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Demonic Creatures - Mod Version V1.80 patch v1.84

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I am in the middle of testing the new version on SE a little. So far the dwarven dildo works now with correct gender, the sanguine mistress has some texture bugs.



(but a really cool summon, holy shit The flames on that one don't move btw. Kinda like a permanent none moving accessory^^ .)



Her Liba texture seems to have a problem.. Either that or she got some weird oblivion disease.. Coldharbor herpes..)


Link to comment

Installed 1.6. None of the enemies seem to be moving with the animations now. They are flipping my character all around during an animation but are standing idle. Tried to re-register Creature Framework. Doesn't seem to work. Could it be something with MNC and DC? Like... maybe I need to reinstall Creature Framework or MNC or the latest version of DC? This is all on SE by the way.

Link to comment

I'm afraid I'm getting 1.6 SE load issues.

I tried looking at the Net Script Framework Crash log and I'm guessing the Demonic Creatures MCM addon might be the problem.

Currently rebuilding Bash Patch to see if that helps

update: nope, crash log shows a bit more regarding Immersive Creatures but its still generally the same


Sample crash text



Unhandled native exception occurred at 0x7FF77B34267F (SkyrimSE.exe+36267F) on thread 25628!

FrameworkName: NetScriptFramework
FrameworkVersion: 15
FrameworkArchitecture: x64
GameLibrary: SkyrimSE
GameLibraryVersion: 18
ApplicationName: SkyrimSE.exe
VersionInfo: Successfully loaded
Time: 13 Mar 2022 00:58:24.713

Possible relevant objects (15)
  [   0]    TESRace(Name: FoxRace `Fox`, FormId: 00109C7C, File: `Bite.esp <- MoreNastyCritters.esp <- Skyrim.esm`)
  [   1]    TESNPC(Name: `Bloodsuckerfish`, FormId: 2F058537, File: `DemonicMCM.esp <- DemonicCreatures.esp`)
  [   1]    TESNPC(Name: `Bloodsuckerfish`, FormId: FF0008C5)
  [   8]    TESNPC(FormId: 2F39C73D, File: `DemonicCreatures.esp`)
  [  19]    Character(FormId: 001083BD, File: `DemonicCreatures.esp <- Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp`, BaseForm: TESNPC(FormId: 2F39C73D, File: `DemonicCreatures.esp`))
  [  47]    TESObjectCELL(Name: RobbersGorgeExterior04, FormId: 0000946D, File: `Bashed Patch, 0.esp <- DemonicCreatures.esp <- Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp <- TechnicolorAlchemy.esp <- northern_encounters2.esp`)
  [  76]    TESNPC(FormId: 2200F611, File: `Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp`)
  [  76]    Character(FormId: 2200F63D, File: `Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp`, BaseForm: TESNPC(FormId: 2200F611, File: `Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp`))
  [  81]    NavMesh(FormId: 0010FD6E, File: `Tes Arena - Skyrim Frontier Fortress.esp`)
  [  94]    BGSMusicType(Name: _NONE, FormId: 0001BA72, File: `Skyrim.esm`)
  [ 122]    NiNode(Name: `32`)
  [ 126]    TESWorldSpace(Name: Tamriel `Skyrim`, FormId: 0000003C, File: `Bashed Patch, 0.esp <- DBM_RelicHunter.esp <- Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp <- Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp <- Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp <- Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul.esp <- CSF_WF_Fiarrah.esp <- TES5SE NPCs Travel.esp <- battleflute.esp <- Skyrim Map Markers.esp <- ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp <- LintraTheSpearmaiden_SE.esp <- BBLuxurySuiteENM.esp <- High Level Enemies Redux - Placed NPCs and Quests CRF.esp <- RosaFollower.esp <- BorderSense.esp <- DBM_Thief.esp <- OBIS SE Patrols Addon.esp <- LevelersTower.esp <- ub_bbls_merge.esp <- Nemain.esp <- DBM_Missives_Patch.esp <- ArtifactsOfBoethiah.esp <- Frontier Fortress Notice Boards.esp <- Undercity.esp <- Follower Neisa.esp <- FishingInSkyrim.esp <- nwsJennaFollower.esp <- DBM_NoticeBoard_Patch.esp <- DiaryOfMine.esp <- DBM_SkyrimUnderground_Patch.esp <- Alex's Betnja - A Conjurer Companion.esp <- WildHorses.esp <- PyP_Legendary.esp <- DBM_Fossils_Patch.esp <- OBIS-Missives-Addon.esp <- Undaunted Missives.esp <- Undaunted.esp <- Winterhold Restored.esp <- Missives.esp <- Serio's Enhanced Dragons Redone.esp <- notice board.esp <- Yamete.esp <- DBM_CRF_Patch.esp <- PROTEUS.esp <- Bandits Hermits.esp <- wabba-unrel_proj.esp <- Real Estate USSEP.esp <- TheSidrat.esp <- MoreWerewolves.esp <- DBM_IW_Patch.esp <- Snowpeople.esp <- Dragon Wall Wisdom.esp <- StoneStacks.esp <- PsijicTeleportSpells.esp <- Fossilsyum.esp <- SofiaFollower.esp <- CerwidenCompanion.esp <- BellyachesNewDragonSpecies.esp <- MiasLair.esp <- Skooming Skyrim by BigBizkit.esp <- Populated Cities Towns Villages Reborn.esp <- Immersive Patrols II.esp <- FactionWarfareCuttingRoomFloorPatch.esp <- SoulsDoThings2.esp <- Populated Lands Roads Paths Reborn.esp <- Faction Warfare.esp <- NorthernCardinal.esp <- PAH_HomeSweetHome.esp <- Populated Forts Towers Places Reborn.esp <- WindstadMine.esp <- LC_immersiveLoot.esp <- Thoom.esp <- HeljarchenFarm.esp <- SkyrimBounties.esp <- Populated Dungeons Caves Ruins Reborn.esp <- WayshrinesIFT.esp <- meadery.esp <- DBM_RelicNotifications.esp <- DemonicMCM.esp <- TheChoiceIsYours.esp <- Extra Guards.esp <- smfArena1.8.esp <- SOTGenesisMod.esp <- DFB - Random Encounters.esp <- JobsofSkyrim.esp <- Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp <- Sjel Blad Castle_SE.esp <- RE_RealEstate.esp <- Hunterborn.esp <- Word Walls Relocated- Merged.esp <- Harvest Anything.esp <- SkyrimChainBeastsIntegration.esp <- hydra_slavegirls.esp <- Thunderchild - Epic Shout Package.esp <- AedraAbode.esp <- AdditionalCave.esp <- LC_BecomeLordOfUtgard.esp <- Sweetroll Randomization Act.esp <- Immersive Encounters.esp <- SPERG-SSE.esp <- DemonicCreatures.esp <- LC_BuildYourNobleHouse.esp <- Skyrim Unlocked.esp <- MoreBanditCamps.esp <- LC_BecomeJarlofIvarstead.esp <- OBIS SE.esp <- BlackthornManor.esp <- Lakeview_Extended.esp <- High Level Enemies Redux - Placed NPCs and Quests.esp <- MysticismMagic.esp <- Tes Arena - Skyrim Frontier Fortress.esp <- thegemstonecollector.esp <- Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp <- Cutting Room Floor.esp <- Immersive Jewelry.esp <- TechnicolorAlchemy.esp <- paradise_halls_SLExtension.esp <- northern_encounters2.esp <- LostTreasures.esp <- Immersive Wenches.esp <- PAH_AndYouGetASlave.esp <- TravellersOfSkyrim.esm <- UndergroundBathhouse.esm <- Phenderix Magic World.esm <- SkyrimChainBeasts.esm <- Vuldur.esm <- BBLuxurySuite.esm <- AKSkyrimUnderground.esm <- Extra Encounters SE.esm <- Forgotten DungeonsSSE.esm <- Occ_Skyrim_Tamriel.esp <- LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm <- Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp <- Dragonborn.esm <- HearthFires.esm <- Dawnguard.esm <- Update.esm <- Skyrim.esm`)
  [ 173]    BGSVolumetricLighting(FormId: 01002713, File: `Update.esm`)
  [ 182]    TESNPC(Name: `Prisoner`, FormId: 00000007, File: `esp_classes.esp <- GuildStarter.esp <- Sjel Blad Castle_SE.esp <- Sweetroll Randomization Act.esp <- Skyrim.esm`)
  [ 182]    PlayerCharacter(FormId: 00000014, BaseForm: TESNPC(Name: `Prisoner`, FormId: 00000007, File: `esp_classes.esp <- GuildStarter.esp <- Sjel Blad Castle_SE.esp <- Sweetroll Randomization Act.esp <- Skyrim.esm`))

Probable callstack
  [0]   0x7FF77B34267F     (SkyrimSE.exe+36267F)          TESActorBaseData::CopyFromTemplateForms_362460+21F
  [1]   0x7FF77B16C41F     (SkyrimSE.exe+18C41F)          TESNPC::unk_18C390+8F
  [2]   0x7FF77B16C267     (SkyrimSE.exe+18C267)          TESActorBaseData::unk_18C0C0+1A7
  [3]   0x7FF77B2655AE     (SkyrimSE.exe+2855AE)          TESObjectREFR::InitializeAfterAllFormsAreReadFromFile_2850E0+4CE
  [4]   0x7FF77B5DF4D0     (SkyrimSE.exe+5FF4D0)          Actor::InitializeAfterAllFormsAreReadFromFile_5FF4B0+20
  [5]   0x7FF77B240496     (SkyrimSE.exe+260496)          TESObjectCELL::unk_260200+296
  [6]   0x7FF77B2401E3     (SkyrimSE.exe+2601E3)          TESObjectCELL::InitializeAfterAllFormsAreReadFromFile_2601A0+43
  [7]   0x7FF77B297F62     (SkyrimSE.exe+2B7F62)          unk_2B7F50+12
  [8]   0x7FF77B29872B     (SkyrimSE.exe+2B872B)          unk_2B86D0+5B
  [9]   0x7FF77B291B27     (SkyrimSE.exe+2B1B27)          TESWorldSpace::InitializeAfterAllFormsAreReadFromFile_2B1750+3D7
  [10]  0x7FF77B15295C     (SkyrimSE.exe+17295C)          DataHandler::unk_1726A0+2BC
  [11]  0x7FF77B14E9A6     (SkyrimSE.exe+16E9A6)          unk_16E660+346
  [12]  0x7FF77B590463     (SkyrimSE.exe+5B0463)          Main::unk_5B0120+343
  [13]  0x7FF77B5985FC     (SkyrimSE.exe+5B85FC)          InitTESThread::Func1_5B85E0+1C
  [14]  0x7FF77BBED6BD     (SkyrimSE.exe+C0D6BD)          StartAddress_0_C0D680+3D
  [15]  0x7FFF9EA67034     (KERNEL32.DLL+17034)           
  [16]  0x7FFF9F4A2651     (ntdll.dll+52651)              

  AX:       0x1F6E68D9DF0      (BGSAttackDataMap*)
  BX:       0xFF0008C5         (u32):[4278192325]
  CX:       0x1F6AA397200      (TESRace*) -> (Name: FoxRace `Fox`, FormId: 00109C7C, File: `Bite.esp <- MoreNastyCritters.esp <- Skyrim.esm`)
  DX:       0x0                (NULL)
  SI:       0x1F6F0468930      (TESActorBaseData*) -> TESNPC(Name: `Bloodsuckerfish`, FormId: FF0008C5)
  DI:       0x1F6DC1F1080      (TESNPC*) -> (Name: `Bloodsuckerfish`, FormId: 2F058537, File: `DemonicMCM.esp <- DemonicCreatures.esp`)
  BP:       0x1F6DC1F1080      (TESNPC*) -> (Name: `Bloodsuckerfish`, FormId: 2F058537, File: `DemonicMCM.esp <- DemonicCreatures.esp`)
  SP:       0x74D0DFF5F0       (void*)
  IP:       0x7FF77B34267F     (SkyrimSE.exe+36267F) (char*) "H???"
  R8:       0x0                (NULL)
  R9:       0x1                (u8):[1]
  R10:      0x7FF77AFE0000     (SkyrimSE.exe+0) (char*) "MZ?"
  R11:      0x74D0DFF570       (void*)
  R12:      0x1F68D142458      (char*) "g"
  R13:      0x768              (u16):[1896]
  R14:      0x1F6DC1F1080      (TESNPC*) -> (Name: `Bloodsuckerfish`, FormId: 2F058537, File: `DemonicMCM.esp <- DemonicCreatures.esp`)
  R15:      0x0                (NULL)
  Flags:    0x10246           
  XMM0:     (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM1:     (double)-1.00476556368071E+15 / (float)-1.301458E-07
  XMM2:     (double)1.06099789498857E-314 / (float)NaN
  XMM3:     (double)5.92666793179754E-315 / (float)65536
  XMM4:     (double)5.92666793179754E-315 / (float)65536
  XMM5:     (double)1.65366468866239E-314 / (float)-65536
  XMM6:     (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM7:     (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM8:     (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM9:     (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM10:    (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM11:    (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM12:    (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM13:    (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM14:    (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM15:    (double)0 / (float)0


Edited by McLovin3
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Non-new game Oldrim here. Been roaming the whole map day/night and entering any dungeons I see for almost 5hrs. No problems so far, including zombies in prison. World encounters are great, probably my favorite from this mod.

Edited by Canceller
Minor correction
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15 hours ago, Dreamer1986 said:

Minor bug, when starting a new game in Oldrim I noticed an Error that creature 136 is missing its race or name.



13 hours ago, Gukahn said:


I am in the middle of testing the new version on SE a little. So far the dwarven dildo works now with correct gender, the sanguine mistress has some texture bugs.

  Reveal hidden contents


(but a really cool summon, holy shit The flames on that one don't move btw. Kinda like a permanent none moving accessory^^ .)



Her Liba texture seems to have a problem.. Either that or she got some weird oblivion disease.. Coldharbor herpes..)


Note to self: include labia textures. I have to look at the summon. The flame trace should be identical to the ones on the vanilla flame atronach.


11 hours ago, Gundalypse said:

Installed 1.6. None of the enemies seem to be moving with the animations now. They are flipping my character all around during an animation but are standing idle. Tried to re-register Creature Framework. Doesn't seem to work. Could it be something with MNC and DC? Like... maybe I need to reinstall Creature Framework or MNC or the latest version of DC? This is all on SE by the way.

Does it work on a new game? It doesn't reinstalling DC v1.6, but I guess it only would help if previous install failed somehow. How about the "uninstall creatures" function in CF? See the link provided to morenastycrittersSLAL page. I create a new save after I use this, quit skyrim, clean save, then back inside and re-register creatures again.

But also try a new game to see if its save related.


I would be suprised if reinstalling CF or MNC would help :-/. But you never know.


3 hours ago, McLovin3 said:

I'm afraid I'm getting 1.6 SE load issues.

I tried looking at the Net Script Framework Crash log and I'm guessing the Demonic Creatures MCM addon might be the problem.

Currently rebuilding Bash Patch to see if that helps

update: nope, crash log shows a bit more regarding Immersive Creatures but its still generally the same

Where does it crash? When loading the save or when starting Skyrim? Removing the Demonic Creatures MCM addon didn't change anything?

Link to comment

Canceller, Dreamer1986 and Maplefluff


Thanks for kind words everyone? 


Mkess, reading post from other users it seems like one thing is common: wrye bashed patch. I don't know much about what you should do when updating mods that is included in bashed patches. Maybe a full mod uninstall in advance or wait with updating until a new game. I don't use these bashed patches myself so I haven't got a clue.


Link to comment
On 3/13/2022 at 7:17 AM, McLovin3 said:

I'm afraid I'm getting 1.6 SE load issues. Currently rebuilding Sample crash text


  Reveal hidden contents

Unhandled native exception occurred at 0x7FF77B34267F (SkyrimSE.exe+36267F) on thread 25628!

FrameworkName: NetScriptFramework
FrameworkVersion: 15
FrameworkArchitecture: x64
GameLibrary: SkyrimSE
GameLibraryVersion: 18
ApplicationName: SkyrimSE.exe
VersionInfo: Successfully loaded
Time: 13 Mar 2022 00:58:24.713

Possible relevant objects (15)
  [   0]    TESRace(Name: FoxRace `Fox`, FormId: 00109C7C, File: `Bite.esp <- MoreNastyCritters.esp <- Skyrim.esm`)
  [   1]    TESNPC(Name: `Bloodsuckerfish`, FormId: 2F058537, File: `DemonicMCM.esp <- DemonicCreatures.esp`)
  [   1]    TESNPC(Name: `Bloodsuckerfish`, FormId: FF0008C5)
  [   8]    TESNPC(FormId: 2F39C73D, File: `DemonicCreatures.esp`)
  [  19]    Character(FormId: 001083BD, File: `DemonicCreatures.esp <- Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp`, BaseForm: TESNPC(FormId: 2F39C73D, File: `DemonicCreatures.esp`))
  [  47]    TESObjectCELL(Name: RobbersGorgeExterior04, FormId: 0000946D, File: `Bashed Patch, 0.esp <- DemonicCreatures.esp <- Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp <- TechnicolorAlchemy.esp <- northern_encounters2.esp`)
  [  76]    TESNPC(FormId: 2200F611, File: `Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp`)
  [  76]    Character(FormId: 2200F63D, File: `Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp`, BaseForm: TESNPC(FormId: 2200F611, File: `Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp`))
  [  81]    NavMesh(FormId: 0010FD6E, File: `Tes Arena - Skyrim Frontier Fortress.esp`)
  [  94]    BGSMusicType(Name: _NONE, FormId: 0001BA72, File: `Skyrim.esm`)
  [ 122]    NiNode(Name: `32`)
  [ 126]    TESWorldSpace(Name: Tamriel `Skyrim`, FormId: 0000003C, File: `Bashed Patch, 0.esp <- DBM_RelicHunter.esp <- Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp <- Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp <- Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp <- Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul.esp <- CSF_WF_Fiarrah.esp <- TES5SE NPCs Travel.esp <- battleflute.esp <- Skyrim Map Markers.esp <- ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp <- LintraTheSpearmaiden_SE.esp <- BBLuxurySuiteENM.esp <- High Level Enemies Redux - Placed NPCs and Quests CRF.esp <- RosaFollower.esp <- BorderSense.esp <- DBM_Thief.esp <- OBIS SE Patrols Addon.esp <- LevelersTower.esp <- ub_bbls_merge.esp <- Nemain.esp <- DBM_Missives_Patch.esp <- ArtifactsOfBoethiah.esp <- Frontier Fortress Notice Boards.esp <- Undercity.esp <- Follower Neisa.esp <- FishingInSkyrim.esp <- nwsJennaFollower.esp <- DBM_NoticeBoard_Patch.esp <- DiaryOfMine.esp <- DBM_SkyrimUnderground_Patch.esp <- Alex's Betnja - A Conjurer Companion.esp <- WildHorses.esp <- PyP_Legendary.esp <- DBM_Fossils_Patch.esp <- OBIS-Missives-Addon.esp <- Undaunted Missives.esp <- Undaunted.esp <- Winterhold Restored.esp <- Missives.esp <- Serio's Enhanced Dragons Redone.esp <- notice board.esp <- Yamete.esp <- DBM_CRF_Patch.esp <- PROTEUS.esp <- Bandits Hermits.esp <- wabba-unrel_proj.esp <- Real Estate USSEP.esp <- TheSidrat.esp <- MoreWerewolves.esp <- DBM_IW_Patch.esp <- Snowpeople.esp <- Dragon Wall Wisdom.esp <- StoneStacks.esp <- PsijicTeleportSpells.esp <- Fossilsyum.esp <- SofiaFollower.esp <- CerwidenCompanion.esp <- BellyachesNewDragonSpecies.esp <- MiasLair.esp <- Skooming Skyrim by BigBizkit.esp <- Populated Cities Towns Villages Reborn.esp <- Immersive Patrols II.esp <- FactionWarfareCuttingRoomFloorPatch.esp <- SoulsDoThings2.esp <- Populated Lands Roads Paths Reborn.esp <- Faction Warfare.esp <- NorthernCardinal.esp <- PAH_HomeSweetHome.esp <- Populated Forts Towers Places Reborn.esp <- WindstadMine.esp <- LC_immersiveLoot.esp <- Thoom.esp <- HeljarchenFarm.esp <- SkyrimBounties.esp <- Populated Dungeons Caves Ruins Reborn.esp <- WayshrinesIFT.esp <- meadery.esp <- DBM_RelicNotifications.esp <- DemonicMCM.esp <- TheChoiceIsYours.esp <- Extra Guards.esp <- smfArena1.8.esp <- SOTGenesisMod.esp <- DFB - Random Encounters.esp <- JobsofSkyrim.esp <- Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp <- Sjel Blad Castle_SE.esp <- RE_RealEstate.esp <- Hunterborn.esp <- Word Walls Relocated- Merged.esp <- Harvest Anything.esp <- SkyrimChainBeastsIntegration.esp <- hydra_slavegirls.esp <- Thunderchild - Epic Shout Package.esp <- AedraAbode.esp <- AdditionalCave.esp <- LC_BecomeLordOfUtgard.esp <- Sweetroll Randomization Act.esp <- Immersive Encounters.esp <- SPERG-SSE.esp <- DemonicCreatures.esp <- LC_BuildYourNobleHouse.esp <- Skyrim Unlocked.esp <- MoreBanditCamps.esp <- LC_BecomeJarlofIvarstead.esp <- OBIS SE.esp <- BlackthornManor.esp <- Lakeview_Extended.esp <- High Level Enemies Redux - Placed NPCs and Quests.esp <- MysticismMagic.esp <- Tes Arena - Skyrim Frontier Fortress.esp <- thegemstonecollector.esp <- Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp <- Cutting Room Floor.esp <- Immersive Jewelry.esp <- TechnicolorAlchemy.esp <- paradise_halls_SLExtension.esp <- northern_encounters2.esp <- LostTreasures.esp <- Immersive Wenches.esp <- PAH_AndYouGetASlave.esp <- TravellersOfSkyrim.esm <- UndergroundBathhouse.esm <- Phenderix Magic World.esm <- SkyrimChainBeasts.esm <- Vuldur.esm <- BBLuxurySuite.esm <- AKSkyrimUnderground.esm <- Extra Encounters SE.esm <- Forgotten DungeonsSSE.esm <- Occ_Skyrim_Tamriel.esp <- LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm <- Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp <- Dragonborn.esm <- HearthFires.esm <- Dawnguard.esm <- Update.esm <- Skyrim.esm`)
  [ 173]    BGSVolumetricLighting(FormId: 01002713, File: `Update.esm`)
  [ 182]    TESNPC(Name: `Prisoner`, FormId: 00000007, File: `esp_classes.esp <- GuildStarter.esp <- Sjel Blad Castle_SE.esp <- Sweetroll Randomization Act.esp <- Skyrim.esm`)
  [ 182]    PlayerCharacter(FormId: 00000014, BaseForm: TESNPC(Name: `Prisoner`, FormId: 00000007, File: `esp_classes.esp <- GuildStarter.esp <- Sjel Blad Castle_SE.esp <- Sweetroll Randomization Act.esp <- Skyrim.esm`))

Probable callstack
  [0]   0x7FF77B34267F     (SkyrimSE.exe+36267F)          TESActorBaseData::CopyFromTemplateForms_362460+21F
  [1]   0x7FF77B16C41F     (SkyrimSE.exe+18C41F)          TESNPC::unk_18C390+8F
  [2]   0x7FF77B16C267     (SkyrimSE.exe+18C267)          TESActorBaseData::unk_18C0C0+1A7
  [3]   0x7FF77B2655AE     (SkyrimSE.exe+2855AE)          TESObjectREFR::InitializeAfterAllFormsAreReadFromFile_2850E0+4CE
  [4]   0x7FF77B5DF4D0     (SkyrimSE.exe+5FF4D0)          Actor::InitializeAfterAllFormsAreReadFromFile_5FF4B0+20
  [5]   0x7FF77B240496     (SkyrimSE.exe+260496)          TESObjectCELL::unk_260200+296
  [6]   0x7FF77B2401E3     (SkyrimSE.exe+2601E3)          TESObjectCELL::InitializeAfterAllFormsAreReadFromFile_2601A0+43
  [7]   0x7FF77B297F62     (SkyrimSE.exe+2B7F62)          unk_2B7F50+12
  [8]   0x7FF77B29872B     (SkyrimSE.exe+2B872B)          unk_2B86D0+5B
  [9]   0x7FF77B291B27     (SkyrimSE.exe+2B1B27)          TESWorldSpace::InitializeAfterAllFormsAreReadFromFile_2B1750+3D7
  [10]  0x7FF77B15295C     (SkyrimSE.exe+17295C)          DataHandler::unk_1726A0+2BC
  [11]  0x7FF77B14E9A6     (SkyrimSE.exe+16E9A6)          unk_16E660+346
  [12]  0x7FF77B590463     (SkyrimSE.exe+5B0463)          Main::unk_5B0120+343
  [13]  0x7FF77B5985FC     (SkyrimSE.exe+5B85FC)          InitTESThread::Func1_5B85E0+1C
  [14]  0x7FF77BBED6BD     (SkyrimSE.exe+C0D6BD)          StartAddress_0_C0D680+3D
  [15]  0x7FFF9EA67034     (KERNEL32.DLL+17034)           
  [16]  0x7FFF9F4A2651     (ntdll.dll+52651)              

  AX:       0x1F6E68D9DF0      (BGSAttackDataMap*)
  BX:       0xFF0008C5         (u32):[4278192325]
  CX:       0x1F6AA397200      (TESRace*) -> (Name: FoxRace `Fox`, FormId: 00109C7C, File: `Bite.esp <- MoreNastyCritters.esp <- Skyrim.esm`)
  DX:       0x0                (NULL)
  SI:       0x1F6F0468930      (TESActorBaseData*) -> TESNPC(Name: `Bloodsuckerfish`, FormId: FF0008C5)
  DI:       0x1F6DC1F1080      (TESNPC*) -> (Name: `Bloodsuckerfish`, FormId: 2F058537, File: `DemonicMCM.esp <- DemonicCreatures.esp`)
  BP:       0x1F6DC1F1080      (TESNPC*) -> (Name: `Bloodsuckerfish`, FormId: 2F058537, File: `DemonicMCM.esp <- DemonicCreatures.esp`)
  SP:       0x74D0DFF5F0       (void*)
  IP:       0x7FF77B34267F     (SkyrimSE.exe+36267F) (char*) "H???"
  R8:       0x0                (NULL)
  R9:       0x1                (u8):[1]
  R10:      0x7FF77AFE0000     (SkyrimSE.exe+0) (char*) "MZ?"
  R11:      0x74D0DFF570       (void*)
  R12:      0x1F68D142458      (char*) "g"
  R13:      0x768              (u16):[1896]
  R14:      0x1F6DC1F1080      (TESNPC*) -> (Name: `Bloodsuckerfish`, FormId: 2F058537, File: `DemonicMCM.esp <- DemonicCreatures.esp`)
  R15:      0x0                (NULL)
  Flags:    0x10246           
  XMM0:     (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM1:     (double)-1.00476556368071E+15 / (float)-1.301458E-07
  XMM2:     (double)1.06099789498857E-314 / (float)NaN
  XMM3:     (double)5.92666793179754E-315 / (float)65536
  XMM4:     (double)5.92666793179754E-315 / (float)65536
  XMM5:     (double)1.65366468866239E-314 / (float)-65536
  XMM6:     (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM7:     (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM8:     (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM9:     (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM10:    (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM11:    (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM12:    (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM13:    (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM14:    (double)0 / (float)0
  XMM15:    (double)0 / (float)0


McLovin3, I read the error log more closely now. I changed race on the bloodsuckerfisk in v1.6. That might be a cause for this CTD issue?


EDIT: Yes... See attached screenshot. Demonic Creature MCM addon is a conflicting mod and could be the reason people experience CTDs. Be aware if you still try to use it. At least correct the missing references in DemonicMCM.esp if you decide to use it.

ctd issue.png

Edited by Thor2000
more info
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This mod seems awesome! I installed it, I Bashed it so it could work with Immersive Creatures and I saw not only Immersive Creatures spawning but yours as well! So I was really happy at how easy it was to do that, However, there's just one issue. While I could see the wolf pups and other spawns with Immersive Creatures, the ones from Demonic showed up as the default error symbol. 

I made sure that the textures and meshes were in, I've reinstalled the mod, I even got rid of the Bashed patch in case that was somehow screwing with it..? But none of that worked. I'm 100% sure that it's just something I did wrong, but I'd still like to hopefully find out what that is!



Edited by Tetranodon
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This might be a silly question to ask, but I want to ask it just to try and avoid any headaches when trying to install and test.

If this mod has Mihail and other modders monsters in them, and another mod uses those same mods as resources (eg - Skyrim underground using Undead Pack) would Demonic Creatures give SL compatibility to those mods, assuming the I overwrite it with yours?

Load order example like this as I struggle to explain:

Any Requirements for the below
Skyrim Underground mod
Demonic creatures

Would that mean adventuring in Skyrim Underground, for example, make the creatures compatible with SL?

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11 hours ago, Tetranodon said:

This mod seems awesome! I installed it, I Bashed it so it could work with Immersive Creatures and I saw not only Immersive Creatures spawning but yours as well! So I was really happy at how easy it was to do that, However, there's just one issue. While I could see the wolf pups and other spawns with Immersive Creatures, the ones from Demonic showed up as the default error symbol. 

I made sure that the textures and meshes were in, I've reinstalled the mod, I even got rid of the Bashed patch in case that was somehow screwing with it..? But none of that worked. I'm 100% sure that it's just something I did wrong, but I'd still like to hopefully find out what that is!



I cound't see the picture. Was it red triangles? If so then you perhaps choosed wrong version (LE/SE)?

9 hours ago, Silk said:

This might be a silly question to ask, but I want to ask it just to try and avoid any headaches when trying to install and test.

If this mod has Mihail and other modders monsters in them, and another mod uses those same mods as resources (eg - Skyrim underground using Undead Pack) would Demonic Creatures give SL compatibility to those mods, assuming the I overwrite it with yours?

Load order example like this as I struggle to explain:

Any Requirements for the below
Skyrim Underground mod
Demonic creatures

Would that mean adventuring in Skyrim Underground, for example, make the creatures compatible with SL?

Not simply by overwriting ESPs no. You need to make sure that NPCs from other similar mods uses the armor skin and races that comes with Demonic Creatures. Cratureframework looks for number references on races and skins (tes5edit). Demonic Creatures should then load first and will be masters of the the other creature mods

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When I was on about load order I was more on about the left hand panel in MO2 - so the meshes, textures and Skeletons from Demonic overwrites the ones from the other mods, so Creature Framework picks them over the others.

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On 3/13/2022 at 8:37 PM, ugrena said:

I'm getting a CTD with 1.6 (SE) before the game can even get to the start menu. I'd love to troubleshoot further, but without any sort of logs, or outright redoing my entire load order from scratch, I don't really know where to begin. I hadn't thought to see if the MCM addon was the culprit though, so I'll check on that and edit this post accordingly.

*edit* Removing the MCM addon didn't change anything. I'm just going to fall back on 1.5 for the time being, unless someone finds a fix.

Same issue, solved by removing the MCM addon (using MO2). Maybe you have other mod conflicts?

Wonderful mod indeed :)


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8 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

I cound't see the picture. Was it red triangles? If so then you perhaps choosed wrong version (LE/SE)?

Not simply by overwriting ESPs no. You need to make sure that NPCs from other similar mods uses the armor skin and races that comes with Demonic Creatures. Cratureframework looks for number references on races and skins (tes5edit). Demonic Creatures should then load first and will be masters of the the other creature mods

Yup. I'm just a dumb idiot. I downloaded the wrong version and that's what was causing the red triangles. Tysm for the quick response. ❤️ 

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For those of you with the DemonicMCM.esp in your load order (you should deinstall it until it's updated)


I just edited the race record for the Bloodsuckerfish inside the DemonicMCM.esp. If you experience CTD issues:


Try to replace the DemonicMCM.esp with this one. It's form id 43 so ideally it should be converted to SE:


Only use this edited DemonicMCM if you experience CTD issues (all deathitems upgrades, stats upgrades, inventory upgrades will be overwritten with this addon patch)



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 Greetings Thor, I wanted to notify you that the two variants of Werehound creatures do not present any changes of erection when it is used in some animation or when its aroused is very high





I have not seen that problem in any other creature, it may be because Werehound are more recent or I did not realize it before.


And I wanted to tell you thanks for the wonderful mod, I like to add a lot of diversity or interesting encounters for Skyrim??

Edited by Raydric
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8 hours ago, donttouchmethere said:

LE DC v1.6

I get this DC message on a new game:

  Hide contents



Yeah I got a heads up earlier on this one too. Hard to find these errors. But I found at least one racerecord inside json file that had a race id error. Does the error go away with this patch? You may need to re-register all creatures again, not sure.


On 3/15/2022 at 1:48 AM, Raydric said:


 Greetings Thor, I wanted to notify you that the two variants of Werehound creatures do not present any changes of erection when it is used in some animation or when its aroused is very high


  Reveal hidden contents



I have not seen that problem in any other creature, it may be because Werehound are more recent or I did not realize it before.


And I wanted to tell you thanks for the wonderful mod, I like to add a lot of diversity or interesting encounters for Skyrim??

I did try to look to see if there's any errors, but I couldn't find anything wrong with them. They also work find here with me. did you try "pet" Creature Framework to see if it fixes it?

patch race name error.rar

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6 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

Yeah I got a heads up earlier on this one too. Hard to find these errors. But I found at least one racerecord inside json file that had a race id error. Does the error go away with this patch? You may need to re-register all creatures again, not sure.

Thanks, will test on a new game. Will give Feedback.


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8 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

I did try to look to see if there's any errors, but I couldn't find anything wrong with them. They also work find here with me. did you try "pet" Creature Framework to see if it fixes it?

patch race name error.rar 3.78 kB · 5 downloads

 I wanted to let you know that it worked for me now, I downloaded the file that you uploaded and also re-registered in creature framework 



 Now it's more terrifying in any chase lol



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Thanks for feedback so far. I'm preparing a patch for the errors found. I also discovered that the texture files for the Sanguine Misterss is enormous. So the the patch will reduce the whole mod install with 150MB ?. I guess I didn't pay any attention when I first set up those folders.


Other things I'm looking at which I'd like to hear comments on:


- Baliwogs. They are now in LCHARmudcrabs, which means that they pop up in every placea mudcrab would. I'm seriously considering removing them and only make them spawn in the swamps where the other grummites are. Makes more sense.


- Mounted Skavens: They use a low quality texture 1K that is custom. I'm considering restructing it so it uses your default installed skeever texture instead.


- Drowner Ambushes: I don't know about you people, but in my game, more than 50% of the times, the drowners just stand there when I arrive instead of being hidden in the water. I'm considering removing most of them (keep a few) and instead make a condition based ambush where they come out when it forexample rains instead. Also I'm thinking about rerigging them after another skeleton. Draugr is "ok" but I'm wondering if Falmer is better. Or we could have both. the draugr drowner needs a full rerigg anyway to be able to have jaw and eye brow movements.



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22 minutes ago, Thor2000 said:

- Baliwogs. They are now in LCHARmudcrabs, which means that they pop up in every placea mudcrab would. I'm seriously considering removing them and only make them spawn in the swamps where the other grummites are. Makes more sense.

I like the idea, better than to stumble them at every corner and makes them more location specific.

"beware of the Baliwogs if you visit the swamps" ?


22 minutes ago, Thor2000 said:

- Mounted Skavens: They use a low quality texture 1K that is custom. I'm considering restructing it so it uses your default installed skeever texture instead.

I need a better skeever texture ?


22 minutes ago, Thor2000 said:

I'm considering removing most of them (keep a few) and instead make a condition based ambush where they come out when it forexample rains instead.

All for it!


For some reason that "rain condition" idea reminds me of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.+mod, where more creatures spawn during a blowout event and everything gets really angry after that.

Maybe have a DC magic fallout event that can shuffle creatures around (they all scream like crazy during the magic blowout... makes it more scary) ^^

(Probably not the best time to suggest something like that o.o)

Edited by donttouchmethere
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4 hours ago, donttouchmethere said:

I need a better skeever texture

I tried it once with rustic death hounds.. stupid Dogs got castrated by it ? Well at least they where family friendly..

(i will NEVER bring a Dog in my home when i ever adopt one of this little shits. NO The Doggy can't stay with us Lucia! Don't go near that freaking thing!! ?)

4 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

don't know about you people, but in my game, more than 50% of the times, the drowners just stand there when I arrive instead of being hidden in the water. I'm considering removing most of them (keep a few) and instead make a condition based ambush where they come out when it forexample rains instead. Also I'm thinking about rerigging them after another skeleton. Draugr is "ok" but I'm wondering if Falmer is better. Or we could have both. the draugr drowner needs a full rerigg anyway to be able to have jaw and eye brow movements.

Well they aren't hidden but at least the ones down half moon mill attack people sometimes, at least Hert aggros them from time to time so i can at least see them fighting.. Didn't Riekling in Soltsheim had an ambush feature? They jump out of their little huts if you come near them. Would it be possible to do something similar with that?



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1 hour ago, Gukahn said:

Didn't Riekling in Soltsheim had an ambush feature? They jump out of their little huts if you come near them. Would it be possible to do something similar with that?

That's not as easy as it looks ingame (> 60 FPS).

Live from the Riekling tent test facility:


Surreal Video Of Tents Flying At Music Festival - Geekologie


1 hour ago, Gukahn said:

(i will NEVER bring a Dog in my home when i ever adopt one of this little shits. NO The Doggy can't stay with us Lucia! Don't go near that freaking thing!! ?)


Now that you say it, there isn't a good skeever replacer with MNC compatibility, but I like it if they become wereskeever with SIC lol

Edited by donttouchmethere
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