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Demonic Creatures - Mod Version V1.80 patch v1.84

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On 2/27/2022 at 6:36 AM, ssskn said:


Maybe its an issues with the way I play. For me longer encounters are more fun, where defeat mods trigger a few times in combat; mods like battle fuck or yamete.


That said, most of the creatures like beaked dinos, dogs (like you said), draugr, and the like that I experienced in the early game just die too easy. My companions kill them before I get get a hit in. I don't think my installed followers are that OP. Most of the creatures aren't leveled actors so they will become even weaker as PC gets stronger.


The best (memorable) moments have been getting attacked by packs of dogs, ratmen, leaving a cave and that alligator daedra sneaking up behind me on the way to Solitude, forgot the name. 


Anyways, the main issue with creatures is they don't have armor, so they go down faster than an average bandit. If you want to make them tougher, I found that you can edit their ARMO -body- records. Change the clothing flag to LIGHT or HEAVY armor then add some armor value below (100-600 or so). That made a big difference.


Then, I went ahead and used know your enemy patcher to give them additional perks to make them stronger/weaker to certain weapons and magic. Also made a custom perk on top of that so creatures are weaker to magic from dragonborn and resist dmg from other sources. This created a reason to use and level magic to take down creatures, rather than only using typical melee builds.  


Now these are my personal preferences, not sure how you or your main audience will like them... but feel free to experiment/implement them.

Gonna have a look at some of the first ones I introduced.


But I still need to go with the vanilla so people sort og knows what to expect. Actually many creatures are tougher than vanilla still cause they do more damage to you through extradamage perks. I'm using skyrim redone and finding difficulty overwhelming already. As a level 34 2-3 hits from a sabrecat gets my character done ?.


But how about releasing it as a patch? Might be others that wants to try it out.

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8 hours ago, Midnightbug said:

Hi. I am wondering is there a chance to add Creation Club goblins and Plague of the dead, Wild Horses and Pets please? I know CC is not liked, but if you buy the game now, you will get these anyway and it is sad not to use the content at all because they not been "enhanced". Can these creatures be done too, please?

I wish... I really love those goblins, but I believe it requires to have the CC content as a master, and many don't have that (me included). I'm not 100% sure though




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9 hours ago, Midnightbug said:

Hi. I am wondering is there a chance to add Creation Club goblins and Plague of the dead, Wild Horses and Pets please? I know CC is not liked, but if you buy the game now, you will get these anyway and it is sad not to use the content at all because they not been "enhanced". Can these creatures be done too, please?

i have the creation club stuff, but im not sure i cant share this contents that copyright to Bethesda themself as pay "mini DLC mods"





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33 minutes ago, razzor69 said:

i have the creation club stuff, but im not sure i cant share this contents that copyright to Bethesda themself as pay "mini DLC mods"

Better not.. Not worth getting in trouble for this. Ya know how Company's can be

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On 12/17/2021 at 2:53 AM, Thor2000 said:

I issued patch v1.52 now that hopefully makes the zombies in whiterun prison more stationary. I need a converted ESP for the Special Edition :)

DemonicCreatures.esp 909.69 kB · 17 downloads

For the love of Talos, please remove or create a different patch (like dinos) that remove zombies from Whiterun prison. Every time I enter, guards go hostile. Tried this patch and they still have full aggro.


Fantastic mod otherwise!

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11 hours ago, ck2modfan said:

For the love of Talos, please remove or create a different patch (like dinos) that remove zombies from Whiterun prison. Every time I enter, guards go hostile. Tried this patch and they still have full aggro.


Fantastic mod otherwise!

Strange. My guards don't aggro them. They shout "go get em" , "a fight" and that stuff only. I have an issue with interesting NPCs and larksphur going hostile against PC, but no hostile guards.


Is it possible that you have mods that alter factions?


I'm gonna try reducing the aggro radius even more and see if it helps.


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1 hour ago, Thor2000 said:

Strange. My guards don't aggro them. They shout "go get em" , "a fight" and that stuff only. I have an issue with interesting NPCs and larksphur going hostile against PC, but no hostile guards.


Is it possible that you have mods that alter factions?


I'm gonna try reducing the aggro radius even more and see if it helps.


Probably... it may be one or more mods interacting together. I don't know which other one may be causing the aggro. This is the only area where I have this issue.





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There is a compatibility issue with Immersive Patrols and the Skaven patrols from this mod. Sometimes the Imperial soldiers that patrol are replaced with Skaven, who have Imperial voices. They refuse to attack the player but they will attack anyone else on the road. I had even set the Skaven encounters to only happen after level 12, and this has bypassed that requirement. Obviously my solution is that I removed Immersive Patrols for now.

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18 minutes ago, Gundalypse said:

There is a compatibility issue with Immersive Patrols and the Skaven patrols from this mod. Sometimes the Imperial soldiers that patrol are replaced with Skaven, who have Imperial voices. They refuse to attack the player but they will attack anyone else on the road. I had even set the Skaven encounters to only happen after level 12, and this has bypassed that requirement. Obviously my solution is that I removed Immersive Patrols for now.

Did you try a Bashed or Smashed Patch to solve conflicts like that?

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18 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

Wouldn't that already break scenes from prison mods?

Funny thing is nope.. I get aggro sometimes in whiterun too but the prison rape mod still works without breaking. Only thing that happen, like Thor said is, that larksphur attacks me, usually  i puppet him or use a calm spell for that.?‍♀️ 

So at least mods with short breaks between their scripts don't break


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4 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

the prison rape mod still works without breaking

Doesn't that only have one rape scene after another?

I thought about Prison mods with scenes where the PC has to follow the guard from point A to B. If the guard stops to watch a fight that could be already the end of that scene ?

Thinking about POP and Prison Alternative.

Edited by donttouchmethere
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2 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

Doesn't that only have one rape scene after another?

I thought about Prison mods with scenes where the PC has to follow the guard from point A to B. If the guard stops to watch a fight that could be already the end of that scene ?

Thinking about POP and Prison Alternative.

Ah, yes of course. More complicated ones could break of course ?

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3 hours ago, donttouchmethere said:

Wouldn't that already break scenes from prison mods?

When it comes to these type of conflicts I will just observe what other users report since I don't use prison mods at all.


2 hours ago, Gukahn said:

Only thing that happen, like Thor said is, that larksphur attacks me

Larksphur is a problem. I have to find a way to fix that. I guess that problem persist even if you escape the prison. He might follow you. I think it's because he is set up to help "friends and allies", and the zombies are "friends"with everyone but the player.


3 hours ago, Gundalypse said:

There is a compatibility issue with Immersive Patrols and the Skaven patrols from this mod. Sometimes the Imperial soldiers that patrol are replaced with Skaven, who have Imperial voices. They refuse to attack the player but they will attack anyone else on the road. I had even set the Skaven encounters to only happen after level 12, and this has bypassed that requirement. Obviously my solution is that I removed Immersive Patrols for now.


"I had even set the Skaven encounters to only happen after level", 


Are talking about those scripted random World Encounters? This is interesting. I have never seen this quest happen myself. I need to look into it when I get back to a PC. But I can't understand why this would be a immersive patrols conflict since the quest uses vanilla assets. Are you 100% the imperials was from the immersive patrols mod?


Only issue with Immersive Patrols I've had is 3 travelling merchants went all in against the 8 member skaven group And they won. The travelllers are suprisingly strong (and not killable). Next time they encountered each other all were good friends. I'm not sure if it was a bandit spawn in between that aggroed the skavens the first time. That would make sense.

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Yes is was bashed.


It was from Immersive Patrols. It seemed like it tried to pull a group of Imperial Soldiers together for a world encounter and then it was almost like a registry issue where 5 of the 8 soldiers were turned into Skaven. When approaching the Skaven and talking to them they would have the vanilla Imperial male voice and soldier dialog.


My latest game also has a random encounter of 5 Skaven just running in a line to some random location. Usually on the road to Riverrun. They wouldn't attack anything.

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1 hour ago, Gundalypse said:

Yes is was bashed.


It was from Immersive Patrols. It seemed like it tried to pull a group of Imperial Soldiers together for a world encounter and then it was almost like a registry issue where 5 of the 8 soldiers were turned into Skaven. When approaching the Skaven and talking to them they would have the vanilla Imperial male voice and soldier dialog.


My latest game also has a random encounter of 5 Skaven just running in a line to some random location. Usually on the road to Riverrun. They wouldn't attack anything.

Hmm... if you look into the bashed patch you made using tes5edit, what exactly do this bashed patch do when it comes to immersive patrols and demonic creatures?


Reason I ask is because there shouldn't be any need for a patch between these two since they don't have any conflicting records. All actors from both mods are standalone and immersive patrols don't touch leveled lists.


If that doesn't bring fruits, is there any third mods you have installed that adds or alters spawns? Typically Genesis or similar?


If that is not the case either I have really no clue. I haven't seen this myself. 


Note: the 8 member group of skavens that goes from bandit camp to bandit camp are not hostile to human NPCs. They use banditvoices and will only aggro you if a bandit has aggroed you first.

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On 2/26/2022 at 1:55 AM, Gukahn said:

And i actually think about making it a female cause i probably will get downed constantly.. Might as well have something to watch while being owned


It's a fun way to do a playthrough. In my current one, I started as a vanilla female vampire with just the basic necromancy spells, with a goal of becoming a vampire lord, raising an undead army, taking over Castle Volkihar, and then siring my own brood of vampires thanks to sacrosanct and other mods, which allow you to turn npcs into vampires/thralls. Granted, it would be more enjoyable if someone made a spell that allowed you to tame all these magnificent undead monsters after letting them rearrange your character's guts, but it's still more fun than watching Lydia take one for the team every time. 

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5 minutes ago, R0nin78 said:

Lydia take one for the team every time. 

just one? At this point in my orc vampire playthrough.. She must have had the entirety of coldharbour PLUS every nasty dwarven construct ever created in one or all her openings.. (Just kidding, she still chilling at the jarls while i slaughtered and slaved my way through soltsheim and back.. But she will eventually.. It's not a matter of if, only when  ?

Edited by Gukahn
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4 hours ago, Gukahn said:

just one?


One in every hole, multiple times when we got downed by a bunch of falmer. I don't think being screwed to death by every creature in skyrim was what she had in mind when she said she'd protect me with her life, but hey... Housecarls are expendable and the dragonborn doesn't take it in the ass.

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4 hours ago, TropSweet said:

I just have a little question, why don't use the human skeleton for some creatures ? ( Obviously, i know there is a reason behind that ).

Probably because A: Animations for Draugr are awesome ?

B: Creature Animations work with different height differences then human ones. Skeletons are bigger then most human races.

C Werewolf animations are awesome ?

D they wouldn't get ABC if the game would recognize them as human. Sexlab recognizes Skeleton, not Race otherwise you would need a patch for every custom race there is. But as they use your Skeleton, they don't need a patch.


But if you want to see monsterlike humans.. I think i remember a mod that changes some creatures into humanlike monsters, but i can't tell you if they work with LL. (as far as i remember it only does it with female variants which kinda beats the point.. And it makes them some what desirable which also defeats the point.. I mean.. Draugr downing a Women has to be hot scary  ?

And there are always Orcs.. Or god forbid, vanilla elves who look the monster part.. Freaky Alien Genotypes..

9 hours ago, R0nin78 said:

One in every hole, multiple times when we got downed by a bunch of falmer. I don't think being screwed to death by every creature in skyrim was what she had in mind when she said she'd protect me with her life, but hey... Housecarls are expendable and the dragonborn doesn't take it in the ass

the only thing i really need to find out is how to set defeat up so no males get downed by creatures.. I can't take my happy band of orcs with me without seeing them getting it in the ass. ? I mean it's funny the first Time it happens.. But on the long wrong you kinda get annoyed and the idea of an Orc Raping Party looses it's appeal if they are the ones getting it in the Ass ?

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5 hours ago, Gukahn said:

the only thing i really need to find out is how to set defeat up so no males get downed by creatures.. I can't take my happy band of orcs with me without seeing them getting it in the ass. ? I mean it's funny the first Time it happens.. But on the long wrong you kinda get annoyed and the idea of an Orc Raping Party looses it's appeal if they are the ones getting it in the Ass ?


So far the best I've been able to do is make it so males can't assault other males, but then you either die, or you get reverse gangbanged by a group of horny bandit women while Lydia looks on with envy. Unfortunately defeat does a terrible job of handling multiple followers, which can make for some interesting situations depending on your settings... I had Serana, Jenassa, and Lydia with me one time and somehow ended up getting raped by Serana after being knocked down and having the other two finish off the remaining enemies.  

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14 hours ago, TropSweet said:

Thank you for this amazing mod, it's a must have for my future playtrough !


I just have a little question, why don't use the human skeleton for some creatures ? ( Obviously, i know there is a reason behind that ).

Thank you!


Regarding human skeleton, where to start ?. I'm not sure what you need to do to have SOS recognize schlongs addons on custom races cause I can't use vanilla human races out of the box. That would give creatures human eyes, mouth and hairs. Not to mention human voices. I wouldn't know how to avoid it. So I would have to create a custom human race.


So it boils down to my knowlegde about SOS and how to add custom schlongs to "custom" human races that SOS will recognize. Afterall, SOS should probably do the swapping of the erect SOS addons for humanlike creatures for best results and not Creature Framework (CF) since that only handles mesh swappings. CF can swap meshes for a human actor, but I wouldn't know how to add the SOS addon and make that work through Creature Framework. As an example check out mihail goblins in this mod. Notice how the schlong in many animations misses the vagina. Thats because its a human actor using a human based skeleton, but it doesn't have an active SOS addon. It uses an old type of falmer schlong only rigged to the pelvis bone. No ABC. It isn't a good solution when the schlong is missing the target in 50% of available animations. This is mainly the reason why I don't rig creatures to human skeleton. It would also require more loose files for SOS addons and more records in CK for me to handle. More adm work I guess.


Gukahn mention many good reasons too. I myself haven't really gotten to like mihail goblins just because they use human animations for everything. I tested Mihails Ancient Skeletons which also is human rigged, but didn't fall for them either. So yeah.... many reasons I guess..


I rather want to rig a "human" body against a chaurus skeleton. That would be a crawling creepy thing.

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7 hours ago, Canceller said:

YES please.

I tried to rig the witcher ghoul after a wolf skeleton (VICN did the same thing in his Glenmoril mod, so that's where I found my inspiration)


I gave it a bone weighted tongue like the vanilla wolf and some new eyes. Jugde for yourselves, but I'm liking it!


So next I'll try to rig a ghoul after a chaurus skeleton. If the bone movements look okay I think the chaurus version will be even better than the canine version.

Might need a boar version too so we can put a ghoul riekling on top!




Edited by Thor2000
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