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Help with NifSkope Mesh

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I am doing some work with a custom mesh, combining it with the vanilla skeleton, but I have met a wall. I export my file from 3DS Max no problem, but as soon as I load it up in NifSkope, the mesh changes its position.


Here is a picture of the mesh in both softwares. You can see the outline of where I would like the mesh to be positioned in NifSkope by the green nodes: https://imgur.com/a/W9OAqzq


Has anyone had a similar problem and found a fix, or has any other tips to resolve this? Thanks

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The models pivot maybe the cause, in max you can reset it.





Go to the hierarchy tab, select affect pivot only and reset it, you may also want to reset the transform and scale as well.

You can also add and collapse a reset xform modifier.


Just to note this may mess up any skin modifiers applied to the mesh.


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Thanks for helping me out!


No dice with resetting the pivot. It returned the mesh to the ground, as shown in the above nif. I should say, that is the original position of the mesh when I imported it. I've positioned it in max using rotate, move and scale, and the porblem might just be me not saving its position or something like that. I'm pretty new to this, so I don't know if I have to do that in oder for it to stay in its given position.


The xform modifier got the mesh positioned as I wanted it, but as you said this removed the skin modifier, which I think I need to get the skeleton to work properly? In any case, I tried to reapply a skin wrap after i collapsed a xform modifier, and then exported the file, which led to max freezing and then crashing.

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There are to many ways max can crash on export especially with skinned meshes..


So i'll go through a typical rig and export using the skin wrap modifier, so you can try and narrow it down.


1, You have a skyrim skeleton imported, and looking correct.

2, You have a skyrim body imported (male or female with/without hands, feet and head).

3, Import the mesh you wish to rig.

4, Having done all the editing on the mesh (scale, rotate and whatever else you want/need) reset its xforms and then add the skin wrap to it.

5, In the skin wrap add any parts of the skyrim body you need (imported at step 2) to the skin wrap (judging by the picture you will need all of them).

6, Make sure "weight all points" is checked and click convert to skin.

7, In the skin modifier you can edit and fix the skinning, but at the very lest check to see it has been applied.

8, Hide all the skyrim body parts so just the skeleton and your mesh/s are in the view port.

9, Select everything (skeleton and your mesh) select "export selected" and export it as a nif.


You can also try without having the skeleton selected, as depending on the exporter depends on what it likes/expects.


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I tried exporting small parts of the mesh individually, which worked flawlessy for some reason. So either I fucked up somewhere along the process or I guess my max doesnt like to export larger files? It's probably human failure though. Anyway I mostly wanted the face mesh, which I managed to extract fine, so thats all well and good.


Thanks for all your tips anyway, I learned a thing or two, which in the end is the most important thing! 



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