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Demonic Creatures - Mod Version V1.80 patch v1.84

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4 minutes ago, Thor2000 said:

I tried to rig the witcher ghoul after a wolf skeleton (VICN did the same thing in his Glenmoril mod, so that's where I found the inspiration)


I gave it a bone weighted tongue like the vanilla wolf and some new eyes. Jugde for yourselves, but I liking it!


So I think I'm going to try get a ghoul rigged as a chaurus too. If the bone movements look okay I think the chaurus version will be even better than the canine version.

Might need a boar version too so we can out a ghoul riekling on top!

Looks like i will be hanging around graveyards in the future.. For Religious reasons of course  :classic_angel:


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On 3/1/2022 at 10:51 AM, Thor2000 said:

Gonna have a look at some of the first ones I introduced.


But I still need to go with the vanilla so people sort og knows what to expect. Actually many creatures are tougher than vanilla still cause they do more damage to you through extradamage perks. I'm using skyrim redone and finding difficulty overwhelming already. As a level 34 2-3 hits from a sabrecat gets my character done ?.


But how about releasing it as a patch? Might be others that wants to try it out.

I'll look into it to see if I can, there might be too much integration from other mods.


Haven't been paying attention to skyrim, been busy with Elden Ring; I highly recommend that game as a non-Dark Souls fan. 

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1 hour ago, momochi60 said:


Still not working... Help please



Try to reinstall ABC. Floating dicks usually means it's skeleton related.


EDIT: LoveNothing, do you think this could be a issue created by the change of ABC SMP meshes we talked about earlier?

Or does this Draugr Dog work for other SE SMP users?

Edited by Thor2000
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On 3/9/2022 at 2:48 PM, momochi60 said:

Still not working... Help please

If you let MNC overwrite all it's modifications you basically revert back all that ABC and "what not" done to it.

Everything that changes skeleton/meshes from MNC needs to be below it to overwrite.


Even worse, you aren't mixing SE/LE MNC mods aren't you?

Why do you have Sexlab Nude Creatures installed? ?


Overwrites work like this in MO:

The mods with lower priority overwrite files of mods with higher priority.

For example: MNC SLAL needs to be overwritten by ABC = ABC needs to be below MNC SLAL to overwrite its files.

Edited by donttouchmethere
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1 hour ago, Thor2000 said:



2 Things


Noice, now i only have to find her truly and become thane in soltitute so i can have twins ?




And i found a problem with "Lisas" Armor or outfit. Does it appear anywhere ingame? If not i can just ignore it.. If it appears..


It's gonna be a shit show ?


(SE btw.)


Edited by Gukahn
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25 minutes ago, Gukahn said:


2 Things

  Reveal hidden contents

Noice, now i only have to find her truly and become thane in soltitute so i can have twins ?




And i found a problem with "Lisas" Armor or outfit. Does it appear anywhere ingame? If not i can just ignore it.. If it appears..

  Reveal hidden contents

It's gonna be a shit show ?


(SE btw.)



Did you find Mirabel in Solitude ? ? Or did you spawn her there? (Yeah she uses facegeom from the solitude jarl.)


That's theLisa Armor outfit worn by the Sanguine Mistress. Question, did that work for you before? I updated her nude body since the tail was missing red tint color. But I didn't touch the meshes where the armor is attached. Or does the armor look like that when you wear it urself? Does it look ok when sanguine mistress wear it?


EDIT: One thing I did not think of, is that I attached her tail to the armor nif and it's going to show up on everyone wearing the outfit. It's a nice "skimpy" outfit. But the tail is suppose to be hers... Gaaah... maybe I'll just get rid of her tail for good.

Edited by Thor2000
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1 hour ago, Thor2000 said:

Did you find Mirabel in Solitude ? ? Or did you spawn her there? (Yeah she uses facegeom from the solitude jarl.)

I just spawned her since the other npc you added took her apperance from Hroki i wanted to know how the new one looks like before i search every corner of skyrim for her and encounter nazeem with Titts ?

For me she uses the facegeom from the Housecarl you can get from there. ? Thanks to Glam my favorite vanilla houscarl right before Rayya. and now thanks to you.. I gonna  get 2 of them ?

Life is good

1 hour ago, Thor2000 said:

That's theLisa Armor outfit worn by the Sanguine Mistress. Question, did that work for you before? I updated her nude body since the tail was missing red tint color. But I didn't touch the meshes where the armor is attached. Or does the armor look like that when you wear it urself? Does it look ok when sanguine mistress wear it?

I haven't encountered the mistress ingame as of yet but i remember on older versions where i did, everything works fine and i assume it still will be working fine. As you said, the tail might be the thing that does it when you put it on a female char yourself, so no worry's here i think. Was just curious after seeing it in additem ?


1 hour ago, Thor2000 said:

But the tail is suppose to be hers... Gaaah... maybe I'll just get rid of her tail for good.

Why not Keep the tail if nothing else bugs out and she doesn't have the bug herself.. I mean not everything has to be wearable by everyone ? 

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1 hour ago, Grey Cloud said:

Thanks for the update.


Could I suggest using 7Zip instead of Winrar? The archives will be smaller and you will have the ability to delete files from and drag and drop files in and out of the archive without unpacking/repacking.

No problem. I'll check 7zip out.

1 hour ago, Gukahn said:

I just spawned her since the other npc you added took her apperance from Hroki i wanted to know how the new one looks like before i search every corner of skyrim for her and encounter nazeem with Titts ?

For me she uses the facegeom from the Housecarl you can get from there. ? Thanks to Glam my favorite vanilla houscarl right before Rayya. and now thanks to you.. I gonna  get 2 of them ?

Life is good

I haven't encountered the mistress ingame as of yet but i remember on older versions where i did, everything works fine and i assume it still will be working fine. As you said, the tail might be the thing that does it when you put it on a female char yourself, so no worry's here i think. Was just curious after seeing it in additem ?

Why not Keep the tail if nothing else bugs out and she doesn't have the bug herself.. I mean not everything has to be wearable by everyone ? 

When it comes to Mirabel I was certain I had fucked some way ?. So I was completely in error modus. If you haven't figured out where she is already, open the spoiler:


Tolvald's cave not too far inside.

If the Sanguine Mistress look fine with the armor then I'm in no hurry updating it. But I think if I add the tail as a standalone armor addon, everyopne can wear the armor (without tail) and the color tint of the tail would be correct compared to the body color. Right now I think I need a little break ?

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On 3/9/2022 at 1:48 PM, momochi60 said:

Still not working... Help please

Your problems belong in SE tech support, they have nothing to do with this mod.


You need to learn how to use your mod manager for starters.


Find out what the correct version of Creaure Framework is for SE then uninstall CreatureFramework or CreatureFramework V2 or both.

Uninstall Animal SOS SE unless you have specific need for it. Stick with BakaFactory ABC.

Uninstall Demonic Creatures 1.5 and keep Demonic Creatures 1.5 SE or remove them both and install the new 1.6 SE.

Uninstall the Demonic Creatures SMP Meshes as you do no appear to be using SMP.

Uninstall everything else that says SMP.

Uninstall SexLab Nude Creatures.

Uninstall More Nasty Critters v and More Nasty Critters9.

.Net should not be installed as a mod so uninstall it. It is not a mod, it is a file needed by your OS. Install it properly.



For SE


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1 hour ago, Grey Cloud said:

What ENB is that and are you using one of the tropical overhauls?

Jupp.... Soothies Tropical Skyrim with the mod Tropical Skyrim Enhanced on top. The mod does what it says and you'll get a good tropical realistic climate. But otherwise it's a mess... it puts tropical trees everywhere. Even inside ruins and caves. So I gotta find some time and do some cleaning of the esps. ENB is Antique Dragon together with vivid weathers ( and ELFX).

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Game crashes with version 1.6. while loading Skyrim, before showing the main menu.  Wrye batch patch refreshed. Nothing changed in the load order. I use Mod Organizer 2.


Had to go back to previous version. 1.52.

Edited by mkess
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2 hours ago, mkess said:

Game crashes with version 1.6. while loading Skyrim, before showing the main menu.  Wrye batch patch refreshed. Nothing changed in the load order. I use Mod Organizer 2.


Had to go back to previous version. 1.52.

For me the game starts just fine in Oldrim. Maybe it doesn't work in SE?


Also, thank you very much for the massive update, Thor2000!

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