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Having trouble finding the specified FNIS directory/Editing the HKX file?

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so I'm using this page as a guide, after finally figuring out how to convert animations from LE to sE, because when I run FNIS I get these errors. Howver, I've been searching in both the data folder and meshes and have yet to find the hkx file or the one needed to start process 6 or 7. Does anyone know where I can find these files to resolve these issues? Thanks. I am looking in the behavior files since I believe that why its asking to make them but I don;'t exactly know what i need to edit here.

I try to open it with Notepad ++ but it gives giberish. And looking for a program that opens HKX files i'm not getting anything as intel seems to have removed it?  I tried looking in Nexus and can't seem to find it; the closeest i got was here:


https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1797?tab=files&file_id=37272 (Looking for SE version got me nothing but I'm trying again)



FNIS Behavior V7.6 XXL   3/1/2020 5:29:36 PM
Skyrim SE 64bit: - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\ (Steam)

Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS2HDT (126 bones)   male: XPMS2HDT (126 bones)
Patch: "GENDER Specific Animations"  
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"  
Patch: "HKX File Compatibility Check Skyrim/SSE"  

Installing FNIS PCEA2
Reading AnimationsByLeito V1.0 ...     ChAnims:303     CTD:1.8%     pOpt:0.5%
Reading AnimationsByLeito_Aggressive V1.0 ...     ChAnims:145     CTD:0.9%     pOpt:0.2%
Reading AnimationsByLeito_Creatures V1.0 ...     ChAnims:136     CTD:0.8%     pOpt:0.2%
Reading AnimationsByLeito_Furniture V1.0 ...     ChAnims:185     CTD:1.2%     pOpt:0.3%
Reading AnimationsByMike24 V1.0 ...     ChAnims:30     CTD:0.2%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading Anubs Human
>>Warning: Inconsistent mod Anubs Human. Number of animations differs between FNIS List (796) and corresponding behavior file (732)<<
 V1.0 ...     ChAnims:796     CTD:4.7%     pOpt:1.1%
Reading APSexIdles V1.0SE ...     ChAnims:173     CTD:2.0%     pOpt:1.3%
Reading ArousedSexyIdles V?.? ...     ChAnims:3(3)     CTD:0.3%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading Bathing in Skyrim
>>Warning: Inconsistent mod Bathing in Skyrim. Number of animations differs between FNIS List (16) and corresponding behavior file (14)<<
 V1.11m ...     ChAnims:16     CTD:0.1%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading Billyy_Creature V1.0 ...     ChAnims:509     CTD:3.4%     pOpt:1.0%
Reading Billyy_CreatureBeasts V1.0 ...     ChAnims:220     CTD:1.4%     pOpt:0.3%
Reading Billyy_CreatureConstructs V1.0 ...     ChAnims:145     CTD:0.9%     pOpt:0.2%
Reading Billyy_CreatureFurniture V1.0 ...     ChAnims:86     CTD:0.6%     pOpt:0.2%
Reading Billyy_CreatureHumanoids V1.0 ...     ChAnims:285     CTD:1.8%     pOpt:0.4%
Reading Billyy_CreatureInsects V1.0 ...     ChAnims:190     CTD:1.2%     pOpt:0.3%
Reading Billyy_CreatureMisc V1.0 ...     ChAnims:100     CTD:0.6%     pOpt:0.2%
Reading Billyy_Human V1.0 ...     ChAnims:461     CTD:2.8%     pOpt:0.7%
Reading Billyy_HumanDD V1.0 ...     ChAnims:200     CTD:1.2%     pOpt:0.3%
Reading Billyy_HumanFurniture V1.0 ...     ChAnims:142     CTD:0.9%     pOpt:0.2%
Reading Billyy_HumanFurnitureInvis V1.0 ...     ChAnims:40     CTD:0.3%     pOpt:0.1%
Reading Billyy_HumanFuta V1.0 ...     ChAnims:47     CTD:0.3%     pOpt:0.1%
Reading Billyy_HumanLesbian V1.0 ...     ChAnims:130     CTD:0.8%     pOpt:0.2%
Reading CobaltAnimations V1.0 ...     ChAnims:148     CTD:0.9%     pOpt:0.2%
Reading CoverSelf V?.? ...     ChAnims:41(40)     CTD:1.2%     pOpt:0.1%
        NOTE: CoverSelf has at least one AASet definition without any animation files provided
Reading DD V4.0.0 ...     ChAnims:635(493)     CTD:11.2%     pOpt:1.0%
Reading DD2 V4.0.0 ...     ChAnims:330(330)     CTD:9.3%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading DD3 V4.1.0 ...     ChAnims:102(102)     CTD:2.5%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading DDSL V4.0.0 ...     ChAnims:410     CTD:2.8%     pOpt:0.9%
Reading Defeat V5 ...     ChAnims:39     CTD:0.5%     pOpt:0.2%
Reading Deviously Cursed Loot V6.3 ...     ChAnims:23     CTD:0.2%     pOpt:0.1%
Reading FNISBase V7.6 ...     ChAnims:0     CTD:0.0%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading FNISCreatureVersion V7.0 ...     ChAnims:0     CTD:0.0%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading FNISSpells V5.0.1 ...     ChAnims:94     CTD:1.2%     pOpt:0.6%
Reading FNIS_PCEA2 V7.2 ...     ChAnims:557(557)     CTD:12.0%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading FotdAnims V0.2 ...     ChAnims:13     CTD:0.1%     pOpt:0.1%
Reading FunnyBizAmp V8.0 ...     ChAnims:55     CTD:0.4%     pOpt:0.1%
Reading FunnyBizBeastly V1.0 ...     ChAnims:90     CTD:0.6%     pOpt:0.1%
Reading FunnyBizBound V12.0 ...     ChAnims:180     CTD:1.1%     pOpt:0.3%
Reading FunnyBizCB V1.0 ...     ChAnims:120     CTD:0.8%     pOpt:0.2%
Reading FunnyBizFC V10.0 ...     ChAnims:146     CTD:0.9%     pOpt:0.2%
Reading FunnyBizFemDom V1.0 ...     ChAnims:85     CTD:0.5%     pOpt:0.1%
Reading FunnyBizFun V12.0 ...     ChAnims:334     CTD:2.0%     pOpt:0.5%
Reading FunnyBizGroup V8.0 ...     ChAnims:471     CTD:3.0%     pOpt:0.8%
Reading FunnyBizGuro V5.0 ...     ChAnims:108     CTD:0.7%     pOpt:0.2%
Reading FunnyBizLover V7.0 ...     ChAnims:156     CTD:1.0%     pOpt:0.2%
Reading FunnyBizMC V1.0 ...     ChAnims:45     CTD:0.3%     pOpt:0.1%
Reading FunnyBizMolag V1.0 ...     ChAnims:339     CTD:2.1%     pOpt:0.5%
Reading FunnyBizMtb V3.0 ...     ChAnims:23     CTD:0.2%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading FunnyBizNecro V10.0 ...     ChAnims:442     CTD:2.8%     pOpt:0.7%
Reading FunnyBizRape V11.0 ...     ChAnims:310     CTD:1.9%     pOpt:0.5%
Reading FunnyBizUn V12.0 ...     ChAnims:590     CTD:3.6%     pOpt:0.9%
Reading GetStripped V?.? ...     ChAnims:568     CTD:6.5%     pOpt:4.3%
Reading GomaPeroPero1 V?.? ...     ChAnims:1134     CTD:4.4%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading HalosPoser Vs1.6 ...     ChAnims:1944     CTD:7.4%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading HalosPoser2 Vs1.6 ...     ChAnims:1209     CTD:4.6%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading ITortureFramework V1.00 ...     ChAnims:12     CTD:0.1%     pOpt:0.1%
Reading K4Anims V1.0 ...     ChAnims:132     CTD:1.6%     pOpt:1.0%
        NOTE: K4Anims has at least one identical -AV defined in both 's' and '+' line
Reading Lola V?.? ...     ChAnims:22(19)     CTD:1.1%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading M2MAnimations V9.0 ...     ChAnims:560     CTD:3.1%     pOpt:0.6%
Reading PinupPoser Vs1.6 ...     ChAnims:1214     CTD:4.7%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading ProxyAnims V1.0 ...     ChAnims:48     CTD:0.3%     pOpt:0.1%
Reading PsycheAnimation V1.0 ...     ChAnims:20     CTD:0.1%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading PsycheCreature V1.0 ...     ChAnims:26     CTD:0.2%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading RydinAnimationPack V0.5 ...     ChAnims:33     CTD:0.2%     pOpt:0.1%
Reading SerialStrip V1.1.4 ...     ChAnims:13     CTD:0.2%     pOpt:0.1%
Reading SexLab V1.63 ...     ChAnims:882     CTD:5.6%     pOpt:1.5%
Reading SexLabAP V1.63 ...     ChAnims:142     CTD:0.9%     pOpt:0.2%
Reading SexLabAroused V2.9 ...     ChAnims:5     CTD:0.1%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading SexLabCreature V1.63 ...     ChAnims:177     CTD:1.2%     pOpt:0.3%
Reading SlaverunReloaded V1.00 ...     ChAnims:36(36)     CTD:1.4%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading testpack V1.0 ...     ChAnims:294     CTD:1.7%     pOpt:0.4%
Reading XPMSE V7.2 ...     ChAnims:164(164)     CTD:2.2%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading ZaZAnimationPack V7.00 ...     ChAnims:829     CTD:3.6%     pOpt:0.0%
Reading znarokspack V1.0 ...     ChAnims:61     CTD:0.4%     pOpt:0.1%

All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...
 108 GENDER modifications for Animations\male
 108 GENDER modifications for Animations\female
Alternate Animation mods: 9 sets: 85 total groups: 259 added file slots: 2421 alternate files: 1744

Create Creature Behaviors ...
Reading Billyy_CreatureConstructs V1.0 ...
Reading Billyy_Creature V1.0 ...
Reading Billyy_CreatureBeasts V1.0 ...
Reading FunnyBizFC V1.0 ...
Reading FunnyBizMC V1.0 ...
Reading SexLabCreature V1.63 ...
Reading AnimationsByLeito_Creatures V1.0 ...
Reading Billyy_CreatureHumanoids V1.0 ...
Reading FunnyBizCB V1.0 ...
Reading Billyy_CreatureFurniture V1.0 ...
Reading Billyy_CreatureInsects V1.0 ...
Reading Billyy_CreatureMisc V1.0 ...
Reading K4Anims V?.? ...
Reading PsycheCreature V1.0 ...
Reading RydinAnimationPack V1.0 ...

 19753 animations for 74 mods successfully included (character).
ChAnims: 19753  CTD:140.6%  pOpt:25.2%  max: 14051  LC: 36779 (max. 26162)

>>Warning: Too many custom animations. Your Skyrim is likely to crash (CTD, crash to desktop)<<
You can increase your animation number DRASTICALLY with these tools:
  Animation Limit Crash Fix (Skyrim SE and LE), SSE Engine Fixes (Skyrim SE only)
  Since FNIS cannot know if such mod is installed, it will still warn you at the original limit.
  But when such tool is used, load calculation can be switched off (FNIS.ini: "LoadCTDCalculation=0")
 3810 animations for 15 mods and 42 creatures successfully included..
 3 Warning(s).



Link to comment

Ok, so I've seen that this she file to edit to possibly solve problem six. I think I can ignore problem 7.

Here's what the article has to say but i'm having trouble understanding. What do i get rid of to make the error go away. I wish it gave an example animation script imo.

"6. Possible optimizations, part 2: "-AV" parameters in "s"-animations only

Attention if you want to make the following changes yourself: DO NOT FORGET to create the behavior file using GenerateFNIS_for_Modders

Some mods have set animation variables in an "s" or "so" definition, and then again in the "+" successor lines. (E.g. "bHumanoidFootIKDisable" which does what the name indicates: release the actor's feet from the ground). These repeated definitions are unnecessary, because any AV setting defined for the header animation last during whe execution of the whole sequence. The require 2 units per "+" line. Simply remove the whole "-" parameter, if "AV" is its only component. Or remove it from the the comma-separated list (e.g "+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable" simply becomes "+ -o")."


Version V1.0

' K4cowgirldg
s -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable cowgirldg_a1_s1 cowgirldg_a1_s1.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable cowgirldg_a1_s2 cowgirldg_a1_s2.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable cowgirldg_a1_s3 cowgirldg_a1_s3.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable cowgirldg_a1_s4 cowgirldg_a1_s4.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable cowgirldg_a1_s5 cowgirldg_a1_s5.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable cowgirldg_a1_s6 cowgirldg_a1_s6.hkx
s -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable cowgirldg_a2_s1 cowgirldg_a2_s1.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable cowgirldg_a2_s2 cowgirldg_a2_s2.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable cowgirldg_a2_s3 cowgirldg_a2_s3.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable cowgirldg_a2_s4 cowgirldg_a2_s4.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable cowgirldg_a2_s5 cowgirldg_a2_s5.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable cowgirldg_a2_s6 cowgirldg_a2_s6.hkx

' K4wallbackd
s -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable wallbackd_a1_s1 wallbackd_a1_s1.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable wallbackd_a1_s2 wallbackd_a1_s2.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable wallbackd_a1_s3 wallbackd_a1_s3.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable wallbackd_a1_s4 wallbackd_a1_s4.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable wallbackd_a1_s5 wallbackd_a1_s5.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable wallbackd_a1_s6 wallbackd_a1_s6.hkx
s -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable wallbackd_a2_s1 wallbackd_a2_s1.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable wallbackd_a2_s2 wallbackd_a2_s2.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable wallbackd_a2_s3 wallbackd_a2_s3.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable wallbackd_a2_s4 wallbackd_a2_s4.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable wallbackd_a2_s5 wallbackd_a2_s5.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable wallbackd_a2_s6 wallbackd_a2_s6.hkx

' K4tablemis
s -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable tablemis_a1_s1 tablemis_a1_s1.hkx AOSmallTable
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable tablemis_a1_s2 tablemis_a1_s2.hkx AOSmallTable
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable tablemis_a1_s3 tablemis_a1_s3.hkx AOSmallTable
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable tablemis_a1_s4 tablemis_a1_s4.hkx AOSmallTable
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable tablemis_a1_s5 tablemis_a1_s5.hkx AOSmallTable
s -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable tablemis_a2_s1 tablemis_a2_s1.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable tablemis_a2_s2 tablemis_a2_s2.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable tablemis_a2_s3 tablemis_a2_s3.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable tablemis_a2_s4 tablemis_a2_s4.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable tablemis_a2_s5 tablemis_a2_s5.hkx

' K4bench2p
s -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable bench2p_a1_s1 bench2p_a1_s1.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable bench2p_a1_s2 bench2p_a1_s2.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable bench2p_a1_s3 bench2p_a1_s3.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable bench2p_a1_s4 bench2p_a1_s4.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable bench2p_a1_s5 bench2p_a1_s5.hkx AONobleBench
s -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable bench2p_a2_s1 bench2p_a2_s1.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable bench2p_a2_s2 bench2p_a2_s2.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable bench2p_a2_s3 bench2p_a2_s3.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable bench2p_a2_s4 bench2p_a2_s4.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable bench2p_a2_s5 bench2p_a2_s5.hkx
s -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable bench2p_a3_s1 bench2p_a3_s1.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable bench2p_a3_s2 bench2p_a3_s2.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable bench2p_a3_s3 bench2p_a3_s3.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable bench2p_a3_s4 bench2p_a3_s4.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable bench2p_a3_s5 bench2p_a3_s5.hkx

' k4benchriek
s -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable riek_bench_a1_s0 riek_bench_a1_s0.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable riek_bench_a1_s1 riek_bench_a1_s1.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable riek_bench_a1_s2 riek_bench_a1_s2.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable riek_bench_a1_s3 riek_bench_a1_s3.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable riek_bench_a1_s4 riek_bench_a1_s4.hkx AONobleBench

' k4choppinriek
s -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable choppin_a1_s0 choppin_a1_s0.hkx AOChoppingBlock
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable choppin_a1_s1 choppin_a1_s1.hkx AOChoppingBlock
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable choppin_a1_s2 choppin_a1_s2.hkx AOChoppingBlock
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable choppin_a1_s3 choppin_a1_s3.hkx AOChoppingBlock
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable choppin_a1_s4 choppin_a1_s4.hkx AOChoppingBlock
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable choppin_a1_s5 choppin_a1_s5.hkx AOChoppingBlock
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable choppin_a1_s6 choppin_a1_s6.hkx AOChoppingBlock

' k4cgriek
s -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable riegcgx_a1_s0 riegcgx_a1_s0.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable riegcgx_a1_s1 riegcgx_a1_s1.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable riegcgx_a1_s2 riegcgx_a1_s2.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable riegcgx_a1_s3 riegcgx_a1_s3.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable riegcgx_a1_s4 riegcgx_a1_s4.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable riegcgx_a1_s5 riegcgx_a1_s5.hkx

' roughbench
s -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable roughbench_a1_s1 roughbench_a1_s1.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable roughbench_a1_s2 roughbench_a1_s2.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable roughbench_a1_s3 roughbench_a1_s3.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable roughbench_a1_s4 roughbench_a1_s4.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable roughbench_a1_s5 roughbench_a1_s5.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable roughbench_a1_s6 roughbench_a1_s6.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable roughbench_a1_s7 roughbench_a1_s7.hkx AONobleBench
s -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable roughbench_a2_s1 roughbench_a2_s1.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable roughbench_a2_s2 roughbench_a2_s2.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable roughbench_a2_s3 roughbench_a2_s3.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable roughbench_a2_s4 roughbench_a2_s4.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable roughbench_a2_s5 roughbench_a2_s5.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable roughbench_a2_s6 roughbench_a2_s6.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable roughbench_a2_s7 roughbench_a2_s7.hkx

' k4dogds
s -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable dogds_a1_s1 dogds_a1_s1.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable dogds_a1_s2 dogds_a1_s2.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable dogds_a1_s3 dogds_a1_s3.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable dogds_a1_s4 dogds_a1_s4.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable dogds_a1_s5 dogds_a1_s5.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable dogds_a1_s6 dogds_a1_s6.hkx

' k4chairbonk
s -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4chairbonk_a1_s0 k4chairbonk_a1_s0.hkx AOWoodenChair
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4chairbonk_a1_s1 k4chairbonk_a1_s1.hkx AOWoodenChair
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4chairbonk_a1_s2 k4chairbonk_a1_s2.hkx AOWoodenChair
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4chairbonk_a1_s3 k4chairbonk_a1_s3.hkx AOWoodenChair
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4chairbonk_a1_s4 k4chairbonk_a1_s4.hkx AOWoodenChair
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4chairbonk_a1_s5 k4chairbonk_a1_s5.hkx AOWoodenChair
s -k4chairbonk_a2_s0 k4chairbonk_a2_s0.hkx
+ -k4chairbonk_a2_s1 k4chairbonk_a2_s1.hkx
+ -k4chairbonk_a2_s2 k4chairbonk_a2_s2.hkx
+ -k4chairbonk_a2_s3 k4chairbonk_a2_s3.hkx
+ -k4chairbonk_a2_s4 k4chairbonk_a2_s4.hkx
+ -k4chairbonk_a2_s5 k4chairbonk_a2_s5.hkx

' k4btldildo
s -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4btldildo_a1_s1 k4btldildo_a1_s1.hkx AOBtlDildo
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4btldildo_a1_s2 k4btldildo_a1_s2.hkx AOBtlDildo
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4btldildo_a1_s3 k4btldildo_a1_s3.hkx AOBtlDildo
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4btldildo_a1_s4 k4btldildo_a1_s4.hkx AOBtlDildo
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4btldildo_a1_s5 k4btldildo_a1_s5.hkx AOBtlDildo
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4btldildo_a1_s6 k4btldildo_a1_s6.hkx AOBtlDildo
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4btldildo_a1_s7 k4btldildo_a1_s7.hkx AOBtlDildo
s -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4btldildo_a2_s1 k4btldildo_a2_s1.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4btldildo_a2_s2 k4btldildo_a2_s2.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4btldildo_a2_s3 k4btldildo_a2_s3.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4btldildo_a2_s4 k4btldildo_a2_s4.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4btldildo_a2_s5 k4btldildo_a2_s5.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4btldildo_a2_s6 k4btldildo_a2_s6.hkx AONobleBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4btldildo_a2_s7 k4btldildo_a2_s7.hkx AONobleBench

' k4falmerfuck
s -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4falmerfuck_a1_s0 k4falmerfuck_a1_s0.hkx AOCommonBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4falmerfuck_a1_s1 k4falmerfuck_a1_s1.hkx AOCommonBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4falmerfuck_a1_s2 k4falmerfuck_a1_s2.hkx AOCommonBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4falmerfuck_a1_s3 k4falmerfuck_a1_s3.hkx AOCommonBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4falmerfuck_a1_s4 k4falmerfuck_a1_s4.hkx AOCommonBench
+ -o,AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4falmerfuck_a1_s5 k4falmerfuck_a1_s5.hkx AOCommonBench

' k4falmercg
s -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4falmercg_a1_s1 k4falmercg_a1_s1.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4falmercg_a1_s2 k4falmercg_a1_s2.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4falmercg_a1_s3 k4falmercg_a1_s3.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4falmercg_a1_s4 k4falmercg_a1_s4.hkx
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable k4falmercg_a1_s5 k4falmercg_a1_s5.hkx

' k4falmerorgy
s -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable falmerorgy_a1_s1 falmerorgy_a1_s1.HKX
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable falmerorgy_a1_s2 falmerorgy_a1_s2.HKX
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable falmerorgy_a1_s3 falmerorgy_a1_s3.HKX
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable falmerorgy_a1_s4 falmerorgy_a1_s4.HKX
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable falmerorgy_a1_s5 falmerorgy_a1_s5.HKX
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable falmerorgy_a1_s6 falmerorgy_a1_s6.HKX
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable falmerorgy_a1_s7 falmerorgy_a1_s7.HKX
+ -AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable falmerorgy_a1_s8 falmerorgy_a1_s8.HKX


I've tried deleting the 'AV' and the '-' separately (ie doing one and then putting it back and doing the other) in each line of code and then running it again Generate Finis for madders but that doesn't work either.

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