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3 hours ago, Zaflis said:

The only thing this mod does what most other mods don't is use HDT in the cart and the tail plug. If that part of your install is lacking then it won't work. You can set MCM to use only the special deliveries which won't use carts, but that won't fix the tail plug. Try simply giving yourself those items with console command and see what happens. Same with Devious Devices, try for example different chain restraints. (Ofc they should also lock onto you in a way that you can't remove them like any regular clothing/armor, it opens up a struggle dialog) There is also AddItemMenu mod if you want a more convenient way to give items instead of console.

I redid bodyslide and made sure it was HDT, redid FNIS - black screen. I then tried special deliveries only - black screen. Pre-adding items - black screen. I'm truly confused about what's causing this. The only option left is a complete re-install of Skyrim and rebuild of all the mods?

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Can we go back a little bit on the baclkscreen issue


You guys are aware that the black screen is an intended functionality since 3.0 and should last for a couple seconds, aye?

If it doesnt go away you most certainly use a with your game version incompatible version of Fuz Rho Doh, causing the driver to never actually advance his scene and thus never triggering the blackscreen to reset

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there are still patch for CFTO/DCL?



The CFTO patch is no longer needed. 3.0 accounts for CFTO internally, the DCL one is still on the main page to download


17 hours ago, RuinRider25 said:

So ive been having an issue when doing multiple runs with the drivers being placed somewhere on the road and meeting me before the town. This causes me to not get any of the coins after the first completed. Is there anything i can do to fix that?

I dont really understand what youre trying to say?

What exactly are you expecting and what exactly is happening? What exactly does 'somewhere on the road' mean?

Edited by Scrab
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32 minutes ago, Scrab said:

If it doesnt go away you most certainly use a with your game version incompatible version of Fuz Rho Doh, causing the driver to never actually advance his scene and thus never triggering the blackscreen to reset


Installing Fuz Ro Doh fixed it for me. I wasn't aware that was still a requirement for the SE versions of Sexlab/DD/SLUTS, I couldn't see it listed on any of the mod pages. Thank you!

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38 minutes ago, Scrab said:

What exactly are you expecting and what exactly is happening? What exactly does 'somewhere on the road' mean?

Oh i had that but it was specific to Riften where the driver is moving between the stables and HQ when you are making a delivery. It can take some time for him to get where he should be. If you talk to the driver while he is running it doesn't open those dialog options.

Edited by Zaflis
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55 minutes ago, Zaflis said:

Oh i had that but it was specific to Riften where the driver is moving between the stables and HQ when you are making a delivery. It can take some time for him to get where he should be. If you talk to the driver while he is running it doesn't open those dialog options.

Its similar to that but when i try to wait for him to get to the destination he just ends up moving towards me and not the town where the delivery is. I even tried waiting an hour and he just ends up wherever i am on the map.

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1 hour ago, natybs said:

hi i have an issue with the most recent update. when I try to do a run, I get a pop-up error saying can't find valid destination or target, abort. 

ok so as an update i removed the most recent version of the mod and updated slavetats. now there is no error message but the driver just gets off the cart and stands there he never casts the spell. 

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14 hours ago, Scrab said:

Can we go back a little bit on the baclkscreen issue


You guys are aware that the black screen is an intended functionality since 3.0 and should last for a couple seconds, aye?

If it doesnt go away you most certainly use a with your game version incompatible version of Fuz Rho Doh, causing the driver to never actually advance his scene and thus never triggering the blackscreen to reset

Yes, I'm aware it was meant to last a while. You might want to list Fuz Rho Doh as a possible soft requirement. I didn't have it installed. I installed it and yep, that solved the issue. Thanks to all for your help.

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A bug that I've run into (and has been mentioned in the main DD thread) - the inventory stashing at the start of a haul also strips off the physics object from 3BA. After that point, you can't re-equip it with the hotkey because your hands are in pony gloves. Could we get armors marked as non-playable filtered out of that function?

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10 hours ago, chaimhewast said:

A bug that I've run into (and has been mentioned in the main DD thread) - the inventory stashing at the start of a haul also strips off the physics object from 3BA. After that point, you can't re-equip it with the hotkey because your hands are in pony gloves. Could we get armors marked as non-playable filtered out of that function?

I think you need to add that 3BA object a keyword, which should be "SexLabNoStrip".

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I am trying out this new version of the mod and have a question and suggestion.


- Is there any way to know how much money is left to pay back when we are sent to SLUTS by Simple slavery?


- I received a delivery mission to Alva's house in Morthal. I think it would be wise not to receive this mission as Alva attacks when we enter her house.





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9 hours ago, Zaflis said:

I think you need to add that 3BA object a keyword, which should be "SexLabNoStrip".

The physics object already has a copy of that keyword, and replacing it with the one from Sexlab wouldn't fix it because the only keywords that the StripPlayer() function checks for are SLUTS_Restraints and _SLS_LicenseDocument.

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3 hours ago, chaimhewast said:

The physics object already has a copy of that keyword, and replacing it with the one from Sexlab wouldn't fix it because the only keywords that the StripPlayer() function checks for are SLUTS_Restraints and _SLS_LicenseDocument.

Then it's a bug, all mods should primarily respect that keyword. Maybe it's the same function i saw breaking extra worn DD's?

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I was having similar issues with the removal process, specifically with SLS map/compass objects. I made a modification to the SlutsMissionHaul script that excludes the stripping of items based on a JSON file instead of using keywords on records. Hopefully, this means individual mods don't have to be patched in and users can simply modify the JSON file instead of having to modify records in xEdit. I've attached a ZIP w/ source scripts included if you'd like to try it.


Right now, I have it configured so it excludes items based on full names for simplicity (though formIDs would probably be better practice since if two mods have objects with the same name this will exclude both from stripping).


By default SLS items including the map, compass, and a couple licenses are excluded during the strip event. You can add more items to the list by finding their FULL name (in xEdit or by checking the name in your inventory) and adding them to the excludestrip field in Data/SKSE/Plugins/StorageUtilData/SLUTS/config.json. Ensure your JSON is valid by running it through a JSON validator after you're done.


I've done some limited testing and it seems to work as expected. Since source scripts weren't included for patch 3.0.2, this patch is incompatible with it (sorry CFTO users).


@Scrab please let me know if you'd like me to take this down.

SLUTS Exclude Patch.zip

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6 hours ago, thepsychologist said:

I made a modification to the SlutsMissionHaul script that excludes the stripping of items based on a JSON file instead of using keywords on records.


Hello there,


This seems very promising for my problem, but I have a question. Could this be used as a patch for Pet Project SE by adding the name of the quest items? Atm, the driver says to remove every non-SLUTS DD gear before you can start a haul. PP adds a quest Chastity belt and plug, which should not interfere with the basic SLUTS setup. The belt is open-type, so the tailplug can be equipped too.


Update: I tried it, unfortunately it didn't work, that is a different check.


Edited by monsta88
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On 11/29/2022 at 7:12 PM, JSmith23891 said:

When I speak to a carriage driver about "I'm ready to haul some freight", I'm getting an error "Unable to create haul. Root object missing."


I've tried reinstalling, any suggestions?


Have you found a solution? I have the same error message.


Update: I realized, I had an old leftover esp. from v2.7 (didn't notice because it was written as S.L.U.T.S. instead of SLUTS). Removing that still did not help, but then I massively cleaned the savegame. Removed everything sluts.esp related, basically reseted the mod.


I still had a minor issue, when I talked to a driver, he said read the flyer, but he did not give a flyer. So I gave myself the letter, read it.


Now there was no error message.


One thing though: I don't like the blackout, could we get an MCM option to disable it? People get confused by it anyway.


Edited by monsta88
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On 12/15/2022 at 12:29 PM, MysticDaedra said:

Got enslaved via SS++, only my character was not teleported. Hexbolt said this is a SLUTS issue, not a SS++ issue. Maybe something broke in the update?

Im aware of this, will be fixed in.... 3.1 I think?


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On 12/15/2022 at 2:03 AM, thepsychologist said:

please let me know if you'd like me to take this down.

Its fine :)


I am somewhat sceptical about a dynamic implementation due to performance reasons. Scanning through the Inventory is already pretty pricey when doing it through Papyrus. Checking for the NoStrip keyword is something I didnt do because the mod doesnt really try to strip you there


On 12/12/2022 at 4:03 PM, Cerral said:

- Is there any way to know how much money is left to pay back when we are sent to SLUTS by Simple slavery?

SS is going to be rewritten in a future update will give you a proper messagebox with the debt afaik


As for checking statistics in general, thatll be part of V4+ as the debt system in general is supposed to be heavily expanded in some future update which will have some NPC add additional interaction regarding it. Currently the driver only gives you some hints on how much debt there is left to pay but isnt willing to elaborate (which is done on purpose)


On 12/15/2022 at 8:40 AM, monsta88 said:

This seems very promising for my problem, but I have a question. Could this be used as a patch for Pet Project SE by adding the name of the quest items?

No it cant. The condition responsible for this is part of the Dialogue in "SLUTS_Main" which is conditioned to check for quest & block generic devices prior start



Edited by Scrab
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can someone help me with an issue I'm having? I just downloaded this mod and I've read the advertisement but when I talk to a carriage driver they don't have the dialogue option to start the progress the quest. I tested this with the whiterun, solitude and windhelm drivers with no luck. im using 3.0 LE.

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11 minutes ago, BoopS00p said:

can someone help me with an issue I'm having? I just downloaded this mod and I've read the advertisement but when I talk to a carriage driver they don't have the dialogue option to start the progress the quest. I tested this with the whiterun, solitude and windhelm drivers with no luck. im using 3.0 LE.

ok so I progressed the quest by going to the headquarters and talking to the woman there but when I go talk to a carriage driver they still don't have any dialogue options for me. I have fuz ro doh installed and working so im not sure what the issue is. any help would be appreciated. thanks.

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