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Risk of Rain 2 Lewd Mods?

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Huntress finally got her armor stripped + boobs (and has a mini scarf), acrid is vanilla no skin details ( I read they wanted to do their own skin for acrid but who knows), loader got her pants and cage back, artificer exposed chest + open jacket, merc is back to vanilla but with big titties, no capt and I think the monster models might have gotten touched up hard to tell

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2 hours ago, EternalWoe said:

Huntress finally got her armor stripped + boobs (and has a mini scarf), acrid is vanilla no skin details ( I read they wanted to do their own skin for acrid but who knows), loader got her pants and cage back, artificer exposed chest + open jacket, merc is back to vanilla but with big titties, no capt and I think the monster models might have gotten touched up hard to tell

I really hope they do not do their own acrid. The Detailed Acrid we have now is awesome. Had hoped we would have gotten the Fem captain after a bit. But I have patience.

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14 hours ago, EternalWoe said:

Huntress finally got her armor stripped + boobs (and has a mini scarf), acrid is vanilla no skin details ( I read they wanted to do their own skin for acrid but who knows), loader got her pants and cage back, artificer exposed chest + open jacket, merc is back to vanilla but with big titties, no capt and I think the monster models might have gotten touched up hard to tell

Loader with pants...why tho

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38 minutes ago, bbeagle708 said:

Created an account just to ask- every time i extract the files for the most recent version of the mod, it crashes every time i extract the resource files into the data folder. How do i fix this?

Do you have an updated version of the game? New updates don't work on old versions. Also are you just replacing the 2 files, or are you using the Mod instead?

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On 10/5/2020 at 5:19 AM, g29504569 said:

I finished the body texture.
I have a lot of work in the next few weeks.
Skeleton and weighting will be performed at the end of the month






Honestly think that a popular version would be the kind of synthetic/robotic variant with blue(sometimes glowing) accents and skin the same texture as what would right now be the leggings and sleeves

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13 hours ago, EternalWoe said:

New patch dropped, looks like they plan to add another awful map (joy) mods probably won't work, if anyone can confirm or deny that would be helpful

I don't know about manual mods, but all the mods I use via thunderstore and a mod manager work perfectly fine on the new update. 


What's up with femmod btw? I kinda expected a Captain in there by now.

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7 hours ago, mrpachinko said:

I don't know about manual mods, but all the mods I use via thunderstore and a mod manager work perfectly fine on the new update. 


What's up with femmod btw? I kinda expected a Captain in there by now.

I wonder what the are going to mess up now. There is no way they could only stop at just adding a new map. Rework the game? Sure, Change stats all over again? Done.

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Nah, man, they add new assets into the file and since this mod is only compatible to work with previous versions without new assets presents it wont work.

Best way to use the mod now and to not be afraid of updates, at least severely hard as you are now, is to use mod manager.

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1 hour ago, Ein Bin said:

Nah, man, they add new assets into the file and since this mod is only compatible to work with previous versions without new assets presents it wont work.

Best way to use the mod now and to not be afraid of updates, at least severely hard as you are now, is to use mod manager.

I dislike the Mod Manager INTENSELY.

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