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Can't fix SSE shadow striping, please help!

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Dear friends, I'm not able to fix the shadow striping issue I got with the SSE. If you have a knowledge upon subject please look into my ini files. :(


And I saw people recommending to change these settings in prefs:

  • fShadowBiasScale

  • iBlurDeferredShadowMask

And this one in ENBseries.ini

  • UseBilateralShadowFilter

Thing is, none of these exists in my ini files, how is it possible? Do these only exist in LE?




Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9Ywy9aW



ENBlocal.ini : https://textuploader.com/162m0

ENBseries.ini : https://textuploader.com/162mk

Skyrim.ini : https://textuploader.com/162m6

Skyrimprefs.ini : https://textuploader.com/162mj

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