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Updated SSE to and now game crashes!

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So my game keeps crashing after I updated it to latest versio. I assume I have some incomparable mods that require updating, is there any way to see crash logs? 


I ran resaver, but it didn't help either.



Game just CTD without any notice after a while I managed to load new animations for SL.


I get this in console in game then within like 10s I crash:





What are the best ways to progress here? I updated several mods already that I think were the most important ones and now that game launches one would think it should be compatible. I also updated AnimalSOS even tho it complains.


 I did similar process good 6-7 months ago without any problems, odd I get one here.

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  1. Skyrim SE version
  2. SKSE64 version
  3. Mods with a .dll file

That's what you need to check every time you update the game. Not sure which mod manager do you use, in MO there is an easy way to filter mods with a dll file, you can also check for updates for all your Nexus mods with one click. And both MO and Vortex should warn you about outdated dll files. Thing is, if you have an outdated dll among your mods , you should see:

  • a warning/error from MO/Vortex
  • the mod in question won't
  • the game won't start at all


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29 minutes ago, dontknowdontcaredontask said:
  1. Skyrim SE version
  2. SKSE64 version
  3. Mods with a .dll file

That's what you need to check every time you update the game. Not sure which mod manager do you use, in MO there is an easy way to filter mods with a dll file, you can also check for updates for all your Nexus mods with one click. And both MO and Vortex should warn you about outdated dll files. Thing is, if you have an outdated dll among your mods , you should see:

  • a warning/error from MO/Vortex
  • the mod in question won't
  • the game won't start at all


I'm using MO2. I did find the notification thing that tells one about errors. I disabled all mods with DLL files that gave error but I get no luck of game staying up.


Is and where possibly is the way to filter all DLL files/mods you have on MO2? (just found the error DLL ones).

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1 hour ago, pikarooh said:

Is and where possibly is the way to filter all DLL files/mods you have on MO2? (just found the error DLL ones).

A detailed step by step is in the link in my signature, the step you want to check is "13.3 Checking for version sensitive mods". Basically at the bottom of the left panel on MO there is a button ">>", if you press it you'll see a filter list on the left side, you must enable the "Contains script extender" one, that will leave only the mods with a dll file in your left panel. You'll have to check these for updates

  • Nexus mods: right click anywhere on left panel -> "All mods" -> "Check for updates"
  • for other mods like LL mods or other external sites you'll need to check manually

Even then, as I said, an outdated dll file will prevent the mod from working or the game from starting, it doesn't look like your issue is here. Nonetheless, start by updating everything you can, sort your loadorder (and try all of this in a new game, try to load your old save once you think the issue is solved, and check if the old save is fixed or still has the same issue).

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