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Adding two more eyes to head mesh?

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As title implies, I was wonder if there is an way to add another pair of the eyes to an characters head? Been tinkering with the idea of creating Arachnid race, and started to wonder whatever I'd have to make the eyes as an equipable seperate object, or if it would be possible to add them directly to character creation screen/racemenu? If it is possible, are there any useful guides on something akin to that?

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15 minutes ago, Tex said:

As title implies, I was wonder if there is an way to add another pair of the eyes to an characters head? Been tinkering with the idea of creating Arachnid race, and started to wonder whatever I'd have to make the eyes as an equipable seperate object, or if it would be possible to add them directly to character creation screen/racemenu? If it is possible, are there any useful guides on something akin to that?

I actually toyed with this a couple days ago by adding some eyes direct to the NPC's head mesh.  And yes, it does work... kinda.  The eyes don't track and don't blink, but if all you wanted were small orbs, then it should work.


I have no idea if it would be an "exportable" head mesh or anything, but directly editing the facegen file did work in-game.


(Test was done on LE, but the versions aren't all that different.  Should work on SE.)

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8 minutes ago, Seijin8 said:

I actually toyed with this a couple days ago by adding some eyes direct to the NPC's head mesh.  And yes, it does work... kinda.  The eyes don't track and don't blink, but if all you wanted were small orbs, then it should work.


I have no idea if it would be an "exportable" head mesh or anything, but directly editing the facegen file did work in-game.


(Test was done on LE, but the versions aren't all that different.  Should work on SE.)

That does sound really good tbh, the idea was an basic eye that does not blink, but has eyelids, so it basically fits in with the characters skin color.

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13 minutes ago, PraedythXVI said:

For screen-archery eyes that do not track or blink would be good enough i think but if you're thinking about making a somewhat fleshed out race mod (i hope you do ?) the eyes would at least need tracking...

For now, I just want to experiment and see if I can add even an single extra eye with eyelids to the forehead, if that works, i can move onwards.

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1 hour ago, Seijin8 said:

I actually toyed with this a couple days ago by adding some eyes direct to the NPC's head mesh.  And yes, it does work... kinda.  The eyes don't track and don't blink, but if all you wanted were small orbs, then it should work.


I have no idea if it would be an "exportable" head mesh or anything, but directly editing the facegen file did work in-game.


(Test was done on LE, but the versions aren't all that different.  Should work on SE.)

Could you explain the process and the needed software?

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18 hours ago, Yakub said:

You could use Blender or something similiar to create holes for new eyes.

Yeah that's what I'll do since Nifskope didnt work out the way I had hoped it would.

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