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Turn back the time, get 8y old again and you should be very happy that you can play Disney SW now also in TS4 and not only Lego SW.

I think many WW users and YT reviewers are too old for Rey, anyhow they may enjoy SW (1-)4-6 characters, some of them were added already. Modders may also release a star destroyer or death star (64x64 lot flying in the air) even though living up there without visitors may be boring.

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14 hours ago, Oops19 said:

I think many WW users and YT reviewers are too old for Rey, anyhow they may enjoy SW (1-)4-6 characters, some of them were added already.

Rey and Jyn Erso are fine, but I think most people would prefer Mara Jade. ??? Maybe Han & Leia's daughter, Jaina Solo (who cares about Jacen or Anakin?), and Admiral Daala is another favorite of mine. I'm not much of a fan, though, so there may be better choices.

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12 hours ago, 2cool4u_1 said:

Rey and Jyn Erso are fine, but I think most people would prefer Mara Jade. ???

This. Mara Jade is the one character from the old SW canon that a bunch of people are missing most - at least when it comes to the whole Skywalker-Solo family.


She also was the only character given a somewhat meaningful death in the "Jacen going dark side" story arc (yeah, I read some of those novels back then).

Anakin Solo never was that much of a memorable character IMO, and Jacen was just a dick who deserved to be killed by his sister.

Admiral Daala is probably alright as well, although she's a little too "Empire" for my taste.

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I dont really get the point of this. It would be cool as a separate game like the medieval spinoff that EA made an eon ago... but as part of S4? Not to mention that ever since they killed expanded universe, SW is about as interesting as watching paint dry. Lucas might be the luckiest man in showbiz when he sold it for that truckload of cash, because it certainly didnt retain the value.


Well whatever, maybe they are going to add in some new functionality we can mod with.

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3 hours ago, Crashdown117 said:

Anakin Solo never was that much of a memorable character IMO

To me, he always felt like the little brother, tagging along for the ride, but a "fifth wheel". Completely useless, in that his character didn't need to exist. Ironic when you consider who he was named after. As for Daala, she was very "Imperial", which was her whole point, but the important question is "was she hot?"


2 hours ago, Kritical said:

ever since they killed expanded universe, SW is about as interesting as watching paint dry. Lucas might be the luckiest man in showbiz when he sold it for that truckload of cash, because it certainly didnt retain the value.

IMO, it didn't retain value because he sold it, and I agree, it's literally that boring. There's a lot of flash, but no substance. Why didn't Disney just use the existing characters, and make their movies based on the (interesting) expanded universe story arcs?


2 hours ago, Kritical said:

I dont really get the point of this. It would be cool as a separate game like the medieval spinoff that EA made an eon ago... but as part of S4?

Exactly. There's too little to make it interesting, and it does not fit in with any of the other sims stuff so it can't expand on it. If it were a Star Trek pack (not saying we should have one), at least the futuristic tech and design would be more usable. How can you use Star Wars stuff in normal house? You can build a whole SW house, but then the house would be out of place. I only see it useful if the pack included an alien world to live on. Oh well, I'm going to buy it nonetheless. Just saying the build mode and CAS items have little use. I will be making a Mara Jade, though, along with a few other characters. My game will have characters far more interesting than Disney's garbage (no offense to anyone who likes Jyn or Rey).

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I am hoping I can just go there and live out my smuggler pilot fantasies.  I mean, They gave us rocketships first thing and a career line in the Astronaut line but I never liked the sixam alians (Hated them), their entire existance.  Same with Vampires and Mermaids and Plant stuff.  I just want the stuff in the pack (haven't gotten magic pack) and not the BS, Get to work was the worst, Strangerville a close second.  I am honestly hoping I go there and not return.  


Not because I enjoy the Star Wars thing, but I just want to go some place and not have Geoffry Landgraab job by my house.  Is that too much to ask?

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4 minutes ago, llddb said:

I just want to go some place and not have Geoffry Landgraab job by my house.  Is that too much to ask?

Almost. If you've tried to live in isolation on Sixam, you've encountered aliens doing walk-bys. If you've lived stranded on a deserted island, completely off the grid, and out of touch with civilization, you've encountered sims doing swim-bys. There is one place, though, where my sims have lived in isolation, apart from everyone else (it requires staying on the lot). The hermit's house! Just kill the hermit (no one will ever know), and live your days in peace, raising your family to live off the land.

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3 hours ago, 2cool4u_1 said:

To me, he always felt like the little brother, tagging along for the ride, but a "fifth wheel". Completely useless, in that his character didn't need to exist. Ironic when you consider who he was named after.

Well, he was some kind of a catalyst for parts of the greater story arc and character development of those around him, but not much more. He probably got named Anakin, because Luke's and Mara's son was named Ben (hooray for evoking some memories, because everyone will instantly link them to the movie characters of the same name). "Little brother" is pretty much the only character trait he ever had.

3 hours ago, 2cool4u_1 said:

As for Daala, she was very "Imperial", which was her whole point, but the important question is "was she hot?"

Can't argue with that. Given all the other characters, she probably was the hottest high-ranking officer of the entire SW universe.


2 hours ago, 2cool4u_1 said:

There is one place, though, where my sims have lived in isolation, apart from everyone else (it requires staying on the lot). The hermit's house! Just kill the hermit (no one will ever know), and live your days in peace, raising your family to live off the land.

Now ain't that an idea!

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I can't see how some of you are excited for this stupid ass -Disney World advertisement- oops I mean pack. It's so stupid. The majority of the Sims community did not ask nor want this.



It's Plumbella and her review of this bullcrap.



I'm inclined to go with her opinion on this pack, since she doesn't hold anything back (unlike most of the Game Changers people)

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3 hours ago, Valtharia said:

I can't see how some of you are excited for this

SW fandom aside, I think the main reason to be excited is because this is the closest we'll ever get to a "Space Adventures" pack.


From the perspective of a TS4 player, I'd definitely be more happy if they made proper use of all the stuff that's in the game already. Aliens, a distant planet (Sixam), spaceships (well, rockets) and even some kind of "lore" (from the Astronaut and Scientist careers) - it's all there, but there's no real connection between these bits and pieces. Yes, players owning Get To Work (including myself) would basically be paying twice for the same stuff to some extent, but a non-SW pack would fit much better into the context of the game.


From the perspective of a SW fan (4-6 and LucasArts games), I'm definitely with Kritical - like probably quite a few others. Make it a standalone game and not only will everything make much more sense (because you don't suddenly have two franchises mixed together), but you can potentially make more money. Use the TS4 engine, replace the game worlds with planets from the SW universe and offer additional packs inspired by different SW eras - while at the same time keeping regular TS4 "clean". A standalone SW Sims game would even allow for the inclusion of more "mature" aspects, that do not fit into TS4 (e.g. bounty hunters, or the "Wars" part of Star Wars). And let's be honest: Who wouldn't go ahead and play as Boba Fett (for real this time, not just dress up like him) if that was possible?

And yes, I know I'm pretty much encouraging the usual way of EA money-making here.


Alas, neither Crash, the TS4 player nor Crash, the SW fan will get what they wish for, so they both have to settle for this pack. At least there's some lightsabers in it, although they're not nearly gonna be as useful as they could be (because they sure as hell won't let me stage a little one Jedi assault on the enemy base).

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6 hours ago, Valtharia said:

I can't see how some of you are excited for this stupid ass -Disney World advertisement- oops I mean pack. It's so stupid. The majority of the Sims community did not ask nor want this.



It's Plumbella and her review of this bullcrap.



I'm inclined to go with her opinion on this pack, since she doesn't hold anything back (unlike most of the Game Changers people)

The only thing that I care about remotely in this pack is the possibility to use the components to make something that distinctly clashes with or is no longer related to Star Wars canon anymore.

If 75%-90% sales can convince me to buy from EA again (I've passed on some pretty decent EA sales since I couldn't manage it), then maybe I would give it a look...maybe. 

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1 minute ago, olkl1234 said:



They couldn't just make Star Wars Aliens a new type of occult like EA Maxis' own aliens. They are just garments like the other Star Wars things added by a free update.

I didn't expect much yet they managed to underwhelm me anyway. That takes some real doing.

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Just....no.  This is a shameless cash grab.  It could have been a generic sci-fi pack, full of original aliens, maybe added some new PTs to the mix of different alien races, but NO.  We get this instead.  And it's not just cause it's Star Wars; I don't want ANY branded content in my sims game.  It's fine as CC; I have lots of Dr. Who and Supernatural themed clothing in my game, but making it an official pack is bringing too much IRL into my fantasy.  This just smacks of them selling their game pack rights to the highest bidder.  I never even saw the "vote" for this pack.


And anyway, if they were gonna do a branded sci-fi pack, they should've gone with Star Trek.  ?  Or better yet, Futurama.

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3 hours ago, Valtharia said:

Check this out.

I'm usually not the kind of guy to go off-topic, but this is one of those times I just can't keep my mouth shut. If there's a thread about this, point me towards it and I'll get over there, right after deleting this post.


I haven't even noticed this "response" by the Sims devs until now - and honestly I wish it had stayed that way, because now I gotta be "Crash, the guy studying Computer Science / Informatics at university for over four years (and counting)" for a moment. I am by no means an expert on game development and certainly not a whiz kid, when it comes to writing code, but I can get my computer to do what I want it to do.

As such, I dare call this statement (the one by the devs) nothing but "utter bullshit".


This is not the first Sims game, and even if they built everything from scratch six years ago, that doesn't change anything about the knowledge they have gathered while doing the previous three games (and those had some stuff like driveable cars). Yes, if you change the basics of the system you're working with (programming language, game engine etc), you can't simply put in your old stuff from before, but the general design will still work. So, if you can do new packs for the game within a year, there's nothing stopping you from adapting those old designs or creating something new based upon them within the same amount of time (or faster, since you might be able re-use some concepts) - unless you simply don't want to do it.


Claiming that "fundamental technologies" are missing or need to be developed first also doesn't look good in this context. It basically means, that your product isn't half as good as it looks and that it only works under the circumstances you had planned for in advance (because otherwise a new type of beds would be something a single dev could get done while all the others are on their lunch break). Additionally, the planning has obviously been done very poorly, as none of the most requested features are super special or out of the ordinary in any way.


Finally, the skin tones, which are really just textures - or "colors", if you want to dumb it down all the way to kindergarten levels (like EA seems to prefer it). Are they serious about this? They can paint a whole fucking planet, but not one of them can be bothered to make non-white Sims look like they remotely resemble living people? I don't know if this is maybe just me, but I can only make a Sim look "Asian" if I play around with the facial structure, and more than half of my "black" Sims look like a cliche - and I'm not some racist fuck who wants them to look like that (I'm using quotation marks here, because they don't really look like non-white people, or people at all sometimes).

In case you wonder: I'm a white German guy. However, I do have eyes and I do know what's right (as in "correct", not as in "Nazi").


All in all, this is just a bunch of sorry excuses. While their words speak of all those nice things (taking community feedback into account, communicating more and more clearly), their actions speak much louder and they tell us to shut up and play the game.

"We could not do what we do without our players", they say.

Well, if they keep doing what they do, they'll probably have to do it without their players soon.

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4 hours ago, Valtharia said:

Check this out.

Wow. I think I might be done with TS4.


It's been 6 years since this game came out, and it's been nothing but disappointments and lame excuses. Every returning feature from a previous game is just an inferior, watered down clone of its predecessors. Babies are still just objects, sims have no unique personalities and all feel like the same person, relationships have no depth, emotions are useless, skin tones are ugly, black hair is blue-tinted, we don't have color wheels for anything in the base game, there are still no burglars, and we got firefighters and repomen added to the base game six goddamn years after release.


TS3 might have the ugliest sims in the main series, but at least there's a good game in there. TS4's only saving grace is that it's good for designing lots and sims. Gameplay wise, it sucks. It just aggressively sucks.

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1 hour ago, Crashdown117 said:


Wow. You said a lot, and I could not agree more. Two things you failed to mention, which the devs have now said a number of times;

  1. When the team decides what new gameplay elements to add to the game, their primary consideration is how much work will it take to update the game. It's NOT what would players like to see (have been asking for), and NOT what would make the game better or more meaningful, and NOT what belongs in this edition of The Sims.
  2. The Sims team has said that players should lower their expectations. Due to Covid-19 they are adjusting to working from home and cannot provide the same level of quality. (If that's not a lame excuse, I don't know what is.) How does working on a computer at home (versus at work) mean your ideas have to suck more?

There's a very brief letter HERE


One last thing, regarding skin tones (since it was mentioned in that letter).

Quote: "we’re committed to continuing to expand representation in The Sims 4. This is not one step, but a journey."


"Crash" called them textures or colors, and some of you may not know exactly what they are, so here is an example of a skin tone.



That's it. It's a solid color. All you need to do, is pick the color you want, then use the "Fill" (bucket) tool. It's not one step. It's TWO steps! How hard is that for game devs? How long does that take?


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