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Demonic Creatures - Mod Version V1.80 patch v1.84

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Just wanted to say thank you for all the work you've put into this mod. It really is just what I was looking to add to my newest playthrough, and definitely makes things both more fun, and more challenging. 


I've got most of the well-known creature animation packs for sexlab, but I'm having an issue with certain creatures (Mostly the big draugr) where the animations don't seem to work. Just curious if anyone else has experienced the same problem.

Edited by R0nin78
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On 12/18/2021 at 1:21 AM, LoveNothing said:

 Most LE esp (Form 43) works fine on SE (Form 44 req.) tbh,

Yeah many now that, but I fear people still will fill the thread with questions about it.


On 12/18/2021 at 5:15 AM, vaxtang777 said:

Thank you!


7 hours ago, R0nin78 said:

Just wanted to say thank you for all the work you've put into this mod. It really is just what I was looking to add to my newest playthrough, and definitely makes things both more fun, and more challenging. 


I've got most of the well-known creature animation packs for sexlab, but I'm having an issue with certain creatures (Mostly the big draugr) where the animations don't seem to work. Just curious if anyone else has experienced the same problem.

Thanks for the words, R0nin. Just see that trouble shooting section for creatureframework on madmansguns morenastycrittersSLAL page. If by big draugr you mean Draugr Brutes, they are regular troll race, so they should almost work out of the box :)

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7 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

Thanks for the words, R0nin. Just see that trouble shooting section for creatureframework on madmansguns morenastycrittersSLAL page. If by big draugr you mean Draugr Brutes, they are regular troll race, so they should almost work out of the box :)


I'm just an idiot and in my excitement to start a new playthrough, I never finished configuring all my animation packs in SLAL after my last round of modding. Once I had all the newer animations properly loaded, they worked just fine.  



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sorry, might be just me misunderstanding or forgetting something, 

but I thought the 1.5 version is schlongifieying the NPC from Skyrim Underground?


Because I just tested (finally got around to do soooome adventuring again...) but all the zombies in skyrim underground have no dicks. 
they are recognized as draugr, that works (other than before), but no schlongs.

I also did not find any files for them in the 1.5 download?



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37 minutes ago, fdsfadasdas said:

Any method to spawning creatures for AE? I know that AreYouThere and NPC Lookup are currently broken because of the update. 


Try opening the console and typing 'help <creaturenamehere>'. That will pull up a list of objects/npcs/rooms/spells in the game with that name, then you type 'player.placeatme <RefNum>' where refnum is the number on the left hand side of the console window on the same line as the creature you want to spawn.


(Command 'Help Forager')






Note: if you have a reference number (refnum) that starts with FF these are temporary numbers and should not be used. If you notice in the screenshots, I did that myself and though it said I was spawning a kwarma forager it spawned a frostbite spider. When you use the correct number (one that does not start with 'ff') then it spawns the correct creature. The creature will spawn (more or less) wherever you're looking. Use pageup/pagedown on your keyboard to scroll through the console window.

Edited by bcw81
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8 hours ago, Ragneg said:

Heroes Regina

thanks ... but the SE ... well, well ... there are short ribbons in there. I wanted to: LE. But if there isn't ... that's very unfortunate ...  

I would have liked it especially for the Enderal part ...

Your picture is simply enjoyable ...  



Köszönöm... de az SE ... nos hát,.. azon ott a képeken rövid szalagok vannak. Szerettem volna: LE. De ha nincs ... az nagyon sajnálatos...  :bawling: 

Enderalba kifejezetten tetszett volna...


A képed egyszerűen élvezetes...   :classic_wub:

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On 12/31/2021 at 2:46 PM, Seabook00 said:

i am using the latest version (1.52 LE) of the mod and i want to know if there is a way to remove the dinosaurs

There is replacement meshes in the document download.

16 hours ago, Gukahn said:

I did something.. I dunno if we are supposed to play it that way tho ?


  Reveal hidden contents

That's Bob :3

I love him.

(hopefully i didn't fuck anything up with enslaving him tho xD)



Nice ?. Did you use a third mod to be able to do that? I could link that mod on the frontpage. "Bob". What a suitable name for a well proportioned Falmer ?


2 hours ago, kukoricamorzsa said:

thanks ... but the SE ... well, well ... there are short ribbons in there. I wanted to: LE. But if there isn't ... that's very unfortunate ...  

I would have liked it especially for the Enderal part ...

Your picture is simply enjoyable ...  



Köszönöm... de az SE ... nos hát,.. azon ott a képeken rövid szalagok vannak. Szerettem volna: LE. De ha nincs ... az nagyon sajnálatos...  :bawling: 

Enderalba kifejezetten tetszett volna...


A képed egyszerűen élvezetes...   :classic_wub:

There is many LE versions available. Just google outfit name + loverslab.

Here's bodyslide files for LE (I don't know if it includes all meshes/textures, but file size is "big" enough). Its a mega link at the bottom.




Edited by Thor2000
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35 minutes ago, Thor2000 said:

Nice ?. Did you use a third mod to be able to do that? I could link that mod on the frontpage. "Bob". What a suitable name for a well proportioned Falmer


Yes, i really enslaved him and Paradies halls allows  you to rename slaves ?

But there exist also Jaxonz Renamer, think both use the same script for that but i dunno how persistent Jaxonz is. So far Bob lives happy in markaths abandoned House, together with another feamle slave and there trainer. But both women can't really walk straight anymore  ?

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Hi I know it says no animations in this file in the description, but would existing creature animations work for these new models. Would I need a new game if I have a game where I havn't left the first city yet but have the 3 big mihail packs in a merged ESP (this is for SE).

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5 minutes ago, sirgilly said:

Hi I know it says no animations in this file in the description, but would existing creature animations work for these new models.

they use the Skeletons of vanilla ingame monsters and have dicks. So... Yes


8 minutes ago, sirgilly said:

Would I need a new game if I have a game where I havn't left the first city yet but have the 3 big mihail packs in a merged ESP (this is for SE).


You won't need a new game if you add this mod midgame. But for Mihails mods.


On 11/25/2020 at 12:33 PM, Thor2000 said:

This mod shouldn't overwrite anything cruical, to avoid even getting the question, check this out:


- Case 1, you already have mihail mods installed. This mod includes several of mihails mods.You should at least deactivate the mihail creature ESP before you install this mod. Best is if you remove it totally in advance. If you decide to only deactivate the mihail ESPs you must let Demonic Creature overwrite everything it wants in both mihails meshes and texture folders (mihail skeletons included. This mod comes with its own dick textures and mesh modifications. Demonic Creature needs to overwrite mihail mods otherwise it won't work as intended.

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2 hours ago, Gukahn said:

they use the Skeletons of vanilla ingame monsters and have dicks. So... Yes



You won't need a new game if you add this mod midgame. But for Mihails mods.


Since Mihale has no scripts would I need to deactivate or simply overwrite everything. I have not encountered any mihail creatures yet. Does this instruction mean this should eventually load after the mihail esps or that i I should not have the mihail esp in my load order alongside this mod?

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31 minutes ago, sirgilly said:

Since Mihale has no scripts would I need to deactivate or simply overwrite everything. I have not encountered any mihail creatures yet. Does this instruction mean this should eventually load after the mihail esps or that i I should not have the mihail esp in my load order alongside this mod?

you shouldn't have both together.


 I am a big fan of "never uninstall a mod midgame" Regardless of what it is but many mods are fine. Even then this one messes with your level list. Wait for someone more appropriate then me to answer that question or start a new game without mihails mods and with demonic added.

Edited by Gukahn
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