep for 31 days.


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On 1/3/2021 at 10:14 PM, Thor2000 said:


To sum up the tabs (the categories shown on your left in tes5edit after you expand a mods espused in tes5edit:


"armor addon": creates the link between 3d model (nif file in your data\meshes folder) and the mod esp
"armor": contains the skin of the creature and uses armor addon as a reference. It also does other things.
"non-player character (actor)": Or the "NPC", is the creature you encounter in your game wearing the armor


These are the records you basically need to establish a simple "NPC/creature" in skyrim.
It might be a fourth tab, the "race", but most of the creatures in this mod uses vanilla races.

The NPC however, does not exist as anything else as a record in the mods esp.
You won't encounter it in the game unless you spawn it through console using it's ID.
Simply because there is no user or referencer that is using this NPC record yet (hereby called user).

The users so far in this mod is:

"Leveled NPC": (Signature LVLN): The so called LCHARs (leveled character lists) which is responsible to spawn every creature in Skyrim in an immersive way using dedicated spawnpoints.
"Cell": (Signature ACHR? This is world reference. A rather static way of placing NPCs in the world. You simply draig your npc id into a world cell in creation kit and there and it stays there no matter what level you are.


So to the question, how to remove a creature from the game without getting errors in any way?


What needs to be done is to remove NPCs record from its users. How to know which user a NPC is referenced in?

We'll remove the NPC record with the name spiderironmaiden from its excistence in the world(but keep it's npc data together with armor addon and armor)


----> BACKUP demoniccreature.esp!!!


Load Tes5edit:


1. Fire up tes5edit

2. unselect all mods except demoniccreatures.esp, press ok, load or whatever it says and wait until its finished loading.


Find your creature (spiderironmaiden):


3. Expand the demoniccreature.esp which is now showing up on the left below it's master esps (window1). Find "non-player character (actor) and expand it.
4  You know see a long list of NPC actors.To simplify searching in tes5edit, click "Name" (almost at the top, still in window1, to the right of FormID and EditorID). This sorts all NPC records by names alphabetical.
5. Locate ur creature and select it (window1). Look for Spiderironmaiden.


Find your creatures users:


6. Now look on the right side (window2). See all its data starting with "record healer" at the top, then signature NPC_. The tab selected to show these data is called "view". The view tab is where you can set attributes to your creatures (find this view tab together with several other tabs at the bottom in the window).
7. You don't want to change the creature data, but it's users. we need to change tab from "view" to "referenced By". So look at window2 at the bottom and locate the tab called "referenced By" (to the right of "view") and select it.
8. Now you see all the users of this Spiderironmaiden. It has two users. Both with signature LVLN, so we have two leveled NPC lists. DEMLCharAnimalHills and DEMLCharAnimalForestPredator


Remove the NPCs users:


9. We have to remove spiderironmaiden from these two lists. So doubleclick the first, DEMLCharAnimalHills and you will be transported to this list and its content.
10. You now see the leveled list with its EDID-Editor ID DEMLCharAnimalHills, and below, its content: two NPC records and two LVLN records.
11. Locate "Leveled List Entry" just above the DEMspiderironmaiden but below DEMLCharGallimimusADv.
OBS!!! NOT "Leveled list Entries" at the far top. That will remove the whole list.
12. Now right click the empty cell to the right of the cell containing "Leveled List Entry". Only if you have rightclicked in the correct location a choice to "remove" this entry will show. Click "yes I'm sure cause I am in fucking charge here". The whole entry containing DEMspiderironmaiden will be gone. There should be one NPC and two LVLN records left in the list.


Remove second user:


13 Now spiderironmaiden is removed from one list. Time to do the same with leveled list no2. Go back to step 5, and follow same procedure until step 12.
14 Confirm your edit by again doing step 5, 6, 7 and 8. Check that there is no users left in the "referenced By" tab. The creature is now a ghost in the mod, but you can still spawn it through console since NPC record, Armor addon and armor records are still intact.


Save and exit


15 Save (make sure demoniccreature.esp is selected in the pop up box), pres ok and close Tes5edit.



*** NPCs can be listed more than once in a Leveled list.
*** sometimes this is easy, sometimes it's a spiderweb of leveled lists integrating each other and you really need to have the tongue in the right position to remove the records correctly.
*** As for now, no NPC in this mod is used by Quest":  (Singature QUST). This will be a bit trickier to remove since you have to edit the quests themselves.
*** Note that NPC may still excist in the world for another 31 in game days. Visiting the world cell before 31 days will reset this counter. Best way to see the effects right away: Find a cabin and sleep for 31 days.


Thanks for this detailed explanation, much appreciated! Going to try this, honestly this is so detailed if I mess this up I'm probably dumb. :D

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19 hours ago, MaximusApp said:

Thanks for this detailed explanation, much appreciated! Going to try this, honestly this is so detailed if I mess this up I'm probably dumb. :D

If it won't work, just ask. My "guide" would be twice as good with pictures attached ?

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7 hours ago, razzor69 said:

Hmm i think this new doggos model are interesting https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/106119

Hmmmm ?... i'll be totally honest. I'm not a dog person. Not in Skyrim at least. Then again, having some dogpets running around on the farms to protect the farmers (and animals) is perhaps not a bad idea. Gwendolyn (battleborn farm) keep dying on me due to that brutal sabrecat. So I'll put it on the maybe list.

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Also this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/106143
The weirdest Elder Scroll creature i've ever seen, that thing is from orsimer region


Well doggo is at least the most realistic creature we have in skyrim, and also good friend with human ?

i tried some of em only one doggo that actually fit(the rest are nay and meh), nah its ok if its not on your list though, it just needs some tweak because you know the meshes kinda off and not fit 


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Finally got around to doing what you wrote up on how to remove entries, thanks a lot it is crystal clear, learnt something new to customize mods from this. Thanks a lot! :)

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I have tried trying this mod and I loved it!

In the credits I have read in the part of VICN the word "werewgargoyle".  Is it a gargoyle with a werewolf skeleton?

I've been looking for it and trying to find it with the id but I can't find it :(


I have tried the blue gargoyle with troll skeleton and I liked it.  I would also like a werewolf skeleton because there are many animations with this

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On 1/6/2021 at 1:08 AM, razzor69 said:

Also this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/106143
The weirdest Elder Scroll creature i've ever seen, that thing is from orsimer region


Well doggo is at least the most realistic creature we have in skyrim, and also good friend with human ?

i tried some of em only one doggo that actually fit(the rest are nay and meh), nah its ok if its not on your list though, it just needs some tweak because you know the meshes kinda off and not fit 


If Bethesda would implement all the lore in the games. Trust me, the echateres arent the weirdest creatures in Nirn.


Hell, the games will become a 18+ with all the weird shit that happens. TES lore is very very weird.

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14 hours ago, MaximusApp said:

One thing i noticed is that skaven riders (draugr ride too (which is a skaven)) dont get schlongs for me for some reason in scenes.

I took a little peak, and yes. You are right. I managed to get the skaven rider to show their wieners, but after that all 4 of them failed. I'm not sure what is wrong here. all numbers are correct on all 4. I'm guessing it could be the race. I'm going to look into it.

For the record: The entelodon rider does not yet have schlongs attached (basically a riekling creature riding a boar creature). But this one works in my version 1.2V. It uses the DLC2boarrieklingrace. So might have to switch race on those skaven riders.

10 hours ago, Slyghos95 said:


I have tried trying this mod and I loved it!

In the credits I have read in the part of VICN the word "werewgargoyle".  Is it a gargoyle with a werewolf skeleton?

I've been looking for it and trying to find it with the id but I can't find it :(


I have tried the blue gargoyle with troll skeleton and I liked it.  I would also like a werewolf skeleton because there are many animations with this

Sorry to dissapoint you even further. I made a mistake putting weregargoyle in the credit section. It has never been part of the mod. But I have the meshes on my harddrive, so I might get them included for the release of 1.2V.

4 hours ago, Ioulath said:

If Bethesda would implement all the lore in the games. Trust me, the echateres arent the weirdest creatures in Nirn.


Hell, the games will become a 18+ with all the weird shit that happens. TES lore is very very weird.

The more weird the better ?

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1 hour ago, littleman said:

looksmore like the king goblin from the hobbit with that neck chin

Yeah i agree, because the original Ogrim is fatter and uglier than this lol, first saw it on TES3 Morrowind, because it was created by Malacath so its more resemble to Orc, than an Ogre, but i prefer this version, more realistic vibes

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11 hours ago, razzor69 said:

Yeah i agree, because the original Ogrim is fatter and uglier than this lol, first saw it on TES3 Morrowind, because it was created by Malacath so its more resemble to Orc, than an Ogre, but i prefer this version, more realistic vibes

I really like this one... but it might have to be on my to do list for some time. I was hoping to release v1.2 with Wilderness encounter scripts soon, but not all of the scripts are working as intended. Still testing.

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10 hours ago, capitanohook said:

please can you help me ? why the female daedroth have the black face and does not have the crown with red feathers as n the picture? , i have se edition

Does she always appear with a black face? Try to spawn her using console commands (type first help femaledaedroth, notice the 8 digit number, and then type player.placeatme XXXXXXXX


Do you have a pic of it? Is the famous black face bug?

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7 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

Does she always appear with a black face? Try to spawn her using console commands (type first help femaledaedroth, notice the 8 digit number, and then type player.placeatme XXXXXXXX


Do you have a pic of it? Is the famous black face bug?

(sorry my bad english) i have vortex, the mod work well but the femaledaedroth have this face, i have caliente body mod, hi poly head mod, 3bbb body, sv beards mod, blackbeard mod, expressive facial animation male and female mod, improved eyes skyrim alternate defaults mod, improved eyes skyrim mod, browns mod, i have try to spawn with console comansthe femaledaedroth "player.placeatme on 6 tipe npc_: (.....) only 3 as femaledaedroth , others is 2 wolfs and 1 is a skeever, and the 3 femaledaedroth they always appear with a black face  



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3 hours ago, capitanohook said:

(sorry my bad english) i have vortex, the mod work well but the femaledaedroth have this face, i have caliente body mod, hi poly head mod, 3bbb body, sv beards mod, blackbeard mod, expressive facial animation male and female mod, improved eyes skyrim alternate defaults mod, improved eyes skyrim mod, browns mod, i have try to spawn with console comansthe femaledaedroth "player.placeatme on 6 tipe npc_: (.....) only 3 as femaledaedroth , others is 2 wolfs and 1 is a skeever, and the 3 femaledaedroth they always appear with a black face 

I am have no clue what cause that ?. I can't reproduce this since I'm using LE version either. But I know that at the SSE users that converted this mod have her working in their game.


It could be one of the mods you report. Expressive facial animation or high ploy head, But my knowlegde of the first one is thin. The high poly head mod only replaces the PC player femalehead, doesn't it?


I don't think this is the dark face bug either. It looks more of a texture error or conflict of some kind.


Maybe if more SE users can try to spawn this female deadroth in their game. If more reports of this dark face comes up we can then check for possible conflicting mods.


In the meantime, would you like a patch to remove her from the mod?


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3 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

I am have no clue what cause that ?. I can't reproduce this since I'm using LE version either. But I know that at the SSE users that converted this mod have her working in their game.


It could be one of the mods you report. Expressive facial animation or high ploy head, But my knowlegde of the first one is thin. The high poly head mod only replaces the PC player femalehead, doesn't it?


I don't think this is the dark face bug either. It looks more of a texture error or conflict of some kind.


Maybe if more SE users can try to spawn this female deadroth in their game. If more reports of this dark face comes up we can then check for possible conflicting mods.


In the meantime, would you like a patch to remove her from the mod?


the high poly head is inserted to all npc in the game, instead of removing it completely can you make a patch where is she replaced with another similar female demon ? or another patch without the crown? or a with simple face?  i think it's the kind of crown in is head that could cause this, or high poly head... becouse i remember meeting a human wizard demon in a red costume who was bald with face paint and  had a wide black stripe on his head that stopped at his nose... 

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