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Demonic Creatures - Mod Version V1.80 patch v1.84

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12 hours ago, hana120 said:

Is there any way to make the creatures in the mod appear or summon them?

No not besides console.


Some creatures is not fully implemented and some has too high levels and only show on high levels.


Is it some particulary ones that you feel is not showing at all?


Edited: Also, Aki K made a hentai demonic creature addon mod (LE only, but probably easy to convert to SE)



Edited by Thor2000
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9 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

No not besides console.


Some creatures is not fully implemented and some has too high levels and only show on high levels.


Is it some particulary ones that you feel is not showing at all?


Edited: Also, Aki K made a hentai demonic creature addon mod (LE only, but probably easy to convert to SE)



I am absolutely okay with anyone who wants to try to port my addon or improve on the existing LE one. I don't know how to port stuff to SE (and don't own SE so I have no way to test if it works anyway). Since I'm in law school, my ability to work on the mod and check in to the forum is going to be very rare if at all until late December. But I don't mind at all if others want to work on the addon, modify it, etc. As long as the original mod creators of the main mods have their wishes and IPs respected.

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23 hours ago, Dojo_dude said:

Does this mod have fully integrated levelled monster spawns? One of the big gripes with mihail mods is he just drop monster into thew world, so there always where they are.

Yes mostly. There is area specific spawns too. I've wrote down details on the frontpage ?

8 hours ago, myriad said:

What's the use of the 10 companion flowers you get?

Companion flowers? Plz explain.

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Was thinking of installing this to experience the new creatures right away but those bugged quests make me a bit hesitant. Can I install the mod and simply not do these quests, and then when 1.5 is released, I can install the update and just then do the quests?

Edited by shunter
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Hello everyone, there are new update for several monster mod of Mihail that i want to be in this demonic pack


First is Wampas


Mihail already tweaked the meshes and now its getting better, i tried to make the patch for ABC, and its working good no need to edit the meshes (its using werewolves skeleton)


the second are Daedroth


this is the 4th times Mihail changing the Daedroth meshes, i think its cool to have em in demonic pack, although we already have enough daedroth from 4thunknown and from dracowarrior729, this is also fit really well with werewolves or werebear dongs


the third are Bolgan


now this monster is look like the real bolgan from Kingdom of Amalur, they are using giant skeleton (before was dwarven centurion)

the problem for the ABC patch is the big belly, so its need to be tweaked, but thanks to my friend Thatguywithaface he could edit the meshes and put the giant dong.


The fourth are Foglings


this monster now on the better shape, before was pretty bad meshes, but now got a new problem, it seems Mihail not animating the arm and its hands, so when i tested on the riekling animation, the hands didnt move, and also the dong dont fit with riekling because of this creature doesnt have belly lol


The fifth are Czarts


I know there are already goat fiend, wendigo on this pack (made by Opusglass that using gargoyle skeleton) and the other one are a werewolves goat fiend, but the mihail version is using a boar skeleton, the problem is the groin not fit with the current boar dong, i think it needs to be tweaked


aight thats all for now, i hope some of the problem on these creature can be fixed, and i will adding more ideas for the future pack.





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9 hours ago, shunter said:

Was thinking of installing this to experience the new creatures right away but those bugged quests make me a bit hesitant. Can I install the mod and simply not do these quests, and then when 1.5 is released, I can install the update and just then do the quests?

I can understand that. I myself has not experienced game breaking bugs in these places and I've played through these quests 4 times since I started. But it is a roll of a dice.


You can do two things: Install the mod. Don't visit the places  (meaning not entering the relevant cells) and update to v1.5 when its ready.

Or... you can start the quests as normal. If you should get into trouble (keep a save from before you entered the cell as backup), use console commands to manually finish the quests.

I'm not too far away with v1.5, but it needs lots of testing.

4 hours ago, razzor69 said:

Hello everyone, there are new update for several monster mod of Mihail that i want to be in this demonic pack

aight thats all for now, i hope some of the problem on these creature can be fixed, and i will adding more ideas for the future pack.


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I just hope he finishes the update on his zombies. I'm considering including some of them. The creepy zombie mod was a dead end for me. I'm gonna use diseases, spells, races and sounds from Creepy Zombies, but none of the male models. When I tried to add pelvis floors to the zombie bodies skeletons and poses screwed up. I even tried rigging the whole thing from scratch after a draugr skeleton instead, but realized it would be easier to make something new instead.


Going to put these zombie bastards in prison basements ?. Now sneak skills come in handy.

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5 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

I can understand that. I myself has not experienced game breaking bugs in these places and I've played through these quests 4 times since I started. But it is a roll of a dice.


To be honest, I don't particularly care for either of the quests this mod supposedly breaks, although obviously I wouldn't want them broken in the first place. I'm also a bit concerned about the whole issue with coffins not opening because the mod put some other creature inside them instead of Draugr. I'm assuming that can be problematic if any quests rely on these coffins.

I guess I'll just wait for 1.5.



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Some progress pics on the zombies. Tried to make them look a bit more scary with some "bloody" wounds here and there.

Question: Where can I find a slave collar? I know this is loverslab but I can't find one ?. Need it to cover some neck seams.




On 9/9/2021 at 12:27 AM, WCSC said:

Reached level 30 and ogres are out, but an assault when defeated is not possible, nor can i surrender.  So far other creatures ar enot an issue and in CF I see it's pointed to DC.  Any idea or suggestions to get it to trigger?



You need to tuckle with CF. See the link on the FAQ section about where to find needed steps.


19 hours ago, Dojo_dude said:

About the zombies - I have Creepy Zombies, but the only MnC enabled zombies are the Mihail ones.*

*Which I put all in Aether suite to play REsident Evil Skyrim Cyberpunk... lol

? . At the moment there is no "real" zombies in Demonic Creatures. But I want to change that. So I have prepared two models, one male and female, that I will use with different outfits.

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10 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

Some progress pics on the zombies. Tried to make them look a bit more scary with some "bloody" wounds here and there.

Question: Where can I find a slave collar? I know this is loverslab but I can't find one ?. Need it to cover some neck seams.

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You need to tuckle with CF. See the link on the FAQ section about where to find needed steps.


? . At the moment there is no "real" zombies in Demonic Creatures. But I want to change that. So I have prepared two models, one male and female, that I will use with different outfits.


For slave collars, i guess devious devices would be the most obvious choice, other than that hentai creatures has one, as does simple slavery.

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2 hours ago, OmegaBlaster said:

I'm having a lot of trouble getting drowner ambushes to trigger.


I know there's a drowner ambush just outside of Riverwood, but no matter what I do, I can't get the drowners to spawn. 

Yeah that's one spot. But are you sure they are there? You can check it by toggle free cam mode and dive down under the river bottom and see if they are there in ambush state. Location is just a little stone throw up the river from that pile of lumber. Trigger box is in the shallow part of river just west of that pile of lumber.


If they are not there hiding it means that you probably didn't reach high enough level.

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Test continuing.


Main questline with Audin,civil war on empire line, thieves line,dark brotherhood line, winterhold college line, Markarth prison line all passed successfully with tons of other dreara quests and so on.


No bugs like the two quests i noticed before.


Now I'm working on the last two lines- Compainions and Dawnguard.i will also finish all the 400+ side quests however smallthey are.plz wait for my feed back in days.


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8 hours ago, Thor2000 said:

Yeah that's one spot. But are you sure they are there? You can check it by toggle free cam mode and dive down under the river bottom and see if they are there in ambush state. Location is just a little stone throw up the river from that pile of lumber. Trigger box is in the shallow part of river just west of that pile of lumber.


If they are not there hiding it means that you probably didn't reach high enough level.


I have the modder ini turned on so I can see all the markers and stuff so I know where they are suppose to be spawned.


I did not see them though, which seems to suggest that I'm not high enough level.


Looking at the level list, the drowners in Riverwood is set to 16, so does that mean they will only spawn once I reach level 16+?

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14 hours ago, OmegaBlaster said:


I have the modder ini turned on so I can see all the markers and stuff so I know where they are suppose to be spawned.


I did not see them though, which seems to suggest that I'm not high enough level.


Looking at the level list, the drowners in Riverwood is set to 16, so does that mean they will only spawn once I reach level 16+?

Almost. The LvLActor that spawns them is set to difficulty "Easy". Which means the actor spawned will be 1/3 of your level -> means that you need to be level 50 before they crawl out.


But I have seen them before I'm level 50 to be honest. I thought to myself that it was the mod Skyrim Redone that tuckled with level modifiers or something but I'm not sure.


One second thing, the way I set things up,  something "always" spawns even if you are low level. So if an invisible actor is spawned, this invisible actor will be there until its killed or the cell respawns after 30 days. It's the actor I called partypooper.


To be honest, I'm not so satiesfied with these drowners attacks. Their crawl out of ground attacks seem to fail 50% of the time (for me at least). The spawnings are very routine like. I'm considering hiding packs of drowners away in some unused cell instead. Give them some new AI packages and have them go on patrol either after dark or/and when it rains.


The more I experiment with patrols and AI packages the more I prefer it. It's much more immersive than Skyrims own spawn system. It can create some really good situations where you have several parties of actors meeting each other and creating chaos.

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