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[Fixed] Creatures not becoming aroused during sex

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Hi all,


I realise this has been posted before, but I've been scanning those threads looking for a solution and nothing has worked.


My issue is that creature penises never show up during sex animations. The animations themselves play fine, and I can see the flaccid version of the penis, but it seems they don't switch to the erect model no matter what I do. I've checked with the inspect key and the creatures are definitely aroused.


I've tried using Creature Framework to re-register all mods, disabled and enabled arousal integration, used puppeteer to force the creature into the aroused state, and nothing has worked. I've also reinstalled MNC, Aroused Redux, and the XPMS skeleton but no luck.


The only time I've seen it work is when I spawn a creature using Hentai Creatures spells, but even then it's only worked once or twice. Regular creatures in the world never work.


Can anyone please offer advice here?

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Creature Framework Troubleshooting:


the MCM for Creature Framework is missing:
you need to install Sexlab Aroused to fix this problem.


the MCM for Creature Framework is empty:
just clicking around randomly like an idiot on the screen seems to fix that, but if that fails try reinstalling JContainers.


Aroused mesh not getting applied during animations:
go to the Creature Framework MCM and click on "Re-register all mods", then unpause the game and Wait a Minute.
note: you may need to lower the "Arousal threshold" setting in the Creature Framework MCM.


Aroused mesh not staying applied during animations:
in SSE some people are having problems with the new version of Creature Framework included with MNC, so try installing the old standalone version.
note: just ignore the "things will be broken" warnning message.


Creature Framework not registering mods or stuck in a registering loop:
try reinstalling JContainers.


There was a problem if you had any Mods from CrapClub (Creation Club) installed, but that bug should be fixed in newer versions of JContainers:
the problem was you had to remove them before you could register/reregister Creature Framework based mods into Creature Framework.



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Thanks for the reply. I think I've got it working by installing Creature Framework 1.1.0-pre2A-SE.7z and setting it to load after MNC.


The only issue now is that Creature Framework always gives me the "still registering" notification when I access it in the configuration menu, no matter how long I wait. I tried reinstalling JContainers as advised but it didn't do anything.


I'll keep an eye on it and see how it goes, but it seems to be fixed, thanks again ?

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3 hours ago, Jaluda said:

The only issue now is that Creature Framework always gives me the "still registering" notification when I access it in the configuration menu, no matter how long I wait. I tried reinstalling JContainers as advised but it didn't do anything.

try clicking on the uninstall button (if it will let you) in it's MCM, then save & quit and reload the save.

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