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Texture question

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Hi all,


I was trying to swap some painting textures in a mod (Dragonborn Gallery). I cut some pictures to the proper aspect ratio, resized to the original texture's size (256x512) and converted it to DDS. I had zero problem with this before - I changed about 50+ paintings to my textures, worked all the time.


Now in SE I try to use the same mod I made (basically just a texture directory, no scripting/esp at all) and I get crash when I try to put the paintings on the wall (there are activators on the wall where a painting can be placed). Some of my replaced paintings still work, but so far about 50% of them crashes the game at once.


I also tried with another painting replacer mod and that works as well.


2093470807_DDSinfoworkingpicture.JPG.e666921d3d0dd1a1df0c82c18a3fa792.JPGThis is the info of the working picture.





















1655780933_DDSinfoNOTworkingpicture.JPG.e78b235519dd50fdc06d17569c002efe.JPGThis one is for my picture, which is NOT working. The only difference I see is the date.



What do I do wrong?


Edit: Now it seems I found a partial solution. I can convert the JPGs to DXT5 (instead to DXT1 as above) and it works in game, no crash. Unfortunately I have to resize a lot of pictures because with DXT1 I didn't have to go for exact pixel sizes. I still don't know why the picture on the 1st screenshot works, while mine on the 2nd doesn't.





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