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Futa animations

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Hello, I am in search of a solution for a problem that i am sure has either been solved and that i just am not finding what i am looking for, or has not had a mod developed or figured out. I am sorry if this has been asked a thousand times, and i am hoping for a simple solution to this. I am having issues with making my futa character use male animations for SSE SL with the arousal system, and have tried using the port for SLEN which i am not sure if i will have to start a new profile or I am not sure how to get it to work. I can get SOME animations to work 50% of 90% of the time and i ultimately just cannot seem to get the animations to work. I have the SOS with the futa plug-in, SOS HDT SMP, The SL arousal, Wet function redux, the SSE port of SLEN, and of course the framework. I am unsure if there is a certain sequence of settings to make it all work, and to have futas use male animations on females. If so, id love to hear how some people were able to make theres skyrims have great futa playthroughs.    At this point, once i get this all straightened out, im going to make a guide for this unless someone already has.

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