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[FNIS] Replace the casting animation of a SINGLE spell ?

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Hey everybody. I'm pretty upset, because i posted this topic on the Special Edition loverslab forum the first time. Nobody answered my topic during a few days, and then it was completely deleted without any explaination or whatsoever. I didnt even receive a message or notification that explained to me what was wrong or why my topic was completely deleted. I can understand that maybe, it was on the wrong section of the forum, but then why not just move it here like all the others ? I respected all rules, so if any admin or moderator could explain what i did wrong, i would like to know, because now I have to re-write it all from the beginning, but whatever...

I dont know if any of you have the knowledge for this kind of problem, but i'll still try to explain it to you :

In fact, I'm trying to change the casting animation of a shout (Fire Breath), but the problem is that the game doesnt seem to allow you to change the casting animation of a shout without affecting all the others. I have already tried to see if there was a possibility in the Creation Kit by changing the casting animation in "Magic Effect", but the available options are not what I am looking for. Actually, I already have my ready-made animation (the behavior hkx files), I just have to implement them in the animation folder. But if I change the basic animation of the shout casting, which are these files :

well, the animation works, except that it changes the casting animation for ALL shouts While I want it to only affect the fire breath, without touching the others. I dont know if this kind of thing is possible. I looked everywhere for guides, but there is nothing. I asked on a lot of forums, each time nobody could answer me or gave me a vague answer which in the end did not give the result I asked for at all. Does anyone here have the skills in Creation Kit or Fore New Idles (FNIS) to help me achieve this little tweak?

Thank you in advance for your assistance
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33 minutes ago, EwelynSama said:

Does anyone here have the skills in Creation Kit or Fore New Idles (FNIS) to help me achieve this little tweak?

"little"... yeah, no.


This can be done in a fashion, but its a sloppy workaround.


You would have to fire a script every time you used the spell that then hijacked the animation system to play the animation you wanted.  It would be prone to a lot of issues.


There may be better ways to do it, but I don't know of them.

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20 minutes ago, Seijin8 said:

"little"... yeah, no.


This can be done in a fashion, but its a sloppy workaround.


You would have to fire a script every time you used the spell that then hijacked the animation system to play the animation you wanted.  It would be prone to a lot of issues.


There may be better ways to do it, but I don't know of them.

I completely understand. Thanks for your answer. So there is definitely no other solution to assign an animation to a single spell casting animation without any scripting ? If that so, do you have any advice or guide to suggest me ?

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16 hours ago, Seijin8 said:

Not really, I'm not an animation expert.  There are other people who may know how to do this in a better way, but as far as I know, that is the only way.

Oh, crap. I understand...I didnt know it could be this difficult of a tweak. Thanks for your answer anyway

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