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Demonic Creatures - Mod Version V1.80 patch v1.84

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I'm getting a hard crash when I enter the Nchuand-Zel Armory in the dwarven ruins under Markarth. Using Demonic Creatures SSE 1.1

Unhandled native exception occurred at 0x7FF6E93B2BEF (SkyrimSE.exe+132BEF) on thread 6932!

FrameworkName: NetScriptFramework
FrameworkVersion: 9
FrameworkArchitecture: x64
GameLibrary: SkyrimSE
GameLibraryVersion: 13
ApplicationName: SkyrimSE.exe
VersionInfo: Successfully loaded
Time: 15 Dec 2020 16:39:04.824

Possible relevant objects (2)
  [   0]    BSTriShape(Name: `DEGDwarvenDoll_HEADPART`)
  [  46]    BSFaceGenNiNode(Name: `BSFaceGenNiNodeSkinned`)

Probable callstack
  [0]   0x7FF6E93B2BEF     (SkyrimSE.exe+132BEF)          Mutex::Lock1_132BD0+1F
  [1]   0x7FF6E9EF23D7     (SkyrimSE.exe+C723D7)          BSDynamicTriShape::unk_C723C0+17
  [2]   0x7FF6E965647A     (SkyrimSE.exe+3D647A)          unk_3D6410+6A
  [3]   0x7FF6E9E872DF     (SkyrimSE.exe+C072DF)          MutexRW::EnterReadLock_C072D0+F
  [4]   0x7FF6E9657839     (SkyrimSE.exe+3D7839)          BSFaceGenMorphDataHead::unk_3D7740+F9
  [5]   0x7FF6E9E872DF     (SkyrimSE.exe+C072DF)          MutexRW::EnterReadLock_C072D0+F
  [6]   0x7FF6E9658F67     (SkyrimSE.exe+3D8F67)          BSFaceGenNiNode::unk_3D8E00+167
  [7]   0x7FF6E965A236     (SkyrimSE.exe+3DA236)          BSDynamicTriShape::unk_3DA210+26
  [8]   0x7FF6E9658BF4     (SkyrimSE.exe+3D8BF4)          BSFaceGenNiNode::unk_3D8980+274
  [9]   0x7FF6E9659868     (SkyrimSE.exe+3D9868)          UpdateMorphingJob_3D9850+18
  [10]  0x7FF6E9EB4C48     (SkyrimSE.exe+C34C48)          BSJobs::JobThread::Func1_C34930+318
  [11]  0x7FF6E9E8D6BD     (SkyrimSE.exe+C0D6BD)          StartAddress_0_C0D680+3D
  [12]  0x7FF89BA57034     (KERNEL32.DLL+17034)           
  [13]  0x7FF89D73D0D1     (ntdll.dll+4D0D1) 

I do not know what I'm doing, but after poking around it seems like it's pointing back to this mod.





I haven't messed around with it too much, but I did redownload the mod and run it through Cathedral Optimization and it still crashed after trying it again.


Edit: It appears the actual crash exists with MFG Fix. I disabled that and it works fine. I'm not sure -why- MFG Fix causes this, but... Maybe it's helpful to know?

Edit2: Downloaded MFG Fix 1.5.0 (I was on 1.5.4) and it works now?

Edit3: Nope, I lied. It's still crashing, but at least it's not crashing when I load into the dungeon anymore. Now it seems to be when I get too close to this DwarvenDoll. (I heard some female voice that wasn't my follower talking, I'm assuming that's it?)

Edit4: Yeah, even with MFG turned off entirely it's still crashing once I hear 'Somebody help'.

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9 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

I guess I need to make a patch for SE users without the dwarven doll :(. Will make it shortly. Thanks for investigating and reporting. I don't know exactly what is wrong at the moment

I want to say it's probably something to do with how the doll's facegen works against some of the mods I use to make NPCs and players look better? I kept getting that same error string every time I went by the area, and unfortunately I've got ~350 mods on this install so finding the specific conflict might be tedious. One day I will make a cut down install for testing purposes... One day.

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23 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

Seems like many SE user experience same issues with treeduckbill. Is it only the mountain version that causes this white error? Wondering if it's a mesh issue :-/.

I've not tested the mod enough to know if there are any other creatures that's like it from this mod, have not seen any yet.


It is white as seen on pictures with a black "glow" when it's moved around.


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Yes Dwarven Doll has a facegen issue,  I do not know how to fix in my conversion.  I have only ever encountered this issue with one other mod which was "the ordinary women"  to make npcs look just a little less like play doh. 

#Arthacs Yes, it does that, I assume its the way the mesh is being rendered ig.

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10 hours ago, Midnightbug said:

A new mod on Nexus. The modder got loads of creatures. Could they be used in this mod?



Thanks for the tip. Going to ask her for this hunger version to be included in next update (probably replace the excisting version??). It looks like it is based on the hagraven skeleton? So this will be a female creature then :) ?


Also going to ask about this one (thank you for the tip, Razzor69):  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/105807?tab=description



She kindly let me use her clannfear mod so I am hoping she will let me use these as well. It won't be released before christmas since I have no available time to work on modding.

Also I am in a testing phase for the scripts that I have implemented. Need to get that working right first.

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14 hours ago, Arthacs said:

I've not tested the mod enough to know if there are any other creatures that's like it from this mod, have not seen any yet.


It is white as seen on pictures with a black "glow" when it's moved around.


I am little uncertain what to do for you SE users. I'll remove the dwarven doll so she won't cause CTD in the armory. But would you prefer to have the whitish treeduckbill removed as well?

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6 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

I am little uncertain what to do for you SE users. I'll remove the dwarven doll so she won't cause CTD in the armory. But would you prefer to have the whitish treeduckbill removed as well?

2 hours ago, littleman said:

honestly,.  the treduckbill doesnt cause me too much issues(i can live with the issue and we might figure out what the problem is exactly., the dwarven doll we cna figure out how to fix and re add it later.

It is not game breaking, no worries, it should be a low-priority TODO issue.

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14 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

I am little uncertain what to do for you SE users. I'll remove the dwarven doll so she won't cause CTD in the armory. But would you prefer to have the whitish treeduckbill removed as well?

TDB is fine, (I was getting the white mesh, but that's not a game breaker.) I can deal with a bad mesh until it's fixed if it's not crashing the game. I know I'm asking a lot when I say this, but the ability to manually toggle certain species in an MCM would be killer for testing the other species. (That way I could toggle the doll and the TDB off).

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8 hours ago, bcw81 said:

TDB is fine, (I was getting the white mesh, but that's not a game breaker.) I can deal with a bad mesh until it's fixed if it's not crashing the game. I know I'm asking a lot when I say this, but the ability to manually toggle certain species in an MCM would be killer for testing the other species. (That way I could toggle the doll and the TDB off).

Ok...I hear you.


I've made a patch that removes all records of the dwarven doll in the mod. Should hopefully solve this crash. It is made for LE version, so if someone convert it to SE, I'll upload it to the download section.


Note to others. This seems like it's only a issue for SE users. Not LE.





LE V1.1 CTD fix related to dwarven doll Nchuand-Zel Armory.rar

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On 12/17/2020 at 11:25 PM, Thor2000 said:

Ok...I hear you.


I've made a patch that removes all records of the dwarven doll in the mod. Should hopefully solve this crash. It is made for LE version, so if someone convert it to SE, I'll upload it to the download section.


Note to others. This seems like it's only a issue for SE users. Not LE.





LE V1.1 CTD fix related to dwarven doll Nchuand-Zel Armory.rar 56.19 kB · 7 downloads

Here's the SSE version of the ESP. This was put through the creation kit, one reference was changed, then changed back, then the file saved. I haven't had time to test it, and likely wont until I am done work for the day.


Deleted, see below for SSE version.


I did get this warning when running it through the CK, not sure if it matters.




Edit: After a few hours of testing I'm not getting any crashes. I started with a clean save though, so not quite to dwarven ruins just yet. I have only currently seen the zebra dinosaur thing.

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Hi, thanks for your great mod ?

i have using your mod for SE since then.

But i have some problems that your mesh need:

- repath the " hdtxxx" xml file, because in ABC they are in " SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs " not your " SKSE\Plugins\"

- provide penis collision


your mod is great and i looking for your update,

best regards.

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Hi, thanks for your great mod ?

i have using your mod for SE since then.

But i have some problems that your mesh need:

- repath the " hdtxxx" xml file, because in ABC they are in " SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs " not your " SKSE\Plugins\"

- provide penis collision


your mod is great and i looking for your update,

best regards.

Thanks for your kind words.


About the problems, there is a good explanation for that. I have yet not ventured myself  into the world of HDT-SMP bodies. I am still using HDT-PE.

So for HDT-PE users, mesh files still needs this "skse\plugins\hdt"animal".xml string attached for collisions to work.  But for user of HDT-SPM you would need that "SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs" (anyone feel free to shoot me down if I'm wrong here)


At this stage I'm not going to make any changes other than be more clear on the requirements "HDT-PE".

I will consider this later on when I feel "done" with the mod. SMP-HDT seems like a candybag and I love candy :)


Btw, using hdt-smp, how does this affects NPC having sex with creatures? There is no collision then? I've heard you can have hdt-smp body for your character only.

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Yea, HDT-SMP is great with collision.

hdt-smp body for char is only the past, now we can have smp for npc like follower if we have strong machine.


with collision, it make sex more realistic and pretty. You can tried it in SE and will have good experience

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